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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Milev M., Kostadinova T., Borisova S., Georgieva E.

At the dental laboratory, the quantity and quality of information exchanged in the process of communication among the dental technician, the dentist and the patient is of significant importance for the quality of the final product, namely the fabricated prosthetic design and carried out dental treatment. The purpose of the report is to study the quantity and quality of information exchanged in the process of training between dental technicians and students. The reason to study the opinion of the students regarding the communication at the dental laboratory is that now is the starting stage of performance of practical training under real conditions and the students have the opportunity to evaluate the working process between the dental technician and the dentist.

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1. Golubeva, Elena. The quality of life of elderly and senile age in the Russian part of the Barents Euro-Arctic region (on the example of Arkhangelsk region): the ways of improvement of organization of medical social service: dissertation ... doctor of biological Sciences: 14.01.30 (Gerontology and geriatrics) / Golubeva Elena [Place: St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and gerontology of the northwestern branch of the Russian Academy of medical Sciences]. - Saint-Petersburg, 2012.- 232 p.

2. Dambegov Veronika Viktorovna. The influence of dental health on the quality of life of elderly and senile age in RNO - Alaniya: dissertation ... of candidate of medical Sciences: 14.01.14 / Dambegov Veronika Viktorovna; [Place: Institute of advanced training of Federal medical-biological Agency]. - Moscow, 2014.- 100 p.

3. Diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. - URL: http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/1823622/page:6/ date of access 20.05.2016

4. World health statistics 2014: significant growth of life expectancy // Media Centre of the WHO. - Geneva, Switzerland, 2014. - URL: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2014 /world-health-statistics-2014/ru/ date of access 20.05.2016

5. Safontsev A. D. the Role of nurse clinics in differential assistance to persons of elderly and senile age, living in a therapeutic area / D. A. Safontsev, T.Yu. Pavlova, I.V. Fateeva // Mater. V International student's electronic scientific conference "Student scientific forum". - Moscow, 2013. -URL: http://www.scienceforum.ru/2013/188/2923 / date of access 20.05.2016


1Milev M.

2Kostadinova T.

3Borisova S.

4Georgieva E.

1Bulgaria, Varna, Training and research sector„Dental technician",Medical College 2Bulgaria, Varna, Department of Economics and Management of Health, Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev, Stoyanov" 3Bulgaria, Varna, Department of health care, Medical University

"Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" 4Bulgaria, Varna, Training and research sector "Medical laboratory

assistant", Medical College

Abstract: At the dental laboratory, the quantity and quality of information exchanged in the process of communication among the dental technician, the dentist and the patient is of significant importance for the quality of the final product, namely the fabricated prosthetic design and carried out dental treatment. The purpose of the report is to study the quantity and quality of information exchanged in the process of training between dental technicians and students. The reason to study the opinion of the students regarding the communication at the dental laboratory is that now is the starting stage of performance of practical training under real conditions and the students have the opportunity to evaluate the working process between the dental technician and the dentist.

Keywords: communication, information, students, dental technicians

Introduction: One of the main elements of good communication is the quantity and quality of information that participates in the process of work. The more qualitative and comprehensive is the information, the more communication is more successful and the risk of errors is lower.

Team communication is bilateral and related with exchange of information including knowledge and skills. Communication among them allows trouble-free sharing of the image of the final product aiming to satisfy the patient. The strong relationship is based on mutual trust which

№ 6(10), Vol.3, June 2016 17

matters for implementation of the final result (1,5).

Communication with the complex participation of a dental technician, a dentist and a patient had been studied by Postema (2000), with a proposal to develop protocols for improvement of cooperation (4). The interdisciplinary relation within the team is very important which brings the necessity to work out objectives during the mutual partnership. This will aid the identification of the significant facts and potential difficulties caused by specific materials and diverse techniques in the course of work (2,3). Usually, the expenses are big and a treatment plan and a cost forecast are necessary. The patients often have high expectations about the final result which cannot always be fulfilled due to the financial side (4).

Material and methods: The study has been carried out in June 2015 among 220 students in dental technology from the second and third year of training from the three colleges in Bulgaria. The carried out study employed the following methods:

- A sociological method - for collection, summarizing and analysis of the information about the communication in the dental laboratory.

- A documentary method - for analysis of bibliographic resources about the studied problem.

- Statistical methods - for analysis and interpretation of the data intended to disclose the essence of the problem.

Results and discussion: The reason to select second and third year students for examination of their opinion regarding the communication at the dental laboratory is that this is the period for beginning of the performance of the practical training under real conditions and the students have the opportunity to evaluate the course of the working process between the dental technician and the dentist.

In this direction of the study, none of the students has specified that s/he is not satisfied with the communication carried out at the dental laboratory, and 61.80 per cent out of the respondents were completely satisfied (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Satisfaction with the communication at the dental laboratory

Despite the found significant difference in the satisfaction with the communication at the dental laboratory, we can say that there is a visible increased of satisfaction with increase of the course of training (fig. 2).

tlni d year

second year

64,20% 3180%

59:00% 41,00%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% rm salisfed ■ somewhat satisfied ■ I feel indifferent Tm not satisfied

Fig. 2. Satisfaction with the communication at the dental laboratory according to

the course of training


№ 6(10), Vol.3, June 2016

During the work at the laboratory, the satisfaction with communication has been increased in 72.70 per cent of the respondents, and it remained the same with another 27.30 per cent. None of the respondents stated that s/he feels decrease of satisfaction with communication which can be explained with acquaintance with the settings and relationships within the team (fig.3).

B0:00% 70.00% 60:00% 50.00% 40.00% 30:00% 20.00% 10;00% 0.00%




increased (n=l 60)

remained the same(n=60)

Hajviajiana (n=0)

Fig. 3. Degree of satisfaction

One of the main elements of good communication is the quantity and quality of the information involved in the process of communication. The more extensive and qualitative is the information, the more communication is more successful and the risk of errors is lower.

At the dental laboratory, the quantity and quality of information exchanged in the process of communication among the dental technician, the dentist and the patient is of significant importance for the quality of the final product, namely the fabricated prosthetic design and carried out dental treatment.

In regard to this, we have studied several questions related with the quantity and quality of the information involved in the communication process of the dental laboratory (fig. 4).

I receive information in time so as to be atie to finish niy work

The information I receive is interesting and useful for me

Information related to changes in organization

Information about the requirements cf the wort I need to do

Recognition of the efforts I put in my work

Information ab out the way to asse ss my w ork

Information related with the organizational policy and goals

Information about my work at the laboratory

0 0:5 1 1.5 2 2.Ï 3

Fig. 4. An average evaluation of the satisfaction with the quantity and quality of information (1 - very satisfied, 7 - extremely not satisfied)

The analysis of the data in figure 4 showed that as a whole, the students feel satisfied with the quantity and quality of information which is provided to them at the dental laboratory.

The information related with the requirements of the work that should be done by the student in their quality of an expert at the dental laboratory has been evaluation with the highest average score for satisfaction (2.24). The exactly put tasks are important not only for the good organization of the working process but also for the communication carried out there, thus reducing the risk to create conflict situations which can deteriorate the working climate.

The receipt of timely information is of paramount importance for the work of the dental technician because this is important not only for the quality of the fabricated design but also for the time of making it. The students gave an average score of 2.36 to this parameter.

Another parameter with the same score is the interesting and useful information received by the students (2.36). This information is important for the acquisition of new knowledge and skills of the students who are still training and the high score given by them showed that the practice under real conditions has its place in the process of training because thus the students not only receive the

№ 6(10), Vol.3, June 2016 19

required knowledge but they get acquainted with the real conditions of work and with the option how to react most properly in a given situation. All this cannot be learned in school environment because it appears sterile for the students who work under safe conditions.

There is a small difference about the information related with changes in organization (2.37). This type of information is important because it allows the workers to be acquainted with conditions that would affect the quality of work and the fabricated designs, especially when the changes are related with the production process and deployment of innovations.

The information about the score of work (2.4) and recognition of the efforts put by the students (2,45) is important not only for the respondents but also for all employees at the dental laboratory as a whole.

Conclusion: The information about the work in the laboratory is an extensive parameter which includes all elements of the working process related with the duties, responsibilities and performance of the certain expert, or a student in the given cased. This is an information that establishes the students as experts who learn not only how to make the certain design but to make that design under certain rules related with the organization of the working process at the given dental laboratory.

This information provides not only the feedback but it gives a stimulus to show better results and maintain a higher level of work. Communication in the process of change is not only important due to its essence but it is mandatory.

The effective communication requires the availability of feedback in order to enable the evaluation at any time where are the deficiencies and problems that can be timely eliminated.


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3. Pietrobon N, Malament KA. Team approach between prosthodontics and dental technology. Eur J EsthetDent. 2007 Spring;2(1):58-79.

4. Postema N, vanOverveld HA. Cooperation between the dentist and the denta ltechnician. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd. 2000 Nov;107(11):482-4.

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ст. преп. кафедры факультетской детской хирургии Байахмедов Ф. Ф.

суд. 4 курса Усманхаджаев А. А. суд. 3 курса Собиров Х. Г.

Ташкентский Педиатрический Медицинский Институт

По данным литературы отмечается непрерывный рост числа детей, больных хронической пневмонией, в основе патогенеза и пат морфологии которой лежат врожденные аномалии и пороки развития бронхолегочных структур [1,3]. Среди пороков развития наиболее часто встречается гипоплазия легких, которая составляет 75-80% и характеризуется неуклонным ростом заболеваемости среди детей, учащением обширных, запущенных и тяжелых форм поражения [5,6].

Трудности раннего выявления ГЛ связаны с тем, что болезнь протекает под маской хронического нагноительного процесса в легком. Распознавание гипоплазии легких на этапах первичной диагностики затруднено из-за отсутствия четких клинико-морфологических изменений, которые сглаживаются на фоне длительного воспалительного процесса, в связи с чем, количество ошибочных диагнозов составляет от 73 до 94,5%. [4, 6 ]

Целью настоящей работы явилось изучение морфо-функциональных изменений при различных формах гипоплазии легкого у детей.

20 № 6(10), Vol.3, June 2016

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