Научная статья на тему 'Age features of different gradations of blood pressure'

Age features of different gradations of blood pressure Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Bekmatova Shahlo Kadambayevna, Ismailov Anvarbek Ulugbek Ugli, Otajanova Sevara Khasanbayevna, Satimova Dilnoza Makhmudovna, Otajonov Sirojiddin Abdurasul Ugli

Аrterial hypertension (AH) remains one of the most important problems of modern science and practice. In order to successfully control this disease, health authorities need to have information about the prevalence of AH, as well as the significance of various modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Non-modifiable risk factors include age. The present study assessed the prevalence of AH among the unorganized male population aged 20-69 years. The paper uses population-based research methods recommended by who for epidemiological studies. The increase in the frequency of hypertension with age, as well as features of the frequency of different blood pressure gradations in certain age groups.

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Похожие темы научных работ по клинической медицине , автор научной работы — Bekmatova Shahlo Kadambayevna, Ismailov Anvarbek Ulugbek Ugli, Otajanova Sevara Khasanbayevna, Satimova Dilnoza Makhmudovna, Otajonov Sirojiddin Abdurasul Ugli

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Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) остаётся одной из наиболее важных проблем современной науки и практики. Для успешной борьбы с этим заболеванием органам здравоохранения необходимо располагать сведениями о распространённости АГ, а также значимости различных модифицируемых и не модифицируемых факторов риска. К числу не модифицируемых факторов риска относится возраст. В настоящем исследовании дана оценка распространённости АГ среди неорганизованного мужского населения в возрасте 20 69 лет. В работе применены популяционные методы исследования, рекомендованные ВОЗ для эпидемиологических исследований. Показано увеличение частоты АГ с возрастом, а также особенности частоты различных градаций АД в отдельных возрастных группах.

Текст научной работы на тему «Age features of different gradations of blood pressure»



Bekmatova Sh.K.1, Ismailov A.U.2, Otajanova S.Kh.3, Satimova D.M.4, Otajonov S.A.5 Email: [email protected]

1Bekmatova Shahlo Kadambayevna - Assistant, DEPARTMENT OF PROPAEDEUTICS OF INTERNAL DISEASES AND SKIN AND VENEREAL DISEASES; 2Ismailov Anvarbek Ulugbek ugli- Student;

3Otajanova Sevara Khasanbayevna- Student; 4Satimova Dilnoza Makhmudovna- Student;

5Otajonov Sirojiddin Abdurasul ugli- Student;


Abstract: arterial hypertension (AH) remains one of the most important problems of modern science and practice. In order to successfully control this disease, health authorities need to have information about the prevalence of AH, as well as the significance of various modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Non-modifiable risk factors include age. The present study assessed the prevalence of AH among the unorganized male population aged 20-69 years. The paper uses population-based research methods recommended by who for epidemiological studies. The increase in the frequency of hypertension with age, as well as features of the frequency of different blood pressure gradations in certain age groups. Keywords: blood pressure, hypertension, classification, age, features, prevalence, complications.


1 2 3

Бекматова Ш.К. , Исмаилов А.У. , Отажанова С.Х. , Сатимова Д.М.4, Отажонов С.А.5

1Бекматова Шахло Кадамбаевна - ассистент, кафедра пропедевтики внутренних болезней и кожно-венерологических заболеваний;

2Исмаилов Анварбек Улугбек угли - студент;

3Отажанова Севара Хасанбаевна - студент;

4Сатимова Дилноза Махмудовна - студент;

5Отажонов Сирожиддин Абдурасул угли - студент, лечебный факультет, Ургенчский филиал Ташкентская медицинская академия г., Ургенч, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: артериальная гипертензия (АГ) остаётся одной из наиболее важных проблем современной науки и практики. Для успешной борьбы с этим заболеванием органам здравоохранения необходимо располагать сведениями о распространённости АГ, а также значимости различных модифицируемых и не модифицируемых факторов риска. К числу не модифицируемых факторов риска относится возраст. В настоящем исследовании дана оценка распространённости АГ среди неорганизованного мужского населения в возрасте 20 - 69 лет. В работе применены популяционные методы исследования, рекомендованные ВОЗ для эпидемиологических исследований. Показано увеличение частоты АГ с возрастом, а

также особенности частоты различных градаций АД в отдельных возрастных группах.

Ключевые слова: артериальное давление, артериальная гипертензия, классификация, возраст, особенности, распространённость, осложнения.

Blood pressure indicators are the most important aspect of the health of the whole body. If they are normal-then the blood circulation in the vessels is correct, the organs receive all the necessary elements to perform their functions. Any deviation from the norm in one direction or another indicates the presence of any disorder in the bloodstream. This indicates the possibility of developing a threatening condition for humans. Changes in blood pressure upward, which are permanent in nature, called hypertension. Complications of hypertension are different, and they cannot be called harmless. Arterial hypertension (AH) is one of the most significant problems of modern health care [1]. This is due to the widespread prevalence of hypertension, the high number of complications in the form of myocardial infarction and brain stroke, as well as the high number of deaths and disabilities associated with this disease. AG is considered one of the largest non-communicable pandemics in human history. According to the results of scientific research, the prevalence of hypertension among the world's population is more than 12%. At the same time, among the adult population, hypertension occurs in more than 20-25%. It should be noted that today cardiovascular diseases in most economically developed countries occupy the main place in the structure of mortality. Among cardiovascular diseases, mortality from hypertension ranks second after mortality from coronary heart disease. According to population studies, the frequency of hypertension varies significantly depending on gender, age, region and a number of other factors [2, 3].

Purpose of research: study of age-related features of normal and high blood pressure.

Material and methods. The study was conducted among the unorganized male population of 1726 people aged 20 to 69 years. The study used population-based research methods using generally accepted methods of selecting individuals for examination. Blood pressure (BP) was measured on the right brachial artery in the sitting position with an accuracy of 2 mmHg. The average values of 2 measurements, the interval between which was not less than 2 minutes, were not taken into account. The World Health Organization classification was used to assess blood pressure (WHO, 1999). According to this classification, the following categories were distinguished: optimal blood pressure (SAD -<120; dad <80); normal blood pressure (SAD < 130; dad < 85); high normal blood pressure ( SAD130-139; dad 85-89); 1 degree of AG (SAD 140-159; dad 90-99); 2 degree of AG ( SAD 160-179; dad 100-109); 3 degree of AG ( SAD >180; dad > 110).

For arterial hypertension, cases were also taken when the patient had normal blood pressure values, but he took hypotensive remedies for 2 weeks prior to the examination.

Research result

According to the data obtained, in General, for all age groups, the incidence of hypertension among men at the start of the study was 21.15%. Moreover, the frequency of hypertension consistently increased with increasing age. It should be noted that the increase in the overall prevalence of AH in each age group relative to the previous one was statistically significant. With age, the incidence of optimal BP decreases (from 58.82% at the age of 20-29 years to 21.39% at the age of 60-69 years). At the same time, cases of hypertension are increasing significantly (from 4.02% among people 20 - 29 years to 38.17% among people 60 - 69 years). The incidence of normal blood pressure with age does not change. There is also little difference in the frequency of occurrence of high normal pressure (7,49; 8,85; 9,05 11,43; 10,79 — according to age groups).

It should be noted that in the surveyed population, more than half of the cases of hypertension belong to the 1st degree (12.03%), and the remaining cases constitute a total of 2 and 3 degrees of hypertension (9.12%). At the same time, there is an increase in all degrees of AH as the age increases. The data obtained indicate that grade 1 and 2

hypertension occurs already at the age of 20-29 years. However, AH 3 degree begins to appear after 30 years. Conclusion

Thus, the obtained materials indicate a wide prevalence of AH among the unorganized male population. The increase in the frequency of hypertension with age, as well as features of the frequency of different blood pressure gradations in certain age groups.

References / Список литературы

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2. Укла А.А., Подпалов В.П., Счастливенко А.И., Чубрик С.М. Распространенность артериальной гипертензии и оценка влияния на нее факторов риска сердечнососудистых заболеваний в организованной популяции // Проблемы здоровья и экологии, 2019. № 1 (59). С. 53-61.

3. Booth J.N., Li. J., Zhang L., Chen L., Muntner P., Egan B. Trends in Prehypertension and Hypertension risk f actors in US adults: 1999- 2012. Hypertension, 2017. 70(2): 275-84.

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