Miscellaneous (Off Topic) | https://doi.org/10.46539/gmd.v4i3.322
Advertising Design of Urban Development
Irina A. Leonova1, Marina M. Khramova2 & Natalya V. Zaichkina3
Astrakhan State University. Astrakhan, Russia
Outdoor advertising has traditionally been considered one of the most important components of the mass media complex. Having an impact on all layers of society, advertising has become a kind of projection of the values that society lives by, and reflects its social and cultural level. However, the redundant use of outdoor advertising has led to the fact that in recent years the problem of the lack of aesthetics of Russian cities has become very acute. We studied and analyzed the current situation with poor-quality outdoor advertising design in modern cities to search new approaches and tools to solve the problem of unsightly cities on the example of the city of Astrakhan. The research was based on the synergetic principle of studying the object, on the method of system analysis of psychological diagnostics (observation, conversation, questionnaire), and on the analysis of the existing situation of outdoor advertising in Astrakhan. We also suggested the list of aspects and conditions important for creating interesting in design and content outdoor advertisement. Analyzing the answers to the questionnaire and basing on the study of the state of outdoor advertising in the urban environment, we formulated the conditions of normalizing the state of the urban space, meaning its quality and placement. Outdoor advertising is developing along with the improvement of information and communication technologies. A person's contact with advertising in contemporary city is inevitable. At the same time, there are already a lot of tools available at the moment, to strengthen the impact of advertising on citizens. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of a particular tool with special responsibility, so that advertising, as an integral component of an up-today city, does not damage the urban space.
Outdoor Advertising; Urban Environment; Structural Element; Advertising Tools
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons «Attribution» 4.0 International License
1 Email: irinaleonova[at]yandex.ru
2 Email: parhomceva[at]yandex.ru
3 Email: nvzaichkina[at]yandex.ru
Рекламный дизайн городской застройки
Леонова Ирина Анатольевна1, Храмова Марина Васильевна2, Заичкина Наталья Владимировна3
Астраханский государственный университет. Астрахань, Россия
Цель: Наружная реклама традиционно считается одной из важнейших составляющих комплекса средств массовой информации. Воздействуя на все слои общества, реклама стала своего рода проекцией ценностей, которыми живет общество, и отражает его социальный и культурный уровень. Однако избыточное использование наружной рекламы привело к тому, что в последние годы очень остро встала проблема отсутствия эстетики российских городов. Мы изучили и проанализировали текущую ситуацию с некачественным дизайном наружной рекламы в современных городах для поиска новых подходов и инструментов решения проблемы неэстетичных городов на примере города Астрахань.
Методы: исследование основывалось на синергетическом принципе изучения объекта, на методе системного анализа психологической диагностики (наблюдение, беседа, анкетирование), на анализе сложившейся ситуации с наружной рекламой в Астрахани. Мы также предложили перечень аспектов и условий, важных для создания интересной по дизайну и содержанию наружной рекламы.
Результаты: Проанализировав ответы на вопросы анкеты и основываясь на изучении состояния наружной рекламы в городской среде, мы сформулировали условия нормализации состояния городского пространства с точки зрения его качества и размещения.
Вывод: Наружная реклама развивается вместе с совершенствованием информационных и коммуникационных технологий. Контакт человека с рекламой в современном городе неизбежен. В то же время уже сейчас существует множество доступных инструментов для усиления воздействия рекламы на граждан. Поэтому к выбору того или иного инструмента необходимо подходить с особой ответственностью, чтобы реклама, как неотъемлемая составляющая современного города, не наносила ущерб городскому пространству.
Ключевые слова
наружная реклама; городская среда; структурный элемент; рекламные средства
Это произведение доступно по лицензии Creative Commons «Attribution » («Атрибуция») 4.0 Всемирная
1 Email: irinaleonova[at]yandex.ra
2 Email: parhomceva[at]yandex.ru
3 Email: nvzaichkina[at]yandex.ru
The rapid development of urban agglomerations in the modern world is accompanied by an active growth of a huge amount of outdoor advertising in the urban space. Many researchers note that the modern world lives in the era of media democracy, the power of the mass media (Zadorkina, 2012).
Outdoor advertising has traditionally been considered and is still considered one of the most important components of the mass media complex. Having the functions of a structural element of the information and communication space of various public societies (Berdyshev, 2010) it has become an integral part of the complex of urban objects. It is difficult to overestimate its impact on all segments of society, since outdoor advertising is not just a source of information, but the centre of society's acquaintance with news from the world of production and consumption (Golovanova, 2017). Influencing all layers of society, advertising is a kind of projection of the values that society lives by, reflects its social and cultural level.
Advertising differs by distribution channels and by its direct goals (Postrigan, 2019). Our research concerns outdoor urban advertising (banners, signs, digital screens, etc.), which has become an everyday reality in the architectural environment of modern cities. According to statistics, this advertising now ranks fourth after advertising on television, on the Internet and in the media. In addition, analysts note that outdoor advertising may even displace advertising in the media in the near future, and take the third place in the advertising rating, since it is increasingly becoming attractive in ways of presenting and visualizing the information presented (Mediascope: Results of 2020: The Largest Advertisers and the Main Categories, 2021).
One of the areas that contribute to the development and improvement of the status of outdoor advertising in society undoubtedly belongs ad design, which largely depends on the decisions of commercials designers, who, in order to make outdoor advertising effective, should rely on new technologies, and previously unused media and materials (Suidi & Marchenko, 2020). However, this requires a lot of financial and time costs, so the design of outdoor advertising in many cities of Russia requires improvements. Designer clutter, which is observed in the urban environment in the form of huge bright signs, wide advertising banners, has led to the fact that many of the cities have lost their individuality, their unique historical appearance. In recent years, the problem of the lack of aesthetics of Russian cities has become very acute.
The qualitative changes taking place today in all areas of public life and having a direct impact on the outdoor advertising market have determined the topic of our research. Its relevance consists in the need to analyze the current situation with poor-quality outdoor advertising design in modern cities, search for new approaches to solving the problem of unsightly cities on the example of the city of
Astrakhan, a relatively small Caspian city with about 530 thousand inhabitants (The City of Astrakhan, 2021) and which has historical buildings with numerous architectural monuments among them.
Outdoor advertising contributes to the formation of the image of the city, namely, either it comprises its applied decoration or it clutters it with poorly made structures installed wherever the advertiser considers it profitable. There are cases when advertising does not just use the architectural elements of urban buildings and structures, but also transforms them into one of its parts (PR. The Urban Environment in the Structure of Advertising, 2008). Thus, it participates in the process of forming the aesthetic tastes of the city residents.
The level of psychological danger of outdoor advertising is directly dependent on the methods of advertising practices, advertising content and technologies. In the presented study, advertising, as an object of research, is considered as a structural element filling urban space. The subject of the study is modern outdoor advertising tools.
Methods and materials
The research was based on the synergetic principle of studying the object. In addition, the method of system analysis of psychological diagnostics (observation, conversation, questionnaire) was used. In accordance with the adopted method, an analysis of the existing situation of outdoor advertising was carried out in Astrakhan, the required conditions were identified and some recommendations were given to ensure outdoor advertisement effectiveness.
In our studies, a significant part of the analyzed information was based on the works of such authors as: A.N. Mudrov (Mudrov, 2008), Yu.S. Bernadskaya, S.S. Marochkina, L.F. Smotrova (Bernadskaya et al., 2005), K.V. Antipov (Antipov, 2020), etc. W. Wells, S. Moriarty and J. Burnett wrote: "Advertising is both a science and an art, which makes it difficult to find answers to questions about reporting and efficiency" (Wells et al., 2008).
The psychology of advertising was discussed in their works by L.V. Lebedeva (Lebedeva, 2010), E.E. Pronina (Pronina, 2000), etc. Considering the impact of advertising on a person depending on its design, we studied the works by R.Yu. Ovchin-nikova (Ovchinnikova, 2012), V.D. Kurushin (Kurushin, 2016), E. Povlovskaya (Pavlovskaya, 2003a) and others. Russian cultural critic V. M. Razdorov noted that now
"it is not the thing that is sent to conquer markets for itself, but its image. Society
decides to choose a thing, less and less considering its real value and more and more
depending on how it is portrayed" (Razdorov, 2016).
The main part
Considering the situation with creativity in outdoor advertising that has developed over time, it can be noted that it has gone beyond the boundaries of marketing
communications and sales markets. Advertising has invaded public life and it even, to some extent, forms the image of this life. It became a reflection of this life, drawing inspiration for plots, themes, ideas and images from it (Pavlovskaya, 2003b). Thus, according to V. Uchyonov and M. Starush, modern advertising creativity "is, on the one hand, the ability to infiltrate into any "cells" of the social organism, on the other it is the ability to extract what can be assimilated in advertising works from different "cells" and larger structures of society" (Uchenova & Starush, 1996).
The effectiveness of advertising depends on a large scale on design developments, which, as a rule, are focused on more intelligible and attractive information about the advertised object or service. The designer objective is inspired and supported by the emergence of more and more advanced technologies, new types of media and materials that make advertising as clear and memorable as possible. "Advertising should "satisfy the consumer", "getting closer" to the customer, anticipating his requests, desires, needs" (Suidi & Marchenko, 2020).
Advertising can be informational, propagandistic, educational and promotional by nature. In all cases, there is a demonstration plane supplemented by various outdoor advertising tools (LEDs, neons, various reflective films, etc.), which allow you to make the ad more vivid, catching and dynamic.
The most modern advertising is carried out in the form of electronic displays, television screens, and laser installations. Digital technologies, such as digital video screens, scrollers, pillars, monitors that are hung on the building facades are widely used. Some of them can interact with public.
An important element for effective advertising activity is its psychological impact. It can seamlessly fit into the urban space causing no negative feelings, but it can also be an irritating factor if, for example, its presence spoils the view of the entire street. In his work, I. V. Lyalikov notes that urban advertising takes more aggressive forms today, capturing more and more free spaces on the facades of buildings; as a result, many buildings "blur" in a variety of colors, slogans and images (Lyalikov, 2013). The city is cluttered up with advertising media, which causes discomfort for the residents daily watching them. This condition is even more aggravated if the advertising is illiterate and unattractive. The city suffers from low-quality advertising and such promotion cannot be effective. Outdoor advertising of all Russian cities, including Astrakhan, faces such problems.
It should be noted that the situation currently observed with the Astrakhan outdoor advertising market is ambiguous. The city is distinguished by its uniqueness, the presence of many historical monuments. These city attractions are sometimes inaccessible to the guests because of billboards hanging on the facades of old buildings. Many advertising experts have repeatedly written about this:
"huge panels, covering historical buildings, distorting" postcard "views of the city, banners and shields, cause not so much pragmatic consumer interest as irritation of residents" (Savelyeva, 2014).
Astrakhan outdoor advertising in the urban environment is overloaded with a disorderly pile of conflicting graphic images, each one competing for our attention. There is no mutual understanding between advertises and the city administration. According to information from the media and according to our observations, the city administration is currently taking measures everywhere to improve the state of the urban environment, namely, it is dismantling a number of billboards that, in its opinion, supported by many residents of the city, "clutter up" the city space (900 Illegally Installed Billboards Were Dismantled in Astrakhan, 2018). However, these administrative actions do not find support among advertisers.
Outdoor advertising in Astrakhan is presented on such media as panel structures, exterior design of building facades (signs, shaped pillars, brackets, window dressing) and advertising on transport. Most of the advertising in the city is operated illegally.
Most of design constructions do not meet the safety rules. There are a lot of examples of low-quality advertising in the city. For example, the shopping complex on Akhsharumov Street was renamed from "Astor" into "vASTORg", an incorrectly spelt word, as indicated by a huge sign on the facade of the building. In another case the residents of the city are offered to make an electronic medical certificate, but in a very peculiar way. A company hung up an advertising banner, making five grammatical errors (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Examples of illiterate advertising
There were also curious cases of installing outdoor advertising. For example, two ads installed in close proximity to each other lose their purpose, but entertain the residents of the city, making them laugh. (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Outdoor advertising on one of the main streets of the city
Private commercial advertising is a special part of the problem of outdoor advertising. Its lack of control and scarcity of aesthetics has a disastrous effect on the whole society, often reducing the overall level of culture, clogging
the communicative environment. There are a lot of examples of such kind advertising in the city.
Of course, money decides next to everything in making advertising and its design interesting. But an important role here belongs to the advertiser itself, its creativity, individuality and involvement in its work. For example, the use of forged signs and historical styles in advertising are possible options for non-standard approaches and original solutions in outdoor advertising of the city.
Recently, the administration of the city of Astrakhan adopted Resolution No.418 dated 25.10.2019 (New in the Legislation of the Astrakhan Region. Resolution of the Administration of the MO "City of Astrakhan" Dated 25.10.2019 No. 418...," n.d.), which formulated uniform standard for the placement of advertising and information structures on the facades of buildings, the so-called "design code". This decision had to fix the priority of preserving the unique appearance of the city's buildings. The resolution defines the maximum permissible overall dimensions of advertising structures depending on their type, and also completely prohibits the overlap of architectural elements of the facade. At the same time, advertisers are invited to replace the advertising billboards with more effective and better quality tools, such as projection or laser outdoor advertising. According to a number of researchers, it is more effective, since it attracts increased attention to the organized show, and contributes to the enrichment of the urban material reality with virtual (Pallotta & Sichkar, 2020).
The study of the impact of urban advertising design on an individual was accompanied by a survey of residents using a questionnaire, finding out their psychological state when considering a particular advertisement.
Surveys have practically no alternative in cases when it is necessary to learn about the knowledge, beliefs and preferences of the target audience, about their attitude to problems and their solutions (Kamenev, 2013). The disadvantage of this research method is the insufficient accuracy of the results obtained, associated with a possible misinterpretation of the answers received.
The questionnaire, compiled in the form of a checklist, included questions, the analysis of the answers to which made it possible to assess the urban environment from the point of view of filling it with outdoor advertising, to draw conclusions about the main problems of urban advertising.
To make the survey more successful, respondents were asked to choose one of the presented answer options or give their own answer. This method helps to avoid distortion in the interpretation of the answers and get fairly complete information on it. In addition, such a survey is more reliable in obtaining information for the following reasons: the same wording of the question for everyone; the possibility of interviewing a large number of people by persons without special training for this survey.
The questionnaire was distributed on social networks. 150 people filled it in.
Figure 3. Analysis of the evaluation of outdoor advertising in Astrakhan.
The diagram (Fig. 3) depicts what the residents of Astrakhan think about its impact on the structure of urban space.
The results of the survey by means of a questionnaire were as follows:
74% are annoyed with its appearance and complain about its obtrusiveness;
65% are dissatisfied with the places where advertising is installed, believing that it spoils the appearance of the city;
58% of respondents are not satisfied with the construction on which the ad is placed;
55% respondents believe that there is a lot of advertising in the city.
Analyzing the answers of citizens to the questions raised, we can say with confidence that the residents of the city are not satisfied with the state of outdoor advertising in the city and support the decision of the administration to take decisive measures to correct this situation. The streets of the city have long needed this "general visual cleaning".
Based on the study of the issue of the state of outdoor advertising in the urban environment and the impact of its design on the residents of the city, we formulated the conditions that would allow us to normalize the state of the urban environment in the sense of placement and quality of outdoor advertising:
1. Adoption of a law on the placement of advertising in urban space, which would establish the rules for its widespread placement.
2. Development of a panoramic map with the designation of visualization of streets, squares, and any open spaces, where the scheme of orderly placement of any advertising approved by the administration would be carried out in an organized manner.
3. Establishment of an administrative body responsible for the quality and placement of advertising.
4. Advertising projects must be carried out by an organization that has a design permit and comply with safety and sanitary standards.
5. Advertising placement schemes must be published for open discussion
in accordance with the established rules and in the information and telecommunications network of the Internet.
6. An advertising structure can be installed only if there is a project containing information about its territorial placement, appearance and technical parameters.
7. The advertising structure must have a mandatory marking indicating the advertising distributor and his phone numbers.
8. The advertiser must be responsible for the illegality of advertising placement or its improper operation.
As a result, outdoor advertising should have a positive character and educate the taste. Properly submitted, it should not be aggressive. The conditions for creating ads interesting in design and content should be based on the following important aspects:
1. Composition, plot, text and artistic and expressive means in the implementation of the idea (message and plan).
2. The choice of style to create a harmonious piece of work in the overall architecture of the building and the surrounding space.
3. Search for creative ideas, non-standard composition and color solutions.
4. Transformation of advertising into unusual spaces based on the common interests of the advertiser and the citizens.
Urban space is a complex functional system in which outdoor advertising is an important information and communication element. The influence of outdoor advertising on human psychology is obvious. In this regard, the main task of advertising designers is to eliminate its negative impact as much as possible, following the recommended conditions for its device in an urban environment. Adhering to the conditions formulated by the authors necessary for the organization of advertising, using active design, elements of lighting design or other innovative technological design, it is possible to achieve high efficiency of advertising impact on the residents of the city.
The language of advertising texts is one of the components of outdoor advertising. Such an annoying factor as illiterate texts should disappear from advertising
forever. Advertising language based on manipulation technologies, as a rule, also negatively affects people's consciousness. A modern city needs advertising in which the interests of commerce would coincide with the issues of morality and national traditions. Social advertising has a great potential in this direction.
Social advertising is information distributed in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at achieving charitable and other socially useful goals, as well as ensuring the interests of the state (Federal Law "On Advertising", n.d.). In other words, this advertising is not commercial; it aims to promote universal human and cultural values. Such advertising in urban development causes only positive emotions among the population, as it ennobles the urban space as a whole.
Outdoor advertising is developing along with the improvement of information and communication technologies. A person's contact with advertising in a contemporary city is inevitable. At the same time, there are already a lot of tools available at the moment to strengthen the impact of advertising on citizens. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of a particular tool with special responsibility, so that advertising, as an integral component of a contemporary city, does not damage the urban space.
Authors' contributions
IL contributed in study conception, manuscript drafting, data-analysis, and data collection. MKh contributed in manuscript drafting, data-analysis, and data collection. NZ contributed in manuscript drafting and manuscript editing. All authors read, critically evaluated and approved the final version of the manuscript.
The authors warmly thank the City of Astrakhan Administration for providing access to the documents and information about the outdoor advertisement in Astrakhan.
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