ALGORITHM FOR SELECTION EQUIPMENT TO REDUCE THE TECHNOGENIC EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Kozii I.S., Plyatsuk L.D., Koval V.V.

The work is devoted to the development of an algorithm for selection dust and gas purification equipment in order to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment from emissions of the heat, power and chemical industries, which are sources of complex environmental pollution. The need for the research was necessitated by the inefficiency of environmental measures taken due to the huge number of devices with different designs for emissions’ purification, their non-universality and low efficiency of the purification systems. The main goal of the study was to develop a software algorithm for the reasonable choice of the optimal dust and gas purification equipment, taking into account the actual conditions of the technological environment and the characteristics of pollutants. The goal was achieved using a logical and mathematical description of the pollutant parameters, environmental conditions and process equipment parameters. The uniqueness of the developed algorithm consisted of rechecking the compliance of each equipment parameter with environmental conditions and pollutant characteristics. The most important aims were to obtain an algorithm for selection efficient equipment, taking into account its parameters and initial characteristics of pollutants and environmental conditions, the simplicity and accessibility of its implementation for a wide number of industrial facilities in the heat, power and chemical industries. The proposed algorithm, in contrast to the approaches used in practice, was characterized by the work flexibility due to the possibility of supplementing and improving the databases of pollutants and equipment.

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Algorithm for Selection Equipment to Reduce the Technogenic Effect on

the Environment

Kozii I.S., Plyatsuk L.D., Koval V.V.

Sumy State University Sumy, Ukraine

Abstract. The work is devoted to the development of an algorithm for selection dust and gas purification equipment in order to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment from emissions of the heat, power and chemical industries, which are sources of complex environmental pollution. The need for the research was necessitated by the inefficiency of environmental measures taken due to the huge number of devices with different designs for emissions' purification, their non-universality and low efficiency of the purification systems. The main goal of the study was to develop a software algorithm for the reasonable choice of the optimal dust and gas purification equipment, taking into account the actual conditions of the technological environment and the characteristics of pollutants. The goal was achieved using a logical and mathematical description of the pollutant parameters, environmental conditions and process equipment parameters. The uniqueness of the developed algorithm consisted of rechecking the compliance of each equipment parameter with environmental conditions and pollutant characteristics. The most important aims were to obtain an algorithm for selection efficient equipment, taking into account its parameters and initial characteristics of pollutants and environmental conditions, the simplicity and accessibility of its implementation for a wide number of industrial facilities in the heat, power and chemical industries. The proposed algorithm, in contrast to the approaches used in practice, was characterized by the work flexibility due to the possibility of supplementing and improving the databases of pollutants and equipment.

Keywords: technogenic load, dust and gas emissions, purification systems, selection algorithm,

equipment, solution efficiency.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2022.1-53.05

UDC: 621.162.252

Algoritm de selectare a echipamentelor pentru reducerea poverii tehnogene asupra mediului inconjurator

Cozii I.S., Pliatuc L.D., Covali V.V.

Universitatea de Stat din Sumi, Sumi, Ucraina Rezumat. Lucrarea este dedicata elaborarii unui algoritm de selectare a echipamentelor de purificare a pulberilor si gazelor pentru reducerea impactului tehnogen asupra mediului inconjurator al emisiilor din industria termoenergetica si chimica. Scopul principal al studiului este de a elabora un algoritm pentru selectarea echipamentului optim de purificare a prafului si a gazelor, luand in considerare conditiile reale ale mediului tehnologic si caracteristicile poluantilor. Obiectivul stabilit este atins prin intermediul descrierii logice si matematice a considerarii simultane a parametrilor poluantilor, a conditiilor mediului si a parametrilor echipamentelor tehnologice. Unicitatea algoritmului elaborat consta in verificarea incrucisata a conformitatii fiecarui parametru al echipamentului cu conditiile mediului si caracteristicile poluantilo r. Cele mai importante rezultate constau in obtinerea algoritmului de alegere a echipamentului eficient, tinand cont de parametrii sai si de caracteristicile initiale ale poluantilor si de conditiile mediului, simplitatea si accesibilitatea implementarii sale pentru o gama larga de obiective industriale a ramurilor termoelectrica si chimica. Semnificatia rezultatelor cercetarii consta in faptul ca: 1) in premiera se formeaza o baza de date a poluantilor, a conditiilor mediului tehnologic si a parametrilor echipamentelor de purificare a pulberii si gazelor in ceea ce priveste parametrii energetici, termici, tehnici, structurali si sanitaro-igienici; 2) este asigurata rapiditatea de prelucrare a bazelor de date pentru selectarea optimala a echipamentelor din contul compararii consecutive a parametrilor initiali a substantelor poluante si a conditiilor mediului de desfasurare a procesului de purificare. Algoritmul propus, spre deosebire de abordarile aplicate in practica, se distinge prin flexibilitatea de functionare din contul posibilitatii prevazute de completare si perfectionare a bazelor de date a substantelor poluante si a echipamentelor. Cuvinte-cheie: mediu, povara tehnogena, emisii de pulbere si gaze, sisteme de purificare algoritm de selectare, echipamente, eficienta solutiei.

© Kozii I.S., Plyatsuk L.D., Koval V.V.

Алгоритм выбора оборудования для снижения техногенной нагрузки на окружающую среду

Козий И.С., Пляцук Л.Д., Коваль В.В.,

Сумский государственный университет, Сумы, Украина Аннотация. Работа посвящена разработке алгоритма выбора пылегазоочистного оборудования для снижения техногенного воздействия на окружающую среду от выбросов предприятий теплоэнергетики и химической отрасли, которые являются источниками комплексного загрязнения окружающей среды. Необходимость исследования обусловлена неэффективностью принимаемых природоохранных мероприятий из-за огромного количества различных конструкций аппаратов для очистки выбросов, их не универсальностью и низкой эффективностью работы систем очистки. В результате, в атмосферу поступают пылегазовые выбросы, которые в основном содержат мелкодисперсные взвешенные капли жидкости и различные по дисперсному составу взвешенные твердые частицы. Основной целью исследования является разработка алгоритма выбора оптимального пылегазоочистного оборудования с учетом реальных условий технологической среды и характеристик загрязняющих веществ. Поставленная цель достигается посредством логического и математического описания одновременного учета параметров загрязняющих веществ, условий среды и параметров технологического оборудования. Уникальность разработанного алгоритма состоит в перепроверке соответствия каждого параметра оборудования условиям среды и характеристикам загрязняющих веществ. Наиболее важные результаты состоят в получении алгоритма выбора эффективного оборудования с учетом его параметров и исходных характеристик загрязняющих веществ и условий среды, простоте и доступности ее реализации для широкого числа промышленных объектов теплоэнергетической и химической отраслей. Значимость результатов исследования состоит в том, что: 1) впервые сформировано базы данных загрязняющих веществ, условий технологической среды и параметров пылегазоочистного оборудования с учетом энергетических, тепловых, технических, конструктивных и санитарно-гигиенических параметров; 2) обеспечена быстрота обработки баз данных для оптимального выбора оборудования, за счет последовательного сопоставления исходных параметров загрязняющих веществ и условий среды проведения процесса очистки. Предложенный алгоритм, в отличии от применяемых на практике подходов, характеризуется гибкостью работы за счет предусмотренной возможности дополнения и усовершенствования баз данных загрязняющих веществ и оборудования.

Ключевые слова: окружающая среда, техногенная нагрузка, пылегазовые выбросы, системы очистки, алгоритм выбора, оборудование, эффективность решения.


According to the degree of a chemical danger to humans caused by the atmospheric air pollution is of primary importance. In order to assess the degree of technogenic impact on the environment, considerable attention was paid to the study of pollutant emissions as a key factor in the formation of zones of ecological disaster.

The production of electricity, heat and chemical industry products to meet the needs of society leads to an increase in the negative impact on the environment and increases the risk of diseases for the population [1-5]. The works of a number of researchers are devoted to the negative impact of thermal power plants and chemical enterprises on the atmospheric air and to the search for the ways to solve this problem [6-9].

Thermal power and chemical enterprises are severe sources of complex environmental pollution [10, 11]. Due to the imperfection of technological processes and the unsatisfactory operation of purification systems, gases at of these enterprises enter the atmosphere, which contain compounds of various toxicity, finely dispersed suspended liquid droplets, solid

particles (dust) of the initial material and products, etc.

Traditionally, most of the energy and chemical industrial enterprises, present antipollution schemes by dry and wet types of purification devices.

As dry cleaning devices, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators and bag filters are mainly used [12-14]. These types of dry cleaners are used to capture suspended solids, but they cannot work effectively with gas streams that contain easily sticky, tarry substances and fine dust.

Wet dust and gas purifying devices are mainly represented by spray and plate scrubbers, vortex-type devices, etc. [15, 16]. In general, wet cleaning requires no additional gas preparation; it allows simultaneous purification both of gas emissions and dispersed particles. Wet dust collection is highly efficient in capturing fine dust, however the problem of gas purification from easily sticky and tarry substances excludes the possibility of efficient use of wet type apparatuses.

The analysis of the main types of dust and gas purifying equipment and systems for processing

databases of this equipment are extensively presented in the scientific literature. The integration of the equipment characteristics and parameters of the technological process for an informed decision on the equipment selection is fairly time-consuming [17-20]. The complexity of the proposed approaches lies in the bulkiness of the equipment databases, a limited list of characteristics of pollutants, and narrow focus of the equipment selection for compliance, mainly, with technical requirements [21, 22].

Further research requires the direction of a scientifically based choice of certain designs of facilities, taking into account the actual conditions of the technological environment and the characteristics of pollutants.

Protection of the environment is the key goal for the sustainable development of society. Therefore, selection of the optimal technological solutions for purification of emissions necessitates the development of software

solutions and the relevance of studying the ways to reduce the technogenic burden on the environment.


The problem of a reasonable choice of the optimal dust and gas purification equipment is that it is necessary to take into account the parameters of pollutants and environmental conditions for the purification process [23, 24].

In general, the selection methodology of the optimal technological solutions [25] for purification dust and gas emissions is presented in Fig. 1. The scheme is a combination of three elemental blocks:

- pollutant;

- circumstance's parameters;

- dust and gas purification equipment.

Fig.1. An example of inserting a figure into the text on the entire width of a sheet.

The ratio of these blocks to each other gives a certain ecological and technological result of applying a technological solution in the case of a specific pollutant.

Each of the above blocks (X, Y, Z) can be represented by a set of characteristics of its parameters (Xi, Yi, Zi).

To develop an algorithm for selection dust and gas purification equipment, the method for sequential hierarchial clustering (SHC) is used [26]. According to the mathematical logic principles, a preset element (object), taking into account its characteristics, can be represented as a cluster dendrogram (Fig. 2), where each cluster is responsible for a certain parameter.

The ranking (hierarchy) of the dendrogram branches should include the validity of the technical or environmental characteristics of a given element block, which is determined based on the objectives of the task.

Fig.2. Cluster dendrogram of object X.

Cophenetic correlation or various rank indices can be used to quantify differences between clustering options. The use of principle components (X, Y, Z) for hierarchial clustering is one of the possible ways to hybridize algorithms, which progressively attracts the attention of specialists. Advantages of the hierarchial cluster procedures:

- in comparison with other cluster procedures, they ensure a more complete and

subtle analysis of the structure of the set of observations under study;

- there is a possibility of the analysis visual interpretation based on the dendrogram.

Taking into account the successive hierarchical comparisons of the elements of the bases equipment parameters, environmental conditions and pollutant characteristics (Xi, Yi, Zi), an updated block diagram was obtaibed of the conditions for selection technological equipment (Fig. 3).

Fig.3. Scheme of sequential selection of clusters of

conditions for choosing a technical solution.

The conditions for selection each of the

optimal parameters (Ziopt) of dust and gas

purification equipment corresponds to the following equation:

z? = f (x, Y ). (1)

Resulting from the selection of all parameters of dust and gas purification equipment for compliance with the conditions of the process environment and the characteristics of pollutants, the final result from a variety of the devices' configurations can be represented by the expression:

lim P e <Z,.Z2.....Z,\-oPL (2)


For simplification and accessibility of the software algorithm for the implementation of the optimal choice of the technological solutions to reduce emissions into the atmosphere, the spreadsheet editor was used.


To implement the software algorithm for selection the nature protection equipment in the spreadsheet editor environment, we will form a database of the studied parameters of the system for selection the dust and gas purification

equipment in the form of separate spreadsheet tabs.

Database of pollutants. The database of pollutants is formed as a two-dimensional matrix. The database contains information on a certain list of pollutants, including their different types, physico-chemical and sanitary-hygienic parameters, which are necessary to make justified decisions on the equipment selection. The importance of various characteristics of pollutants is determined versus the purpose of the study - both technological and sanitary-hygienic preference is possible. The database information is formed based on production of the inventory data, technological process conditions and reference data on certain pollutants.

Each cell of the database of pollutants in our case is a characterization of the i-th pollutant and includes the following parameters: the first column is the name (code) of the pollutant.

X1 - state of aggregation of the pollutant. This parameter affects the choice of the method for purification the production emissions. For the further calculations' convenience, it was assumed that the solid state is taken equal to 0, liquid and gaseous - 1.

X2 - dispersion of the pollutant, ^m. This parameter limits the use of apparatuses where a "breakthrough" of particles of a certain size is possible and, accordingly, it will affect the efficiency of the process equipment.

X3 - pollutant density, mg/cm3. This is a physical parameter of the test substance, which is taken from the references or laboratory data reference and can affect the operation of the treatment equipment.

X4 - the pollutant particles' shape. This parameter will be used to describe the physical form of solid pollutants and, it can affect the behavior of the pollutant air flow inside the gas purification equipment. For the isometric shape of particles, we shall accept value 3, laminar particles - 2, and fibers - 1.

X5 - pollutant hazard class. This is a sanitary and hygienic parameter, which is accepted depending on the current sanitary standards in the range from 1 to 4.

X6 - effect on the human body. This is a sanitary and hygienic parameter, which depends on the consequences of a pollutant exposure on the human body. For substances that cause irritation / damage to the skin, we use value 3, respiratory / fibrogenic effect - 2, toxic / carcinogenic effect - 1.

X7 - the chemical pollutant composition, which will be used as an information display of the substance composition and for possible chemical reactions in the chemisorption apparatuses.

Xs - maximum allowable concentration of a pollutant, mg/m3. This is a sanitary and hygienic parameter that will indicate the potential danger of a pollutant for humans.

X9 - adhesion of pollutant particles, expressed in terms of the mechanical strain to break the particles' layer, Pa. We will use this parameter when compiling the equipment database.

X10 - combustibility of pollutant particles. For combustible substances, we take value 1, non-combustible - 0. This parameter is a limitation for the use of equipment that contains combustible materials and high operational temperatures.

X11 - wettability of pollutant particles, o. This physical parameter is determined for solid pollutants under laboratory conditions.

Database of process environmental parameters. By analogy, a database is formed as a matrix of environmental parameters (conditions for ensuring the purification process) during the emissions inflow containing pollutants from the source of formation. The condition matrix includes the following parameters:

The first column - specific environmental conditions, characterized by a set of conditions during the release of pollutants and determining the selection of parameters for the implementation of technical solutions.

Yi is the moisture content condition of the pollutant emission. For the moisture-containing emissions, we accept value 1 (we mean that pollutants are emitted accompanied by a significant moisture content), dry pollutant

X12 is the water solubility of a pollutant, which can affect the process of trapping substances in wet type apparatuses. For soluble substances, we accept value 2, poorly soluble -1, and insoluble - 0.

X13 - the capacity to absorb pollutants (sorption) of environmental components. For sorbent substances, we use value 1, for substances that are not capable of absorption, 0.

X14 - the capacity of a pollutant to enter into a chemical reaction. This chemical parameter makes it possible to use wet purification methods (chemisorption) with the pollutant being neutralized.

This list of physico-chemical and sanitary-hygienic parameters of pollutants can be expanded depending on the desired final result of the choice of a technological solution.

To sum up the information on the database of pollutants, we present a database for specific pollutants of enterprises in the heat and power industry and the chemical industry in (Table 1).

emission - 0. This technological parameter influences the choice of a following method for emissions' purification (dry, wet) from the process equipment base.

Y2 - condition for the maximum volume of emissions, m3/h. This technological parameter affects the choice of a certain technological solution, considering its purification capacity.

Y3 is the condition for the maximum temperature of the pollutant emissions, oC. This parameter restricts the choice of technological equipment according to the temperature regime of purification.

Y4 is a condition for the presence of foreign impurities in addition to a specific pollutant. In the presence of foreign impurities, we accept value equal to 1, in the absence of foreign impurities - 0. This technological parameter can

Table 1

Example of a database of pollutants in the heat and chemical industry

Pollutant Xi X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14

Titanium dioxide aerosol 0 0,26 2920 3 4 2 TiO2 10 780 0 36 0 0 0

Ilmenite pilus 0 7,20 3600 3 4 2 FeTiO3 10 320 0 72 0 0 0

Sulfur dioxide 1 - 2,619 - 3 2 SO2 10 - 0 - 2 1 1

Nitrogen dioxide 1 - 2,052 - 3 2, 3 NO2 2 - 0 - 2 1 1

Sulphuric acid 1 - 1836 - 2 1, 2, 3 H2SO4 1 - 0 - 2 1 1

Carbon dioxide 1 - 1,839 - 4 2 CO2 3 - 0 - 2 1 1

complicate the process of purification from substances that can enter a chemical reaction and requires, as an option, the use of more complex technological solutions.

Table 2

Environmental Conditions Database

Type of conditions Yi Y2 Y3 Y4

1 variant 0 3000 100 0

n variant 0 or 1 0 or 1

A generalization of the parameters' matrix of the environmental technological conditions is shown in Table 2.

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Database of parameters of dust and gas purification equipment. The third key block of the study is the formation of a matrix of parameters of dust and gas purification equipment that can be used to remove pollutants (occuring at a particular industrial enterprise or potentially possible for use) and which takes into account the following parameters:

The first column is the name of the dust and gas purification equipment.

Zi - the parameter of the device responsible for the possibility of dry or wet purification. For the wet type devices, we take value i, for the dry method - 0. In order of importance, this is a significant indicator that we propose to use first for a further selection of the technological solutions.

Z2 is the maximum load of the gas phase apparatus, m3/h. This technological parameter characterizes the capacity of the apparatus for purification of the dust and gas flow of a pollutant.

Z3 - hydraulic resistance of the apparatus, Pa. This technological parameter of the equipment takes into account the energy losses during the dust and gas flow in the purification process with the apparatus use.

Z4 - permissible concentration of a pollutant at the input to the apparatus, g/m3. This technological parameter characterizes the capacity of stable operation of the equipment at certain concentrations of the pollutant that is supplied for the treatment.

Z5 is the minimum value of the pollutant concentration at the apparatus output, mg/m3. This parameter depends on the efficiency of the equipment at the optimal parameters of the workflow.

Z6 is the efficiency of the fractional composition capture of pollutant particles (minimum particle size), ^m. This process parameter refers to solid contaminants that can be captured using certain dust and gas purification equipment, taking into account possible deposition mechanisms.

Z7 is the upper temperature limit of the possible operation of the apparatus, °C. This process parameter can be used as a temperature limit to exploit certain environmental conditions and contaminant properties.

Zs is the maximum gas velocity in the apparatus section, m/s. This parameter depends on different hardware designs. For example, for the Ventruri scrubber this will be the maximum gas velocity up to the confuser; for tray apparatuses it will be the velocity in the interplate section of the apparatus.

Z9 is the flow rate of the absorbing liquid, m3/h. This parameter is used for the wet purification devices and is characterized by the maximum flow rate of the absorbing liquid for the processes of deposition/chemisorption of pollutants.

Zi0 is an equipment parameter that is responsible for the capacity to work with sticky pollutant particles. For the devices that can effectively work with sticky particles, we will take value i, whereas for the devices that are not capable to purify the gas flow from sticky particles it will be 0.

A generalized database of dust and gas purification equipment is given in Table 3 [12, 13, 15].

If necessary, the base of equipment can be expanded taking into account various additional equipment or its parameters.

The principle of operation of the sequential hierarchial clustering algorithm will consist in sequential comparison of various parameters (clusters) of the three databases. Depending on the ultimate goal of the comparative analysis, it is possible to rank the value of clusters of various technical or environmental components of blocks X, Y, Z (Fig. 3).

The analysis of clusters of databases of pollutants, technological conditions of the environment and equipment is carried out using the spreadsheet editor. It is convenient to save the final software product in *.xlsx format for the following work at any device that supports this data format.

As an example, let us consider the application of this algorithm in order to optimally select

equipment for purification the emissions with a volume of 5000 m3/h at a temperature of 80 °C from finely suspended titanium dioxide particles (aerosol), which contain additional moisture and foreign pollutants.

In order to sequentially compare clusters of the three databases, the formal conditions, built-in logical commands and truth tables to recheck the comparison results are used. First, a comparison is performed of parameter Zi=0

according to 18 values from the bases X, Y. In parallel, we carry out the selection according to Z1=1. In the case of a full match, a maximum of 18 TRUE values can be obtained. In the matching example, 17 TRUE values were obtained. Parallel calculation for Z1=1 gave the maximum result of TRUE values, so we carry out the next stage of comparing the parameters Z2, Z3, ... , Z10 with the database parameters X, Y.

Table 3

Example of a database of pollutants in the heat and chemical industry

Name of the dust and gas purification equipment Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10

EGU type electrostatic precipitator (EGU 1-7/400-44/2.56-2-11.2) 0 36200 200 90 50 0,1 330 1 - 1

Electric precipitator resin tubular - CP EPRT-11,4-4-SH 0 40500 200 6 20 0,1 330 1 - 1

Sleeve filter with impulse regeneration - SFIR-25 0 2400 2000 10 20 0,3 135 0,55 - 0

Sleeve filter with impulse regeneration - SFIR-1200 0 110000 2000 10 20 0,3 135 0,55 - 0

Two-stage bag-cartridge filter -SB5CF*6 (6 sections) 0 30000 2500 120 1 1 240 0,15 - 0

Battery cyclone - BC-512 (one section) 0 6500 1300 75 10000 10 400 4 - 1

Wet scruber Venturi 150/90800 1 7000 1200 30 500 1 400 5 7 1

Apparatus with Large Holes Sieve Trays (do = 0.06 m) 1 40000 1200 20 50 0,3 400 3,5 10 1

Absorber SHV-50 1 50000 3500 30 100 0,5 300 10 10 1

As a result of sequential comparison of the parameters of the three databases (X, Y, Z), we obtained the final values of the optimal parameters Zi for the above problem. The application of logical filters matching Zi parameters for the equipment base, leads to the recommended result of using the Apparatus with Large Holes Sieve Trays (do = 0.06 m) out of 9

proposed technical solutions in the Z equipment base.

For the convenience of the review of the initial conditions of the algorithm selection in the spreadsheet editor, a separate sheet has been added, in which the possibility of selection a pollutant and environmental conditions from databases X, Y (Fig. 4) is implemented.

Column letter D

Column number in the table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Parameter index X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14

Pollutant selection Titanium dioxide aerosol 1 0 0,26 2920 3 4 2 TiO2 10 780 0 36 0 0 0

Column letter D

Column number in the table 1 2 3 4

Parameter index Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4

Choice of conditions 11 variant 1 1 5000 80 1

Fig.4. Sheet of initial conditions for choosing a technical solution.

As a result of the work performed, the purification equipment for reducing emissions of algorithm for choosing the optimal dust and gas pollutants into the atmosphere is implemented on

6 tabs of the spreadsheet editor. In the case of selection several technical solutions from the equipment base that satisfy the parameters of the pollutant and the technical conditions of the environment, a secondary selection is possible based on the material and technical or environmental characteristics of the equipment.


This work proposed and implemented a methodology for selection dust and gas purification equipment to reduce pollutant emissions in thermal power and chemical industry in the software environment of the spreadsheet editor. Using the spreadsheet editor simplifies the use of the equipment selection technique and makes it available to a wide number of users on computers that support *.xlsx files or online.

The software algorithm is based on the method of sequential hierarchial clustering and comparison of the parameters of three databases: the characteristics of pollutants, the technological conditions of the environment and the parameters of dust and gas purification equipment. Sequential comparison of the characteristics (clusters) of databases allows obtaining the optimal value of the characteristics of the technological solution, taking into account the characteristics of the pollutant and the environmental conditions of this process. In order to sequentially compare clusters of three databases, formal conditions, built-in logical commands, and truth tables of parameter matching conditions were used.

The proposed algorithm and its implementation are characterized by high efficiency and differ from existing approaches in the speed of data processing and flexibility of using, the possibility of supplementing databases of pollutants and process equipment.


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Information about authors.

Kozii Ivan Sergeyevich - PhD, Associate Professor. Research interests: processes and equipment of environmental technologies, modeling of the environment. E-mail:

i.koziy@ecolog.sumdu.edu.ua Plyatsuk Leonid Dmitrievich -

Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of Engineering Academy of Ukraine. Research interests: processes and equipment of environmental technologies, E-mail: l.plyacuk@ecolog.sumdu.edu.ua

Koval Vitaliy Voktorovich -

PhD, Senior Lecturer. Research interests: modern information technologies. E-mail:


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