Научная статья на тему 'Академическая мобильность преподавательского состава'

Академическая мобильность преподавательского состава Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Виневская Анна Вячеславовна

Академическая мобильностьявляется двигателеминтернационализацииобразования.Онапомогаетинтеграциииндивидавмеждународное образовательноесообщество.Она способствует развитиюмежкультурной компетенции, повышает шансы педагогических работников вузов на профессиональную самореализацию и обеспечивает повышение ихпрофессионализмав преподавании, исследованияхи самоуправлении. Основные тезисы статьи заключаются в том, что необходимы более детальные исследования академической мобильности преподавателей высшей школы в России, подход к академической мобильностикаксоциально-культурномуфеномену.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Академическая мобильность преподавательского состава»

4. 24 Rubles.

Part 2

7. How much is width of a rectangle whose square area equals to 24 cm2, and a length equals to 6 cm?


8. Solve the following problem:

A greengrocery received 5 boxes of oranges, 8 kg in each box. Within a day they sold 22 kg. How many kilograms of oranges are left over in the shop? Solution: Part 3

9. In a cartoon a scene is laid in a forest school which is attended by various animals. They were given a task to calculate perimeter of a square a side of which is 6 cm long. Let us see some ways of performing the task by the Forest School students:

Hare: 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24(cm) Ground Squirrel: 6 • 2 + 6 • 2 = 24 (cm) Bear: 6 • 6 = 36 (cm) Fox: 6 • 4 = 24 (cm)

(a) May all the above animals attend the Forest School?

(b) Who of the students is right?

(c) Which of the Forest School student ways to solve the problem are good for quick solution of the problem?

10. Ask a question to the following problem:

In a new album there are 36 coins. In an old album the number of coins is 6 times less compared to the new album.

Answer: _

11. Malvina wrote the following integers on a blackboard: 52, 43, 34, 16 and 70.

Answer the following questions:

(a) Which is common for the above integers?

(b) Add two more integers having the same property.

(c) Place all these integers in the ascending order. Which conformity have you noticed? [2, 41]

Works Cited

1. Recommendations on Developing Teaching Process Directed at Achieving the Standard Requirements to Results of Mastering Major Educational Programs / V. V. Firsov and others. - M., 2004.

2. Selkina? L. V. Competency Building Approach to Estimating Results of Teaching Mathematics / L. V. Selkina, M. A. Khudyakova // Primary School. - 2010. - No. 11.

УДК 378.1 ББК 74.4

А. В. Виневская


Аннотация. Академическая мобильность является двигателем интернационализации образования. Она помогает интеграции индивида в международное образовательное сообщество.Она способствует развитию межкультурной компетенции, повышает шансы педагогических работников вузов на профессиональную самореализацию и обеспечивает повышение их профессионализма в преподавании, исследованиях и самоуправлении. Основные тезисы статьи заключаются в том, что необходимы более детальные исследования академической мобильности преподавателей высшей школы в России, подход к академической мобильности каксоциально-культурному феномену.

Ключевые слова: академическая мобильность, персонал высшей школы, профессионализм, психологическая готовность, профессиональная самооценка, профессиональные претензии.


Abstract. Academic mobility as the mostly developed form of internationalization of an educational field helps integration of an individual into international educational community. It supports development of intercultural competences, promotes the chances of higher school teachers on professional self-realization and increasing their professionalism in teaching, researches and self-management. The main

issues of our research are devoted to a higher school staff academic mobility as a social-cultural phenomenon, investigation of Russia university educators' mobile activity level, assessment of the main characteristics of a staff professional self-esteem which is a psychological background for permanent development of professionalism and self-development of a higher school teacher's personality.

Key words: academic mobility, higher school staff; professionalism, psychological readiness, professional self-esteem, professional claim.


In the periods of global transformations meaningfulness of professional activity efficiency increasing grows significantly not only for a separate person but also for a professional group for which a decision of its subjects' labour efficiency problem is a condition of this institute of professionals evolution. The noted problem acquires meaningfulness in the context of joining Russia to Bologna process and a reform of higher school, which significantly actualizes an increase of scientific-educational personnels' professionalism and investigating factors which are remarkable on this way. At the same time, analysis of the approaches to decision of this problem, which exist in psychology, exposes its insufficient performance, absence of orientation to the concrete forms of professional pedagogical activity and so on. While a higher educational establishment is an open educational system now, which is called to provide graduates with a complex of knowledge, abilities, skills and competences, which would make them competent at the labour market both in Russia and abroad, then, surely, realization of such educational setting needs psycho-pedagogical compliance of higher school staff and the modern professional requirements.

Research purposer: to define the concepts "academic mobility" and "professionalism" of a higher school teacher; to reveal correlation between university teachers' level of professionalism and their professional, personal and psychological readiness to the active and conscious inclusion into the process of international academic mobility; to investigate a level of russian university staff academic mobility process development; to define empirically a level of "mobile" professionals of educational industry self-esteem and on the received data basis educe connections between the level of their professional self-esteem and professionalism which is demanded by the new conditions of an open and mobile higher school educational environment.

Thus the decision of the noted tasks is constrained with the following circumstances: 1) changes which took place in social, whole world and European educational reality is not impossible to take into account, they touch every subject, participating to the educational-educator, scientifical-research and other processes which take place now at higher school; 2) a matter of professional activity becomes more and more complicated, requirements to its efficiency increase, as well as a teacher's responsibility for profe s-sional decisions which are accepted and realized in the context of this activity; 3) on the background of the open "professional space" of higher education and its integration in the international educational space the newest polycultural educational environment of higher educational establishment appeared. All this stimulates higher school of Russia to make the processes of integration into the world and first of all European educational community more dynamic. Such integration takes place on all the levels of the higher educational system functioning at the same time via the processes of academic mobility.

Review of the Literature

Necessity of AM development, which provides an intensive co-operation of higher educational establishments within educational process is demanded by a character of modern society development. The developed countries entered the epoch of post-industrial development, fundamental sign of which is an increasing scientific content of producing goods and services and possibility of economic domination in such situation. It requires from educational system high dynamism in development of innovative technologies and general diversification of educational process at higher school [A. Vinevskaya, 2013].

The basic issue of all certain system levels there is an individual mobility of these sinergeticstruc-tural subjects: students, staff, educational managers, researchers, scientific school founders and others. Mobility (from lat. "mobilis" means mobility, changes, flexibility, movement, moving, also capacity for changes and aspiration of them) This term is mostly used when the question is about the movement of subjects of educational process, which present all four defined above levels. Such mobile changings of the educational systems detect dependence of people and structures of the university world on a sociopolitical, ideological, social-psychological and economic situation in society.

This participation today is specially ranged and constructed. It also realizes strategic and tactical intentions and aims. This endless variety the subjects' participation aims in a socio-cultural process under analysis witch can be divided into 2 groups:

1) extra-vector - for "general business" (and also for Self as a subsystem, a part of culture) is self-realization for complex strategic development;

2) intro-vector - for Self (taking into account others as a mean or environment) is activity as backer-up of higher position, personal success.

Researches testify that much universities use international activity for expansion of their own research possibilities and for increasing the level of teaching at the university, which in its turn assists the

increase of competitiveness and prestige of the university. It also conserns professionalism of modern university teachers.

Among the basic occasions for realization of individual there are conferences, studies of all levels and kinds, internship in all its variaty and work abroad.

In opinion of P. Bourdieu [P. Bourdieu, 1996], lately a competition in education is more perceived by public consciousness as something incompatible with stability, constancy and balance of development of both an individual and a system. The crisis of equilibrium and constancy in a socio-cultural process is represented in public consciousness and provokes appearance of new criteria in education. The search of new coordinates of development of the globalized system of education resulted in a conception of sustainable development, the purpose of which is establishment of new, justified global partnership by creation of new levels of collaboration between the states, key educational organizations and people. Partnership in 20 century, according to a polish researcher. Kozlova [O. Kozlova, 2010] is called to become the main strategy of cross-cultural communication. For its realization by a modern university it is necessary to work out and use a strategy of reorganization of national educational systems' co-opertion a part of which is the program of academic mobility optimization.

A russian researcher of the university mobility L. Grebnev who studies university competition and collaboration, stress as the value of the last one and considers that "possibly it would be easier to survive one by one, but successfull developing is possible only together". Unfortunately, this rather simple idea is badly perceived by our academic and administrative communities. Thus, he says that the "main threat for higher school in the conditions of growing international availability of educational services are the universities themselves, and more precisely - their disconnection" [L. Grebnev, 2011, p. 30].

AM, that grows constantly, acquires importance which allows it to substantially influence the whole institution of higher education. Nevertheless the last 10 years of international academic and scientific mobility became an inalienable element of global landscape of higher education. A barrier which restrains development of is an absence of real, but not declarative relations of collaboration of many Russian universities and teachers with the European universities and teachers. At the same time J. Salmi points in his book "The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities" that in the universities of world level there is a great amount of visiting lecturers from other countries. For example, in Harvard a percent age of teachers from foreign countries is approximately 30 %, in Oxford and Cambridge - 36 and 33 % accordingly [J. Salmi, 2009].


Our empiric researches carried out in 2013-2014 on a sample of 200 university teachers from 3 universities of different regions of Russia, who works in state and private higher educational establishments, demonstrated an extremely low level of their participation in the processes of AM. Analysing the answers to the standardized questionnaire points, we educed that active and conscious participation in the processes of AM allows university teachers to develop their own professionalism, constantly support a high level of self-esteem and claims, to realize aims and satisfy certain needs among which it's especially necessary to distinguish the following ones: interdisciplinary competenses' increasing, receiving special instrumental knowledge and skills through intensive training and researches conducting at the leading universities; an acquaintance with scientific and educational traditions which are kept and developed in different higher educational establishments, regions and countries. In this context mobility is perceived as innovative activity of university teachers.

The respondents' answers to the questions of the standardized questionnaire concerning their experience of participating in exchange educational processes gave us results which have been generalized.

The most widespread type of scientific and academic exchanges - International scientific conferences - is inaccessible today for 60 % of teachers who work in universities. There are sufficiently many reasons of it: from lack of financing for such participation to the insufficient possessing of foreign language necessary for scientific communication with colleagues. It, actually, leads them out to the road side of modern scientific discussion which actually creates dynamism of a scientific thought, stimulates cross-cultural research, takes university science on the level of contemporaneity. What can such a lecturer offer to his student in modern situation? Unfortunately, not very much. Because it is possible neither to create modern scientific knowledge nor high-quality research schools in the conditions of information and scientific isolation. Thus, plenitude of professional competence of such teacher in a modern university appears problematic because as it is well-known that the absence of a certain competence is, actually, a form of incompetence.

According to the results of research only 13 % of respondents had an experience of participating in international scientific conferences, among them 8 % presented the results of their own scientific researches there. Only 3 % of university teachers who participated in questioning constantly visit scientific conferences in foreign countries. Less than 0,5 % university staff are the members (collective or personal) of scientific or educational associations.

The same isolation from the processes of mobility and intensive professional contacts with the representatives of foreign academic and scientific association is demonstrated by the answers of the respon-

dents to the following questions: 86 % of the university teachers does not support any contacts with colleagues from other countries; the same percent of them never applied and, accordingly, did not get any grants in support of their AM; only 7,5 % had an opportunity to conduct research abroad, and 6 % - to pass internship or study in foreign universities; only 3 % of the polled teachers had the opportunity to teach in foreign universities.

On the background of the previously formulated positions and a pilotage research data, we suggested a hypothesis about the existence of direct dependence between the level of professional self-esteem, claims and professionalism of a higher school teacher and his active participation in the processes of AM in modern situation.

Such postulate is supported by the next issues:

• AM can be determined as an inalienable form of existence of intellectual potential, which represents realization of internal necessity of this potential in motion in space of social, economic, cultural, political, educational mutual relations and intercommunications;

• due to AM, definite important professional qualities can be automatically and even unconsciously developed in a person: ability to view their own country in a cross-cultural aspect; knowledge about other cultures, studied from inside; ability to choose the ways of co-operation with surroundings; ability to think in a comparative style; a capacity for realization of cross-cultural communication;

• in the process of AM a person corrects their self perception, and also acquires ability to determine insufficiency of present knowledge and desire to enlarge it during the whole life;

• participating in the processes of internship, studies, research, teaching in foreign universities promotes a level of professional self-esteem of higher school staff and assists their professionalism perfecting.

Thus AM cannot be limited by a system of academic exchanges of the educational subjects at higher school, because in reality it is a difficult and multiple process of exchange of scientific and cultural potential, increasing intellectual resources, an advancement of innovative study and teaching technologies, stimulation of personal and professional perfecting and self-perfecting.

It induced us to define and theoretically settle a contradiction between stable "psychological system of activity" of higher school teacher and demands of personal and professional integration of modern specialist of educational field into the system of coordinates of European polycultural higher education [V. Shadrykov, 2007].


Today the optimal level of professionalizing foresees using many types of knowledge which reveals the borders of definite field for the decision of various professional tasks. In fact during last years the perception of pedagogical profession stability has changed grately that became especially obvious in the system of higher education. As a result of more rapid polycultural, technological, civilizational development profession of higher school teacher stopped to be permanent and completed system of knowledge and skills. Among the factors which fold structural-semantic basis of higher school teachers' professionalism a multiple nature, plenitude and maturity of their personality, level of their self-esteem and claims in professional activity, their professional consciousness are playing more and more important role.

In a social exposure personality of a higher school teacher is a multilevel personality of a higher qualification specialist who carries out socially meaningful activity, - educational, scientifically, research, elucidative, organizational, cultural producing and others - as a creative, active subject of sinergetic society self-organization. So a higher school teacher is a professional who creates new, constructive, socially valuable systems in all forms and directions of their activity.

Psychologically a normative personality (who carries out his professional activity in accordance with the requirements of society) of a higher school teacher is characterized by many parameters among which are: 1) a level of general and professional abilities development; 2) a level of special pedagogical abilities, knowledge and skills development; 3) a level of development of individually-psychological features (character, will, temperament, ability to manage emotional and affective psychical conditions) which provides successful pedagogical activity at higher school; 4) a level of development of special cognitive (intellectual, creative) abilities in accordance with requirements to the teacher of higher school [V. Druzhinin, 2000; V. Bodrov, 2006; V. Shadrykov, 2007].

Having regard to all external and internal factors which influence development of a person and profession correlation we realize a necessity of their systematization accordant to the principles of synergy. Methods of modelling and making projects of professional activity are very supportive and helpful in this context.

Conceptual model of professional activity according to S. Druzhilov "is the original internal world of an active person which is based on plenty of information about professional environment, an object of labor, aims, facilities and methods of activity" [S. Druzhilov, 2001, p. 198]. Exactly from this point of view we are interested in the deep structural-psychological analysis of a staff activity in a polycultural area of modern university.

In spite of the changes of educational paradigm and basic requirements to professional pedagogical activity of a higher school teacher during last years, a correction of conceptually-vivid model of profes-

sional-pedagogical activity of teacher takes place slowly enough, gradually, in condition of accumulation and crystallization of work experience, theoretical knowledge, applied and methodical abilities, changes of motives, options, aims and, eventually, professional "Self-concept" of a man. Nevertheless coming from its major characteristics such as complexity, activity and dynamism which in complex characterize human readiness to changes, it is possible to assert that having such readiness a person is able to correct and specify his own internal model, include new systems of mutual relations into it. The conceptual model of professional activity (CMPA) is formed individually, so no identical models exist and thus unique CMPA allows a teacher to realize an individual style of activity, also due to attaching to the processes of AM in a globalized world.

To our mind the offered theoretical model of higher school teacher personality would be substantially complemented by such a system-making factor as a professionalism, having defined its psychological characteristics. "Professionalism is an ability of a person (as an individual, personality, subject of activity and individuality) to execute activity at a high level, - systematically, effectively and reliably in various terms... it is a human special mental outlook and another qualitative way of life of a professional".

Psychologists insist that professionalism of a person is not only achieving high labour results but also peculiarities of his professional motivation, system of his desires, values, sense of work - all that actually form his professional self-consciousness. Professional self-consciousness contains a Self-picture of a man as a member of professional association, transmitter of professional culture, certain professional norms, rules, traditions peculiar to the corresponding professional community. Accordingly, professionalism must be examined not only as psychological but also as the original socio-cultural phenomenon [S. Druzhilov, 2011, p. 36-37, 202-203].

In any definition professionalism comes forward as a description of professional activity which is based on high and comprehensive educational level, good self-regulation ability and sustainable motivation. We view professionalism as a factor of individual interpersonal integration into a social environment, but it also predetermines not only an adequate adaptation but a creative development of a subject professional activity.

Professionalism is the greatest standard of professional activity and related to self-realization in this kind of activity.

In modern science problem isn't solved a concerning the main trends of person's professionalism forming: by natural development or in greater case due to the purposeful forming (professional education). An eclectic approach to this contradiction says it is possible to speak both about development and forming, and also about human self-development as a professional which is different with people and in different periods of their development.

In opinion of western researchers professional growth takes place due to some special skills (meta-skills): 1) rapid mastering of new studies and self-training methods; 2) developed capacity for reflection; 3) high adaptiveness; 4) high level of self-efficiency, in other words - a conscious ability to cope with different situations in the process of conducting official activity [M. London, E. M. Moon, 1987; A. Howard, D. W. Bray, 1988; D. T. Hall, P. H. Mirvis, 1995]. Ukrainian researcher L. Turishcheva considers that forming of professionalism goes in three basic directions: 1) change of all system of activity. In fact during outworking of corresponding labour skills a movement of personality on the stages of professional mastership occurs and personality style of activity is forming; 2) change of a teacher's personality which appears both in original appearance (communication, emotionality and so on) and in forming of necessary elements of professional consciousness (professional attention, memory, thought, emotional-volition sphere etc); 3) change of definite components of a teacher's setting to his activity which appears in a cognitive sphere at the level of its meaningfulness understanding; in an emotional sphere - in interest to it; in a practical sphere - in understanding own real possibilities.

And then an identical professional is an over national universal professional with actually boundless adaptation possibilities in the different modern polycultural conditions of educational environment.

Thus professionalism appears both in high results of activity and in the conditions (states) of a person. That's why M. Dmitriyeva and S. Druzhilov distinguish two groups of criteria of professionalism efficiency: external (one of which - academic mobility - we have viewed before) and internal. Accordingly a group of internal criteria of professionalism level evaluation is characterized by following indexes: professionally meaningful peculiarities; professional knowledge, abilities and skills; professional motivation; professional self-esteem and a level of claims; capacity for self-regulation and stress coping; peculiarities of professional co-operation.

Process of professional development which is examined can be presented as an example of a modern teacher integration into a new for him polycultural environment of integrated European higher education with its permanent values, traditions and style.

As practice shows it is impossible not to take into account even a short-term influence, on an academic migration, a person self-esteem, self-consciousnessness and self-perception. In fact teaching or research work in a foreign university can last from half a year to a few years. It demands subject's mastering of a new vital and professional space. Without such mastering mobility remains superficial and partly

capable to settle the only problem - self-presentation of this process actor, but in no way a problem of the mutual understanding, lining up dialogic relations of partnership.

Thus, having in mind all the above-mentioned, we came to a conclusion that the most meaningful place in the psychological structure of university teachers' professionalism is occupied by a professional self-esteem as the main characteristic of personality adaptation potential to the new conditions of professional activity and important component of a professional self-consciousness [S. Druzhilov, 2001].


To determinate a level of the investigated teachers' self-esteem we have chosen a method of self-esteem assessment created by Dembo-Rubinstein. Leaning on the quantitative indexes of the previous questioning concerning university staff participation in the processes of real academic mobility we have defined a sample which includes 70 persons who appeared the direct actors of these processes according to the results of questioning and individual conversations. Thus factors of age, sex, experience (lenth) of work at the university, the presence/absence of scientific degree and scientific rank were not much deciding in the case.

According to the idea of the authors of the method T. Dembo, who suggested to use it for investigation of the respondents' notion of happiness, and S. Rubinstein, who modified this method to research of self-esteem, it is foreseen for psychological diagnostics of a self-esteem state of the next parameters: height, stability, degree of adequacy, criticism, exactingness to Self, satisfaction by Self, level of optimism, integration of conscious and unconscious levels of self-esteem, maturity/immaturity of attitude toward values, presence and character of compensatory mechanisms which participate in "Self-concept" forming. Modifications of the method were carried out A. Prikhozhan and P. Yanshin for different target groups and aims of investigation.

Thus, received data can be used for harmonization of the world perception by university teachers, realizing their place in a triad "Person - Profession - University Polycultural Environment" and an accordance of their own professional activity to the international contexts in the field of modern higher education.

Research allowed to educe a substantial interdependence of higher school teachers' professionalism level and their active and conscious participation in the processes of AM. Academic mobility as the most developed form of internationalization of educational sphere which helps integration of individual into international educational society. It provides possibility to use educational experience of countries -world leaders in this sphere, supports development of intercultural competences, promotes the chances of higher school teachers on professional self-realization and cultivation of professionalism in teaching, researches, self- management in an educative process.

At the same time the level of academic mobility among the university teachers in Russia is impermissibly low. Nowadays almost 80 % of these specialists exist outside an active exchange by pedagogical, methodical, scientific and research acquisitions that substantially brakes their professional development in accordance with the modern conditions of globalization in an educational sphere, impoverishes their work experience and teaching mastership.

An assessment of "mobile" university teachers' professional self-esteem level allowed to confirm our hypothesis that they have a high and stable professional self-esteem, an adequate mainly high level of claims in their professional teaching activity which is a psychological background for permanent development of professionalism and self-development of a higher school teacher personality. These results justified a great role which is played by psychological processes of personality development and self-development of university teaching staff in the process of increasing its professionalism.

To sum up, gradual accumulation of work experience, theoretical knowledge, change of motives, viewpoints, aims, self-esteem and claims increasing in professional activity and personality development, changes in professional "Self-concept" of a person stimulate a correction of a conceptual model of the university staff professional activity, increasing a level of professionalism which leads university teachers to the stage of mastership in their own pedagogical activity.

Works Cited

1. Bodrov, V. (2006). Psychology of Professional Competence [Бодров В. А. Психология профессиональной пригодности: учеб. пособие для вузов / В. А. Бодров. - 2-е изд. - М.: ПЕР СЭ, 2006. - 512 с.].

2. Grebnev, L. (2011). Economics [Гребнев, Л. Экономика: учебник / Л. Гребнев. - М.: Логос, 2011].

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4. Druzhinin, V. (2000). Variants of Life. Reviews on Existential Psychology [Дружинин, В. Варианты жизни. Очерки экзистенциальной психологии / В. Дружинин. - М.: ПЕР СЭ; СПб.: ИМАТОН-М, 2000].

5. Ermolayeva, E. (2008). Psychologyof a ProfessionalSocialRealization [Ермолаева, Е. П. Психология социальной реализации профессионала / Е. П. Ермолаева. - М.: Институт психологии РАН, 2008. - 348 с.].

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10. Moon, J. (1999). Reflection in Learning and Professional Development: theory and practice. - London; Kogan Page.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

11. Salmi, J. (2009). The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities. - Washington, DC: the World Bank.

12. Shadrykov, V. (2007). Mental Development of Human [Ментальноеразвитиечеловека: монография / В. Д. Шадриков. - М.: Аспект-Пресс, 2007. - 288 с.].

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15. Yanshin, P. (2004). Practicumon Clinical Psychology [Яньшин, П. В. Практикум по клинической психологии. Методы исследования личности // Исследование личности по Дембо-Рубинштейн с элементами клинической беседы. - СПб., 2004].

УДК 378 ББК 74.200.51

О. А. Беляева


Аннотация. Активные методы обучения способствуют росту инициативы студентов. Для нашего эксперимента мы выбрали использование метода проектов. Для контроля полученных знаний, используемых кроссворды, головоломки, загадки. Развлекательной подход к практике оправдан, студенты положительно воспринимают его и ценят.

Ключевые слова: активные методы обучения, метод проектов.

O. A. Belyaeva


Abstract. Active teaching methods contribute to the initiative of the students. For our experiment we selected the use of project lessons. The lesson was preceded by brainstorming, in which the subject of possible projects was viewed. For control of obtained knowledge used crosswords, puzzles, riddles. The use of entertaining approach to practice is justified, students perceived and appreciated.

Key words: active learning methods, project method.


Youth education in the field of healthy lifestyles and responsible attitude to personal safety must be continuous. Entertaining elements of learning make complex scientific truth more accessible

The novelty, originality, surprise, the strangeness of - the main components of diversion. Students they stimulate cognitive interest, exacerbate mental processes, make more closely scrutinize the subject.

In practical classes used entertaining form of consolidation of the new material. Also used crosswords, puzzles and riddles for testing of residual knowledge.

Quite a large number of authors talking about the benefits of applying entertaining learning among students, but the value of such elements in the classroom with students, not so much. Therefore, the aim of the present work is to study the effect of the application of non-traditional ways of learning and testing of residual knowledge of the students.

There are many organizational forms of education, through which you can implement entertaining. Understanding featured in teaching finds support in the works Bleher F. N., Kasatkina N. A., Gantry O. A., Kalinevich S. V., Lucienne S. O., Lonshakova A. A. Most often, these forms are used in primary school. Therefore, the aim of the research was to study the influence entertaining forms of training on the academic performance of students.

Literature Review

It is known that one of the general laws of learning process is the dependence of the efficiency of learning and the intellectual activity of a student. Active learning methods provide greater activity of trainees than traditional methods, because as it is established experimentally the memory of a man is deeply impressed up to 10 % by what they hear, up to 50 % by what they see, and up to 90 % by they do.

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