ADVANTAGES OF VITAL PULPECTOMY TREATMENT METHOD OF PULPITIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
vital pulpectomy / non-vital pulpectomy / pulpitis / complications / root canal treatment

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Hamzayev B.M., Aliyeva G.H., Damirchiyeva M.V., Kerimli N.K

One of the issues that has been debated among dentists and endodontists for many years is the sealing the canals during the treatment of pulpitis in one visit [3]. Proponents of traditional treatment suggest that the treatment is to be completed in one visit to prevent unpleasant complications and pain that may occur after sealing of canals . However, there is insufficient clinical evidence to support the sustainability of such a position [3,4].

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Список литературы

1. Ахмадуллин У. З., Горбаткова Е. Ю., Ахмадуллина Х. М. Характеристика показателей физического развития студентов вузов г. Уфы. Gigiena i Sanitaшa, №2, Том 99, Февраль 2020, С169-175.

2. Коромыслов А. В. Значение стандартов физического развития в оценке и повышении эффективности физического воспитания студентов вузов: автореферат дис. ... кандидата медицинских наук. Москва, 2013. 24 с.

3. Оценочные таблицы физического развития студентов г. Уфы Республики Башкортостан. Ахмадуллин У.З., Ахмадуллина Х.М., Горбаткова Е.Ю.

Свидетельство о регистрации базы данных RU 2018621629, 22.10.2018. Заявка № 2018620772 от 28.05.2018.


1. Akhmadullin U. Z., Gorbatkova E. Yu., Akhmadullina H. M. Characteristics of indicators of physical development of university students in Ufa. Gigiena i Sanitariia, No. 2, Volume 99, February 2020, pp. 169-175. [Published in Russian].

2. Koromyslov A.V. The significance of physical development standards in assessing and improving the effectiveness of physical education of university students: abstract of the Ph.D. thesis. Moscow, 2013. 24 p. [Published in Russian].

3. Evaluation tables of physical development of students of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan. Akhmadullin W. Z., H. M. Akhmadullina, Gorbatova E. Yu. Certificate of registration of the database RU 2018621629, 22.10.2018. Application no. 2018620772 dated 28.05.2018. [Published in Russian].


Hamzayev B.M.

associate professor, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku Aliyeva G.H.

PhD, Assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry,

Azerbaijan Medical University Damirchiyeva M.V. PhD, Assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry,

Azerbaijan Medical University Kerimli N.K.

Assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Azerbaijan Medical University


One of the issues that has been debated among dentists and endodontists for many years is the sealing the canals during the treatment of pulpitis in one visit [3]. Proponents of traditional treatment suggest that the treatment is to be completed in one visit to prevent unpleasant complications and pain that may occur after sealing of canals . However, there is insufficient clinical evidence to support the sustainability of such a position [3,4].

Keywords: vital pulpectomy, non-vital pulpectomy, pulpitis, complications, root canal treatment

Introduction. It is known that the treatment of pulpitis is one of the most complex and tedious dental manipulations. The characteristic intense pain in pulpi-tis afflicts the patient, reduces his quality of life and, finally, causes certain problems in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to tooth loss [2,6-8].

There are several treatment methods of pulpitis: biological (conservative- indirect and direct pulp cupping), surgical (vital and non-vital pulpectomy) and combined[9-14]. Non-vital pulpectomy is one of the not rarely used methods in the treatment of pulpitis. In this case, it should be noted that from a theoretical point of view, the issue of pulpectomy and canal obturation seems to be resolved. But from a practical point of view, this is not the case.

A study of the multiple references suggests that interest in endodontic treatment has been recently increased. Some authors believe that complications after endodontic treatment done in one visit are more common [4].

It should be noted that the treatment of pulpitis depends on the chosen treatment method. During the application of the non-vital method, complications such as residual pulpitis, apical periodontitis, etc., occur. Positive results after non-vital pulpectomy range from 60 to 80%, depending on the duration of the examination. After vital pulpectomy, the analogical indicators were 92%. A comparison of the results suggests that the method of vital pulpectomy should be preferred.

At present, the use of modern endodontic instruments and rotary systems in the dental industry has significantly reduced the number of complications after

vital pulpectomy. Root canals that were previously difficult to passage could be easily instrumented and passed by the help of these instruments. One of the disadvantages of the vital pulpectomy method is the presence of bleeding out of the canals, which also greatly complicates the work of the dentist. The introduction of new hemostatic agents also contributes to the successful solution of this problem [1].

The purpose of the study. Analysis of pulpectomy methods used in the treatment of pulpitis and substantiation of indications for their use.

Materials and methodology. The research materials included indicators of the results obtained from history of the patients treated at our dental clinic. Examinations were based on the findings of 80 patients treated with pulpitis over a five-year period. For this purpose, medical cards and X-rays of these patients were examined.

Patients' opinions on the results of treatment were studied through a questionnaire.

In addition, it was determined by whom (more experienced or younger dentists) and in how many visits the treatment has been done.

The results of research. It is known that the use of devitalizing paste for non-vital pulpectomy is mandatory. A number of complications have been observed during the application of this paste [3,4]. Out of 80 people examined over 5 years, 60 vital and 20 non-vital pulpectomy methods were used. 45% of patients treated by the non-vital pulpectomy method complained of varying degrees of pain after devitalizing paste.

This complication is caused by excessive pressure of the dressing with devitalizing paste or incomplete disclosure of the pulp horn. 15% of patients complained of chemical burns of the gingiva and mucous membranes around the tooth. This is due to improper placement of the paste in the carious cavity.

This complication is always considered a common complication of non-vital pulpectomy. In addition, one of the most common complications is the development of drug related apical periodontitis. This is due to the fact that the devitalizing paste remains in the cavity for a long time or the medication is overdosed. 15% of respondents complained of this complication.After application of devitalizing paste , most patients (80%) reported insufficient anesthesia during pulpectomy . Therefore, it was necessary to repeat the anesthesia at the following visit. This was another disadvantage of the treatment.

In vital pulpectomy, the majority of patients (97%) reported adequate pain relief. 10% of those examined complained of varying degrees of pain after vital pulpectomy, and in 10% of patients bleeding out of the canal was observed.

One of the great advantages of vital pulpectomy for both patients and dentists is that the manipulation can be performed in one visit.

When asking about the opinion of dentists, they noted that the treatment of pulpitis by vital pulpectomy took about an hour, which was quite high in terms of time savings compared to the method of non-vital method. Thus, based on the results of the vital pulpec-tomy , it can be said that this method is very ergonomic,

reduces the time of the dentist (about 1.5 times), is also economically viable for patients, the number of visits to the dentist is minimal, the procedure is comfortable and painless.

From the point of view of the analysis of the conventional unit of labor (CUL), this method of treatment is more profitable than a non-vital method. That is, when calculating the tariffs for dental services, it was found that the total unit of labor during vital pulpec-tomy is equal to 6.5 (anesthesia 0.5, X-ray reading -0.5, dentist's appointment -1.5, disclosure of carious cavity-1, mechanical and medication treatment- 1, canal obturation with gutta-percha point -2).

In non-vital pulpectomy, this indicator was calculated as 8 (anesthesia as 1 - t.i.- 0.5 units per admission, X-ray reading -0.5, primary dentist's admission -1.5, repeated admission -0.5, application of devitalizing paste -0.5, disclosure of the caries cavity -1, mechanical and medication treatment of the canals- 1, obturation of the canals with gutta-percha point and permanent sealing-2).

From the point of view of finding more complications, interesting points were identified during the comparison of these methods. Thus, during the examinations, it was found that 21 patients adressed to our dental clinic due to complications in the teeth treated with a diagnosis of pulpitis for five years.

During the reading of the medical records, it was found that 15 of these patients were treated with nonvital method and 6 of them with vital one. This fact once again confirms that the method of vital pulpec-tomy is more effective. Therefore, it should be considered that vital pulpectomy has irreplaceable advantages as a treatment method of pulpitis .

Conclusion. A comparison of vital and non-vital methods used in the endodontic treatment of pulpitis suggests that the vital method has significant advantages for both patients and dentists compared to the non-vital method. The rapid development of the dental industry, the use of modern equipment and technologies used in endodontics, the development of new anesthetics create the basis for the application of vital pulpectomy as an alternative method in the endodontic treatment of pulpitis. However, this does not mean that the method of non-vital pulpectomy should be abandoned altogether.

It is known that the indications for the using of non-vital pulpectomy in some cases arise out of necessity (sensitivity to anesthetics and vasoconstrictors, acute cardiovascular pathology, etc.). From this point of view, it should be noted that the non-vital method, despite its considerable disadvantages compared to the alternative, is unlikely to be discontinued.


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Sokolov V.

Professor, Chief of Department of radiation diagnostics, therapy and oncology, Odessa National Medical

University, Odessa

Rozhkovska G.

Assistant professor Department of radiation diagnostics, therapy and oncology, Odessa National Medical

University, Odessa Dorofeieva T.

Assistant professor Department of radiation diagnostics, therapy and oncology, Odessa National Medical

University, Odessa

Tzvigovsky V.M.

Assistant professor Department of radiation diagnostics, therapy and oncology, Odessa National Medical

University, Odessa Korsun O.

Assistant of Department of radiation diagnostics, therapy and oncology, Odessa National Medical University, Odessa University,Odessa, Ukraine


Соколов В.Н.

д.м.н.,проф., зав. каф. лучевой диагностики, терапии и онкологии Одесского национального медицинского университета Рожковская Г.М.

к.м.н., доцент каф. лучевой диагностики, терапии и онкологии Одесского национального медицинского университета Дорофеева Т.К.

к.м.н., доцент каф. лучевой диагностики, терапии и онкологии Одесского национального медицинского университета

Цвиговский В.М.

к.м.н., доцент каф. лучевой диагностики, терапи и онкологии Одесского национального медицинского университета

Корсун А.А.

асс. каф. лучевой диагностики, терапи и онкологии Одесского националььного медицинского университета

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