Научная статья на тему 'Advice to contributors to Footpath, and information about ordering the journal'

Advice to contributors to Footpath, and information about ordering the journal Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Advice to contributors to Footpath, and information about ordering the journal»

fictitious internationally recognized pianist Ryder as its main character. The novel offers speculations on music, musicians, composers and concert tours. The stumbling point is modern music, as not all of the characters understand it and appreciate its value and beauty.

One more novel partially dealing with music is Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go [2005) by the same author, the key symbol of which is the song under the same title. The song stands for the desire of the clone-characters to have parents they never had and families of their own they are forbidden to have. Repeated several times, the song transforms into a symbolic litany, a poignant prayer of donor-clones to let them live and love.

Ishiguro is also the author of Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall [2010).These are five heartbreaking and melancholic short stories about a once famous singer, a philosophically-minded music fan, a young songwriter, a jazz musician and a talented young cellist whose tutor corrupts his soul. Music plays a central part in their lives, it is their only passion, their refuge and their companion.


END NOTES: Advice to Contributors to Footpath, and information about ordering the journal.

The Editors wish to thank the contributors for the articles and letters and student essays which were submitted for Footpath-6. We read all the contributions very carefully and discussed them before deciding whether to accept or reject them.

The ORF project on Contemporary English Literature was established specifically to focus on literary approaches to the study of English. Literature is both a joy and a necessity for anyone who wants to study a language and a culture at a profound level; the essays published in Section Nine of the journal bear witness to how important and exciting literary study is for your students.

We particularly welcome literary articles on novels which are not part of the ORF project. [The journal would be very boring if we confined ourselves to discussing the nineteen novels on the list!) We

are also pleased to publish articles on other literary genres such as drama and poetry, both of which make an appearance in Footpath-6.

We would be grateful if you could limit the number of student essays you submit to three per university. [We editors do our best but are sometimes short of time, so we ask you to make the choice first.) Our criteria are clear. We ask: Has this student read the work carefully? Does he or she have original ideas? Is there a real connection between the ideas and the text? We believe that the essays published in this issue of Footpath fulfil this criteria.

Contributors should send their articles, letters, etc. to Karen Hewitt [email protected] as email attachments. All contributions must have the name of the author, their university, and, for student essays, their year of study. If the students are not philologists, their course of study should also be mentioned. If you do not put your name and university and email on the article, it will be ignored. We must know who writes what.

The articles will then be kept until it is time for them to be circulated to all members of the Editorial Board. Decisions about whether each article should be accepted or rejected will be made at that time. Once the decision has been made, all contributors will be informed. Do send student essays which you think are exceptionally good, but please do not send more than two [or, at most, three) for consideration by the Board. We will publish the best three in the next number, and we do not want to disappoint students whose essays have no hope of being accepted.

Should articles be in English or Russian? You can submit articles in either English or Russian, but the editors are reluctant to accept articles which have been written solely on the basis of a translation. We may decide to accept an outstanding article by someone who does not read in English, but we have to face the serious problem that many translations are very inadequate. We expect quotations in our articles and all quotations must be given in English. (You can give a Russian variant as well, if this seems important - it will enable us to decide whether the translation is good.)

Style notes for contributors.

If you wish to submit an article, a review, a letter, or an essay by


your student, we ask you to note the following details of editorial style which are standard in English journals.

(1) Titles of books should be in italics, not in 'inverted commas'.

(2) Titles of short stories and poems should be in single inverted commas: 'An Arundel Tomb'. (Not double inverted commas "A Mistake".)

(3) Authors should be referred to by the name they have chosen: e.g. Jonathan Coe, W.H.Auden. Not J.Coe or Wystan Hugh Auden. Once you have referred to the author using the correct name or initials, you can, on second and subsequent occasions, refer to him or her by surname only (Coe, Auden). You should, however, always use the full version for your first reference.

(4) Quotations. If the quotation is from a poem and consists of more than one line, it should be set out as verse carefully copied from the original. Prose quotations if they are more than two lines should also be set out on a new line, and indented so that they are clearly separate from the surrounding words. If your quotation is short it should be indicated by single inverted commas: 'To be or not to be'.

(5) Citations. If you mention or quote from other English writers in your article, you can either identify the author and book in brackets immediately after the quotation, or you can list the authors and books at the end of the article. You should give the details in the following way:

Bradbury M. The Modern English Novel Penguin Books, 1994 Hewitt K. (editor) A New Book of Contemporary British Stories Perspective Publications, 2001

If you mention or quote from Russian writers or academics and their works, use for your help the last issues of Perm State University Herald 'Russian and Foreign Philology' (2009 - 2012). They are easy to look at: http://www.rfp.psu.ru/ There you may see some most recent requirements for bibliographical lists and footnotes in Russian.

Ordering Footpath and paying for Footpath

We normally expect customers to order at least five copies. You can buy five copies for 600 roubles. This includes postage. You can order as many more copies as you like at 120 roubles a copy.

We still have a few copies of Footpath- 2, 3, 4 and 5. So you can find out what was in our earlier issues if you do not already have them.

Footpath-1 is out of print.

Please note that you order copies by sending an email to [email protected].

Please set out your order as follows - this is essential for posting the journal.

(a) Your name and University.

(b) List the issue: Footpath-6, (and earlier issues if you want them) with the number of copies you require.

(c) The full name of the addressee (with patronymic) in Russian.

(d) The full address, plus code, to which the books should be sent in Russian.


For FOOTPATH you pay by money order through the post. It is no

longer possible to transfer money into our bank account. (Almost everyone paid by money order, so that the small amount of money coming into our bank account did not cover the costs of keeping it open.

Send the money order to:

614068 Пермь ул. Большевистская, д. 135, кв. 81 Задорина Виктория Геннадьевна.

When Karen Hewitt receives your email order for FOOTPATH we will arrange to post the copies as soon as possible. Viktoria will send you, separately, the official documents: the счет, счет-фактура, накладная unless you tell her that you do not need these papers. It is no longer possible to make special contracts for universities.

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