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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shuvaev A.V.

The algorithm of scientific research of social and economic stability and sustainable development of rural territories is presented.

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обязанностей и обеспечения на этой основе эффективного функционирования органов местного самоуправления.

Список литературы:

1. Федеральный закон от 02.03.2007 № 25-ФЗ «О муниципальной службе в Российской Федерации» // Собрание законодательства РФ. - 2007. -№ 10. - Ст. 1152.

2. Указ Президента РФ от 07.05.2012 № 601 «Об основных направлениях совершенствования системы государственного управления».

3. Борисова Д.О., Морозова Т.В. Анализ кадровой политики в системе государственного управления на региональном уровне [Электронный ресурс] // Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции «Наука и инновации в современных условиях» - Уфа: «ОМЕГА САЙНС», 2016. - С. 6-9. - Режим доступа: http://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid= 769921.

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5. Разумова, С.М. Эффективность методов оценки кадрового потенциала органов местного самоуправления / С.М. Разумова // Региональная экономика: теория и практика. - 2012. - № 18. - С. 27-36.

6. Щукина Т.В. Кадровая политика в системе государственной гражданской службы субъектов Российской Федерации: концептуальные подходы и административно-правовое регулирование: монография / Т.В. Щукина. -Воронеж: ИПЦ «Научная книга», 2014. - 650 с.


© Shuvaev A.V.1

Stavropol State Agricultural University, Stavropol

The algorithm of scientific research of social and economic stability and sustainable development of rural territories is presented.

Keywords: algorithm, information analysis, rural territories, stability, sustainable development, region.

Now a negative image separate unresolved problems of a social and demographic situation in the village, a low level of development of engineering and social infrastructure, insufficiently high level of labor activity of country people prove. Besides, scientific and methodical approaches to an assessment of level of a

1 Профессор кафедры «Информационные системы», доктор экономических наук.



sustainable development of rural territorial educations are up to the end not developed. Importance and timeliness of the specified problem is defined by it [1, 7, 11].

The scientific analysis of a sustainable development of rural territories is the actual direction of the Russian economic science. It is important in the conditions of overcoming of consequences of financial and economic crisis. It is caused by the fact that rural territorial educations are the most important structural element of social, ecological and economic system. At the same time, the following fundamental economic problems are solved: 1) providing population with food; 2) the need for labor socially useful activity has set to realize granting an opportunity to inhabitants; 3) to carry out actions for increase of efficiency and development of stability of agrarian sector; 4) to improve the nature protection sphere [8, 14].

We will specify very tectonics of research of the designated scientific problem.

Covering theoretic-methodological basics of a sustainable development of rural territories and employment, it is necessary:

- To specify and develop the categorical device of the concept «sustainable development of rural territories», on the basis of synthesis of works of scientists and economists [4];

- To prove the category «sustainable development» as derivative integrated size from the category «stability» and the category «development» [9];

- To construct conceptual structurally functional model of their evolutionary development;

- To formulate signs and characteristic properties of the specified categories.

It will allow formulating correctly scientific treatment «a sustainable development of rural territories». She has to be characterized by the uniqueness, including in system of the major factors causing their development. The main attention needs to be concentrated on a factor of employment of the population. This factor is a fundamental component of development of rural territorial educations.

At an assessment of stability of territories, it is necessary to give the specified and modified system of indicators, to allocate private and complex indicators, to unveil features of employment in a control system of social and economic development of rural territories [6].

It is also necessary to prove methodical tools of an assessment of stability and level of a sustainable development of rural territories. It is necessary to use special coefficients of stability, development, a sustainable development, and various integrated and private indexes. It will allow characterizing a level of development of municipal districts on a number of criteria signs [3]. It is necessary to prove the corresponding gradation of the intervals confirming the level of a social and economic condition of territories. It is necessary to formulate also generalized properties of signs and factors.

At an assessment of a condition of the rural territories and factors, influencing their development it is necessary to execute an analytical assessment of an economic, social and ecological condition of rural territorial educations in the region with use of qualitative tools of research.

The technique allowing assessing more objectively a social and economic situation, an orientation and tendencies of her change in rural areas of the region has to be defined. It has to be confirmed with calculation of necessary indicators.

In research, the factorial analysis has to hold a specific place. He will allow estimating quantitative degree of interrelation between an employment rate in the village and other important indicators. Among these indicators have to be integrated and private indicators of a sustainable development of territorial educations. In this regard, differentiation of rural territories has to be confirmed: on the level of their social and economic development, a condition of economic activity of the population and dynamics of production and financial activity of the organizations of separate branches of rural economy.

At justification of various methodical approaches to development of the directions of a sustainable development of rural territories based on increase of employment it is necessary to develop and approve those from them which are related to a typology of rural territorial educations on the basis of the offered tools of rationing of values of factorial signs. At the same time, it is necessary to consider methodical methods of identification of reserves of development of municipal districts and to determine the main directions of increase of employment in the village in aspect of priority actions by development of stability of rural territories.

When calculating a number of the complex indicators characterizing a social, ecological and economic state of municipal districts it is important to offer optimum rationing of diverse indicators taking into account their coefficient of stability. It will allow calculating a social and economic matrix of coefficients, adequately reflecting a ratio between types of a sustainable development of municipal districts in the region, the level of economic development of territories and employment in the village, and development of agrarian sector. All tendencies and dependences have to be expressed by the corresponding coefficients.

Calculation of potential personnel and production reserves of a sustainable development of rural territorial educations based on a combination of an expert method can be of a certain scientific and methodical interest.

The program actions for increase of employment in the village recommended within implementation of the main sections of the draft of the regional target program «Sustainable Development of Rural Territories» can be of special interest (for a certain period).

Therefore, it is necessary to recommend certain priority actions. For this purpose, it is necessary to allocate the block of reasonable offers on creation and preservation of workplaces in various branches of rural economy. It will promote social and economic stability of municipal districts with low, average and rather high employment rate in the village.



Список литературы:

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