AGGRESSIVENESS IN TEENAGERS AND ITS IMPACT ON THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH PARENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Rudakova A.A., Umarova M.A., Volkodav T.V.

The article is devoted to the problem of teenagersaggressiveness on the basis of the research of young scholars at Kuban State University attended by N = 100 respondents (F = 50, M = 50) aged from 15 to 17 years old, using the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, BDHI (1957). The paper is aimed to identify whether family relationships affect the aggressiveness of teenagers.

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Rudakova А. А.


Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communicative Studies

Kuban State University Russia, Krasnodar Umarova М.А.


Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communicative Studies

Kuban State University Russia, Krasnodar Volkodav T. V.

Ph.D., MA in Pedagogy and Psychology, associate professor in the

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Kuban State University Russia, Krasnodar AGGRESSIVENESS IN TEENAGERS AND ITS IMPACT ON THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH PARENTS

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of teenagers' aggressiveness on the basis of the research of young scholars at Kuban State University attended by N = 100 respondents (F = 50, M = 50) aged from 15 to 17 years old, using the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, BDHI (1957). The paper is aimed to identify whether family relationships affect the aggressiveness of teenagers.

Keywords: aggressiveness, hostility, teenagers, parents and children, relationships, conflict.

1. Introduction

Currently the study of aggressiveness in teenagers refers to the developing field of psychology. Aggressiveness is a phenomenon that plays a special role in people's mental life, their development, self-realization, relationships with other people, and finally, in the life of society as a whole.

In adolescence, aggressive behavior results in conflicts. In one-parent families or families, marked by disharmony in child-parent relations, a high degree of aggressive behavior is observed [4]. Aggressiveness can spread from generation to generation. Mothers may have learned to behave aggressively toward their children from their own experiences as children in more violent families. When aggressiveness between father and child occurred, it emanated from a different source, either from individually based violent "natures" or from learned roles available to them outside of the family [2]. A good conflict resolution might prevent family violence, just as the use of nonviolent strategies might facilitate conflict resolution [3]. Parents, in particular, are worried about the sexual behavior of their child. It is noteworthy that the nature of the relationship between mother and daughter predetermines the future sexual experience of the girl [1].

1. Materials and Methods

The current study was conducted on the basis of school № 98 (Krasnodar, Russia). The study involved 100 schoolchildren (M = 50, F = 50) aged from 15 to 17 years old. We conducted a survey using a 75-item Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, BDHI (1957) to determine the level of the respondents' aggressiveness in adolescents, teenagers and adults. The questionnaire is designed to identify the level of aggressiveness, and the main types of aggressiveness and hostility in interpersonal interaction at home and in the classroom. By aggressiveness we mean a trait of a person, which manifests itself in the desire to harm an object of aggression. Anger can be directed to both external objects and oneself. Hostility is understood as a reaction that develops negative feelings and negative assessments of people and events.

The questionnaire serves to identify the following types of reactions:

• assault;

• indirect hostility;

• irritability (tendency to display negative feelings at the slightest excitement, e.g., rudeness);

• negativism;

• resentment;

• suspicion;

• verbal hostility (verbal responses, e.g., curses, threats) [5].

The scale of hostility includes resentment and suspicion questions (5-6, 1314, 21-22, 29-30, 37-38, 45, 51-52, 58). The aggressiveness scale includes assault, verbal hostility and irritability (1, 3, 7, 15, 19, 25, 27-28, 31, 33, 42, 46, 48, 50, 53, 55, 57, 60, 62, 64, 68, 71-73) (Table 1).

Table 1: The Buss-Durkee Hostility' Inventory, BDHI (1957)

The Russian version of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, BDHI (1957) The Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, BDHI (1957)

1. Временами я не могу справиться с желанием причинить вред другому. 2. Иногда я сплетничаю о людях, которых не люблю. 3. Я легко раздражаюсь, но быстро успокаиваюсь. 4. Если меня не попросят по-хорошему, то я не выполню просьбу. 5. Я не всегда получаю то, что мне положено. 6. Я не знаю, что люди говорят обо мне за моей спиной. 7. Если я не одобряю друзей, я даю им это почувствовать. 8. Если мне случалось обмануть кого-нибудь, я испытывал мучительные угрызения совести. 9. Мне кажется, что я не способен 1. At times I can not cope with the desire to harm another. 2. Sometimes I gossip about people I don't like. 3. I'm easily annoyed, but quickly calm down. 4. If I'm not going to ask nicely, I will not comply with a request. 5. I don't always get what I'm supposed to do. 6. I don't know what people say about me behind my back. 7. If I ever deceived someone, I felt painful remorse. 8. If I ever cheated on someone, I felt painful remorse. 9. I don't think I'm capable of hitting

ударить человека.

10. Я никогда не раздражаюсь настолько, чтобы кидаться предметами.

11. Я всегда снисходителен к чужим недостаткам.

12. Если мне не нравится установленное правило, мне хочется нарушить его.

13. Другие умеют почти всегда пользоваться благоприятными обстоятельствами.

14. Я держусь настороженно с людьми, которые относятся ко мне несколько более дружественно, чем я ожидаю.

15. Я часто бываю не согласен с людьми.

16. Иногда мне на ум приходят мысли, которых я стыжусь.

17. Если кто-нибудь первым ударит меня, я не отвечу ему.

18. Когда я раздражаюсь, я хлопаю дверьми.

19. Я гораздо более раздражен, чем кажется.

20. Если кто-нибудь корчит из себя начальника, я всегда поступаю ему наперекор.

21. Меня немного огорчает моя судьба.

22. Я думаю, что многие люди не любят меня.

23. Я не могу удержаться от спора, если люди не согласны со мной.

24. Люди, увиливающие от работы, должны испытывать чувство вины.

25. Тот, кто оскорбляет меня или мою семью, напрашивается на драку.

26. Я не способен на грубые шутки.

27. Меня охватывает ярость, когда надо мной насмехаются.

28. Когда люди строят из себя начальников, я делаю все, чтобы они не зазнавались.

29. Почти каждую неделю я вижу кого-нибудь, кто мне не нравится.

30. Довольно многие люди завидуют мне.

31. Я требую, чтобы люди уважали мои права.

32. Меня угнетает, что я мало делаю для своих родителей.

33. Люди, которые постоянно изводят вас, стоят, чтобы их щелкнули по носу._

a man.

10. I'm never annoyed enough to throw objects.

11. I always indulgent to others ' weaknesses.

12. If I don't like the rule, I want to break it.

13. Others are able to benefit from favourable circumstances.

14. I'm being wary of people who treat me a little bit more friendly than I expected.

15. I often find myself disagreeing with people.

16. Sometimes I think of things I'm ashamed of.

17. If anyone hits me first, I won't answer him.

18. When I get annoyed, I slam the doors.

19. I'm much more annoyed than I think I am.

20. If anyone makes a boss, I always go against him.

21. Me a bit upset my fate.

22. I think a lot of people don't like me.

23. I can't help it if people don't agree with me.

24. People, shirking from work should feel a sense of guilt.

25. Whoever insults me or my family is asking for a fight.

26. I am not able to horseplay.

27. I get enraged when I'm mocked.

28. When people act like superiors, I make sure they don't get angry.

29. Almost every week, I see someone I don't like.

30. Quite a few people envy me.

31. I demand that people respect my rights.

32. It depresses me that I don't do much for my parents.

33. People who constantly harass you, are worth, to their clicked on the nose.

34. От злости я иногда бываю мрачен.

35. Если ко мне относятся хуже, чем я того заслуживаю, я не огорчаюсь.

36. Если кто-то выводит меня из себя, я не обращаю на него внимания.

37. Хотя я и не показываю этого, иногда меня гложет зависть.

38. Иногда мне кажется, что надо мной смеются.

39. Даже если я злюсь, я не прибегаю к "сильным" выражениям.

40. Мне хочется, чтобы мои грехи были прощены.

41. Я редко даю сдачи, даже если кто-нибудь ударит меня.

42. Когда получается не по-моему, я иногда обижаюсь.

43. Иногда люди раздражают меня своим присутствием.

44. Нет людей, которых бы я по-настоящему ненавидел.

45. Мой принцип: «Никогда не доверять чужакам».

46. Если кто-нибудь раздражает меня, я готов сказать все, что я о нем думаю.

47. Я делаю много такого, о чем впоследствии сожалею.

48. Если я разозлюсь, я могу ударить кого-нибудь.

49. С десяти лет я никогда не проявлял вспышек гнева.

50. Я часто чувствую себя, как пороховая бочка, готовая взорваться.

51. Если бы все знали, что я чувствую, меня бы считали человеком, с которым легко ладить.

52. Я всегда думаю о том, какие тайные причины заставляют людей делать что-нибудь приятное для меня.

53. Когда на меня кричат, я начинаю кричать в ответ.

54. Неудачи огорчают меня.

55. Я дерусь не реже и не чаще, чем другие.

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56. Я не могу вспомнить случая, когда я был настолько зол, что хватал попавшуюся под руку вещь и ломал ее.

57. Иногда я чувствую, что готов первым начать драку._

34. From anger I sometimes found a gloom.

35. If I'm treated worse than I deserve, I'm not upset.

36. If someone pisses me off, I don't pay attention to him.

37. Although I don't show it, sometimes I get jealous.

38. Sometimes I think they're laughing at me.

39. Even if I'm angry, I don't use strong language.

40. I want my sins forgiven.

41. I rarely give in, even if someone hits me.

42. When I don't get my way, sometimes I get offended.

43. Sometimes people annoy me with their presence.

44. There are no people I really hate.

45. My principle: "never trust strangers".

46. If anyone annoys me, I'm willing to say whatever I think about him.

47. I do a lot of things that I regret later.

48. If I get angry, I can hit someone.

49. Since I was ten, I've never shown outbursts of anger.

50. I often feel like a powder keg ready to explode.

51. If everyone knew how I felt, I'd be considered a man who's easy to get along with.

52. I always think about what secret reasons make people do something nice for me.

53. When I scream I start to shout in response.

54. Failure upsets me.

55. I fight no less and no more than others.

56. I can't remember a time when I was so angry that I grabbed a thing and broke it.

57. Sometimes I feel like I'm ready to start a fight first._

58. Иногда я чувствую, что жизнь поступает со мной несправедливо.

59. Раньше я думал, что большинство людей говорит правду, но теперь я в это не верю.

60. Я ругаюсь только со злости.

61. Когда я поступаю неправильно, меня мучает совесть.

62. Если для защиты своих прав мне надо применять физическую силу, я применяю ее.

63. Иногда я выражаю свой гнев тем, что стучу по столу кулаком.

64. Я бываю грубоват по отношению к людям, которые мне не нравятся.

65. У меня нет врагов, которые хотели бы мне навредить.

66. Я не умею поставить человека на место, даже если он того заслуживает.

67. Я часто думаю, что жил неправильно.

68. Я знаю людей, которые способны довести меня до драки.

69. Я не огорчаюсь из-за мелочей.

70. Мне редко приходит в голову, что люди пытаются разозлить или оскорбить меня.

71. Я часто просто угрожаю людям, хотя и не собираюсь приводить угрозы в исполнение.

72. В последнее время я стал занудой.

73. В споре я часто повышаю голос.

74. Я стараюсь скрывать плохое отношение к людям.

75. Я лучше соглашусь с чем-либо, чем стану спорить._

58. Sometimes I feel like life isn't fair to me.

59. I used to think most people were telling the truth, but now I don't believe it.

60. I only swear out of anger

61. When I do the wrong thing, my conscience hurts me.

62. If I have to use physical force to protect my rights, I will use it.

63. Sometimes I Express my anger by banging on the table with my fist.

64. I'm being rude to people I don't like.

65. I have no enemies who would want to hurt me.

66. I don't know how to put a man on the place, even if he deserves it.

67. I often think that lived wrong.

68. I know people who can get me into a fight.

69. I'm not upset about the little things.

70. It rarely occurs to me that people try to piss me off or insult me.

71. I often just threaten people, though I'm not going to execute them.

72. I've become a bore lately.

73. The argument I often raise my voice

74. I try to hide my bad attitude towards people.

75. I'd rather agree with something than argue._

2. Results and Conclusions

The analysis of the data showed that both male and female respondents equally have a high score on the hostility index (40%). The aggressiveness index exceeding the norm is 47% for male respondents and 27% for female respondents. Thus, the behavior of female interviewees is characterized by higher indices of hostility compared to aggressiveness. Analyzing the data, we can assume that aggressive behavior in both female and male respondents varies according to such indicators as physical aggressiveness, irritation, verbal aggressiveness and suspicion. Therefore, aggressiveness and irritation are more developed in male respondents, whereas the suspicion index is more evident in female respondents.

Furthermore, a comparison of indices of indirect aggressiveness, negativism

and resentment reveals no statistically significant difference in respondents of different sexes. In both groups, high indices are observed for verbal aggressiveness, negativism and resentment, which is typical for adolescent behavior.

Similarly, a comparative analysis of women and men showed that both groups have an index of aggressiveness that exceeds the index of hostility. However, the indices of aggressiveness in both groups are almost equal, and the index of hostility in female respondents prevails over the index of hostility in male respondents. The degree of hostility, offending female respondents, exceeds the degree of hostility and resentment in male respondents.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Diagram 1: The Percentage of Adolescents with a High Index of Different Forms of Aggressiveness in Groups

The analysis of the study has shown that the level of physical aggressiveness in female respondents (27%) is on average lower than that of male respondents (47%). Female respondents are more characterized by verbal aggressiveness, it is expressed in both direct and indirect form.

Theoretical analysis of the problem, suggests that in young men physical aggressiveness appears as compensation for neurotic disorders or gender disorders. Such young men often move away from the group, avoid contact with peers, or display antisocial behavior. Girls react more violently to intrapsychic events (underestimation of external or spiritual data, ingratitude, psychological infringement). Their anger is often determined by the quality of interpersonal relationships, resulting in an uncontrolled situation.

A high level of indirect aggressiveness indicates a frustration (a deep depression associated with violation of plans) of a teenager and his attempts to contain aggressive manifestations. In this case, aggressiveness is directed at parents, teachers, friends and acquaintances.

Unlike the male respondents, the females show higher rates of hostility, resentment, suspicion and verbal aggressiveness, which indicates the instability of their relationships with others. The males demonstrate increased physical aggressiveness (47%) and irritation, which together with negativism, is a dangerous indicator for aggressive and criminal acts. This leads to more conflicts with parents, rather than peers. Both female and male respondents tend to

experience negativism, indirect aggressiveness and resentment, which indicates to a depressed state and the need for self-affirmation.


1. Fox G. L., Judith K. Inazu Patterns and Outcomes of Mother-Daughter Communication About Sexuality // Social Issues. 1980. №1.

2. Heiner C. The Intergenerational Transmission of Family Aggressiveness // Journal of Family Violence. 1994. №2.

3. Martin Michael J. Family Violence and Adolescents' Perceptions of Outcomes of Family Conflict. // Journal of Marriage and the Family. 1987.

4. Spillane-Grieco E. From Parent Verbal Abuse to Teenage Physical Aggressiveness? // Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 2000. №17.

5. The Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory. Retrieved from https://onlinetestpad.com/ru/test/6-oprosnik-bassa-darki



Abstract: In this article, the characteristics and properties of tolerance are examined. The descriptions of external types of individuals are given on the basis of their degree of tolerance.

Key words: tolerance, personality, soul, character, character.

Tolerance is an individual's personality, respecting and accepting a variety of ways to express and express himself. Inner personality generates knowledge, sincerity, open communication, and perverse thinking, conscience, and belief. Tolerance is a diversity unit. This is not just a moral duty but also a political and legal necessity. Tolerance is a way to broaden the spirit of co-operation people regaining peace, sincerity, mutual goodwill, harmony, mutual support, and avoiding the cultural unity of recipes.

Tolerance is not an act of compassion, contemplation, or sympathy, but rather an active relationship based on the universal human rights, fundamental freedoms, personal views and attitudes. In addition, tolerance means that people are entitled to the same personality, as well as that one's views can not be compelled to others, even though people have the right to be differentiated in their outward аppearance, appearance, self-esteem, speech, behavior and values.An analysis of interpersonal relationships leads to a positive tendency (sympathy, affection, friendship, happiness, etc.) in a person to a tendency toward tolerance, but contributes to the formation of a negative attitude towards others, such as whims, malice, antipathies, and hatred.

The formation of tolerance is closely linked to the irresistible nature of man. Loving, treating, and lovingly others requires a strong will of the one who is willing to be patient, sincere, respectful, and respectful of the character and attitude of the person he does not like. Human thinking is directly related to how

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