Научная статья на тему 'Administrati ve efficiency as a subject of research of science of state administration and factor of improving competitiveness of countries'

Administrati ve efficiency as a subject of research of science of state administration and factor of improving competitiveness of countries Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
efficiency / state administration / administration / state policy / competitiveness of the country / ефективність / державне управління / адміністрація / дер- жавна політика / конкурентоспроможність країни

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zubchyk Oleg Anatoliovych

The content of the definitions of the efficiency of government is analyzed. Administrative efficiency is considered in the context of the subject field of public administration science. The methods and models of research of competitiveness of countries are presented. It is shown that competitiveness as an analytical tool provides an opportunity to study the efficiency of public administration. Administrative efficiency is a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the country. It is noted that the task of administrative efficiency as an indicator is a reflection of the understanding of the activities of institutions, which depends on the efficiency and behavior of both public and private participants. This is the legal and administrative framework within which individuals, firms and governments interact with one another. It determines the quality of state institutions. Through this tool, the country affects the competitiveness of the country, the growth of the economy and the welfare of society. Ineffective state governance is not only a widespread phenomenon, which is associated with high costs for society, but rather often due to the lack of accepted models of efficiency analysis, it leads to irresponsibility. Therefore, the introduction and dissemination in the practice of research, analysis and advising on the achievements of the scientific theory of public administration, in particular, the results of in-depth research on competitiveness, not only economic indicators, but also the assessment of the implications of socio-political and managerial phenomena and processes that are important for the stable development, will promote occupation of the leading place scientific management (management) independent of political ideology. It is noted that today matrix methods play an important role in the strategic analysis of politics. However, they all need complete and reliable information regarding the state of the state policy segment, strengths and weaknesses. In this regard, the construction of matrices should be accompanied by constant work on the collection of information, which in our time is not implemented on a systematic basis.

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Проаналізовано зміст визначень ефективності державного управління. Розглянуто адміністративну ефективність у контексті предметного поля науки державного управління. Наведено методики та моделі дослідження конкурентоспроможності країн. Показано, що конкурентоспроможність як аналітичний інструмент дає можливість досліджувати ефективність державного управління. Адміністративна ефективність є фактором підвищення конкурентоспроможності країни. Відмічено, що завдання адміністративної ефективності як показника — це відображення розуміння діяльності інститутів, яка залежить від ефективності і поведінки як державних, так і приватних учасників. Це правова та адміністративна основа, в рамках якої особи, фірми та уряди взаємодіють між собою. Саме вона визначає якість державних установ. Через цей інструмент країна впливає на конкурентоспроможність країни, зростання економіки і добробут суспільства. Неефективне державне управління є не лише розповсюдженим явищем, пов’язане з великими витратами для суспільства, а досить часто й завдяки відсутності прийнятих моделей аналізу ефективності призводить до безвідповідальності. Тому уведення та поширення в практиці дослідження, при аналізі та консультуванні здобутків наукової теорії державного управління, зокрема, результатів глибоких досліджень конкурентоспроможності, не лише економічних показників, а оцінки наслідків важливих для стабільного розвитку суспільно-політичних та управлінських явищ і процесів, сприятиме зайняттю провідного місця наукового управління (менеджменту) незалежного від політичної ідеології. Зауважено, що сьогодні матричні методи відіграють важливу роль у стратегічному аналізі політики. Проте всі вони потребують повної та надійної інформації відносно стану сегменту державної політики, сильних та слабких сторін. У зв’язку з цим побудова матриць повинна супроводжуватись постійною роботою зі збору інформації, що в наш час не здійснюється на системній основі.

Текст научной работы на тему «Administrati ve efficiency as a subject of research of science of state administration and factor of improving competitiveness of countries»

UDC: 35:354: 002.8

Zubchyk Oleg Anatoliovych,

PhD in Philosophy, Associate professor, Associate professor of Public Administration, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, 01601, Str. Volodymyrska, 64/13, tel.: (044) 239 31 23, e-mail: zub-chyk@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-6480-409X

Зубчик Олег Анатолшович,

кандидат фшософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри державного управлтня, Кигвський нащональний утверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка, 01601, м. Кигв, вул. Во-лодимирська, 64/13, тел.: (044) 239 3123, e-mail: zubchyk@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-6480-409X

Зубчик Олег Анатольевич,

кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры государственного управления, Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Владимирская, 64/13, тел.: (044) 239 3123, e-mail: zubchyk@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-6480-409X

DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.vim.21


Abstract. The content of the definitions of the efficiency of government is analyzed. Administrative efficiency is considered in the context of the subject field of public administration science. The methods and models of research of competitiveness of countries are presented. It is shown that competitiveness as an analytical tool provides an opportunity to study the efficiency of public administration. Administrative efficiency is a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the country. It is noted that the task of administrative efficiency as an indicator is a reflection of the understanding of the activities of institutions, which depends on the efficiency and behavior of both public and private participants.

This is the legal and administrative framework within which individuals, firms and governments interact with one another. It determines the quality of state institutions. Through this tool, the country affects the competitiveness of the country, the growth of the economy and the welfare of society. Ineffective state governance is not only a widespread phenomenon, which is associated with high costs for society, but rather often due to the lack of accepted models of efficiency analysis, it leads to irresponsibility. Therefore, the introduction and dissemination in the practice of research, analysis and advising on the achievements of the scientific theory of public administration, in particular, the results of in-depth research on competitiveness, not only economic indicators, but also the assessment of the implications of socio-political and managerial phenomena and processes that are important for the stable development, will promote occupation of the leading place scientific management (management) independent of political ideology. It is noted that today matrix methods play an important role in the strategic analysis of politics. However, they all need complete and reliable information regarding the state of the state policy segment, strengths and weaknesses. In this regard, the construction of matrices should be accompanied by constant work on the collection of information, which in our time is not implemented on a systematic basis.

Keywords: efficiency, state administration, administration, state policy, competitiveness of the country.




Анотащя. Проаналiзовано змют визначень ефективносл державного управлшня. Розглянуто адмшютративну ефектившсть у контексп предметного поля науки державного управлшня. Наведено методики та моделi досл^ дження конкурентоспроможносл кра!н. Показано, що конкурентоспромож-шсть як аналличний шструмент дае можливють дослвджувати ефектившсть державного управлшня. Адмшютративна ефектившсть е фактором шдви-щення конкурентоспроможносл кра!ни. Вiдмiчено, що завдання адмшютра-тивно! ефективносл як показника — це вщображення розумшня дiяльностi шститулв, яка залежить вiд ефективностi i поведшки як державних, так i приватних учасниюв. Це правова та адмшютративна основа, в рамках яко! особи, фiрми та уряди взаемодшть мiж собою. Саме вона визначае яисть державних установ. Через цей шструмент кра!на впливае на конкуренто-спроможнiсть кра!ни, зростання економiки i добробут суспiльства.

Неефективне державне управлшня е не лише розповсюдженим явищем, пов'язане з великими витратами для сусшльства, а досить часто й завдяки вщсутносл прийнятих моделей аналiзу ефективностi призводить до безввд-повщальносл. Тому уведення та поширення в практищ дослiдження, при аналiзi та консультуванш здобуткiв науково! теорй' державного управлшня,

зокрема, результапв глибоких дослщжень конкурентоспроможностi, не лише економiчних показникiв, а ощнки наслiдкiв важливих для стабiльного роз-витку суспiльно-полiтичних та управлiнських явищ i процесiв, сприятиме за-йняттю провiдного мiсця наукового управлiння (менеджменту) незалежного вщ поллично1 щеологи. Зауважено, що сьогоднi матричнi методи вадграють важливу роль у стратегiчному аналiзi полiтики. Проте всi вони потребують повно! та надшно1 шформаци вщносно стану сегменту державно! полiтики, сильних та слабких сторш. У зв'язку з цим побудова матриць повинна супро-воджуватись постшною роботою зi збору шформаци, що в наш час не здшс-нюеться на системнш основi.

Ключовi слова: ефектившсть, державне управлiння, адмiнiстрацiя, державна поллика, конкурентоспроможшсть краши.



Аннотация. Проанализировано содержание определений эффективности государственного управления. Рассмотрена административная эффективность в контексте предметного поля науки государственного управления. Приведены методики и модели исследования конкурентоспособности стран. Показано, что конкурентоспособность как аналитический инструмент дает возможность исследовать эффективность государственного управления. Административная эффективность является фактором повышения конкурентоспособности страны. Отмечено, что задача административной эффективности как показателя — это отражение понимания деятельности институтов, которая зависит от эффективности и поведения как государственных, так и частных участников. Это правовая и административная основа в рамках лица, фирмы и правительства взаимодействуют между собой. Именно она определяет качество государственных учреждений. Благодаря этому инструменту страна влияет на конкурентоспособность страны, рост экономики и благосостояние общества.

Неэффективное государственное управление является не только распространенным явлением, связано с большими затратами для общества, а зачастую и благодаря отсутствию принятых моделей анализа эффективности приводит к безответственности. Поэтому введение и распространение в практике исследования, при анализе и консультировании достижений научной теории государственного управления, в частности, результатов глубоких исследований конкурентоспособности, не только экономических показателей, а оценки последствий важных для стабильного развития общественно-политических и управленческих явлений и процессов, способствовать занятию ведущего места научного управления (менеджмента) независимого от политической идеологии. Замечено, что сегодня матричные методы играют важную роль в стратегическом анализе политики. Однако все они требуют

полной и надежной информации относительно состояния сегмента государственной политики, сильных и слабых сторон. В связи с этим построение матриц должно сопровождаться постоянной работой по сбору информации, что в наше время не осуществляется на системной основе.

Ключевые слова: эффективность, государственное управление, администрация, государственная политика, конкурентоспособность страны.

Formulation of the problem. One

of the features of the modern (from the 50's of the last century till the present time) stage of development of public administration science — this is not only a rethinking of the achievements of the previous development of the industry, and the search for a new, more effective toolkit. The issues of structure, behavior, culture of the organization (concept of organizational development), the issue of research of administrative problems, state policies, scientific substantiation (new state management) in the context of improving the efficiency of the functioning of the state administration system are being discussed. And also, due to its adaptability, flexibility, professionalism of government officers, making decisions based on scientific validity, modern knowledge. In addition, the goal of effective public administration is the implementation of strategies that are consistent with changes in the global, regional markets for effective inclusion in the world economy and improving the country's competitiveness, crisis management, structural and technological restructuring, and raising the standard of living of the population. These strategies must be effective. They should increase the country's competitiveness, act "ahead" and have a social orientation.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Effectiveness of public administration — the content of the concept, approaches to the evaluation, the effectiveness and limitations of individual methodologies are studied recently quite often and meaningfully (V. Averyanov, G. Atamanchuk, V. Bakumenko, V. Bashtannik, M. Bol-rig, K. Weiss, E. Vedung, R. Kaplan, A. Melnyk, N. Nyzhnik, O. Obolensky, O. Tkachev, I. Shulga). Competition, as a social phenomenon, a political problem and the problem of increasing the competitiveness of the state, country, society as a subject of research in economic and socio-humanity science, is generally not new. At the same time, in the field of state management, the scientific problem of administrative efficiency as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of the country, actually, is learned a little.

The purpose of the article is to describe the possibilities of strengthening the influence of the scientific component in the processes of research on administrative efficiency in Ukraine, as well as on identifying innovative directions of development of Ukrainian society by including in the scope of scientific research the concept of "competitiveness". The research of competitiveness as a result of effective public administration, in particular, as

the efficiency of administration, is of great practical importance to both the states-leaders and those states that seek to improve their position in a constantly changing world. Competitiveness is not only an economic indicator, it is an assessment of the consequences of important socio-political and managerial phenomena and processes that are important for the stable development. The task is to examine the concept of administrative efficiency in the context of understanding the competitiveness of the country, to clarify the essence of improving the country's competitiveness as a managerial problem, to find out the administrative efficiency of the factor of increasing the competitiveness of the country.

Presenting main material. V. Wilson, F. Gudnau, M. Weber — with these names the beginning of the formation of the state administration science is associated. Wilson's idea of "administrative efficiency" shows how to use administrative and public administration methods of organization and management that have already proven their effectiveness based on the high professionalism of administration in business, since "governance issues are not political issues" [1], so government officers should be selected for their professional competence, not political affiliation, gender, etc. Dividing the same opinion, F. Goodnau believed that the functions between politicians and administrators should be clearly demarcated, with policies controlling the activities of administrators, and the latter, in turn, are subject to the decision of politicians. He believed that "administration" in the nation means executive or administrative power ... , "administration", when it

is used as an indicator of the functioning of power, is capable to promote the idea that this function of the government can only be found in the work of the authorities, which are separately referred to as executive or administrative authorities. They, in turn, can be regarded as limited to the function of administration ... " [2, p. 20]1. M. Weber was also convinced that politics should not be a profession of an official. A government officer should "manage6 first of all, objectively, and this requirement can even be applied to "political" government officials who carry out managerial functions as professional work, due to business official duty (sine ira et studio, "without anger and passion he should act") [3, p. 161]2. Therefore, officials are recruited into the management apparatus solely on the basis of their education, professionalism and competence, and these same qualities constantly support their power. Consequently, the task of government officers is the ability to apply managerial principles to specific situations. Professional government officers are not only highly qualified specialists in spiritual work, but also people of honor. Without this, according to M. Weber, there would be a fatal danger of horrible corruption and philistinism, which would jeopardize the purely technical efficiency of the state apparatus.

1 Frank Johnson Goodnow. Politics and Administration: A Study in Government. New York, The Macmillan company; London, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1900. — 302 p. — URL: https://ia800304.us.archive.org/29/items/ politicsadminis00good/politicsadminis-00good_bw.pdf — Accessed: 02/01/2018.

2 Max Weber. Sociology. Historical analyzes. Policy. — K., 1998. — P. 157-172.

Under the influence of these ideas, the leading place in the theory of state administration immediately was taken by the issue of scientific management (management), independent of political ideology.

Instead, G. Wright noted that there are other traditions, other than American (in terms of understanding the subject of state administration) [4]3, where traditionally state administration is regarded as an executive aspect of government, "it seems to consist of all those activities that are needed for the implementation of the course of elected officials, as well as activities associated with the development of these courses" [4, p. 10]4.

These problems have not lost their relevance today. Moreover, their consideration received an additional focus — analysis of state administration, public administration and administration in terms of efficiency. How to evaluate efficiency, effectiveness ... , etc., when it comes to the activities of state authorities and local self-government bodies?

In the national science of state administration certain points of view are offered. In particular, investigating the effectiveness of public administration, as a result, the relationship between the cost of its achievement, B. Bilous distinguishes between three key concepts of the effectiveness of state administration: "the overall social efficiency of state administration", "the effective-

3 Wright G. Public Administration / Glen Wright; per. from english V. Ivashko. — K.: Basics, 1994. — 191 p.

4 Wright G. Public Administration / Glen

Wright; per. from english V. Ivashko. — K.:

Basics, 1994. — 191 p.

ness of the organization and operation of state administration" and "efficiency the activities of management bodies and officials" [5].

At the same time, in most foreign countries, when assessing the socioeconomic performance of the public sector, they take measures of efficiency and effectiveness. Thus, L. Prychod-chenko, when considering the possibility of increasing the efficiency of public authorities, substantiated the principles of evaluation. These are objectivity, sys-temicity, differentiation for external and internal efficiency, comparison, process (continuity of evaluation), complexity, dynamism. The author describes a simple model of performance evaluation ("purpose - input resources -internal process - efficiency/productivity"), but specific criteria have not been provided. At the same time, the author makes a generalization that the evaluation of effectiveness depends on a number of conditions (political, economic, social, natural, scientific and technical) and are historically relative with the passage of time that would be an integral part (functional, activity, expenditure) not taken into account subjects of its implementation [6, p. 8-9])5. It can be assumed that in this case, the efficiency is understood as the relationship between the product and the resources that went into its creation in terms of the result, and the effectiveness of the degree of achievement of the declared goals. Detailed various

5 Prychodchenko L. Effectiveness of public authorities: tools and factors of evaluation / L. Prychodchenko // Collection of scientific works of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. — 2009. — Is. 1. — P. 3-12.

theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "efficiency of state governance" are also described by V. Fomin [7]6. If effectiveness is considered on the basis of performance — we will receive as an indicator the result of the professionalism of the administration (administrative result — administrative efficiency). It is a consequence of the use of effective sample management techniques, both in business, as a measure of resource allocation and a criterion for the final assessment of decisions on public administration. This allows for a delineation of policy and management, gives clear criteria to candidates, shows measurability of results, regulation of functions, taking into account motivation. However, we will have the fact that the presence of officials in positions reduces the efficiency of the apparatus and, what is most important, is contrary to the "rational principle" to evaluate each person and the situation in terms of significance and uniqueness. It is also possible to speak of the limited "power of competence" by the "power of charisma" (Wilson, F. Goodnau, M. Weber).

Effectiveness is also often considered both as a utility, an ability to meet the needs of society, as a result — the effect of the subject's influence on the object of management (Y. Bajal, O. Kilie-vich, O. Mertens, I. Rozputenko). In our opinion, the main disadvantage is that here we get more subjective evaluation. When it comes to efficiency, the result

6 Fomin V. V. Theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "efficiency of public administration" / V. V. Fomin // State administration: improvement and development. — 2011. — № 11. — Mode of access: http://nbuv. gov.ua/UJRN/Duur_2011_11_27

is comparable to the cost of its achievement (and the costs include both the direct costs of the management system and the costs of implementing management decisions (A. Melnyk, O. Obolen-sky, A. Vasin, L. Gordienko), we have the opportunity to compare the goal, purposes and resources.

In addition, the effectiveness of state administration is also proposed to be investigated through political and managerial relations with quantitative and qualitative indicators. Considering such relationships as the public service system, in particular, I. Shulga [8]7, for the purpose of determining the quantitative indicators of the work of the state authority, applies the research of operations of non-Markov public service systems. This enabled the author, firstly, to outline the possibilities of using the mathematical apparatus to study the effectiveness of political-managerial relations, taking into account the specifics of state-building in Ukraine, and secondly, to develop methodological recommendations on the application of research of operations for non-Markov public service systems in order to determine quantitative performance indicators of the state authority on concrete examples, and thirdly, to draw the conclusion that at the present stage of state building Ukraine has a hybrid model of political and managerial relations, characterized by a lack of clear distinc-

7 Shulga I. L. Political-administrative relations in the system of public administration: tendencies, concepts, improvement [Text]: author's abstract. thesis ... Phd in state administration sciences: special 25.00.01 "Theory and history of the state. Practice" / I. L. Shulga; National acad. of state administration under the President of Ukraine. — Kyiv, 2016. — 20 p.

tion between politicians and government officers, and their participation in the development of the political course of state development [8]. At the same time, we can assume that this methodology has limitations in the study, in particular, in the theory of making managerial decisions.

Consequently, in the national scientific thought, the effectiveness of state administration is often understood through the effectiveness of governance (Y. Bajal, O. Kileevich, O. Mertens, I. Rozputenko) [9]8 as a target orientation for creating the necessary, useful things that can meet certain needs, to ensure the achievement of the end results, adequate to the objectives of management, and "effectiveness of management" — is the effect of the subject's influence on the object of management. Therefore, an assessment of the effectiveness of state administration is a rather difficult problem. According to O. Tkachev, "the complexity of this problem lies in the absence of a single result indicator in the public sector, which is a profit for commercial structures" [10]9.

How to measure the results of the activity of an institution of the state sector of management (a body of state power, local self-government, organizations, enterprises, etc., which performs

8 Effectiveness of Public Administration / Y. Bajal, O. Kilievich, O. Mertens and others; per community Ed. I. Rozputenko. — K.: I. K., 2002. — 420 p.

9 Tkachova O. Efficiency of State Administra-

tion: Concepts and Approaches to Evaluation / O. Tkacheva // Bulletin of the National Academy of State Administration under the President of Ukraine. — 2013. — № 2. — P. 30-37. — Access mode: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vn-adu_2013_2_6. — Appeal 06/01/2018

certain functions in the field of state, administrative, party, public, commercial management, control, supervision)? O. Tkacheva has investigated that the widespread interpretation of the efficiency of management (A. Melnyk, O. Obolensky, A. Vasin, L. Gordienko) is "the result, compared with the cost of its achievement (and the costs include both direct costs of the management system and expenses for implementation of managerial decisions)" [10].

At present, in Ukraine, the effectiveness of public administration is increasingly associated with the competences of government officers. In reforming public administration in Ukraine, the issue of professional competencies of candidates is one of the key criteria for building a new civil service system. To this end, the Government of Ukraine approved the Concept for the introduction of reform specialist positions which is designed for the period up to 2020 and "should ensure the updating and strengthening of the staffing capacity of state bodies, significantly increase the effectiveness of their work on the preparation and implementation of key national reforms aimed at increasing the standard of living of Ukrainian citizens and the growth of our country's position in the world's competitiveness ratings" [11]10.

So, there is a need to deeper analyze, firstly, the link between the effectiveness of state administration and the competitiveness of the country, and

10 On approval of the Concept for the introduction of reform specialist positions // Government portal. The unified web-portal of executive bodies of Ukraine. — Mode of access: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/ua/ npas/249552384 — Appeal 05/01/2018.

secondly, to explore the analytical capabilities of competitiveness more deeply.

In Ukraine, the competitiveness is studied by the research teams of the National Institute for Strategic Studies (under the direction of Y. Zhalilo [12]11, the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (led by I. Kryuchkova) [13]12, the Competitiveness Council of Ukraine (under the direction of Yu. Poluneev)13, the Faculty of Economics of the Taras Shevchen-ko National University of Kyiv (headed by B. Bazylevych), the Center for Market Reforms (under the leadership of V. Lanovy).

Competitiveness of national economies and countries is determined by numerous and quite diverse factors. This is evidenced by the annual reports of the World Economic Forum (The Global Competitiveness Report), ranking countries in the Global Competitiveness Index [15]14 and the lead-

11 Jalilo Y. A. Competitiveness of Ukraine economy in the conditions of globalization / Y. A. Jalilo, Y. B. Bazylyuk, Y. V. Belinskaya and others; for ed. Y. A. Jalilo. — K.: NISD, 2005. — 388 p.

12 The Competitiveness of the Ukrainian Economy: Status and Prospects for Increasing / Ed. Dr. of econ. sciences I. V. Kryuchkova. — K: Osnova, 2007. — 488 p.

13 Poluneev Y. V. Competitiveness of the country as a national idea or the last chance for Ukraine [Electronic resource] / Y. V. Poluneev // Economic analysis. 2011 year. Issue 8. Part 1. — P. 152; Poluneev Y. V. Raising international competitiveness of the country as the dominant strategic crisis management [Text] / Y. V. Poluneev / / EconomicJournal — XXI. — 2011. — № 1/2. — P. 23-27.

14 The Global Competitiveness Index. Report [Electronic resource] // The World Economic Forum. — Access mode: https://www.


ing European Institute of Management (Switzerland), which is conducting country research, concluding the "Annual rating of global competitiveness" (The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook) [16]15.

The World Economic Forum experts identify competitiveness as a set of institutions, policies and factors that determine the level of productivity of the economy, which in turn sets the level of prosperity that the economy can achieve. The Competitiveness Index (GCI) combines 114 indicators that capture concepts that are relevant to productivity and long-term prosperity. These indicators are grouped in 12 blocks: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomics, environment, health and primary education, higher education and training, market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness, market size, business and innovation. These pillars are organized in turn in three sub-indices: basic requirements, efficiency improvement, innovations, factors. The three sub-indices get different weight in the calculation of the general index, depending on the stage of development of each individual economy, in particular, per GDP per capita and the share of raw materials exports. The index includes statistics from international organizations (IMF, World Bank, United Nations specialized agencies) and the results of expert surveys.

But that's not all. So, different methods and models of competitiveness, indices and individual indicators

15 The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook. — Access mode: http://www.imd.org/ wcc/news-wcy-ranking/

are currently being used. Known as the classic model, Porter's model, the double diamond model, the nine-factor model, and the model of double-duplex competitive diamond, some of which are described and summarized by V. Berestchenko (2011) [17]16. In addition, there are other international ratings of countries that reflect the positions of the countries of the world on the general statistical indicators, as well as special social, economic and political indices and ratings. Here is a grouping of these methods and models with a brief analysis of "strong" sides and disadvantages.

Analytic, matrix models are a classic model, a Porter model, a dual rum model, a nine-factor model, a competitive diamond model, a matrix of "growth rate/market share" (BKG), a matrix of "industry attractiveness/position in competition" (matrix of McKinsey), SWOT and PEST analyzes. With their help, an assessment is made of the relevance of the objectives of the management strategy and resources, the ability to assess the current state and the possibility of forecasting. The peculiarity is that they have self-sufficiency in terms of conclusions, as well as the complexity of such studies. In particular, complex criteria have been applied that in more details characterize the position of the market business direction, the attractiveness of the industry and the competitiveness of the enterprise. Using a fairly wide range of indicators to form a complex criterion allows you to assess the contribution of each and de-

16 Berestenko V. I. Modern approaches to the analysis of national competitiveness // Foreign Trade: Economy, Finance, Law № 2. — 2011. — P. 62-68.

velop appropriate measures for change, if necessary. But they do not have quantitative dimensions, they have a general character of recommendations, which does not give real keys to identify the prospects for a particular development. Moreover, market parameters are considered in statics. Consequently, this leads to errors in the assessment of the prospects, competitiveness of the directions of state policy, development, which are evaluated superficially, there are no methodological recommendations for the calculation of individual components (for example, such indicators as technological capabilities, management level, etc.).

Economic-mathematical, mathematical methods and mathematical models of estimation and management of competitiveness of industry, industry, region, functioning in market conditions. They contain indicators that characterize the competitiveness of the produced public goods, the value and structure of capital financing the market activity (financial sector), integral indicators, presented in the form of weighted average characteristics, reflect the competitiveness of different fields of activity, calculation of net indicators.

Comprehensive, which are based on indices. These are, in essence, aggregated indices. Among them, such as the global competitiveness index, human development, life satisfaction, democracy, global index of peace, state failure, corruption perception, economic freedom, ease of doing business, logistics efficiency, property rights, innovations, etc. They are characterized by detailed criteria, complexity, the ability to use the indicator of a beneficial effect, the simultaneous reflection of the degree of

satisfaction of society and the effectiveness of activities. However, they have subjective assessments, the possibility of interpreting individual data, and possible unevenness of the indicators. And the competition between the indices can lead to a distortion of the overall assessment.

And, in the end, individual and complex. They are based on statistics. Single indicators, such as GDP/peson and a set of individual indicators, for example, indicators of living standards (Calvert — W. Henderson). Their peculiarity is the relative simplicity and ease of carrying out the calculation, taking into account individual unit indicators, and systematic calculations by the relevant institutions. Although there may be errors in the construction of indicators, the impossibility of operative calculation without the data of statistical reports of responsible government agencies.

It is worth noting that today matrix methods play an important role in strategic analysis of politics. However, they all need complete and reliable information regarding the state of the state policy segment, strengths and weaknesses. In this regard, the construction of matrices should be accompanied by constant work on the collection of information, which in our time is not implemented on a systematic basis.

Conclusions and perspectives of further research. In the national scientific thought, the most common approaches to understanding the effectiveness of state administration, as the general social efficiency of state administration, as the effectiveness of the organization and functioning of state administration actors, as well as the ef-

fectiveness of the activities of management bodies and officials, have been formed, but the principles, criteria and performance factors are rather blurred, unbalanced, do not contain clear, meaningful markers, but at the same time may not always be fully reflecting the qualitative results of activities of the state administration body.

Effectiveness of state administration and administrative efficiency are not identical, but in the content and approaches taken to build models of research on the effectiveness of public institutions and the implementation of state policies, often these boundaries are missing or are not clearly seen.

The task of administrative efficiency as an indicator is to reflect an understanding of the activities of institutions, which depends on the effectiveness and behavior of both public and private actors. This is the legal and administrative framework within which individuals, firms and governments interact with one another. It determines the quality of state institutions. Through this tool, the country affects the competitiveness of the country, the growth of the economy and the welfare of society.

Ineffective state governance is not only a widespread phenomenon, which is associated with high costs for society, but rather often due to the lack of accepted models of efficiency analysis, it leads to irresponsibility. Therefore, the introduction and dissemination in the practice of research, analysis and advising on the achievements of the scientific theory of state administration, in particular, the results of in-depth research on competitiveness, not only economic indicators, but also the assessment of the implications of socio-political and

managerial phenomena and processes that are important for the stable development, will contribute to the occupation of the leading place of scientific administration (management), independent of political ideology.

Prospects for further research are the development of tools for evaluating administrative efficiency.


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