Научная статья на тему 'Alternative sources of fetilizer nutrition elemens of perrenialgrasses in gray forest soils of Tatrstan Republic'

Alternative sources of fetilizer nutrition elemens of perrenialgrasses in gray forest soils of Tatrstan Republic Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Khismatullin M.M.

In fodders production mineral fertilizers costs take from 25% to 30 % of total expenses and this is one of themain reasons of high price for meat and dairy products in retail sale. That is why in highly developed countrieswhere there is a high productiveness of breeding animals and where the livestock products are competitive it isconsidered that usage of biological stimulating agents of growth and micro fertilizers and less expensive sourcesof main nutrition elements are thought prospective line of development crop growing and also fodder production.Hence, in this scientific article it is described comparative evaluation of efficiencyof 6 extra nutrition sourcesfor perennial grasses in low fertile gray forest soils of Tatarstan Republic

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Текст научной работы на тему «Alternative sources of fetilizer nutrition elemens of perrenialgrasses in gray forest soils of Tatrstan Republic»


1. FAOSTAT. Statistics Department. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Statistical database in the field of food and agriculture - Access mode: http: //www.fao.org/poisk (10/18/2018).

2. Komlatsky V.I. Prospects for the development of meat and dairy sheep breeding in the South of Russia // Collected Papers of the North Caucasus Research Institute of Animal Husbandry. - 2016. -V. 5. - №2. -P.185-190.

3. Erokhin A.I. Sheep breeding / A.I. Erokhin, V.I. Kotarev, S.A. Erokhin. - Voronezh: Voronezh State Agrarian University, 2014. - 450 p.

4. Onopriyko V.A. Sheep's milk is one of the potential resources for ensuring the country's food security / V.A. Onopriyko // Proceedings of the Universities. Food Technology. - 2009. - № 4. - P. 13-14.

5. Bogatova O.V. Chemistry and physics of milk: studies guide / O.V. Bogatova, N.G. Dogareva. - Orenburg: SEI OSU, 2004 - 137 p.


Khismatullin M.M.

Candidate of Economical Science, associate professor. Kazan State Agrarian University


In fodders production mineral fertilizers costs take from 25% to 30 % of total expenses and this is one of the main reasons of high price for meat and dairy products in retail sale. That is why in highly developed countries where there is a high productiveness of breeding animals and where the livestock products are competitive it is considered that usage of biological stimulating agents of growth and micro fertilizers and less expensive sources of main nutrition elements are thought prospective line of development crop growing and also fodder production.

Hence, in this scientific article it is described comparative evaluation of efficiency of 6 extra nutrition sources for perennial grasses in low fertile gray forest soils of Tatarstan Republic.

Keywords: Fertilizers: Rizogrin, Azotovit, Phosphatovit, IzagriFors, awnless brome, fescue grass, timothy grass, yield, crude protein, prime cost, profitability.

Introduction. The role of perennial grasses in fodder production is not limited. Perennial grasses are not used only as a sources of protein, but they are also the sources of mineral matters, fibre, crude fat, amount of sugar, wide range of vitamins and provitamins (A, B, C, E, P), as well as they are very important in promotion of the animals' heath. The sun rays, open air pastures help to promote animals' metabolism, improve life activities, increase animals' appetite. Eventually all these factors in combination with high concentration of valuable matters in fresh grass in pastures raise the productivity and decrease infertility, improve animal yield, promote animals, and improve cattle health against different illnesses. In fact, it is impossible to breed good quality livestock without good pastures as well as it is impossible to get heavy milk production and to get high gain of cattle in low cost fodder sagina-tion.

That is why, if we want to produce cattle-breeding products and they should be available to the wide range of people it is necessary to harvest the main fodders with sowing perennials with minimum price cost on the base of widely used of innovative technologies in pre-seeding preparation and modern high -profitable alternative sources of nutrition elements.

Conditions, place and methods of the research. Field experiments, followed with calculation, analyses, and researching obtain results had being done during 2011-2015 years in the field of agronomical department of Kazan State Agrarian University with GPS coordinates: N 55°39'51". E 49°11'33". Agrochemical characteristics of experimental field were completely on a par with typical gray forest soil, this kind of soil occupies 38 % of the fields in Tatarstan Republic. The pri-

mary humus content after Tyurin is 3,91 %, labile phosphorus is 152, exchange potassium is 168 mg/kg of soil after Kirsanov. The acidity of soil is subacidic (pH of salt extract is 5, 9). The soil density was within normal range 1, 2 g/ sm3, minimum humidity was rather high (soil can hold moistness in its content to 29% of moisture).

Agro meteorological conditions in researched years were not different from average weather conditions in this area. Precipitation amount for the period May-September was from 220 mm to 235 mm. May was warmer, the temperature was average to +11-12°C, the temperature in May usually is +10, 5°C.

The experience was done 4 times, the whole field area was 72 m2 (3,6x20), experienced area was 21 m2. Experiences, records, analyses and calculations and reports of the research were carried out by the procedure of the Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fodders after the name of Williams V.R. (1997).

In the experiments it was applied and researched only those biological preparations and alternative power supply sources which are licensed by law of Russian Federation. Seed treatment with fundazol had been done two months before sowing; seed treatment with biological preparations was done directly during sowing day in dark room. The main tillage and pre-seeding tillage was done in a way which is typically for forest steppe zone in the Middle Volga region.

The subject of research is the perennial grasses. These are awnless brome 60 %+ fescue grass 20%+ timothy grass 20%. The mixture of three crop grasses was regulated with seeding rate in Million seeds per hectare geminating seeds. The fresh grass was mowed twice a season: the first grass cutting was made in phase

of booting (it was the begging of ear formation; the second grass cutting was made during biomass accumulation (from the 10th to the 15 th of September). The foundation of new field experiment was made in the end of May in 2011 with open sowing method

Results and discussions. In a sown year perennial grasses don't grow for the harvest level of economic maturity but the first year is the foundation for future

high level of yield. From this point of view it is very important to do pre-seeding treatment of perennial grasses with different bioorganic preparations because they greatly influence to the field germination, growth power. In the first level of organogenesis, they influence to the line growth of root system but what is the most important they influence to the good wintering of awnless brome, fescue grass, timothy grass ( table 1.)


Field germination rate, growth crop energy and line sprouting of root system and survival capacity of perennial grasses after wintering depending on methods of pre-seeding treatment

Experimental variant Field germination, % Growth energy of sprouting, g/plant Line growth of root system, sm. / a day Grasses survival capacity after wintering, %

Fundazol 4 l/t seeds (control) 56 0,12 0,26 82

Control+Rizogrin 3 l/t seed 60 0,16 0,28 85

Control+ Azotovit+ Fosphatovit 2 l/ t seeds 61 0,17 0,28 86

Control + IsagriFors 3 l/t seeds 64 0,20 0,31 88

Control + IsagriFors NPK 6 l/ ha annually in 55 0,12 0,27 83

spring after growing

Control + IsagriFors + IsagriNPK 65 0,20 0,31 88

Control + N48P36K20 (to the planned yield 35 t/ ha of green grass ) 57 0,21 0,33 92

HCP05 0,02 0,09

Photo 1. Trade dress of dispencing Isagri Fors (growth: dark-green solution , p=1,25 g/sm.3; Nutrition: yellow colour solution p=1,1g./sm.3, before application they should be mixed in equal proportion)

Depending on pre-seeding preparation methods the field germination range of perennial grasses was from 56% to 65 %. It should be noted that the most effective agent was IsagriFors (64%-65% if we compare with seed treatment agent the traditional Fundazol which gaves the germination only 56 %). This situation

can be explained due to the fact that IsagriFors has amino acids, which stimulate plant growth (150 g/ l), nutrient elements (40 g/l), and high effective chelate agents of European level (copper, cobalt, sulfur, magnesium, zink, manganese, iron, lithium, nickel and etc.)

photo 2. Trade dress of biological preparation Azaotovit and Phosphotovit

The key figures of objective assessment for the reason why this agent should be used in pre-seeding preparation was the fact that biological agents influence greatly to the growth level of the plants ( if a plant grows faster to the level of autotrophic nutrition it has better chance to survive). Azotovit and Phosphatovit in pre-seeding treatment take the second place after Isa-griFors in influence to the growth of plant; they were used 2l/t.

In this variant of experiment hay weight of each plant in phase of the first line leaves growth was 0, 17 gram per plant to 0, 12 gram per plant in control variant which is quite significant increase.

Successful wintering of perennial grasses as well as crops depends on line root system growth whereas there is a direct dependence between plants' biomass

Table 2

Influence of methods in pre-seeding preparation and alternative sources of nutrition to the perennial grass yield

(2012-2015 years)

and spare nutrition elements which plants need in winter period. The results of the research indicate amplitude of oscillation of line root system growth and it was quite large and it was from 0,26 sm. per day to 0,31 sm. per day (119%). And winter survival of the plants was from 82 % to 88 %.

That is to say it is possible to regulate the plants field germination, growth energy, line root system growth and frost resistance during cold winter due to usage of biological agents and chemical agents in pre-seeding treatment preparation

Creation of suitable conditions in sowing year greatly influenced to the formation of high productive agrocoenosis of perennial grasses for other growing years when they were used for feeding. (Table 2)

Experimental variant Yield of green grasses Increase

t/ ha %

Fundazol 4 l/t seeds ( control) 18,2 - 100

Control+ Rizogrin 3 l/t seeds 19,8 1,6 109

Control+ Azotovit + Phosphatovit to 2 l/t seeds 22,3 4,1 123

control+ IsagriFors 3 l/t seeds 23,9 5,7 131

Control + №aipHNPK 6 l/ha annually in spring after growing period 25,6 7,4 141

control + IsagriFors + IsagriNPK 27,3 9,1 150

Control + N48P36K20 (to the planned green grass yield 35 t/ha) 31,4 13,2 173

HCP05 0,78

During 4 years when biological agents and growth stimulating agents (as Rizogrin, Azotovit, Phospha-tovit, IzagriFors) were used in pre-seeding preparation, it was harvested more yield, the yield benefit was from 1,6 t/ha of fresh grass (with Rizogrin 3 l/t seeds) to 5,7 t/ha (with IsagriFors 3l/t seeds) of fresh grass. Especially high extra yield (9, 1 t/ha) was harvested in combination of IzagriFors (pre-seeding treatment) with Isa-griNPK 6l/ha in top-dressing perennial grasses during their growth spring period with. By comparison, it should be mentioned that extra yield was harvested

13,2 t/ha with application of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium fertilizers, it was according to the plan of getting 35 t/ha.

Long-term benefits of recommended direction in plant nutrition of perennial grasses has been proved out as well as with the quality of final product ( fodders) with the crude protein content (13%-15%), crude fat (3%-4%), amounts of sugar(6-8%), whole yield of fodder items(5,4t/ha -6,2 t/ha), available energy(12,1-13,2 mJ/kg hay weight), and also with their economical calculations: profitability was 45% - 60%, prime-cost of 1

ton of fodder unit was 3,8 thousand rubles it was less than earlier figures where the prime cost was 5,0 thousand rubles in notional sale price.

Therefore, a part of mineral fertilizers on the fields of perennial grasses can be successfully replaced with biological agents as Rizogrin, Azotovit, Phosphotovit, with growth stimulating agents as Isagri or top dressing Isagri nitrogen , phosphorus, and potassium during plant growing period.


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