Научная статья на тему 'An option for an advanced training model'

An option for an advanced training model Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tsaturyan Armen

The article is devoted to the little investigated topic in the theory of teaching advanced training. Proceeding from recent requirements proposed for the modernization of education and the task of improving the organization of the educational process based on a methodology for raising the scientific level of training, the work describes one advanced training model and shows its effectiveness for the solution of the problems mentioned above. Considering the existing interpretations of the term "advanced training" we propose a new version that is unconventional and substantially broader. Unlike the traditional views, advanced training is considered as one of the important stages of current training: on the basis of common logical methods of scientific cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, modeling, etc.), the teacher creates associative-advanced links and implements the implicit transfer of students’ knowledge to a new situation specifically manifested in further training. Moreover, the fundamental ideas and concepts of the discipline, the general methodological principles and various explanatory-illustrative ways of training serve as material for anticipation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «An option for an advanced training model»

УДК (UDC) 37.022

Tsaturyan Armen, H. Tumanyan Vanadzor State University, "Vanadzor Special School of Deep Teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences " SNPO, Vanadzor, Armenia



The article is devoted to the little investigated topic in the theory of teaching — advanced training. Proceeding from recent requirements proposed for the modernization of education and the task of improving the organization of the educational process based on a methodology for raising the scientific level of training, the work describes one advanced training model and shows its effectiveness for the solution of the problems mentioned above.

Considering the existing interpretations of the term "advanced training" we propose a new version that is unconventional and substantially broader. Unlike the traditional views, advanced training is considered as one of the important stages of current training: on the basis of common logical methods of scientific cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, modeling, etc.), the teacher creates associative-advanced links and implements the implicit transfer of students' knowledge to a new situation specifically manifested in further training. Moreover, the fundamental ideas and concepts of the discipline, the general methodological principles and various explanatory-illustrative ways of training serve as materialfor anticipation.

Keywords: advanced training, methods of cognition, transfer of knowledge, associative-advanced link's, reflection

The resources of the pedagogical and psychological effect of training are substantial, but their effectiveness in each specific case is determined by the ability to fulfill modern requirements for the training process within the framework of this system.

The modernization of education at the present stage of the development of society is aimed at mythologizing and improving the scientific level of education aimed at the development and implementation of such forms of education in which, according to Academician A.S. Kondratyev "... the content of education is shifted from purely informative towards methodological" [1, p.6].

In this respect, in Didactics there are more valuable training methods in which the genesis of the theory is realized through the content component and directed to the provision of a systematic character of theoretical knowledge, its internal development and generalization.

The analysis of the development of education and modern technologies of training provide an outline of the main trend in the development of the theory of training and determining ways for its improvement.

The training of any discipline at all levels in a due course undergoes various changes in connection with the development of basic science and the transformation of didactic goals and tasks accepted by the scientific pedagogical community at each stage of the development of pedagogy. Speaking about the cycles of the development of science, the American historian and philosopher Thomas Kuhn clearly identified three of its main manifestations: normal science, extraordinary science and scientific revolution [2]. According to Kuhn, within the framework of the latter, new paradigms are formed. These include the recognition of all scientific achievements which for a certain time form a model of posing problems and their solutions for the scientific community. Science must outstrip life and therefore, training must always respond to changes.

At present, philosophical knowledge has had a significant impact on the formation and dynamics of pedagogical systems: first, by developing the methodology of pedagogical activity, and second, by developing world-view paradigms of education and pedagogical activity.

Modern methods of training, multimedia technologies in the training process, the application of distant methods and, finally, the tasks associated with lifelong learning, suggest the search for new models of training and the direction of the vector of the main ideas on which the subsequent paradigm (model) of education should be based.

Within the framework of the new educational paradigm, it is necessary to develop not a sum of knowledge but a way of thinking, foster creative abilities, the ability to search independently for new ways of solving problems and operate freely in standard and non-standard situations.

From our point of view, the paradigms that represent models should be used to solve not only theoretical but also practical tasks. In particular, the training paradigm is a process of learning, in which the training material is presented to the learner as "focused, the attention of the trainees is concentrated on the main facts, events [3].

In training practice, the wide use of interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary links is an important and key component of the training process and solves a number of important didactic tasks, as previously acquired knowledge is transferred to a new situation that helps to uncover the essence of the new material. A natural question arises: what can current training bring in the future? The formulation of such a question is quite reasonable, since otherwise the goal of training and its developing function disappears.

Within the framework of the concept "Education-educational model of science", "it is possible to use widely the scientific methods of cognition applied to the training process in studying current

topics, with the aim of their further application to the study of new ones. This makes it possible to apply broadly general scientific methods of cognition, such as analysis, synthesis, idealization, induction, deduction, analogy, modeling, etc.

Teachers who are able to see the perspective and the final result of training in current instruction must create prerequisites for the implementation of certain links to the study of subsequent topics, reduce the objective difficulty, develop the creative abilities of students, and prepare them for lifelong learning.

Pointing out universal ideas and concepts, the material of anticipation, encountered in instruction, the teacher, on the basis of general considerations and the specific features of a particular discipline, should indicate the place and method of their possible manifestation in the future.

With this approach, the resulting "advanced effect" has an essential didactic value and is linked with modern training requirements. Such properly organized instruction should find its place in the theory of training methods.

In fact, this is perspective training that can be called "advanced training."

There is a need to develop such an educational and methodological system of organization of advanced training and determine its place in the general education system.

Despite the fact that the concept of "advanced training" has long been included in the pedagogical terminology, there is still no clear definition of it.

There are at least two possible interpretations of the term "advanced training."

The first option is related to the specific methodology of training for specific disciplines, according to which before giving a detailed study of a particular discipline, the teacher gives his/her students a brief summary of this discipline; the second interpretation concerns the problems of the harmony of the training system and the labor market [4].

In the existing definitions of "advanced training," the main emphasis is laid on the content of the material that is later to be taught in the school curriculum.

It seems to us that such a definition of the discussed term is too narrow and only partially reflects its essence. We suggest considering the term "advanced training in more unconventional way and much broader.

Currently advanced training is directed primarily by using different methods of scientific knowledge (induction, deduction, analogy, etc.) to identify more universal ideas (methods, approaches, models, concepts, quantities, etc.) in studying current topics with the purpose of their further application in the study of new ones. At the same time, the resulting advanced effect has an essential didactic value since it allows for transferring, first of all, methodological knowledge to a new situation. Here we deal with a new type of connections in training, when an implicit advanced mastering of students' knowledge is realized in order to its further transfer.

To create an educational and methodical system for organizing advanced training, it is necessary to articulate clearly the goals and objectives of such training activities.

The teaching process should be based not only on the previous experience of students, but also on their future educational activities in order to ensure the acceptance of acquired knowledge, facilitate learning and create the preconditions for the generalization of fundamental ideas and general logic methods of cognition. As the main goal, the realization of training consists of the improvement of its quality, by establishing associative links in the current training with the help of logical methods of cognition. To accomplish this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks. In particular, one must analyze the optimal structure of the lesson for solving didactic tasks, identify possible ways and means for implementing advanced learning, develop the basic requirements for choosing the material criteria, and substantive principles for the implementation of advanced training, and finally justify the educational and methodological system that provides advanced training.

We can schematically represent the place of advanced training in the current training, as well as its object and methods of implementation / Fig. 1/.

Each scholarly discipline has its own characteristics of implementing advanced training. But for all their diversity, the content component consists of the general ideas, concepts, links, characteristics, theories, principles of a particular discipline [5], the transfer of which is carried out through general logic methods of cognition.

The teacher is required to possess such skills of thinking activity that with the help of various associative connections from current training permit the transfer further, spreading the selected advanced material to a similar situation.

In addition, training presents good opportunities for implementing the methodological aspect of instruction since at the forefront there is a transfer of such knowledge that is universal, generalized and modeled within a certain system.

By supporting "units of mastering" of the advanced material, it is possible to combine together the different content of the educational material, thereby "unloading" the students' memory and increasing an awareness of the knowledge itself.

In terms of didactic values and time, advanced training seems to be symmetrical from the position of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary links with respect to current training but with one difference. If in the implementation of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary links, the emphasis is on transferring knowledge previously acquired by students both in content and methodology, then, in the implementation of advanced training, the advanced material contains mainly problems of a general methodological nature. This training process represents, on the one hand, the reflection of the material covered in the new situation, and on the other, the prerequisite for the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in the future.

While training with the help of various associative techniques for activating thought activity, the teacher in each specific case indicates the essence, place, time, conditions and possible way of further use of the advanced material. The generalized and universal nature of this material is sometimes of interdisciplinary importance and suitable at all levels of education.

A typical example of this is the notion of speed. Depending on the student's age characteristics, at different levels of instruction in Physics it is necessary to introduce the concept of speed not only in a narrow sense but also in a broad one since in many branches of Physics and other disciplines (chemistry, mathematics, biology, etc.) students often encounter this concept. For example, in kinematics the motion speed of a quantity in time is defined as the ratio of the change of this quantity to time [5].

Thus in current instruction the corresponding trajectories of thought activity directed at advanced training are often projected.

Advanced training can be achieved not only in the program material but in the instructional methodology where the emphasis is not on the consideration of content elements, but on the ways of implementing didactic tasks. An example of such an implicitly existing advancement is the preparation of students for the solution of problems and practical tasks while covering the

theoretical material. In practice, this means to show the students based on concrete examples the place and methods of applying the theoretical material studied to the problems encountered.

In work [5], devoted to the image of the organization of advanced instruction and its role in physical education, it has been shown in specific examples how training with elements of anticipation can be a prerequisite for continuous physical education and generalized repetition. The principle of advanced training allows the teacher to create an "advance bridge" between the themes in such a way that in the process of studying the preceding topic the "bridgehead" of the theme the next topic [6].

The implicit character of advanced training acts as one of the principles for the realization of lifelong learning and allows us to consider advanced instruction as an implicit model of training. It means, first, setting up the training process on a methodological basis where the role of general ideas and reliable qualitative and quantitative methods of research dominates.

In the implementation of advanced training interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary links are manifested in a different way, as they are implicitly directed to the perspective both in time and according to information, but within the current training, the corresponding trajectories are projected with the help of different forms of thought activity. The latter is carried out with the help of various associative ways when the teacher indicates the existing links between individual events, facts, objects and phenomena that should naturally arise in the future. A new type of links called associative-advanced is planned.

Their place in the training system can be represented in the following scheme/ Fig. 2 /:


Current training

Intradisciplinary links

Interdisciplinary links

Advanced training


Associative-advanced links


Advanced training is essentially, a conscious, controlled, purposeful process of thought activity carried out with the aim of forming students' thinking and imagination skills according to specially developed algorithms. It is a universal approach to training in the education system. Advanced training provides wide opportunities for the development and implementation of integrated training and, most importantly, shapes the students' system thinking.

While implementing advanced training, there are good opportunities for implementing the methodological aspect of training since the issues of transferring such knowledge that are universal generalized and modeled within a certain system are brought to the forefront. Advanced training 36

allows students to achieve a qualitatively new level of mastering the material and thus easily carry out the transfer of knowledge. With this approach, it is possible to shorten the "gap" between training the current and subsequent training material which create the most favorable conditions for analyzing the hierarchy of different models of the same phenomena. All this contributes to ensuring a smooth transition from one level of education to another, while preserving the independence and integrity of each of them. Within this approach one can achieve the formation of students' awareness of their activity in the assimilation and systematization of knowledge (reflection).


1. Kondratiev AS., Priyatkin N.A. (2006) Sovremennie tekhnologii obucheniya fizike [Modern Technologies of Teaching Physics]. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of S.Petersburg. University, 342.

2. Kuhn T. (1977) Struktura nauchnikh revolutsiy [Structure of Scientific Revolution]. M.: Progress, 300.

3. Tsaturyan A.M. (2014) Pedagogicheskie paradigmy kak universalniy podkhod k izucheniyu estestvennikh disciplin [Pedagogical Paradigms as Universal Approach to Teaching Natural Disciplines] Perviy Mezhdunarodniy virtualniy forum v Yaponii po rusistike, culture, pedagogike. "Sociokulturnie i filologicheskie aspekty v obrazovanii i nauchnom kontekste". Nauchniy zhurnal. Statyi, dokladi Mezhdunarodnogo foruma v Yaponii [The First International Virtual Forum in Japan on Russian Studies, Culture, Pedagogy. "Sociocultural and Philological Aspects in Educational and Scientific Context". Scientific Journal. Articles, reports of the International Forum in Japan]. Japan: Kyoto University, 661-665.

4. Efremov A.P. (2012) Operezhayushchee obuchenie i operezhyushchee obrazovanie [Advanced Training and Advanced Education] Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. [Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University]. No19 (273). Philosophy. Sociology. Culturology. Issue. 26, 38-43.

5. Tsaturyan A.M. (2013) Operezhyushchee obuchenie kak odin iz printsipov realizatsii oboshchaushchego povtoreniya i neprerivnogo obrazovaniya v fizike [Advanced training as One of Principles of Realization of Generalized Repetition and Continuous Education in Physics] Sibirskiy pedagogicheskiy zhurnal. Nauchnoe periodicheskoe izdanie [Siberian Pedagogical Journal. Scientific periodical]. Novosibirsk. No 2, 167-171.

6. Tsaturyan, AM (2013) Sovremennie tekhnologii organizatsii obobshchayushchego povtoreniya shkolnogo kursa fiziki: monografiya [Modern Technologies of Organization of Generalized Repetition of school course in Physics: monograph]. Vanadzor: SIM TPAGRATUN, 106.

Information about the author:

Armen M. Tsaturyan (Vanadzor, Armenia) - Doctor of Pedagogics, Ph.D., Associate

Professor, H. Tumanyan Vanadzor State University "Vanadzor Special School of Deep

Teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences" SNPO, e-mail: evrika@rambler.ru

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