Научная статья на тему 'Addenda and conclusion of an Etymology-based 100-item wordlist for Semitic languages'

Addenda and conclusion of an Etymology-based 100-item wordlist for Semitic languages Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Militarev Alexander

The paper concludes a series of four previous publications by the author that contained a detailed word-by-word etymological analysis of 100-item Swadesh wordlists for all known Semitic languages for which such a wordlist could be compiled. This concluding part is intended as a brief, but comprehensive summary of the preceding research, containing all the Proto-Semitic equivalents that the author was able to reconstruct for Swadesh list etyma, accompanied with brief notes. A new, improved lexicostatistical tree for Semitic languages is also given, together with some historical comments.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Addenda and conclusion of an Etymology-based 100-item wordlist for Semitic languages»

Alexander Militarev

Institute of Eastern Cultures and Antiquity, RSUH (Moscow); amilitarev@gmail.com

Addenda and conclusion of an etymology-based 100-item wordlist for Semitic languages

The paper concludes a series of four previous publications by the author that contained a detailed word-by-word etymological analysis of 100-item Swadesh wordlists for all known Semitic languages for which such a wordlist could be compiled. This concluding part is intended as a brief, but comprehensive summary of the preceding research, containing all the Proto-Semitic equivalents that the author was able to reconstruct for Swadesh list etyma, accompanied with brief notes. A new, improved lexicostatistical tree for Semitic languages is also given, together with some historical comments.

Keywords: Semitic, Afrasian, etymology, glottochronology, lexicostatistics.

The present paper concludes a series of four previous papers (Mil. 2010, Mil. 2011, Mil. 2012, Mil. 2014) whose primary aim was to compile a 100-item wordlist for most Semitic languages, one in which the etymological background for every item, wherever possible, would be taken into consideration so as to arrive at a detailed and comprehensive genealogical tree and chronology of the historical branching of the Semitic family on a lexicostatistical basis. In turn, this would assist us in constructing a similar model for the Afrasian macrofamily as a whole (hopefully, in the near future).

This paper should be regarded as a companion piece to the four previous papers which, on the whole, contain more detailed data, a short prehistory of the research, and a comprehensive bibliography with abbreviations. Its main goal is to provide a list of corrections, additions (mostly Afrasian parallels to already discussed Semitic items), updates, and revisions of the etymological entries discussed in the four above-mentioned papers, and to present the results of final statistical calculations in the form of a proper genealogical tree for Proto-Semitic (all the absolute datings, for Proto-Semitic as well as all the intermediate nodes on the Semitic tree, were obtained with the aid of Sergei Starostin's revised glottochronological method).

Below we list the slightly modified dates, some of them averaged and hence somewhat conventional, that are ascribed to individual extinct languages: Akkadian, 1750 B.C.E.; Ugari-tic, 1350 B.C.E.; Hebrew, 750 B.C.E.; Phoenician 850 B.C.E.; Biblical Aramaic, 250 B.C.E.; Palestinian Judaic, 200 C.E.; Syrian Aramaic, 200 C.E.; Mandaic, 750 C.E.; Urmian Aramaic, 1900; Qur'anic Arabic, 600 C.E.; Lebanese Arabic, 1950; Meccan Arabic, 1950; Maltese Arabic, 2000; Sabaic, 200 B.C.E.; GeTez, 500 C.E.; Tigrai, 1950; Tigre, 2000; Amharic, 2000; Argobba, 1950; Ga-fat, 1950; Soddo, 2000; Harari, 2000; Wolane, 2000; Chaha, 2000; Harsusi, 2000; Mehri, 2000; Hobyot, 2000; Jibbali, 2000; Soqotri, 2000.

This study was carried out within the frames of two projects: "Elaboration of a comrehen-sive system of regular correspondences in consonantism between the Afrasian languages and a pilot reconstruction on its basis of Proto-Afrasian terms featuring the inner world of the Neolithic man" (supported by the Russian Foundation for the Humanities, project №12-04-

Journal of Language Relationship • Вопросы языкового родства • 13/2 (2015) • Pp. 91 — 138 • © Militarev A., 2015

00293), and "Limits of the Afrasian macro-family: chronology of branching; coordination with the dates obtained by extralinguistic methods; contacts with non-Afrasian African languages" (supported by the Russian Foundation for Sciences, project 12-06-00214-a).

The data below are based on the following primary sources (not referred to in the text except for special cases): Akk. - CAD, AHw and CDAk; Ugr. - DUL; Hbr. and Bib. - HALOT; Pho. — Tomb.; Pal. — Sok.; Syr. — Brock.; Mnd. — DM; Urm. — Tser. and Sarg.; Qur. — Pen. and BK; Leb., Mlt. — native speakers, Mec. — Sat.; Sab. — SD; Gez. — LGz; Tna. — native speakers and Kane T; Tgr. — a native speaker and LH; Amh. — native speakers, Baet. and Kane A; Arg. — LArg; Gaf. — LGaf; Sod. and Cha. — native speakers and LGur; Har. — a native speaker and LHar; Wol. — LGur; Hrs. — a native speaker and JH; Mhr. — native speakers, JM and Nak. 1986; Hob. — Nak. 2013; Jib. — native speakers, JJ and Nak. 1986; Soq. — data collected by L. Kogan in Soqotra, LS, JM, JJ and Nak. 1986.

Abbreviations of languages, language periods and sources:

Afras. — Afrasian (Afroasiatic, Semito-Hamitic); Akk. — Akkadian; Amh. — Amharic; Arb. — Arabic; Arg. — Argobba; Arm. — Aramaic; BD — Book of the Dead; Brb. — Berber; Bib. — Biblical Aramaic; C. — Central; Chad. — Chadic; Clas. — Classical; Cush. — Cushitic; Dyn. — Dynasty; E. — East; Egyp. — Egyptian; ESA — Epigraphic Sout Arabian; Eth. — Ethiopian; Gaf. — Gafat; Gez. — GeTez; Gur. — Gurage; Har. — Harari; HEC — Highland East Cushitic; Hbr. — Hebrew; Hob. — Hobyot; Hrs. — Harsusi; Jib. — Jibbali (= Shahri); Jud.

— Judaic Aramaic; Leb. — Lebanese Arabic; LEC — Lowland East Cushitic; Mlt. — Maltese Arabic; Mec. — Meccan Arabic; Med. — Medical texts; Mhr. — Mehri; MK — Middle Kingdom; Mnd. — Mandaic Aramaic; Mod. — Modern; MSA — Modern South Arabian; N. — North; NK — New Kingdom; OK — Old Kingdom; Omot. — Omotic; P. — Proto; Pal. — Palestinian Aramaic; pB. — postbiblical; Pho. — Phoenician; Pyr. — Pyramid Texts; Qur. — Qur'anic Arabic; S. — South; Sab. — Sabaic; Sel. — Selti; Sem. — Semitic; Sod. — Soddo; Soq.

— Soqotri; Syr. — Syrian Aramaic; Tna. — Tigrinna (= Tigray); Tgr. — Tigre; Ugr. — Ugaritic; Urm. — Urmian Neo-Aramaic; W. — West; Wol. — Wolane.

Other abbreviations:

acc. — according (to); lw. — loanword; met. — metathesis; pl. — plural; rel. — related; syn. — synonym.

Transcription and transliteration:

p — bilabial emphatic voiceless stop; b — bilabial emphatic voiced stop; b — bilabial voiced fricative; t — dental emphatic voiceless stop; d — dental emphatic voiced stop; t — voiceless interdental fricative (in Egyp., a conventional symbol most likely conveying c); d — voiced interdental fricative (in Egyp., a conventional symbol most likely conveying 3); c — alveolar voiceless affricate [ts]; 3 — alveolar voiced affricate [dz]; c — palato-alveolar voiceless affricate [ts]; 3 — palato-alveolar voiced affricate [dz]; s — hissing emphatic voiceless fricative; c — emphatic voiceless affricate; z — conventionally stands for what was likely d, emphatic voiced interdental fricative, or i, emphatic voiceless interdental fricative; c — palato-alveolar emphatic affricate; s — lateral voiceless fricative (denoted by Sx in Sem. reconstructed proto-forms); c — lateral voiceless affricate; s — lateral voiceless emphatic fricative; c — lateral voiceless emphatic affricate; z — lateral voiced emphatic sibilant (or perhaps affricate); z — lateral voiced sibilant; g — voiced velar fricative (in Brb.), k or q — emphatic velar stop; *q — hypothetic velar affricate [kh] (only in reconstructed Afrasian proto-forms); y — uvular voiced fricative (Arabic "ghain"); h — uvular voiceless fricative; h — presumably velar voiceless

fricative (only in Egyptian); h — pharyngeal voiceless fricative; f — pharyngeal stop ("ayin"), h — laryngeal voiceless fricative; ? — glottal stop ("aleph", "hamza"), y — palatal resonant; ? and z — conventional transcription symbols accepted in Egyptology.

Conventions for reconstructed protoforms.

V renders a non-specified vowel, e.g. *bVr- should be read "either *bar-, or *bzr-, or *bur-". H renders a non-specified laryngeal or pharyngeal. S renders a non-specified sibilant.

/ when separates two symbols means "or", e.g. *?z'/abar- should be read "either *?zbar- or *?abar-".

( ) a symbol in round brackets means "with or without this symbol", e.g. *ba(w)r- should

be read "*bawr- or *bar-". ~ means "and" pointing to two or more co-existing proto-forms.

1. all

(1) Akk. (OB), MB kaZû; Ugr. kZ; Hbr. kôZ; Pho. kZ; Bib. kôZ; Pal. kwZ, koZ; Syr. kuZ; Mnd. kuZ; Urm. kaZ; Qur. kuZZ-; Leb. kaZZ; Mec. kuZZ; Mlt. koZZa; Sab. kZZ; Gez. k^aZZu; Tna. k^aZZu; Tgr. kaZZu; Amh. huZZu; Gaf. yaZh^ä (< *yaZkœ-, met.); Sod. kuZZam; Cha. annam; Har. kuZZu; Wol. huZZam; Hrs. kaZ(Z); Mhr. kaZ; Hob. kaZZ; Jib. ka(h)Z // < Sem. *ka'aZZ-u.

(2) Arg. muZz // < Sem. *mZ? 'to be full' (v. full #1).

(3) Soq.fahere // < Sem. *pfrr 'to gather', *pahzr- 'totality, gathering' (Mil. 2010; Kog. LE 466). ^ Proto-Semitic *ka'aZZ-u (#1) < Afras. *k(>Z- 'all, each, much' (Mil. 2010).

2. ashes

(1) Akk. (MB) f/dzkmënu ('ashes, soot, residue'; wr. syll. iz-kz-nz CAD i 110); Pal. fcim; Syr. fceim-; Mnd. gzfm-; Urm. fczim- // Arb. fcafâm- 'poussière' (BK 2 675) < Sem. *fczfßm- ~ *fzfcm- < Afras. *fzlm/n-: N.Omot. *czak/fcn- (< *iVyak/fcn-) 'ashes': Gimirra (Benesho, She) czakn, Dizi (Sheko) çzakzn, (Maji) çeyafcn (ADB).

(2) Ugr. fmr // likely < *(fV-)fVmr- (v. Mil. 2010 #1); cf. W.Chad.: S.Bauchi: Jum mùr% Mangas mwwrùn, ^wru^, Kir mwurz^, Laar ^oro 'ashes' (< *murun-) and with met. (a variant root?): E.Cush.: Afar rama 'hot ashes', LEC: Arbore romm, Elmolo rôm 'ashes', Yaaku hroon, pl. hroomê (h- is not < *f; allegedly < Masai) 'ashes' (ADB).

(3) Hbr. ?epär // < Sem. *?apar- 'dust, soil; ashes' (Mil. 2010) < Afras. *(?a-)far- 'k. of poor, unfertile soil': Egyp. (Pyr.) f.f (if < *fVr-f) 'dust (?)'; Chad. W.: Hausa fàra 'dry soil'. C.: Gaanda fr-fà, Boka fur-fà 'ground', Masa fûZ-Zà (-Z can be < *r — v. St. 2005 9) 'uncultivated land', E.: Migama paar 'barren soil', Mokilko pùùré 'dust' (p < *p/f); E.Cush.: LEC: Dase-nech faara 'clay' (ADB).

(4) Pho. ?ry // < Sem. *?ür- ~ *?zrr- 'fire', *?ry ~ *wry 'set fire to' (v. Mil. 2010 #3) < Afras. *?u/zr-'fire, to burn': Egyp. (Gr.) zr.f 'flame'; Chad. W.: Boghom yarwz 'burn', C. *war- ~ *?ur-'burn, roast in ash, hot', E. *?y/war- 'burn, warm oneself'; Cush. E.: Afar ur- 'burn' (ADB).

(5) Qur. ramäd-; Leb. rmad; Mec. rumäd; Mlt. armzf; Hrs. remëd; Mhr. rmzd; Hob. rmzzd; Jib. nd; Soq. rzmzd (less likely < Arb.: common MSA term with derived forms in all the languages) // < Arb.-MSA *rVmVd-.

(6) Gez. hamad; Tna. hamä^asiz or hamäd fc^asfz (on fc^asfz see Mil. 2010); Tgr. hamäd; Amh. amäd (syn.: afär — v. #3); Arg. hamäd; Sod. Cha. amäd; Har. hamäd; Wol. amäd // Either < Sem. *hmd (with h- in Gez. to be treated as a scribe's mistake for *h-) or, less likely, < Sem. *hmd 'to be hot' (v. discussion in Mil. 2010).

◊ No terms in Bib., Sab. and Gaf.

^ North and West Semitic *tikm- ~ *kitam- (#1).

^ (?) South and West (Arb.) Semitic *rVmVd- (#5; unless MSA < Arb.); with met. < Sem. *midr- 'dust, dirt' not to be ruled out (v. Mil. 2010).

3. bark

(1) Akk. (OB) kuliptu; Syr. kdlapdt-; Urm. kalpa; Hrs. kelfet; Mhr. kalifut; Jib. kizifot (syn.: kasrot 'husk, peel, skin' in JJ, but 'bark', acc. to my informants — v. #3); Soq. kalifoh // < Sem. *kal(i)p- (Mil. 2010; cf. Kog. LE 474).

(2) Mnd. masik- // < Sem. *ma/isk- 'skin' (v. skin #1).

(3) Leb. ?isri; Mec. gisra // < Sem. *kVsr- (Mil. 2010).

(4) Gez. ldhs; Tna. ldhsi (syn.: kwdrbdt — v. Mil. 2010 #5 and Note, kdrdf — v. #5); Tgr. ldhds (syn.: kdrdf — v. #5); Amh. ldt (syn.: kdrfit — v. #5); Arg. lihinto; Har. inci ldhit ("tree bark"); Wol. ldccace // < Eth. *lhs 'to peel, bark', likely < Sem. *lhs/hls 'to draw off, peel' (Mil. 2010).

(5) Har. kdrfit // < Arb.-Eth. *kVrp- (LGz 441) < Afras. *k(v)arp- (Mil. 2010 Note).

(6) Sod. kana (syn.: kdrfit — v. #5), Cha. kara // only Gur. (Mil. 2010).

0 Mlt. barka is a lw., likely < English; no terms in Ugr., Hbr.; Pho., Bib., Pal., Qur., Sab., Gaf. and Hob.

^ Proto-Semitic *kal(i)p- (#1) < Afras.*kalp- (Mil. 2010); add Chad. W.: Bade kulbak (-lb- < *-lf-), pl. kulbdn 'bark of tree', C.: Cuvok kakalaf 'bark' (St. 2011 #349b *[k]VlV[f]- assumed to be a derived noun < *kVl-). Note that *kal(i)p-, *kVrp- (and *kwirb-at-) are variant roots not at the Proto-Sem. but at the Proto-Afras. level; cf. Kog. LE 475).

4. belly

(1) Akk. (OB) karsu; Syr. kars-; Mnd. kars-; Urm. ki(r)s-; Gez. kars (syn.: kabd — v. #2); Tna. kdrsi (and kdbdi — v. #2); Tgr. kdrsdt (syn.: kdbdd — v. #2); Arg. kdrs, hars; Gaf. drsd, Sod. kdrs; Har. kdrsi // < Sem. *kar(i)s- (SED I #151).

(2) Ugr. kbd (?); Amh. hod // < Sem. *kabid(-at)-, v. in liver #2 (for a possible meaning 'belly' in Ugr. see Kog. LE).

(3) Hbr. bdtdn; Qur. batn-; Leb. batan; Mec. batin // < Sem. *batn- (SED I #42).

(4) Bib. *md1e (pl. suff. mdlohi) // (debatable: in Gn. 3:14 translates Hbr. gahon 'belly (of snakes and reptiles)' HALOT 187) < Sem. *ma<iay/w-atJintestines, entrails' (SED I #185) < Afras. *mVfay- 'entrails, liver': E.Chad.: Gadang muyo 'liver'; Cush. E.: LEC: Oromo mo?o 'loins, back', Bussa maye 'liver'; N.Omot. *ma?ay- 'liver; heart' (not < *mayz- contra Mil. 2010) ADB.

(5) Wol. ddl; Cha. ddn // either < Sem. *dan(V)n- 'viscera, inner organ, intestine' (SED I #54) with a parallel in Brb. or < Arb.-Eth. *dawl- 'stomach, interior' (Mil. 2010).

(6) Hrs. hofel (syn.: kerds — v. #1); Mhr. hofel (syn. kirds — v. #1); Hob. hoofdl; Jib. sofdl (syn.: sirs — v. #1) // < Sem. *sxV(n)pVl- (SED I 271; on sx v. ibid. XLVIII-CV). Note that my continental MSA informants gave preference for the forms derived from *sofdl; the same follows from Nak. 1986 (cf. discussion in Kog. LE 475) and is corroborated by Hob.

(7) Soq. mer (syn.: hant — v. Mil. 2010 #8 and Kog. LE 476) // either < Sem. *mar?- 'fat' (v. fat #9) or, less likely, < *mi/ar(V)r-(at-) 'gall, gall-bladder' (SED I #188).

0 Mlt. stonku < Italian or English; no term in Pho., Pal., Sab.

^ North and West Semitic (Proto-Semitic with the MSA syn.) *kar(i)s- (#1).

^ West Semitic *batn- (#3) < Afras. *ba/ut(n)- 'belly': Brb. *but-: Ntifa a-bud 'belly', Audjila a-but 'navel', etc.; (?) Egyp. (Med.) bnd 'difficult delivery'; Chad. W. *but- 'belly, stomach', C.: Bata butiye 'navel', Hurso budubudu 'stomach' (ADB).

5. big

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) rabw; Ugr. rb, rabbu; Pho. rb; Bib. rab; Pal. rb; Syr. rabb-; Mnd. rba // < Sem. *rabb- (HALOT 1170); Arm. forms are thought by some authors of being < Akk. on grounds I fail to understand.

(2) Hbr. gadoZ // < Sem. *gVdVZ- (Mil. 2010) // perhaps derived, with root extension -Z < Afras. *gVd- 'big, many' (v. #9).

(3) Qur. kabzr-; Leb. kbeyr; Mec. kabzyr; Mlt. kbzr // < Sem. *kbr 'be big, thick, plenty' (v. Mil. 2010 #4) < Afras. *kabz'r- 'big, thick': W.Chad.: Hausa kflbn, kauri 'thickness', Mangas gzbar 'be thick', Boghom kzbur-de, Tala kzbwr 'be heavy'; N.Omot.: Yamsa kupzra 'all'.

(4) Sab. bhf // one attestation (Stein 721), strangely isolated (v. DRS).

(5) Gez. Sabzy; Tna. Sabzy; Tgr. Sabz // < Sem. *T/fby 'to be big, thick' (LGz 55; add Arb. wSb 'prendre tout, s'emparer de toute la chose; amasser, amonceler' BK 2 1565) < Afras. *(w/yV-)i/fVb- 'to be big, piled up': Egyp. (OK) ySb 'vereinigen'; (?) Chad. (if h- may continue or W.: Hausa hflbz cthe increase in size', C.: Mafa hab- cfaire grandir (plaie)' (ADB).

(6) Amh. fa-ZZak; Sod. ma-Zflk (syn.: gaddar — v. #9); Cha. nak (syn.: ammzyA — v. #8) // < Sem. *Zhk 'to grow, be big, numerous' (cf. LGz 309).

(7) Arg. Zflham, nflham // < Sem. *ZVhVm-; cf. a couple of Afras. parallels (Mil. 2010).

(8) Gaf. ammuna // likely < Sem. *?u/zmm- 'mother' (v. Mil. 2010).

(9) Har. g(z)dzr, Wol. gfldfl'ra // < Eth.-Arb. *gdr 'to grow, grow big', presumably, with fossilized *-r < Afras. *gVd(d)- 'big, many' (Mil. 2010; add Chad. *gVd- 'big, strong, many' St. 2001 #504).

(10) Hrs. soh (f. nyob — v. Mil. 2010 #11); Mhr. soh (also 'old'; f. nob — v. Mil. 2010 #11); Hob. sooh // < Sem. *syh- 'to grow big or old' (Mil. 2010).

(11) Jib. ?eb (m.; f. ?um — v. #8) // likely < Sem. *?ab- 'father' (Mil. 2010) < Afras. *?ab- 'father'.

(12) Soq. iekar (syn.: m. ?eb, heb — v. #11, f. ?fl'm — v. #8) // < Arb.-MSA *Tkr 'to grow up, big' < Afras. ^Vk^Vr- id.: Brb. *a-mVkk^ar-an 'big'; Chad. *kVr- 'to increase' (St. 2011 #392) and W.: Tala kwoon 'big' (ADB).

0 Urm. gwr < Kurdish gaur, gwr.

^ North and West Semitic: *rabb- (#1) < Afras.*rVb-: Chad. W.: Hausa rzzbfl, rwbfl 'multiply, exceed', C.: Bura rzorzbu 'many' (St. 2005 #706); Omot.: Ongota arba 'big'.

6. bird

(1) Akk. (OB) zssuru, Ugr. isr // < Akk.-Ugr. *iVsswr-.

(2) Hbr. szppor; Pho. spr; Bib. szppar; Pal. sypr; Syr. seppar- (syn.: iayr--v. #3, parah-f- v. Mil.

2010 #4); Mnd. szpr-; Urm. szpr- (syn.: iayr--v. #3), Mlt. (gh)as/wr (with a common Arb.

root extension F-) // < Sem. *sVp(p)Vr- (Mil. 2010).

(3) Qur. iayr-; Leb. iayr; Mec. iayr // < Sem. *iayr- (Mil. 2010) < Afras. *iay/wr- 'bird': E.Chad.: Tumak dan 'bird' (likely < *iVrz, not *dVHr-: cf. Tumak dor 'turtle-dove'); N.Omot.: Kafa ioro 'vulture'.

(4) Gez. So/; Tna. iu/; Tgr. iu/; Amh. wo/; Arg. o/, wo/; Gaf. yafa; Sod. wo/, o/; Cha. a/®; Har. m/; Wol. / // < Sem. Sawp- 'bird' < Afras. *fa(w)p- 'bird; to fly' (Mil. 2010 #5).

(5) Tgr. sfl'reraf // acc. to LGz 514, < Sem. *srr 'to fly, jump' (Eth.; quoted ibid. forms in other Sem. are not in the main dictionaries); likely rel. to Chad. *sVwVr- 'kite' (St. 2009 #341).

(6) Hrs. ?akflb; Mhr. ?akabzf; Hob. ?zkzzbzf; Jib. Sesyef // < Arb.-MSA *SakVb- 'vulture; bird' (Mil. 2010 #7; cf. probably with met. and an odd meaning shift, Syr. kMSb- 'avis cantans' Brock. 667a); cf. isolated C.Chad.: Boka kobz 'kite' (ADB).

(7) Soq. noyhir // < Sem. *nVsr- 'eagle, vulture' (SED II #166), perhaps, with fossilized n-, rel. to #5.

0 No term in Sab.

^ North and West Semitic (Ugr.) *fVssur- (#1), with met. < Afras. *ciraf- (Mil. 2010).

^ West Semitic *sVp(p)Vr- (#2) < Afras. *ci/apur- (Mil. 2010).

7. bite

(1) Akk. (OB) nasaku; Ugr. ntk; Hbr. nsk; Gez. nsk; Hrs. netok; Mhr. netk // < Sem. *ntk (LGz 420).

(2) Pal. Syr. Mnd. nkt; Tna. ndkdsd; Tgr. ndksa; Amh. Arg. Gaf. ndkkdsd; Sod. ndkkdsdm; Cha. ndkdsdm; Har. ndkdsd; Wol. ndkdsd // < Sem. *nkt (v. Mil. 2010).

(3) Urm. krt // < Sem. *kwrt 'to cut, pinch' (Mil. 2010).

(4) Qur. Leb. Mec. fdd // < Sem. *fss with Afras. parallels, eventually likely < Arb.-MSA *fVsa/is- < Afras. *fac(fac)- 'cheekbone, (lower)jaw' (v. bone #3).

(5) Mlt. gidem // Either < *gdm or < *kdm (Mil. 2010).

(6) Hob. sdldar (syn.: sut); Jib. cafar // for debatable Sem. parallels v. Mil. 2010; cf. Chad. verbs *cVVr- 'to rip, tear away' (St. 2007 #357) and *cVr- 'to split (wood)' (ibid. #360).

(7) Soq. dufob (syn.: kardeb — v. Mil. 2010 #7)// perhaps with met. < Soq. fadob (not in LS) 'wound', Mhr. lazdwb 'to be imperfectly healed (a broken bone)', mazdbet 'cut', Jib. mafcot id., Hrs. lazob 'to wound' (all JM 39).

0 No terms in Pho., Bib., or Sab.

^ Proto-Semitic *ntk (#1) with probable Chad. and problematic Egyp. parallels (Mil. 2010).

^ West Semitic *nkt (#2) < Afras. *(nV-)kVc- 'tooth; biting' (Mil. 2010). The reasons why these two roots are scored differently are given in Mil. 2010, footnote 26.

8. black

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) salmu; Sab. zlm (?); Gez. sallim; Tna. sdllim; Tgr. sdllim; Gaf. sdlldma (syn.: tdkurd — v.#5); Harari tdy; Wol. tem // < Sem. *ilm 'to be black' (Mil. 2010).

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(2) Hbr. sahor // < Sem. *shr 'to be black' (Mil. 2010).

(3) Pal. ?wkm, ?kwm; Syr. ?ukkam- (syn.: kdna? — v. Mil. 2010 #4) < Sem. *(?a-)kawm- 'black, dark' < Afras. *kVm- 'black' (Mil. 2010).

(4) Qur. laswad-; Leb. laswdd; Mec. ?aswad; Mlt. ?iswet // for possible Sem. cognates and parallels in Chad. v. Mil. 2010 #5, for Chad. v. also *sVwVd- 'dark, black' (St. 2009 #100) and *swad- 'faeces' (ibid. #99).

(5) Amh. tdkwdr; Arg. Sod. Cha. tdkur // < Eth. *tkr 'to be black', *takar 'soot' (Mil. 2010 #6).

(6) Hrs. hewer; Mhr. howdr (hor); Hob. hoowdr; Jib. hor; Soq. hohar, haur // < Sem. *hwr 'to be black and white' (Mil. 2010 #7); cf. C.Chad. *waral- (with met. < *Hwr?) 'black': Masa wurala, Peve oral, Musey warala, Zime-Batna rowa (ADB).

0 No terms in Ugr., Pho., or Bib.

^ North and West Semitic *tlm (#1) < Afras. *cilam- 'to be dark, black' (Mil. 2010).

9. blood

(1) Akk. (OB) damu; Ugr. dm; Hbr. dam; Pho. dm; Pal. ladam, lydm; Syr. ddm-; Urm. dim-; Qur. dam-; Leb. Mec. damm; Mlt. dem; Sab. dm; Gez. Tna. Tgr. Amh. Arg. Sod. Cha. Har. Wol. ddm; Gaf. ddmwd // < Sem. *dam- (SED I #50).

(2) Mnd. zma // < Sem. *zam- < Afras. *3am(l)- 'blood' (Mil. 2010).

(3) Hrs. dorel; Mhr. dor-dh; Jib. dohr; Soq. dor // < MSA *drl/y/w 'to bleed' < Sem. *drly/w ~ *drr ~ *drdr 'to scatter, spread (seed), disperse, winnow' (DRS 340, 342) < Afras. *3Vr- (v. seed #2).

0 No term in Bib.

^ North and West Semitic *dam- (#1) < Afras. *dam- 'blood' (Mil. 2010).

10. bone

(1) Akk. (OB) esemfu; Ugr. izm; Hbr. ifl'sfl'm; Pho. ism; Qur. Sazm-; Leb. iazam; Mec. iazum; Mlt. (gh)adma; Gez. Sasam; Tna. Sasmz; Tgr. iacam; Amh. ?afanf; Arg. hafam, afanf; Gaf. asm®«; Sod. Cha. Wol. afam; Har. af // < Sem. *fafm(-af)- (SED I #25).

(2) Bib. garam; Pal. grm; Syr. Urm. garm-; Mnd. gzrm- // < Sem. *gVrm- 'body; bone' (SED I #94).

(3) Hrs. ?azayz; Mehri iazayz; Hob. ?zzsees; Jib. iaycec // < Arb.-MSA *fVsa/zs- (v. SED I #24) < Afras. *fac(fac)- 'cheekbone, (lower) jaw' (Mil. 2010).

(4) Soq. sehZoh // perhaps with met. < Sem. *hVZs- 'loin, hip' (Mil. 2010); otherwise, cf. Arb. hZs 'to be fractured (bone)' and haszZ- 'tail'.

0 No term in Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *Tafm(-af)- (#1).

11. breast

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) zrfu; Ugr. ?zrf (syn. id — v.#2) // < Sem. *?zr(r)-af- (Mil. 2012).

(2) Hbr. sod (partial syn.: haz« 'breast of a sacrificial animal', 7 attestations, in the "Priestly" narrative only HALOT 301 — v. #3); Pal. fd; Hrs. iodz; Mhr. iodz; Hob. iooda; Jib. iode? (syn.: g£h£? — v.#6) // < Sem. *iVdy- 'breast' (SED I #280).

(3) Bib. Mde; Syr. hady- (syn.: fad- 'pectus' — v. #2); Mnd. hady // < Hbr.-Arm. *had(V)y-'breast' (SED I #112).

(4) Qur. sadr-; Leb. szdr-; Mec. sadr; Mlt. szder // for debatable parallels outside Arb. v. Mil. 2010.

(5) Gez. fab ('breast, teat'; syn.: ?angad?/Sa 'chest, breast' — v. Mil. 2010 #5); Tna. fub; Tgr. fab; Amh. Arg. fuf; Gaf. fwwwfl; Sod. fabuyy«; Cha. fu; Har. fof; Wol. fub // < Sem. *fVb- 'teat' (SED I #277).

(6) Soq. gehe (syn.: fodz — v. #2) // presumably < Sem. *gaw(w)z?- '(front part of) body; chest, belly; interior' (SED I #99) < Afras. *g®ay- 'body; corpse; belly; breast': Egyp.(Pyr.) d.f 'body' (if < *gV-f), ng?yy 'belly'; Chad. *gaw- 'corpse, carcass' (St. 2011 #434), C.: Gidar gu-du/-ko 'body' (de/ 'person'), E.: Tumak gau, Ndam gawu, Kera gflw 'breast', Sokoro goz 'corpse'; N.Omot. *gaw- 'belly', Kafa gefo 'breast' (ADB).

0 No terms in Pho. and Sab. Urm. sadr- < Arab.

^ North and West Semitic (Ugr.) *?zr(r)-af- (#1) < Afras. *?Vr(a)r- chest and belly' (Mil. 2010).

^ South and West Semitic *fVdy- (#2); cf. E.Cush.: LEC: Konso safaafa (< *sadad-), Arbore sede 'heart' (ADB).

12. burn (tr.)

(1) Akk. (OB) sarapu; Ugr. srp (syn.: hrr — v. #8); Hbr. srp // < Sem. *srp (HALOT 1358).

(2) Bib. Pal. ykd; Syr. ?-ykd; Urm. kwd (with met.) // < Sem. *y/wkd (HALOT 430) < Afras. *wVkVd- ~ *kVwVd- 'to burn': Brb. *(w/yV)kVd- 'to burn', 'ashes' (ADB); Chad. *kVd-(< *kVd-) 'to burn; to boil' (St. 2011 #75).

(3) Mnd. kZa // < Sem. *kZw (LGz 431) < Afras. *kVZ(-Vm)- 'hot, burning': Coptic: Fayumic kZom 'hot'; Chad. *kVZ-, *kVZVm- ~ *kVmVZ- 'charcoal' (St. 2011 #205), C.: Bachama kwaZkwaZ 'hot-ness'; Cush. E.: LEC *kuZ- 'warm, hot', Dullay *kaZ- 'sun', S.: Qwadza kaZem-uko 'charcoal'; perhaps N.Omot. *ko/aZ- 'dry' (ADB).

(4) Qur. hrk VIII; Leb. harra?; Mec. harak; Cha. mflk'fl'rfl (revised from Mil. 2010 #11 where a different etymology relying on LGur 400 was accepted) // cf. variant roots with met. in Eth.:

*krh 'burn, be hot' (LGz 441) and *khr id. (ibid. 425), all < Afras. *hVrVk- ~ *rVkVh- ~ *karah-'burning, drying' (v. Mil. 2010; add E.Cush.: LEC: Somali korrâh 'sun', karah- 'dry', Boni drâh, Rendille orra(h) 'sun' ADB).

(5) Mlt. tabbat // for possible parallels v. Mil. 2010.

(6) Sab. wft // < Eth.-Sab.; for possible Afras. parallels v. Mil. 2010.

(7) Gez. îandada (syn.: îahrara- v.#8, wafata — v. Mil. 2010 #7, îawlaya — v. Mil. 2010 #9); Tna. ?anäddädä (syn.: harärä, ?ahrärä — v. #8, ?akkasälä — v. #9); Sod. änäddädä // for possible Sem. parallels v. Mil. 2010.

(8) Tgr. harärä // < Sem. *hrr (HALOT 357, LGz 243).

(9) Amh. akattälä; Arg. dkkattäla; Gaf. (tä)kattälä // < Mod. Eth. *ksl (Mil. 2010 #11).

(10) Har. mägäda; Wol. magäda // only Mod. Eth. (v. Mil. 2010 #12).

(11) Mhr. hd-nhü; Hob. anhü; Jib. e-nhé; Soq. d-nhi // likely < *n-hw/y (v. fire #4).

◊ Hrs. hrök must be < Arb.; no term in Pho.

^ North and West Semitic: *srp (#1).

13. claw (fingernail)

(1) Akk. (OB) supru; Hbr. sippörän; Bib. tapar; Pal. tpr; Syr. tepr-; Mnd. tupr-; Urm. tarp- (with met.); Qur. zufr-; Leb. zafir; Mec. zafr; Mlt. dufrëy; Gez. sdfar; Tna. çafri; Tgr. çafdr; Amh. Sod. Cha. Wol. tdfar; Arg. çafdr; Gaf. safrä; Har. tifir; Hrs. defir (syn.: kef — v. #2); Hob. tiifeér; Soq. tifer // < Sem. *tip(V)r- (SED I #285).

(2) Mhr. kaf (syn.: dfër — v. #1); Jib. kéf (syn.: difér — v. #1) // < Sem. *kapp- 'palm, flat of hand or foot' (SED I #148) < Afras. *ka/u(n)p- 'claw, flat of hand or foot': Egyp. (NE) kp 'sole'; Chad. W.: Hausa âkâifa, kâifàfa 'claw, talon', E.: Kera kâmpâ 'leg'; E.Cush.: LEC: Arbore kunüf 'claw, nail, hoof', Dasenech konof 'finger, hoof', Elmolo künuf 'nail' (ADB).

◊ No terms in Ugr., Pho. and Sab.

^ Common Semitic: *tip(V)r- (#1) < Afras. *çipar— jafir— *jaruf- (part of the correspondences irregular) 'claw, fingernail'; add (?) W.Chad. Ngamo sàptim 'fingernail'; N.Omot.: Gamo worsofa (with met.) 'claw', Kafa yafaroo (< *jafar-?) 'finger' (ADB).

14. cloud

(1) Akk. (OB) erpetu; Ugr. îrp-t // < Sem. *ÎVrp- (Mil. 2010).

(2) Hbr. länän (syn.: îab — v. #3); Bib. îanan; Pal. îânan; Syr. îanan-; Mnd. anan- (syn.: ïb(a) — v. #2) // < Sem. *yayn(an)- (v. Mil. 2010).

(3) Urm. îayb- (syn.: (î)nûn- — v. Mil. 2010) // < Sem.^ayb- (HALOT 773), likely < Afras. *yay/wb- 'cloud': Egyp. (Gr.) wlb.t 'sky'; Chad. W. *H(y)ab- 'cloud': Dear âbé, Pero yebu, E. Tumak übäy id. (ADB).

(4) Qur. sahäb-; Mec. sihäb; Mlt. shop // apparently < Arb. shb 'traîner par terre' (BK 1 1957, cf. sahäb- 'nuage (surtout quand poussé par le vent il est en mouvement)' ibid.) < Sem. *shb 'to drag, pull' (LGz 492-3; HALOT 749; LS 284).

(5) Leb. yeym; Sab. yymt (Stein; one attestation) // < Sem.:*yaym-: Arb. yaym-, Syr. laym- 'nebula' (Brock. 522).

(6) Gez. dammanä; Amh. Gaf. dämmäna; Arg. dammäna, dona // < Eth. *daman- < Sem. *da/im(-an)- 'cloud, fog, rain' < Afras. *dim(-an)- 'cloud, rain' (v. Mil. 2010).

(7) Tna. däbäna (syn.: dämmäna — v. #6); Har. däna; Wol. däbäna; Sod. dabäna (syn.: dämmäna — v. #6); Cha. dabära // < Mod. Eth. *daban- < Sem. *dVb(a)b- 'to fall, flow drop by drop': Hbr. dobëb 'qui coule goutte à goutte', Amh. dubb alä 'couler, tomber goutte à goutte', etc. (DRS 204) < Afras. *dub(-an)-: E.Chad.: Kera (of Fianga) dubueni 'rain'; E.Cush.: LEC: Rendille dubbat, Bayso dumbo, Hadiya duuba 'cloud'; Omot. N.: Dizi (Maji) dieb 'to rain', S.: Dime

dzzbe, Ari doobz, Hamar dubz 'rain' (ADB; a variant root of *dzm(-an)- #6, perhaps contaminated with the latter: the etymological decision differs from Mil. 2010 #6).

(8) Tgr. gzmäf // < Eth. *gzm- with Cush. parallels (or sources of borrowing), v. Mil. 2010 #7.

(9) Hrs. ?flfor; Mhr. ?afur; Jib. fafor // likely a meaning shift from 'dust cloud' (cf. Hrs. ?for 'cloud, dust wind' JH 6) < Sem. *fapar- 'dust, soil', incl. Sab. fpr 'sowing (land) before rain' (Mil. 2010) < Afras. *fapur- ~ *pVrf- ~ *rV(HV)p- 'rain-watered or irrigable land/soil; sowing or planting (in such soil)' (ADB; one of the terms likely pointing to agriculture practiced at least by Proto-North Afrasian speakers, differs from Mil. 2010): Brb.: Ahaggar a-fara, pl. z-ferw-ân 'lieu couvert de végétation persistante'; Egyp. (Pyr.) p;f.f 'irrigable land'; Chad. W.: Zul rupz 'dig ground for planting', C.: Mofu -rav- 'planter' (St. 2005 #739), E.: Sokoro rzpe 'earth' (cf. ibid. #744).

(10) Soq. fflZheZ // < MSA *^VZVZ- with debatable Arb. parallels (Mil. 2010).

◊ No terms in Pho.; Hob. kadfl? 'black c.' (preferably not to be scored; no parallels found), and shoob 'white c.' < Arab.

^ North and West (Ugr.) Semitic *fVrp- (#1) with parallels in E.Chad. (Mil. 2010; add: cf. with met. W. Chad.: Dera àpare 'to shed, pour out', E.: Kera paarw 'Regenzeit').

15. cold

(1) Akk. (OB) kasû; Mlt. kzesah // < Sem. *kVsah- (Mil. 2010); surprising as this comparison may seem, there is no other etymology for either of these two triconsonantal terms, whose phonetic structures correspond to each other regularly.

(2) Hbr. kar; Pal. kryr (syn.: senzn — v. Mil. 2010 #3; likely rel. to E.Cush.: HEC *ceen- 'rain' ADB); Syr. karzr-; Mnd. karzr- (syn.: karus--v. Mil. 2010 #4; rel. to Brb. *kVrzs- 'frozen water, ice' ADB); Urm. kayr; Gez. k^änr (syn.: barud — v. #3) // < Sem. *kœr(r) 'to be cold' (Mil. 2010, Kog. LE 476).

(3) Qur. bärzd-; Leb. berzd; Mec. bärzd; Tna. bärzd (syn.: k^ärrz — v. #2, < Gez. acc. to LGz 444, and zahuZ — v. Mil. 2010 #6); Tgr. barud (syn.: karur — v. #2); Sod. Wol. bard; Har. bäräd // < Sem. *barad- 'hail; cold', *brd 'to be cold' (Mil. 2010 #5, Kog. LE 476).

(4) Sab. hbr 'Kälte' (Stein, one attestation; perhaps should not be scored, since it is a noun); Hrs. hebür (syn.: kasm — v. #6); Mhr. habür (syn.: käsam — v. #6); Hob. habboor; Jib. hör (syn.: késm — v. #6) // < Sab.-MSA *hVbür- (for possible Arb. and Chad. parallels v. Mil. 2010 #8, Kog. LE 476-7).

(5) Amh. käzkazza (syn.: bärzd, bärrad — v. #3), Arg. käzkazza // v. Mil. 2010 #7.

(6) Soq. késam (syn.: hebhor — v. #4, sekak — v. Mil. 2010 #11) // < MSA *kasm- < Afras. *kVç-(the Chad. examples are to be transferred here from Mil. 2010 #7).

◊ No terms in Ugr., Bib., Pho. Cha. zzza < Omot.

^ (?) North and West (Mlt.) Semitic *kVsah- (#1; if valid).

^ West Semitic 1: *ka'r(r) 'to be cold' (#2), possibly related to Afras. *kVr- 'dry' (if the latter is associated with cold rather than heat), v. Mil. 2011 #2 and St. 2011 #275a.

^ West Semitic 2 *barad- 'hail; cold', *brd 'to be cold', with a tenable cognate in Egyp. (NK) brd 'to be stark, stiff' .

16. come

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) aZäku // < Sem. *hZk (v. WALK #1).

(2) Ugr. m^y; Gez. ms? (syn.: ?afawa — v. #4); Tna. mäs?e; Tgr. mäs?a; Amh. Arg. mäiia; Sod. mäiia; Wol mäiä; // < Sem. *mi? 'to reach, arrive' (Mil. 2010; for reconstruction difficulties due to the variant roots v. EDE III 724-5).

(3) Hbr. bw? // < Sem. *bw? < Afras. *ba?- 'walk, go' (v. Mil. 2010 #4).

(4) Pho. ?t?; Bib. ?ty/?; Pal. Syr. Urm. ?ty; Mnd. ata; Qur. ?ty (syn.: jy? — v. #5) // < Sem. *?ty/w (v. in LGz 46-7).

(5) Leb. ?aza (with met.); Mec. ja?; Mlt. aja (with met.) // < Sem. *gwVy(?)- 'come, run' < Afras. *gway- 'to move, run' (v. Mil. 2010; add S.Cush.: Iraqw gow- 'run away' ADB).

(6) Sab. ?ysi (Stein, 2 attestations; syn.: ?tw — ibid., 1 attestation) // (no Sem. cognates found) < Afras. *?ays- 'come, go': Brb. *(H)as- 'come'; Egyp. (ME) ?s 'hurry, hasten'; Chad. W.: Mu-pun iso, Bokos yês, Daffo-Butura yes, E. *?as- 'come'; E.Cush.: Dullay *?ass- 'go' (ADB).

(7) Gaf. salla // S. Eth. only (LGur 542; hardly < Omot.) < Afras. *sawl- 'come and go, wander, walk': Chad. *sVl- 'go out', *sVwVl- 'wander' (St. 2009 #221); N. Omot.: Chara s'âlm-, Gimirra (She) sila 'walk' (ADB).

(8) Har. dija // likely < Sem. *dydy 'to arrive, come, walk' (v. HALOT 214 and DRS 223) < Afras. *dVy/w- ~ *?/wVd- 'come': Brb.: Izdeg addu, Zenaga s-ed, etc.; Chad. W.: Kirfi ndo, Dera do-, etc., E.: Mokilko ?îdô; Omot.: Chara wod, Dime aad- (ADB).

(9) Cha. cana-m // likely < *tan- (v. Mil. 2010 #8).

(10) Hrs. noka; Mhr. nuka?; Hob. nuuka?; Jib. nika? (syn.: zahâm — v. Mil. 2010 #10) // < Arb.-MSA *nk? (v. Mil. 2010 #9); cf. isolated C.Chad.: Mofu -nakwâ- 'aller, marcher' (ADB).

(11) Soq. gédah (syn.: nk? — v. #10, ?érah — v. Mil. 2010 #11) // possibly < *gd? — cf. Arab. jd? 'passer rapidement' and C.Cush. (met.?): Bilin ga?d 'move', gi?d, pl. gi?z 'way', Kemant, Kailinya gaz 'road', Kunfal gaz- 'go' (if < *g?j; if < *g?3, rel. to or borrowed from Eth. *g?z 'move, change camp, emigrate' LGz 175) ADB.

^ West Semitic 1: *mt? (#2), perhaps < *m-t? < Afras. *cV?-, cf. Chad. cVw- 'to come, arrive': W.: Pa'a cùwi 'come', C.: Fali-Kirua cù 'walk, to go', Podoko cawa 'to reach, arrive at', Gisiga ce 'eintreten', Masa cd 'to arrive' (St. 2009 #939).

^ West Semitic 2 *?ty/w (#4) < Afras. *?a/it- 'walk, come and go' (Mil. 2010 #3; add N. Omot. Gimirra (Benesho, She) at- 'come' ADB).

17. die

(1) Akkadian (OAkk on) mâtu; Ugr. Pho. mt; Hbr. Pal. Qur. Sab. Gez. mwt; Syr. Urm. myt; Mnd. mit; Leb. mat; Mec. mat; Mlt. mît; Tna. mota; Tgr. Amh. Wol. mota; Arg. moda; Sod. motam; Cha. mwdtam; Har. mota; Hrs. mot (syn.: yab < 'faint' — v. Mil. 2010 #3); Mhr. mot (syn.: ydzol < 'to spin' — v. Mil. 2010 #4); Hob. môot // < Sem. *mwt (v. in LGz 375-6).

(2) Gaf. fattara // < S. Eth. with a probable Arb. parallel, perhaps < Sem. *p(w)t with root extension -r (v. Mil. 2010 #2).

(3) Jib. enusum, antsim (so acc. to my informants; syn.: hârog — v. Mil. 2010 #5 and Kog. LE 467) // also 'to breathe one's last' < 'to breathe' < Sem. *nsm 'to breathe' (SED I Verb #50), perhaps < Afras. *nVs- with fossilized -m; cf. Chad. W., E. *nVVs- 'to breathe (heavily)', C. *nVy/wVsV 'spirit, soul' (St. 2005 #492).

(4) Soq. same // cognate with, rather than loan from Arb. smy 'tomber roide mort, ê. tué sur place' (contra Mil. 2010); cf. E.Cush.: LEC: Somali dim- 'die' (can be < Afras. *çim-).

◊ No term in Bib.

^ Proto-Semitic *mwt (#1) < Afras. *mawVt- 'die' (Mil. 2010 #1).

18. dog

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) kalbu; Ugr. Pho. Pal. klb; Hbr. kalab; Syr. Mnd. Urm. Qur. kalb-; Leb. kalab; Mec. kalb; Mlt. kelp; Gez. Tgr. kalab; Tna. kalbi; Mhr. kawb (k. mabâyl); Hob. koôb; Jib. kob (acc. to some authors, the MSA terms are < Arb.) // < Sem. *kalb- (LGz 282).

(2) Hrs. mabayl (syn.: kawb, also 'wolf' — v. #1) // lit. 'owned' (< kawb mabayl) < Sem. *b?l 'to own', *ba?l- 'husband, master, owner' < Afras. *ba?Vl- 'elder male relative in-law, hus-

band': (?) C.Chad.: Gulfei beZewe, Kotoko baZo 'man'; Cush. E.: Saho baZZaa 'father-in-law', LEC: Oromo obboZaa 'brothers and sisters; relatives', Dasenech beeZ 'husband, lover' (or < Amh. baZ id.?), HEC: Burji beeZz 'friend' (less likely < Amh.), S.: Qwadza ayz-baZa?o 'cross-cousin' (ADB).

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0 Amh. wussa, wassa, Arg. wassa, Gaf. wassa, Sod. wassa < HEC; Cha. Wol. buco, Har. bucz < Oromo (v. Mil. 2010), Soq. kaZb rather < Arb. (contra Mil. 2010 #1). No terms in Bib. and Sab.

^ Proto-Semitic *kaZb- (#1), perhaps, with suffixed *-b, < Afras. *k®VZ- 'dog, wolf' (Mil. 2010).

19. drink

(1) Akk. (OB) safw; Ugr. Hbr. Pal. Syr. Urm. sfy; Bib. sf?; Mnd. sfa; Gez. safya (syn.: s/saraba — v. #2), Tna. safaya; Tgr. safa; Arg. sAcca; Har. saca; Wol. sace (-c- < *f) // < Sem. *sfy (Mil. 2010).

(2) Qur. srb; Leb. sarab; Mec. szrzb; Mlt. sorop // < Sem. *srp (Mil. 2010) < Afras. *cVrVp- 'to drink': Chad. *sVrVb- 'to sip': W.: Hausa swrba 'to sip', C.: Podoko saraba saraba 'sobbing', E.: Mokilko swrbzbw 'drink in little gulps' (St. 207 #263).

(3) Sod. saccflm; Cha. sfl'cfl'm (-c < *k); Hrs. fek (caus. heko; h- < *s-); Mhr. hufkz (< *s-f-ky); Jib. susz // < Sem. *sky 'to drink, give to drink; to water, irrigate' (Mil. 2010).

(4) Soq. re // < Sem. *rVwVy/?- 'abundant water; watering, irrigating; to drink (one's fill)' (Mil. 2010) < Afras. *rzway/?- ~ *?Vraw/y- 'abundant water; watering; rain; river; to drink': Egyp. (MK) zwy to water (field), pour out (liquid)'; Chad. *rVw- 'water, to wet', 'river' (St. 2005 #659, 660), E.: Mokilko ?flro 'to drink'; Cush. C.: Aungi arz, E.: LEC: Arbore ?z'ny, Elmolo zrz, Dasenech ?zr, Dullay *?zrraw-, S.: Ma?a mare (likely < ma-re); N. Omot. *?zr- 'rain' (ADB; considered by some authors a lw. in Cush. < Omot. or vice versa, but rather a common Cush.-Omot. root).

0 Amh. fflffa and Gaf. fz'fffl presumably < Oromo dudan. No terms in Pho. and Sab. ^ North and West Semitic *sfy (#1) with a C.Chad. parallel (Mil. 2010; add Muyang sMf 'to

drink quickly and completely' St. 2009 #115). ^ South and West (Gur.) Semitic *sky (#3) < Afras. *sVky/w- 'to drink, give to drink': Chad. *sVk- 'swallow' (St. 2009 #209), W.: Tangale soke 'give water (to a child)' (ibid. #209a); C.Cush.: Khamir swk 'to drink' (Reinisch), Kemant sa^® 'to swallow' (CDA 131).

20. dry

(1) Akk. (OB) sabuZu (MB abZu) // < abaZu 'to dry up, dry out' < Sem. *?bZ 'to dry up' (Mil. 2010)

< Afras. *(?V)bVZ- 'dry': C.Chad.: Mofu -bflZ- 'secher (poisson)', Podoko mbaZaZa 'to dry'; Cush. N.: Beja bflZ-ama 'dry', E.: HEC: Hadiya bzZZee 'dry season of year' (ADB).

(2) Hbr. yabes; Pal. ybys; Syr. yabbzs-; Mnd. yabus-; Qur. yabzs-; Sab. ybsi ('dry up'); Gez. Tgr. yabus // < Sem. *ybs 'to be dry' (v. in LGz 626).

(3) Leb. nesz/; Mec. nassa/; Mlt. nzse/ // likely < *na-sa/z/, with a fossilized n- prefix < Afras. *szp-'sunlight, heat': Brb. *a-sz/(< *-sz/) 'day'; Egyp. (Pyr.) ssp (likely < *sVp) 'to be light, shine (of the sun and moon); light' (ADB); Chad. *zV/V 'hot (weather)' (St. 2007 #437).

(4) Tna. nakus // < Sem. nks/s 'to dry up, wane' (v. Mil. 2010), likely, with fossilized n-prefix,

< Afras. *kVsw- ~ *sak®- 'dry': Sem.: Arb. ksw 'e. sec et durci' (BK 2 735); Chad. *kVs- 'to dry, dry season' (St. 2011 #322); C.Cush. *s/cak®an- 'be thirsty' (cf. CDA 135); N.Omot.: Kafa suk, Mocha sMqqz-, Bworo suk, Mao (Sezo) kusa-kus 'dry' 'be dry' (ADB).

(5) Amh. Arg. Sod. Har. Wol. dflrak; Cha. ffl'rak // < Mod. Eth. *darak with a plausible Arb. parallel (Mil. 2010).

(6) Hrs. kösa; Mhr. kaysa?; Hob. kiisa?; Jib. kasa?un; Soq. kesa? // < Arb.-MSA (since it is represented in all MSA, hardly < Arb., cf. Mil. 2010) with highly debatable Afras. parallels.

◊ Urm. bärüz-, with no parallels outside Neo-Aramaic, is, perhaps, to be treated as a loanword. No terms in Ugr. Pho. Bib. and Gaf.

^ West Semitic *ybs (#2), perhaps < Afras. *bVs- (Mil. 2010 #2).

21. ear

(1) Akk. (OB) uznu; Ugr. ?udn; Hbr. ?özän; Pal. ?dn; Syr. ?edn-; Mnd. ?udn-; Qur. ?udn-; Leb. ?adan; Mec. ?idin; Mlt. widna; Sab. ?dn (Stein; 2 attestations); Gez. Tgr. ?dzdn; Tna. ?azni; Arg. izin, dzdn; Gaf. dznä; Sod. dnzdn; Cha. dnzdr; Har. uzun; Wol. dzdn; Mhr. haydin; Hob. haydeen; Jib. ?iden; Soq. idihan // < Sem. *?u/idn- (SED I #4).

(2) Urm. nat- // hardly rel. to #1, perhaps an unindentified borrowing (cf. Mil. 2011).

(3) Hrs. mesme? (so acc. to my informants; syn.: Heyden — v. #1) // < Sem. *sm? 'to hear' (v. hear #1).

◊ Amh. joro < Oromo gurra (Mil. 2010). No terms in Pho. and Bib.

^ Proto-Semitic *?u/idn- < Afras. *?i/uj-n— ?i/udn- 'ear' (Mil. 2010; add N.Omot.: Anfillo waajo, Bworo waaza 'ear' (ADB).

22. earth

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) ersetu; Ugr. ?ars(u); Hbr. ?äräs; Pho. ?rs; Bib. ?ära?; Pal. ?r?; Syr. Urm. ?ar?-; Mnd. ark-; Qur. ?ard-; Leb. ?arad; Mec. ?ard; Mlt. art; Sab. ?rd; Hob. ars; Jib. ?erc (syn.: gadret — v. Mil. 2010 #5) // < Sem. *?ars- (v. in. DLU 51).

(2) Gez. madr (syn.: maret); Tna. madri; Tgr. Amh. Arg. madar (in all four latter cases syn.: märet

< Afras. — v. Mil. 2010 #3); Sod. madar // < Sem. *midr- (Mil. 2010); cf. Egyp. (Med.) mU 'ein mineralischer Stoff' (strangely comp. in EDE III 127 with Eth.-ESA *mVr-t).

(3) Gaf. afärä; Cha. Har. afär; Wol. afär (syn.: däcce < E.Cush. — v. Mil. 2010) // hard to say if < Sem. *?apar- 'dust, soil; ashes' < Afras. (v. ashes #3) or < Sem. *?apar- 'dust, soil' (v. cloud #9).

(4) Hrs. höhi (syn.: ka — v. #5); Soq. hoyhi // < Sem. *hasaw/y- < Afras. (v. sand #5).

(5) Mhr. ka // < Arb.-MSA *ka?- (< *kw?), perhaps rel. to Egyp. kh (v. Mil. 2010 #7) and Chad. *kVy-(kVy)- 'gravel, rough sand', in St. 2011 #31 united with C. Chad. *kwV?- 'stone, rock'.

^ Proto-Semitic: *?ars- (#1) < Afras. *?aric-: Egyp. i?d 'watered ground' (probably dissimilated

< *??d < *?Vrc-) and Chad. *(?V-)rVs- 'earth' (v. Mil. 2010).

23. eat

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) akalu; Hbr. Pho. Bib. Syr. Urm. Qur. ?kl; Mnd. akal; Leb. ?akal; Mec. ?akal; Mlt. kiel; Sab. ?kl (Stein; 1 attestation) // < Sem. *?kl (Mil. 2010).

(2) Ugr. lhm // < Sem. *lahm- 'food (bread or meat); to eat' (Mil. 2010), rel. to Chad.: *lVVmV 'corn, corn meal' (St. 2005 #277) and W.: Mburku laamu, Guruntum laam 'meat', E.: Bidiya ka-laamo 'meat-lover' (ADB).

(3) Pal. tfm (syn.: ?kl — v. #1) // < Sem. *i?m 'to taste' (v. in LGz 583) < Afras. *i?m 'to taste food or drink': C.Chad.: Mofu -tam- 'eat (smth. dry)', Balda ti-timi 'to taste'; E.Cush.: LEC: Konso, Dirayta, Mashile dam- 'eat', Rendille dam-, Baiso tame, dam- 'to drink'; N.Omot.: Kafa tamo 'to drink' (or < LEC?).

(4) Gez. bl?; Tna. bäl?e; Tgr. bäl?a; Amh. bälla; Arg. bälla, al?a; Gaf. bällä; Sod. bällam; Cha. bänam; Har. bäla?a; Wol. bälä // < Sem. *bl? 'to swallow, eat' (cf. DRS 68) < Sem. *balV?/y- 'uvula; gullet, gorge' (SED I #36) < Afras. *balV?- 'neck, throat, gullet, uvula': Brb.: Ghat belabele,

Figig fa-bz'ZuZ-f 'uvula'; Egyp. (Pyr.) bin (< biZ, with met.) 'neck'; Chad. W. *bVZVF- ~ *bz'Zbz'Z-'uvula, uvular, crop', E.: Bidiya beZe 'throat, voice'; Cush. N.: Beja baZa?a 'gullet', E.: Afar bz'Zzia 'necklace'; N.Omot. Koyra baZaa 'neck' (ADB).

(5) Hrs. fewo; Mhr. fu; Hob. fww; Jib. fe; Soq. fe // < Sem. *f?w/y < Afras. *fz'?w- (Mil. 2010).

^ North and West Semitic: *?kZ (#1), cf. W.Chad.: Hausa kßZß-cz 'food' (ADB).

24. egg

(1) Akk. (OB) peZw // likely < Afras. *pz'Z(?)- ~ *puZpuZ- 'egg' (Mil 2010 #1).

(2) Hbr. beysä; Pal. byih; Syr. beif- (syn.: bar-f--v. Mil. 2010 #3); Mnd. bzf-; Urm. bz'yy-; Qur.

baydaf-; Leb. Mec. bayda; Mlt. bayda; Mhr. bzzayf (syn.: kßwhaZ — v. #4, bedßyf — v. Mil. 2010 #7) // < Sem. *bays-af- (SED I #43).

(3) Gez. Fankokaho; Tna. Fank^ak^aho; Tgr. Fankokho; Gaf. ank^ä; Sod. anko; Har. akuh; Wol. ankakof // (contra Mil. 2010 #4 not < Sem. TO^ay-) < Eth. *(?an-)k®ahka'ah- 'egg' (likely rel. is Syr. kawkzh 'cZamavzf (gaZZzna)' Brock 656) < Afras. *(?an-)ka'a(n)h- 'egg' (Mil. 2010 #4; add. W.Chad. *(n)kwahz(n)- 'egg': Hausa kwßz, Gerka nkze, ?/ky£?, Tal hßs-khe ('egg-egg'), Diri flkzn ADB).

(4) Amh. Arg. ankuZaZ; Cha. ankura; Hob. akhaZwz'zn; Jib. kehzz'n (syn.: bed — v. Mil. 2010 #7); Soq. khoZhzn // < Sem. *ka(w)hzZ- (cf. SED I #170); for possible Afras. cognates v. Mil. 2010 #5.

(5) Hrs. bekeZef (syn.: bedeh — v. Mil. 2010 #7)// < Sem. "bak^aZ- 'plant, vegetation' (v. in LGz 100).

0 No terms in Ugr., Pho., Bib. or Sab.

^ West and South Semitic 1 *bays-af- (#2) < Afras. *bayc- (Mil. 2010).

^ West (Amh., Arg.) and South Semitic 2 *ka(w)hzZ- (#4); for possible Afras. cognates v. Mil. 2010 #5.

25. eye

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) znu; Ugr. Pho. in; Hbr. iayzn; Pal. iyyn; Syr. Urm. Qur. iayn-; Mnd. ayn-; Leb. Mec. iayn; Mlt. (gh)ayn; Sab. iyn; Gez. iayn; Tna. iaynz; Tgr. ian; Amh. ayn; Arg. Cha. en; Gaf. znä; Sod. Wol. zn; Har. zn; Hrs. ?Äyn; Mhr. Hob. Soq. iayn; Jib. izhn // < Sem. *iayn-(SED I #28).

^ Proto-Semitic *iayn- < Afras. *iayVn- (Mil. 2010).

26 fat (n.)

(1) Akk. (OB) Züp« (Zzpzu, Zz/epu; syn.: samnu — v. #2) < Sem. *Zz/apz?- 'fatty, fleshy tissue' (cf. SED I 180) < Afras. *Za/zp?- (ADB) 'inner organ; chest and belly with interior': Egyp. (CT) np; 'guts'; Chad. *nV-ZapV 'spleen' (St. 2005 #119); Cush. E.: Afar aZeefu 'spleen', LEC: Oromo Zappee 'heart', S.: Dahalo Zafz 'lungs'; Omot. N.: Basketo Zzppe 'belly', S.: Ari (Uba-mer) Zzp/b- 'heart' (otherwise < *Zz/ubb- 'heart').

(2) Ugr. smf, smn; Pal. swmn? (syn.: frb — v. #4); Syr. sumn- (syn.: ferb--v. #4); // < Sem.

*sam(-an)- 'fat, oil' (v. SED I 248) < Afras. *szm-an- ~ *szn-am- 'oil, fat, (fat) milk' (Mil. 2010).

(3) Hbr. heZäb; Pho. hZb // < Sem. *hz'Zb- 'fatty tissue covering internal organ; caul' (v. SED I #131) or, less likely, < *ha/zZVb- 'milk, fat' (cf. LGz 229); however, if the latter, plausibly rel. to Chad. W.: Hausa ZßZZabß 'smear thick substance on any part of body', Diri Zßbß 'fat, grease', C.: Gude Zaba 'dip out thick substance, oinment'; cf. also Chad. *ZVb- (< *HVZVb-) 'to smear, to smooth' (comp. in St. 2005 #69 to Arab. Zwb II 'enduire d'ongulent') < Afras. *haZzb- 'fat, oinment, milk', perhaps < *ha-Zzb-, with *ha- prefixed (on this hypothetical "class marker" v. Tak. 1997) < Afras. *Za/zb- '(fat) milk': Sem. *Zaban- (< *Zab-an-) 'milk; Cush. C.: Kemant Zab-af® 'to milk', S.: Iraqoid *?z'Zzb- (< W-Zzb-) 'milk' (all ADB).

(4) Mnd. tirb- (syn.: samina, sumna — v. #2); Urm. tarb- (syn.: sahr--v. Mil. 2010 #5) // < Sem.

Harb- (SED I #283).

(5) Qur. sahm-; Mec. saham; Mlt. saham // < Sem. *sahm- (SED I #263), matching E.Cush. (Mil. 2010 #6).

(6) Leb. dihn // < Sem. *duhn- (v. in SED I #48) < Afras. *duhan- 'fat': Brb. *-duHan- 'fat'; W.Chad *diHVn-: Sura dorj 'fat', Polchi diin 'oil' (ADB).

(7) Gez. sabh; Tna. sabhi; Tgr. sabeh; Amh. sab (syn.: mora 'animal fat, suet' — v. #8); Cha. sawä; Har. säbah; Hrs. sabh; Mhr. sabah (in both syn.: sayleh — v. Mil. 2010 #11); Hob. sabh; Jib. sabh (syn.: ?ac — v. Mil. 2010 #12); Soq. sabh (syn.: ?inat — v. Mil. 2010 #13) // < Sem. *sabh-(SED I #261).

(8) Sod. mora; Wol. morä // either < Oromo (in this case, not to be scored) or < Sem. *mr? 'to fatten', *mari?- 'fat' < Afras. *marV?/y- 'fat, oil' (Mil. 2010 #9).

(9) Gaf. bussara // if met. < *tarb- (v. #4), to score with #4; for other suggestions v. Mil. 2010 #10.

◊ Arg. coma < Cush. (v. Mil. 2010). No terms in Bib. or Sab.

^ South and West (Eth.) Semitic *sabh- (#8) < Afras. *cabh- 'fat' (Mil. 2010 #8; add Chad. *sVbV 'meat (on bone)' (St. 2007 #63).

27. feather

(1) Akk. (SB) nasu; Hbr. nösa (syn.: ?äbra, ?ebär 'pinion', v. #2) // < Sem. *nas(y)- (SED I #202).

(2) Syr. ?ebr- (syn.: mert--v. Mil. 2010 #2) // < Sem. *?a/ibr- 'pinion, wing' (SED I #1); together

with N.Cush.: Beja ?an/mbur 'wing' < Afras. *bi/ar- 'to fly, jump': Sem.: pB Hbr. ?abar 'to soar, to take wing', Amh. bärrärä, Har. bärärä 'to fly' (unless < Cush.), Jib. ebre 'jump high'; Chad. W.: Hausa bur-burniya 'leaping', C. *(m)ba/ir-, E. *bVr- 'to 'fly, jump, hop'; Cush. N.: Beja bir 'jump', C.: Khamir bir- 'jump', Aungi berer-an, E.: LEC: Oromo barara, HEC: Hadiya barar 'to fly', Burji burr 'to fly, jump'; N.Omot.: Male baran 'to fly' (ADB).

(3) Mnd. guspart-; Urm. par-; Hrs. ferfayr // < Sem. *par- (on the reasons for uniting these terms v. Mil. 2010 #4); v. direct cognates in Brb. (ibid.), very likely < Afras. *pVr- 'to fly' (v. fly #9).

(4) Leb. risi; Mec. riysa; Mlt. ris // no cognates found.

(5) Tna. kantit; Har. kät // v. Mil. 2010 #6.

(6) Cha. zoyä // the only likely etymology is < Sem. *(?a/iw(a)z- ~ *waz(z)- 'goose' (SED II #22) < Afras. *(?a-)wajj— *(?a-)zaw- 'k. of (large) bird': Brb.: Ghadames awaz(z), pl. wazz-an 'autruche', Igerwan wawuzz, Izayan wawiz, etc. 'perdrix'; Egyp. (Pyr.) z.t 'Ente, Ganz', k; zw.t 'Erpel' (i.e. 'male of a duck; cf. k; 'bull' written with the phallos determinative); E.Chad.: Mokilko ?uzu 'chick, cock' (ADB).

(7) Mhr. sif(f) (syn.: katfif — v. Mil. 2010 #9); Jib. sof d-?esßr (lit. 'hair of bird'; syn.: kataf — v. Mil. 2010 #9) // v. hair #5.

(8) Soq. milyat (syn.: seff) — v. #7) // likely rel. to Arb. malit- (v. Mil. 2010 #10) and further to Arb. lit- 'peau' with possible Afras. parallels: Egyp. (Med.) ntnt 'skin' (if < *lVtlVt); Chad. *lVt/d- 'to skin' (St. 2005 #138), *lVVtV 'skin, loin cloth leather' (ibid. #138a.).

◊ Tgr. cagär < C. or E. Cush. (v. in Mil. 2010); Amh. laba, läboba, Arg. laba < Oromo laboba (ibid.); Sod. balle < E. Cush. (ibid.); Wol. zorro < HEC (ibid.). No terms in Ugr., Pho., Bib., Pal., Qur., Sab., Gez., Gaf. or Hob.

^ North and West Semitic: *nas(y)- (#1); likely rel. to N.Omot. *nac- 'tail': Dorze nase, Koyra, Ganjule, Gidicho, Kachama naace, naace (ADB).

28. fire

(1) Akk. (OB) isatu; Ugr. ?is-t; Hbr. ?es; Pho. ?s; Gez. ?asat (syn.: haw, haw — v. #3); Tgr. ?asat; Amh. Arg. Cha. asat; Gaf. asatä; Sod. äsat; Har. isat // < Sem. *?is-at- (v. in LGz 44).

(2) Pal. nur (syn.: ?ysh, ?Assa — v. #1); Syr. Mnd. Urm. nur-; Qur. nar-; Leb. Mec. Mlt. nar- //

< Sem. *nu/ar- (Mil. 2010).

(3) Sab. sfZ-f (Stein, two attestations; s=s2) // Arab. siZ 'allumer (le feu)', saiZaf- 'flamme, torch' (Mhr. saZ, Jib. saiflZ 'to spark' are likely Arabisms), rel. to Chad. *sVZ- ~ *?VsVZ- 'to burn' (St. 2007 #202) < Afras. *£VTVZ- 'to burn, spark fire' (ADB).

(4) Tna. hawwz // < Eth., likely rel. to MSA *nhy/w 'to burn' (v. burn #11) < Afras. *hV(w)?- 'fire; smoke; burn' — v. Mil. 2010, add: Brb. *a-buH- (likely < *H®V?-) 'smoke' and S.Cush.: Bu-runge eha 'smoke' (ADB).

(5) Hrs. sewef (syn. zawf — v. Mil. 2010 #4); Mhr. szwof; Hob. szzwoof; Jib. sof; Soq. sz'fli (seyif) //

< Sem. *szw/yaf- 'fire' (v. Mil. 2010 #5). 0 Wol. jzrfl < E. Cush. (Mil. 2010).

^ North and West Semitic *?zs-af- (#1) < Afras. *?zs- 'fire' (Mil. 2010). ^ West Semitic: *nu/ar- < Afras. *nur- 'fire; coal, ashes' (Mil. 2010).

29. fish

(1) Akk. (OB) nunu; Pal. nun; Syr. Mnd. Urm. nun-; Leb. nun // either < Sem. *nun- or a chain of borrowings from an unknown source > Akk. > Arm./Hbr. > Arb. (a common opinion, optional until the source of this presumed borrowing is discovered; note, perhaps, Uralic *now^a 'salmon'?).

(2) Ugr. dg; Hbr. dag // v. possible Sem. parallels in Mil. 2010; cf. Chad. C.: Zime (Daria) duguwa 'clarias lazera' (catfish). Note Indo-European *dhg'hu- 'fish'.

(3) Qur. huf-; Mlt. hufa // only Arb. If < *haw-f- with a fossilized suffix -f, v. possible Afras. parallels in Mil. 2010.

(4) Mec. samak // only Arb. (v. Mil. 2010).

(5) Har. fuZam // no parallels; if < *fu-Zam, note Egyp. (OK) rm (< *ZVm-?).

(6) Hrs. sayd; Mhr. cayd; Hob. sa'yd; Jib. cod; Soq. sode // < Sem. *syd 'to hunt, fish' (v. Mil. 2010); note Chad. C.: Gude cada 'lie in wait for pray', E.: Somrai cwflda 'poursuivre' (St. 2009 #681: *cV(wV)d- 'to hunt').

0 Gez. rasa, Tna. Tgr. iasa; Amh. Arg. Sod. Cha. asa; Gaf. Wol. asa < Cush. or Omot. (Mil.

2010). No term in Sab. ^ (?) North and West Semitic *nun- (#1), if not borrowed.

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30. fly (v.)

(1) Akk. naprusu (OB) // < Sem. *prs 'to spread out' (Mil. 2010).

(2) Ugr. rp; Hbr. iwp // < Sem. *iwp 'to fly' (v. Mil. 2010 bird #4).

(3) Pal. prh (syn.: iws — v. #4); Syr. Urm. prh // < Sem. *prh 'to fly' (v. Mil. 2010), likely rel. to *parh- 'chick, brood' (SED II #179).

(4) Mnd. ius (syn.: phr — v. #2) // < Sem. *iws 'to fly, flutter, jump' (Mil. 2010) < Afras. *iVc-'fly, go away': (?) Egyp. (MK) fsy 'move away' (f sometimes continues *i); W.Chad. *fVs-: Hausa fag* 'rise, get up', Geji fwsya 'to fly' (ADB).

(5) Qur. iyr; Leb. Mec. far; Mlt. far // < Sem. *iayr- 'bird; divination from birds, augury' (cf. SED II #235) < Afras. (v. bird #3).

(6) Gez. s/sarara (syn.: barra — v. #8) // < Eth. with possible Sem. parallels (Mil. 2010), likely rel. to C.Chad.: Mofu sara 'plume, ellytre', Gisiga sara 'feather' (St. 2007 #603).

(7) Tna. na/ara; Tgr. na/ra (syn.: barra — v. #8) // < *n-pr, with a fossilized prefix n- (Mil. 2010 #8).

(8) Amh. Sod. barrara; Arg. barrara; Cha. banara; Harari barara; Wol. barara // v. Mil. 2010 #7 and feather #3.

(9) Hrs. fer; Mhr. fart, Hob. fur; Jib. ferr; Soq. fer // < Afras. *pi/ar- 'to fly' (Mil. 2010 #9; add Brb. *Hafir- ~ *fVrfVr- 'to fly' ADB).

◊ No terms in Pho., Bib., Sab. or Gaf.

^ No Common Semitic.

31. foot

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) sepu; Soq. sab (syn.: sukal — v. Mil. 2010 #11) // < Sem. *sayp- 'foot, sole of foot; shoe' (SED I #269).

(2) Ugr. pin; Pho. pim; Mhr. fem (syn.: gedel — v. #9); Hob. fd?m (syn.: jeedel — v. #9; both also 'leg'); Jib. faim (syn.: gedal — v. #9) // < Sem. *paim/n- (SED I #207).

(3) Hbr. ragal; Bib. ragal; Plm. rgl; Syr. regl-; Mnd. ligr- (with met.; syn.: kraia — v. Mil. 2010 #4); Qur. rijl-; Sab. rgl // < Sem. *rigl- (SED I #228).

(4) Urm. ?akl- // v. Mil. 2010 #5.

(5) Leb. ?azar; Gez. ?agar; Tna. ?dgri; Amh. agar; Arg. ingir, agar; Gaf. dgwru; Sod. Cha. agar; Har. ingir; Wol. angar // < Arb.-Eth. *?i(n)gi/ur- (SED I #7).

(6) Mec. gadam // < Sem. *kadam- or *gad-am- (v. Mil. 2010 #7), in the latter case < *gVd- with the fossilized suffix -m (v. #9).

(7) Mlt. si? // < *sik < Sem. *sdk- 'thigh, leg' (SED I #241) < Afras. *sVk- 'thighbone, leg, claw': Chad. *sVk- (possibly < *sVk-) 'upper leg, bone' (St. 2009 #190); Omot. *sukum- ~ *sonk-claw': Ganza sinskom, Ubamer suk(u)ma, Ari ?uqsmi, Hamer sokma, Ongota so/ke, sonkitte (ADB).

(8) Tgr. iakab (syn.: ?agar — v. #5) // < Sem. *iakib-, *iikb- 'heel' (SED I #14) < Afras. *iak(V)b- ~ *ka(ia)b- 'hoof, heel, finger, claw': Chad. W. *ku/imb— *(m)by/wak- 'nail, claw' (Hausa kumbaa 'finger-nail', Fyer bwdkaat 'claw', etc.), C.: Logone kabe 'hoof'; E.Cush.: LEC: Oromo kup-aya 'claw', kuba, Konso kup-itta 'finger', HEC: Sidamo kubbe, Burji kupee, etc. id., Dul-lay: Tsamay koba-kko 'finger', kobu-ko 'claw', etc. (ADB).

(9) Hrs. gedel // < Sem. *gVd(V)l- 'limb' (SED I #73), likely < *gVd- 'foot, leg' with root extension -l: Chad. C.: Gude gede-hdn, Nzangi ged-atyi (second elements are not clear) 'leg', E.: Somrai gad- 'foot'; N.Omot. *gid- 'foot, knee' (ADB).

^ Proto-Semitic *sayp- (#1) < Afras. *cayp- 'foot, sole of foot; shoe' (Mil. 2010; add N.Omot.: Kafa cubo 'thigh', Mocha cuppo (c by assimilation to p) 'calf of leg' ADB).

^ South and West Semitic *paim/n- (#2) < Afras. *paiun/m- 'leg, thigh, foot' (Mil. 2010).

^ West Semitic 1 *rigl- (#3) < Afras. *riga/ul- 'limb, leg' — v. Mil. 2010; add: Chad. W.: Angas tu-rgul 'ankle, ankle bone', E. *dV-rgVl-: Mawa dargal 'genou', Sokoro dergel, durkdl cknee' (ADB; referring to St. 2005 #233 in Mil. 2010 is a misprint; contra Mil. 2010 v. Egyp. (Pyr.) tfg.t in West Semitic 2: *?i(n)gi/ur-).

^ West Semitic 2 *?i(n)gi/ur- (#5) < Afras. *(?i-n)gur- 'leg, knee' — v. Mil. 2010; add: Egyp. (Pyr.) 1?g.t 'hoof (of cow and ass)', (NK) iglt 'claw (of lion and bird)' likely < *??g (< *?rg, with met. < *?gr) with dissimilation of i and ?; Chad. *gVr- 'knee; lower leg' (St. 2011 #690, 690c.).

32. full

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) malu; Ugr. ml?; Hbr. mala?; Pal. mly; Syr. male; Mnd. Urm. mily-; Qur. mal?dn-; Leb. malin; Mec. mal?dn; Mlt. memli; Sab. ml? (Stein: 'voll, ganz', two attestations); Gez. malu?; Tna. mulu?; Tgr. malu?; Amh. malu; Arg. muli; Sod. mula; Cha. mura; Har. mullu?; Wol. mulli; Mhr. mila?; Hob. malyuun; Jib. mizi?; Soq. mili // < Sem. *ml? 'to fill, be full' (v. in LGz 342).

◊ No terms in Pho., Bib., Gaf. or Hrs.

^ Proto-Semitic *ml? < Afras. *ml? ' be full, filled' (v. Mil. 2010).

33. give

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) nadanu (fadanu, zdznu) // < Sem. *dyn with plausible Afras. parallels (v. Mil. 2010 #1).

(2) Ugr. yfn; Hbr. Bib. Pal. nfn; Pho. yfn (n-fn) // < Sem. *yfn ~ *nfn (v. in HALOT 733).

(3) Bib. Pal. yhb (syn. in both: nfn — v. #2); Syr. y(h)b; Mnd. ahb (syn.: nfn — v. #2); Urm. yhb; Sab. Gez. whb; Tna. habä; Tgr. haba; Arg. hawa; Gaf. wabä; Sod. abä; Wol. wabä // < Sem. *whb (LGz 609).

(4) Qur. % IV; Leb. ?afta; Mec. ?aifa; Mlt. fa // only Arb.

(5) Amh. säffä; Har. säfa // < Sem. *(y/w)sfw 'to hold out, give/take' (v. in LGz 520).

(6) Hrs. wezom; Mhr. wazom; Hob. wzoom; Jib. azom // also 'to lend'; rel. to Arb. wzm 'payer, acquitter (la dette)', wazzma 'éprouver quelques pertes dans son avoir' (BK 2 1529), zam-'quart (de toute chose)' (ibid. 1 1029), Akk. zummû 'lack, miss, be deprived of' (CAD z 156) < Sem. *wzm ~ *zmw '(have to) give, be deprived of' < Afras. jVm- 'to give, lend, be deprived of; acquire, deprive of, defraud': Chad. *zVm- 'to rob, cheat a person' (St. 2009 #476), cf. also *zVm- 'to inherit, earn, possess' (ibid. #477), W.: Mupun zuum, Angas zum 'gift' (otherwise < Arb.; ADB).

(7) Soq. fef (syn.: ?endek) // cf. fayzf 'toucher' (DRS 1074); both likely rel. to Arb. fhf 'donner à quelq'un une partie, une portion de biens' (BK 2 115) and iff'étendre, déployer les ailes (se dit d'un oiseau); soulever quelque chose avec le pied ou avec la main' (ibid. 87), all < Afras. *fVp- 'to hold, stretch, reach out (one's hand) to grasp or give': Brb. *fVf- 'grasp, seize'; W.Chad.: Mupun tip 'hold smth', Kirfi fwaf- 'catch'; E.Cush.: HEC: Sidamo feep 'stretch (hands)' (ADB).

^ West Semitic *whb (#3) < Afras. *wahab- ~ *hVwab- 'to bring, give, take' (v. Mil. 2010).

34. good

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) fabu (syn.: damk- v. Mil. 2010 #2); Hbr. fob; Bib. fab; Pal. ib; Syr. fab- (syn.:

sappzr--v. #3); Mnd. fab-; Qur. fayyzb- (syn.: hasan- v. Mil. 2010 #5); Mec. fayyzb; Mlt.

fayyzp // < Sem. *fayVb- (v. in HALOT 370).

(2) Ugr. Pho. nim // < Sem. *nim 'to be pleasant' (v. in HALOT 705) < Afras. *nai(a)m- 'honey, sweet' (Mil. 2010 #3; add Chad. *nVm- 'sweet(ness); honey' St. 2005 #549 and comment to S.Cush.: Ma?a na?fl 'honey': -m in word-final position may be dropped — v. Tak. 2011: 116).

(3) Urm. sapzr- // < Sem. *spr 'to be beautiful, clean; to shine' (v. in HALOT 1635), obviously related (triconsonantal roots!) to isolated E.Chad.: Migama sùpzro 'blanchir', Dangla sopzre 'devenir blanc'.

(4) Leb. mlah (mnah) // on various possible etymologies v. Mil. 2010 #6.

(5) Sab. sdk // (the meaning 'good' is debatable) < Sem. sdk 'to be just, true' (v. in HALOT 1003; LGz 548).

(6) Gez. sannay; Tgr. sännz // only Eth.; v. also Mil. 2010 #8.

(7) Tna. sabbuk (syn.: sännay, rare) // for a debatable parallel in Arb. v. Mil. 2010 #9).

(8) Amh. faru // for several etymological hypotheses v. 2010 #10.

(9) Arg. damma // for two etymological possibilities v. Mil. 2010 #11; if < Sem. *?adam— *dV?Vm- 'red', v. Afras. in red #2.

(10) Gaf. gunnä // likely < Eth.-Arb. *gnn (v. Mil. 2010 #12).

(11) Cha. wake // for possible Sem. and Afras. parallels v. Mil. 2010 #13.

(12) Har. fonnam // eventually < Sem. *sni 'to make, act skillfully' (Mil. 2010 #15).

(13) Wol. bezzä // unless < E.Cush. (Kambatta bzzza), < Sem. *bzh 'to abound, be abundant, become more', etc. (Mil. 2010 #15).

(14) Jib. fdks-un // for a possible etymology v. Mil. 2010 #16.

(15) Soq. diye (syn.: di-sker < Arb. sukr- 'thankfulness, thanks; praise, adulation' < Sem. *sVkVr-'to reward, be generous' HALOT 1330: if genuine, the Soq. term have been in s- vs. Arb. s vs. Hbr. s) // rel. to Hbr. *day 'sufficiency' etc.; for several tenable parallels in Afras. v. Mil. 2010 #17.

0 Sod. fayya < E. Cush. (Mil. 2010); Hrs. ged, Mhr. gïd, Hob. jiid are likely (but not certain) < Arb. 3ayyid- (Mil. 2010).

^ North and West Semitic *tayVb- (#1).

35. green

(1) Akk. (OB) (w)arku; Ugr. yrk 'greenish-yellow (of metal)' (rather not to score); Hbr. yarok, yarakrak; Pal. yrk; Syr. yurak-; Mnd. yurak-; Har. warïk // < Sem. *wark- 'yellow, green' (Mil. 2011).

(2) Qur. ?ahdar-; Leb. Mec. ?ahdar; Mlt. ahdar // < *hsr (for broader and debatable connections in Sem. and Afras. v. Mil. 2011).

(3) Gez. h/hamalmil; Tna. hamalmil (syn.: kdtalya — v. Mil. 2011 #5; acc. to Bulakh quoted in Kog. LE 478, < Amh.); Wol. ?amdl dana // < Eth. *haml 'vegetation, herbs; cabbage' rel. to Arb. hamilat- 'terrain couvert de végétation, etc.' (and hence not borrowed from but into Cush.; v. Mil. 2011 contra Bulakh quoted in Kog. LE 478).

(4) Tgr. salarsalaro (syn.: lamlam — v. #6); Cha. sarimasar // < Eth.-Arb. *sa1ar- 'grass, vegetation' < Afras. *ca1ar- 'green, vegetation': Chad. *sVrV 'green' (St. 2007 #270), rel., in its turn, with Afras. *carVy- 'barley, cultured cereals' (v. in Mil. 2011; add Chad. W.: Pa'a sàrdoya, pl. sàrâa-nï) 'cassava', (?) C.: Mofu sawara 'Eragrostis diplachnoides').

(5) Amh. arangwdde (syn.: kdtaldmma, kdtalayya, kdtdltal — v. Mil. 2011 #5) // v. debatable Afras. comparanda in Mil. 2011 #6.

(6) Sod. lamlam (syn.: ardngwade — v. #5) // < Eth. *lmlm 'be verdant, bud' LGz 315, and lamul < Arb.-Eth. *lmî 'shine, blossom, be tender' — v. ibid. < Afras.: Chad. *lVVm- 'soft, tender' (St. 2005 #266); C.Cush.: *lim- 'be tender' (ADB).

(7) Hrs. hezor; Mhr. hezor; Hob. hdsoor; Jib. sdçrôr; Soq. sezhor // < MSA *sesor- with no direct cognates and the combination s-s unusual for Sem. (and *s-ç, for Afras. in general); on a hypothetic connection with Arb. *hsr v. Mil. 2011.

0 Urm. mïl < Iranian. No terms in Ugr., Pho., Bib., Sab. and Gaf.

^ North and West Semitic *wark- (# 1) < Afras. *wVrak- 'green, yellow' (Mil. 2011).

36. hair

(1) Akk. (OB) sartu; Ugr. sir; Hbr. seîâr; Bib. sdîar; Pal. sir, sir; Syr. sdlart-; Qur. salr-; Leb. Mec. salar; Mlt. sa(gh)ir; Gez. salar-t // < Sem. *sa1r(-at)- (SED I #260).

(2) Mnd. manzy-; Urm. mizt- // < Arm. *mi1anz-ay- 'hair'; for likely further Sem. and Afras. connections v. Mil. 2011.

(3) Sod. gunnan; Cha. gunar // also 'head', likely < Sem. *gu/in- ~ *1/wVgn- 'cheek-bone' (SED I #84) < Afras. *gi/un(Vn)- 'cheek; jaw; face; head' (Mil. 2011).

(4) Wol. dumi // < Eth. *dVmah/h, with likely Arb. parallels and variant roots (v. Mil. 2011).

(5) Hrs. safèt; Mhr. sefï-t; Hob. êféet; Jib. sfe-t; Soq. sef // < Sem. *sV(1)p(-at)- '(tuft of) hair' (SED I #259) < Afras. *ca1Vp- 'tuft of hair' (Mil. 2011).

0 Tna. çagwar, sagwdr; Tgr. çdgar; Amh. tagur; Arg. çdgar; Gaf. sdgara; Har. cigar, all < Cush. (Mil. 2011). No term in Pho. or Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *sa1r(-at)- (# 1) <Afras. *ca1Vr- (v. Mil. 2011; perhaps to add Chad. *cVr- 'to comb' St. 2007 #259a).

37. hand

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) kâtu (pl. kâtâtu) // if -t is a fossilized suffix, perhaps rel. to Afras. *kawzi-'claw, fingernail, hand' (Mil. 2011); another (if somewhat bizarre) comparison may be with Arb. kaiai- 'moignon d'une main amputée' (BK 1 770), kii 'couper la main, faire subir au voleur l'amputation de la main' (ibid. 767-8), which may be merely a meaning derived from kii 'couper' (ibid. 767) with Sem. cognates, but may be not (why specifically 'hand'?); in this case Akk. t would be < *i by a well-known rule of incompatibility of two emphatics in Akk.

(2) Ugr. yd; Hbr. yâd; Pho yd; Bib. yad; Pal. yad, ?zd; Syr ?zd-; Mnd. i(z)d-; Urm. ?ayd-; Qur. yad-; Leb. ?ad-; Mec. yad; Mlt. zdey; Sab. yd; Gez. ?ad; Tna. ?zd; Tgr. ?ade; Amh. ?aj; Arg. anj; Sod. àJ; Har. zjz; Wol. anj; Cha. àJ; Hrs. frayd; Mhr. bayd ('hand incl. arm'; syn.: ka/'palm of the hand, paw, claw' — v. #4); Jib. ed; Soq. e?ed // < Sem. *yad- ~ *?zd- (SED I #291).

(3) Gaf. sat« // < Sem. *sVbi(-at)- 'finger' < Afras. *czWi- 'finger' (Mil. 2011); cf. also Chad. C. *sVbV ~ W. WcV 'five' and C. *sVbV 'left and right (direction)' (cf. St. 2007 #432), perhaps implying the notions of five fingers and pointing with a finger.

(4) Hob. k/ 'hand from wrist to finger-tip' (i.e. exactly 'hand', while hzzd is 'hand incl. arm' — v. #2) // Mhr. ka/, Jib. k/ 'palm of the hand, paw, claw' < Sem. *kapp- 'palm, flat of hand or foot; paw; claw' (v. SED I #148) < Afras. *ka/u(n)p- 'claw, flat of hand or foot': Egyp. (NE) kp 'sole' (unless a Semitism); Chad. W.: Hausa flkflz/â and kflz/À/w 'claw, talon', E.: Kera kflmpfl 'leg'; E.Cush.: LEC: Arbore kunw/ 'claw, nail, hoof', Dasenech kono/ 'finger, hoof', Elmolo kwnu/ 'nail' (ADB).

^ South and West Semitic *yad- ~ *?zd- (#2) with scarce Afras. parallels (Mil. 2011); cf. also S.Omot. (if. < *du-t-): Ari dutz, Dime dothu 'foot' (ADB).

38. head

(1) Akk. (OB) kakkadu // < Sem. *ka/udka/ud- 'skull, head' (SED I #159); perhaps < Afras. *k®ad-'calabash, vessel' (Mil. 2011).

(2) Ugr. rzs; Hbr. ro(?)s; Pho. r?s; Bib. re?s; Pal. re(?)s, rys; Syr. rës-; Mnd. rzs-; Urm. rzs-; Qur. ra?s-; Leb. ras; Mec. ras; Mlt. ras; Sab. r?si; Gez. ra?as; Tna. ra?as-z; Tgr. rÀ'?as; Amh. ras; Har. urûs; Hrs. frerzh; Mhr. fraroh; Hob. haaree'h; Jib. res; Soq. rey // < Sem. *ra?(z)s- (SED I #225).

(3) Arg. damah; Gaf. dam®«; Wol. dumz // v. hair #4.

(4) Sod. gunnan; Cha. gunar // v. hair #3.

^ South and West Semitic *ra?(z)s- (#2) < Afras. *ra?zs- 'brains, head' (Mil. 2011).

39. hear

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) semû; Ugr. smi; Hbr. smi; Pho. smi; Bib. smi; Pal. smi; Syr. smi; Mnd. sma; Urm. smi; Qur. smi; Leb. samaia; Mec. szmzi; Mlt. sëma(gh); Sab. sjmi; Gez. smi; Tna. sarnie; Tgr. samia; Amh. samma; Arg. samma; Gaf. samm«; Sod. sammam; Har. s«'ma?a; Wol. sÀmÀ; Cha. samam; Hrs. homa; Mhr. hëma; Hob. hz'zma?; Jib. szi; Soq. hemai // < Sem. *szmi- .

^ Proto-Semitic *szmi- < Afras. *szm(i)- 'hear' (Mil. 2011).

40. heart

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) Izbbu; Ugr. lb; Hbr. lêb; Pho. lb; Bib. lêb; Pal. lb; Syr. lebb-; Mnd. Izb; Urm. Izb-; Sab. Ibb; Gez. labb; Tna. labbz; Tgr. lab; Amh. labb; Arg. labb; Sod. labb; Hrs. helbëb; Mhr. halbzb; Hob. elbzzb; Jib. ub; Soq. zlbzb // < Sem. *1zbb- (SED I #174).

(2) Qur. kalb-; Leb. ?a/ab; Mec. kalb; Mlt. alp // v. Sem. and Afras. parallels in Mil. 2011.

◊ Har. kfl'lbz, likely an Arabism; Wol. wazan < HEC; Cha. k'an < Oromo onnë 'heart'? (v. Mil. 2011). No term in Gaf.

^ Proto-Semitic *1zbb- (#1) < Afras. *1z/ub(b)- 'inner organ, heart' (ADB; Mil. 2011).

41. horn

(1) Akk. (OB) karnu; Ugr. krn; Hbr. karan; Pho. krn; Pal. krn; Syr. karn-; Mnd. karn; Urm. ka(r)n-; Qur. karn-; Leb. ?aran; Mec. karn; Mlt. run; Gez. karn; Tna. karn-i; Tgr. kar; Amh. kand; Arg. karara, kand; Gaf. kanda; Sod. Mr; Har. kar; Wol. Mr; Cha. kan; Hrs. kon; Mhr. kon; Hob. kuun; Jib. kuhn; Soq. kan // < Sem. *karn- (SED I #168).

◊ No term in Bib. or Sab.

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^ Proto-Semitic *karn- < Afras. *kar(-n)-: Omot. *kar- 'horn' (Mil. 2011), perhaps also, with different, but plausible meaning shifts: Brb.: Qabylian a-qarru 'head'; Chad. *kwVr- 'tortoise shell' (St. 2011 #407); E.Cush.: LEC: Konso kaarta, Dirayta kara, HEC: Hadiya kaara 'sharp(ness)' (ADB).

42. I

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) andku; Ugr. ?an, ?ank; Hbr. ?ani, ?dnoki; Pho. ?nk; Bib. ?and; Pal. ?and; Syr. ?end; Mnd. ana; Urm. ?dnd; Qur. ?and; Leb. ?ani; Mec. ?ana; Mlt. yin; Sab. ?n; Gez. ?ana; Tna. ?ane; Tgr. ?ana; Amh. ane; Arg. an, ay; Gaf. anat; Har. dn; (?) Cha. aya // < Sem. *?an(-akV).

(2) Sod. adi // no Sem. parallels; cf. C.Chad. in Mil. 2011.

(3) Wol. ihe // likely < *?ik-, rel. to the *-k- pronominal element in Sem. and other Afras. (Mil. 2011).

(4) Hrs. hoh; Mhr. hoh; Hob. hod; Jib. he, he?; Soq. hoh(on) // hardly a distorted form of *?an- (#1) — v. Mil. 2011.

^ North and West Semitic *?an(-akV) (#1) < Afras. *?a-na(-k/tV) 'I' (Mil. 2011).

43. kill

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) neru (syn.: ddku — v. Sem. cognates and Chad. parallels in Mil. 2011 #1).

(2) Ugr. mhs // < Sem. *mhs 'hit' (Mil. 2011 #3).

(3) Hbr. hrg // < Sem. *hrg 'to slaughter' (Mil. 2011 #4).

(4) Bib. Pal. Syr. kfl; Mnd. gtl; Urm. Qur. ktl; Leb. ?atal; Mec. katal; Mlt. dtel; Sab. ktl (syn.: hrg — v. #3); Gez. ktl; Tna. Mtala; Tgr. katla; Wol. Mtala; Cha. Mtaram // < Sem. *ktl 'to kill, slaughter'.

(5) Amh. gaddala; Arg. gaddala; Sod. gaddalam; Har. gadala // < Arb.-Eth. *gdl (Mil. 2011); comparable with a triconsonantal root with met. in E.Cush.: LEC: Jidda legdi, Bayso lagad- 'kill' (ADB).

(6) Hrs. letoy; Mhr. lutoy, Hob. ldotay; Soq. latai // < Arb.-MSA (Mil. 2011 #7).

(7) Jib. enusum (syn.: letay — v. #6) // < Sem. *nsm 'to breathe' (v. die #3).

◊ No term in Pho. or Gaf.

^ West Semitic ktl (#4), perhaps, derived with fossilized -l < Afras. *kVt/t- 'strike, kill' (Mil. 2011 #5; ADB).

44. knee

(1) Akk. (OB) birku; Ugr. brk, birku; Hbr. barak; Bib. *barak; Pal. brk; Syr. burk-; Mnd. burk-; Urm. birk-; Gez. bark; Tna. barki; Tgr. barak; Wol. bark; Hrs. bark; Mhr. barak; Hob. bdrk; Jib. berk; Soq. bark // < Sem. *bi/ark- (SED I #39).

(2) Bib. *?arkubbd; Qur. rukbat-; Leb. rikbi; Mec. rukba; Mlt. arkoppa // < Sem. *rVk(u)b(-at)- 'knee' (SED I #232); a metathetic variant of *bi/ark- (on reasons for scoring differently from #1 v. Mil. 2011).

◊ Amh. gulbat; Arg. gulbat, gulot; Gaf. gulbat; Sod. gulbat; Har. galib; Cha. gwarbdt < Cush. (v. Mil. 2011). No term in Pho. or Sab.

^ Proto-Semitic *bz'/ark- (#1), perhaps derived, with a hypothetical root extension -k, < Afras. *bar(bar)- 'knee; (bone of) leg, arm': Sem. *?z-bar-at- ~ *bar(bar)- 'bone(s) of a foreleg/forearm; radius' (v. SED I #3); Chad. W.: Ngamo buru, Maha burum, Galambu bubur, Pa?a burmz, Guruntum varan, etc. 'knee', C.: Bachama mbwara 'leg', Gude bura 'elbow', Garwa baare 'shin', Podoko bar-na 'knee', Zime-Bata burw 'to kneel, to crawl', E.: Mokilko ?obbz'ra 'to kneel on river shore to drink'; E.Cush.: LEC: Rendille barbar 'shoulder'; Omot.: Kafa borboroo, Ubamer barr, Jinka bar 'thigh' (ADB, Mil. 2011).

45. know

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) zdw; Ugr. ydT; Hbr. ydT; Pho. ydT; Bib. ydT; Pal. ydT (syn.: hkm - v. Mil. 2011 #2); Syr. ydT; Mnd. yda; Urm. dTy (met.) // < Sem. *ydT .

(2) Qur. Talzma; Sab. Tlm (also 'make acknowledgement; sign, mark' SD 15; syn.: dT, apparently less attested — v. #1) // < Sem. *Tlm, presumably 'to hide, conceal; find, discern smth. hidden' (cf. Mil. 2011 #3).

(3) Leb. Tara/; Mec. Tz'rz/ // < Arb. Tr/; no parallels (Mil. 2011 #4).

(4) Mlt. kzn ya/// < Arb. kw/; no parallels (Mil. 2011 #5).

(5) Gez. ?a?mara; Tgr. ?ammärä // < Eth. *?mr 'to show, indicate' < Sem. *?mr 'to see, show, indicate, know' (v. SEE #1).

(6) Tna. /äläfä // < Eth.-ESA / 'to split, separate', perhaps rel. to Sem. *plf 'to save' (Mil. 2011 #7).

(7) Gaf. salä; Sod. salä; Wol. calä; Cha. karäm // < Sem. *khl 'to be able' (LGz 277), rel to Chad. *kVl- 'to win, overtake; be able, strong': W.: Karekare kwlo 'casting lots or flipping a coin to determine a winner', C.: Bura kz'lz 'overtake', Buwal k^ula 'be able to', Makeri kla 'victory', E.: Dormo kzlma 'chief', etc. (St. 2011 #188, 188a) < Afras. *khl 'be able, overtake, win'.

(8) Hrs. ferob; Mhr. ^erob; Hob. faroob; Jib. farob; Soq. Tarub (in all MSA syn. are: Hrs. yoda, Mhr. weda, Hob. wz'zda?, Jib. edai, Soq. ?edah — v. #1) // hypothetically from Sem. *farb-'sunset, west' > 'to go west' > 'to go to an unknown place' > 'to come to know/ learn' (v. in Mil. 2011 #9; cf. Kog. LE 478).

0 Amh. awwäkä; Arg. wonka, onka; Har. äka < C. Cush. (Mil. 2011).

^ North and West Semitic *ydT (#1) < Afras. *(y)daT- 'know' (Mil. 2011; ADB).

46. leaf

(1) Akk. (OB) aru, eru, haru 'frond, leaf of the date palm', (NB, SB) artu 'foliage', presumably < Sem. *far- (Mil. 2011).

(2) Hbr. Tfllfl // (no reliable cognates in Sem.) < Afras. *Tal- 'leaf' (Mil. 2011 #3).

(3) Pal. irp, irb; Syr. iarp-; Mnd. a-izrp-; Urm. iarp- // < Sem. *iarp- 'tamarisk' (Mil. 2011 #4).

(4) Qur. warak-at-; Leb. wara?a; Mec. waraga; Mlt. wer?a // < Sem. *warak- 'green, yellow' (v. green #1).

(5) Gez. k^äsal; Tna. k®äsl-z; Amh. kaiäl; Arg. kaiäl, hätal; Gaf. kaiälä; Sod. kaiäl; Har. kuiiz; Wol. kuiäl; Cha. kaiär (syn.: anzar — v. ear #1) // v. green in Mil. 2011 #5.

(6) Tgr. käi/ät // < Sem. *kip 'to pluck (leaves, fruit)' (Mil. 2011 #7).

(7) Mhr. cffl(l)/öt; Hob. sfaZ/oot; Jib. cfzz/ot; Soq. saTlz/oh (syn.: hes < Sem. 'palm leaf', v. LS 168; < Afras. *hVc- 'leaf': C. Cush.: Khamir hasa, haca, Khamta haca, Aungi hÄcz; Omot. N.: Kachama yece, Chara yeca, Mao (Diddesa) yac-, S.: Hamar aca, Galila haca id. — ADB) // no reliable cognates (v. Mil. 2011 #9).

0 No term in Ugr., Pho., Bib., Sab. or Hrs.

^ No Common Semitic.

47. lie

(1) Akk. (OB) itül- < *nyl : nälu, nialu, i/utülu 'to lie (down)' (syn.: salalu — v. Mil. 2014 #1) // likely with met. < Sem. *lyn 'to sleep, spend the night' (Mil. 2014 sleep #2).

(2) Ugr. skb; Hbr. skb; Pho. skb; Syr. skb (syn.: gny — Mil. 2011 #6); Mnd. skb (syn.: gna — Mil. 2011 #6, rba — ibid. #5, and zga — v. #8); Gez. sakaba // < Sem. *skb // Mil. 2011 #3.

(3) Pal. dmk (syn.: rbî — v. Mil. 2011 #5); Urm. dmk // Arm. only (v. Mil. 2011 #4).

(4) Leb. l?h // < *lkh (Mil. 2011 #7).

(5) Mec. tamaddad; Mlt. kin mindud (syn.: imtët — v. Mil. 2011 #9); Hob. mütted/ydmdddüud (less likely < Arb.) // < Sem. *mdd 'to stretch, spread' (Mil. 2011 #8).

(6) Tna. tä-gadämä; Amh. tä-gaddämä (syn.: jäg alä — v. #8) // Mod. Eth. only; for Afras. connections v. Mil. 2011 #10 and/or Chad. *n-gVd- 'lazy' (St. 2011 #505).

(7) Tgr. ?dkrur hälla // < Sem. *krr 'to put, throw, fall, lie' (v. Mil. 2011 #11), rel. to Chad. *kVr-'to throw, fall down' (St. 2011 #256), perhaps also *kVr- 'down, buttock' (ibid. #276).

(8) Har. zäg baya (syn.: në?a — v. #9) // < Sem. *zVg- 'to lie down, stretch out' (v. DRS 682), rel. to Chad. *zVg- 'to put, place; to descend; to last, wait' (St. 2009 #43).

(9) Arg. (b)angerru t-enna; Sod. annäm;; Wol. anne (syn.: rebätä- v. Mil. 2011 #5) // < Sem. *nhy (v. sleep #8); for Afras. connections v. Mil. 2011 #13).

(10) Gaf. (tä)gäddälä; Cha. (tä)gätäräm // < Eth.-Arb. with possible Cush. connections (Mil. 2011 #14).

(11) Hrs. enbeltâh (syn.: engerdös — v. Mil. 2011 #16); Mhr. dnbaltdh (syn.: sa-wküf — v. Mil. 2011 #17); Jib. bottah, anbaltâh (syn.: îtékél — v. Mil. 2011 #18) // < Sem. *b(l)th (Mil. 2011 #15).

(12) Soq. sé?ef (syn.: bth, blth — v. #11, and dyah, sédah, likely < Sem. *dhy 'to push down, spread': Hbr. dhy 'to push down' HALOT 218, Arb. dhw/y 'étendre comme un tapis; pousser violemment; jeter, lancer' BK 1 676) // v. discussion in Mil.2011 #19.

◊ No term in Bib., Qur. or Sab.

^ West and South (Hob., unless < Arb.) Semitic *mdd (#5); cf. W.Chad. *mud- (< *muHd-?) 'lie down' (ADB).

^ West Semilic: *skb (#2).

48. liver

(1) Akk. (OB) amütu // v. SED I #185 and belly #4.

(2) Ugr. kbd; Hbr. kabëd; Pal. kbd; Syr. Mnd. Urm. kabd-; Qur. kabid-; Leb. kabdi; Mec. kabed; Gez. käbdd; Tna. käbdi; Tgr. käbdät; Har. küd; Wol. häbd; Cha. käpt; Hrs. sebdët; Mhr. sdbdït; Hob. sdbdiit; Jib. subdet; Soq. sibde // Mil. 2011 #2.

(3) Amh. gubbät; Sod. gabbot // not of the same root as #2 — v. Mil. 2011 #3.

(4) Arg. amfaha // Mil. 2011 #4.

◊ Mlt. fuiet is borrowed from a Romance language. No term in Pho., Bib., Sab. or Gaf.

^ West and South Semitic *kab(i)d- (#2).

49. long

(1) Akk. (OB) arku; Ugr. ?rk (verb); Hbr. ?ärök; Pho. ?rk; Pal. ?ryk; Syr. ?arrïk-; Mnd. aruk-; Urm. yarïk-; Sab. ?rk (verb) // < Sem. *?arVk- (Mil. 2011).

(2) Qur. tawïl-; Leb. tawil; Mec. tawiyl; Mlt. twïl // < Sem. *twl with possible Afras. parallels (Mil. 2011).

(3) Gez. näwih; Tna. näwwih // < Sem. *nwh 'be extended, stretched out, repose'; for possible Afras. connections v. Mil. 2011.

(4) Tgr. räyim; Jib. rihm; Soq. riyyom // < Sem. *rym 'to be high, long' (Mil. 2011).

(5) Amh. rajim; Arg. rdzzim (syn.: gudor — v. #6) // < Eth.-Arb. *rzm (Mil. 2011).

(6) Gaf. gaddfl'rmfl; Har. gudor; Wol. gudar // < Eth.-Arb. *gdr; for possible further Sem. and Afras. connections v. big #9.

(7) Sod. ga'Haf; Cha. gef // < Eth.-Arb. *gaZif- 'long' (Mil. 2011).

0 Hrs. fewzl, Mhr. fawzl and Hob. fwiz'l are, rather than not, < Arb. No term in Bib.

^ North and West Semitic *?arVk- (#1).

^ West (Tgr.) and South Semitic *rym (#4) < Afras. *rVy/wVm- 'be raised, high, long' (Mil. 2011; add Chad. *rVm- 'to rise, jump' St. 2005 #902).

50. louse

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) kalmatu (syn.: OB uplu — < Sem. *pV1(y)- < Afras. *(?V-)pi1- Mil. 2011 #1); Pal. klmh // < Sem. *ka1m- (cf. SED II #130; v. discussion ibid.).

(2) Syr. kalmat-; Urm. kalm-; Qur. kummal-; Leb. ?ama1; Mec. gamil; Mlt. amel; Gez. k^amal (syn.: k^afni < Sem. *kaVfVn- < Afras. - v. Mil. 2011 #4); Tna. k^amal; Tgr. kamal; Amh. kamal; Arg. kamal; Sod. kamal; Har. kumay; Wol. kumal; Cha. kamar // < Sem. *k(®)am1- ~ *ka1m- (SED II #130).

(3) Hrs. kenemot; Mhr. kenmzt; Hob. kinmz'it; Jib. sinit; Soq. konum // < Sem. *ki/ann(-Vm)-'a harmful insect' (SED II #116).

0 No term in Ugr., Hbr., Pho. Bib., Mnd., Sab. or Gaf.

^ North and West Semitic *ka1m- (#1) < Afras. *k(®)a/i1(-m)- 'a biting insect' (Mil. 2011).

^ West Semitic *kOam1- ~ *ka1m- (#2), possibly rel., with fossilized -l, to Chad. *kVm- 'louse' (St. 2011 #377), comp. (ibid.) with E.: Mokilko kz'mflalfl 'caterpillar'.

51. man

(1) Akk. (OB) zikaru // < Sem. *dakar-: 'man, male' (HALOT 270, DUL 269).

(2) Ugr. mt // meaning debatable, probably 'husband' (v. Kog. Ug.) < Sem. *mVt < Afras. *mVt-'man, husband' (Mil. 2001).

(3) Pho. ?s (syn.: gbr); Hbr. ?zs 'man'; Sab. ?ysi (syn.: ?nsi - v. #5) // < Sem. *?is- 'man' < Afras. *?aw/ys- 'human being, man' (Mil. 2011).

(4) Bib. gabar; Pal. gebar; Syr. gabr-; Mnd. gabr- // < Sem. *gabr- ~ *gabbar- < Afras. *gabar- 'man' (Mil. 2011); add W.Chad.: Hausa gwflbro (and gwauro) 'a man who no longer has a wife' < Chad. *gVbVr- 'man' (St. 2011 #464; the E.Cush. forms quoted ibid. are < Amh.).

(5) Urm. ?flnfls-; Tgr. ?anas // < Sem. *(?i-)nas- 'man' < Afras. *(?i-)nus- 'human being, man, male in-law, son' (Mil. 2011).

(6) Qur. rajul-; Leb. razzel; Mec. njjfll; Mlt. rfljal // with a semantic shift 'foot' > 'pedestrian, foot-soldier' (Mil. 2011) < Sem. *rig1- 'foot' < Afras. *riga/u1- 'limb, leg' — v. foot #3.

(7) Gez. ba?as-i (syn.: Fad < Sem. *ii/add- 'assembly, gathering of people, community' < Afras. *SV(n)d-, v. Mil. 2011 #8) // N.Eth. only; rel., perhaps, to Arb. b?s 'e. brave, courageux, audacieux; e. fort et violent' (BK 1 79); likely < Afras. *bV?Vs- 'son, boy, coeval' (Mil. 2014 #6).

(8) Tna. sflb?ay; Arg. su, sfl'wy; Gaf. sawwa; Har. usu? (< *sub?); Wol. sab; Cha. sab // < Eth. *sab?-; for plausible Sem. parallels v. Mil. 2011.

(9) Amh. wand (syn.: sab, saw« — v. #8) // < Sem. *wa1d- 'child' < Afras. *wa1ad- ~ *wada1- ~ *dawa1- 'child; young' (Mil. 2011).

(10) Sod. mass // < S.Eth. (Mil. 2011), either < *mis(s) or < *mii(f). If the former (no Sem. cognates), < Afras. *mVs- 'male, husband' (Mil. 2011); if the latter, with possible parallels in Akk. masu, mass«, masw 'twin' (CAD m1 401; acc. to AHw 631, a Sumerism) and Ugr. mi 'infant, baby boy' (DUL 604; tentatively compared to Akk. masu and Hbr. Mosfl 'Moses')

< Afras. *mic- 'child': Egyp. (Pyr.) ms 'Kind' (EG II 139), msy 'gebären' (ibid. 139); E. Chad. *mic-: Dangla mied 'small boy', Migama miicä 'child', mica 'son', Bidiya mico 'child' (ADB).

(11) Hrs. yayg; Mhr. yayg; Hob. yayg; Jib. yeg; Soq. 'agg, 'ayg // no direct parallels (on some tentative Sem. comparanda v. Mil. 2011).

^ No common Semitic.

52. many

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) madu; Ugr. m?ud, ma?du // < Sem. *mV?ad- (Mil. 2011).

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(2) Hbr. rab; Pho. rb (syn.: sgy(-t) — v. #3); Urm. rab- // < Sem. *rabb- 'big', v. big #1.

(3) Bib. saggi?; Pal. saggi; Syr. saggi // < Sem. *sg? 'to be numerous, large', rel. to C.Cush. (Mil. 2011).

(4) Mnd. naps- // also 'soul, personality, self' < Sem. *nap(i)s- 'soul, person, etc.' < *nps 'to breathe' < Afras. nVfVs- 'breathing' (Mil. 2011).

(5) Qur. katir-; Leb. ktir; Mec. katiyr // likely < Sem. *ktr 'to fit, achieve, be optimal, plentiful, etc.', presumably < Afras. *kVc(-Vr)- 'many, big, all' (v. in Mil. 2011).

(6) Mlt. hafna // < Sem. *hVpn- 'hollow of the hand, handful; fist' (Mil. 2011).

(7) Gez. bdzuh; Tna. bdzuh; Tgr. bdzuh; Amh. bdzu; Har. bäjih; Wol. bdzzi; Cha. bdzä // < Eth.-Arb. with scarce E.Chad. parallels (Mil. 2011 #8).

(8) Arg. ndbbur // < Sem. *nbr 'to elevate, raise, place atop' (Mil. 2011 #9).

(9) Gaf. täbbä, täbwä // also 'e. abondant', presumably a non-trivial meaning shift < Eth. *tb' 'to be courageous' (Mil. 2011 #10).

(10) Sod. yäddnk // v. Mil. 2011 #11.

(11) Hrs. meken; Mhr. meken; Hob. maakdn; Jib. mekdn // < MSA-Arb. with E.Cush. parallels (Mil. 2011 #12).

(12) Soq. di-lak // rel. to Eth. *lik 'chief' and *lhk 'to grow' (v. Mil. 2011 #13) with a parallel in Chad. *lVk- (possibly *lVk-) 'to surpass, be a chief' St. 2005 #188.

^ North and West Semitic *mV?ad- (#1) < Afras. *mV?Vd- 'big, many, entire, all' (Mil. 2011).

53. meat

(1) Akk. (OB) siru; Pho. s?r // < Sem. *si?r- 'flesh' (SED I #238).

(2) Ugr. bsr; Hbr. basar; Bib. bdsar; Pal. besar; Syr. besr-; Mnd. bisr-; Urm. bisr-; Gaf. bäsärä; Sod. bäsär; Har. bäsär; Wol. bäsär; Cha. bäsär // < Sem. *bisr-/*basar- 'flesh, (human) body' (SED I #41).

(3) Qur. lahm-; Leb. lahm; Mec. laham; Mlt. laham- // < Sem. *lahm- 'food' with Chad. parallels (v. Mil. 2011 and St. 2005 #277)

(4) Hrs. tewi; Mhr. tiwi; Hob. tee; Jib. te?; Soq. te // < Sem. *t?w/y 'to eat' (v. eat #5).

0 Gez. sdgä; Tna. sdga; Tgr. sdga; Amh. sdga, considered a lw. < C. Cush. (questionable, since neither any individual Agaw nor the Proto-Agaw form contains *-g; formally only Dullay *sagan-, possibly < *sag-an-, corresponds to the Eth. terms).

0 Arg. jäw < C. Cush. (v. Mil. 2011). No term in Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *si?r- (#1) < Afras. *sV?ur- 'meat, flesh' (Mil. 2011).

^ West Semitic *bisr— *basar- (#2), presumably with root extension -r < Afras. *bac(-Vr)-'skin; to (cut) skin' (Mil. 2011).

54. moon

(1) Akk. (OB) warhu; Ugr. yrh; Hbr. yareah; Pho. yrh; Gez. wärh; Tna. warh-i; Tgr. wärdh; Har. wahri; Wol. wari // < Sem. *warh- 'moon' (Mil. 2011).

(2) Pal. shr (syn.: zehar < Sem. *zhr 'to shine' < Afras. *3a/zhr--v. Mil. 2011 #3); Syr. sahr-;

Mnd. szr-; Urm. sahr- // < Sem. *sahr- 'new moon' (v. Kog. LE 479) < Afras. *ca/zhar- 'night celestial body: moon, star' (Mil. 2011; the S.Cush. forms quoted there should be disregarded as belonging to another Afras. root *sVh/w- 'luminary').

(3) Qur. kamar-; Leb. ?amar-; Mec. gamar; Mlt. Âmar // for two highly hypothetic etymological opportunities v. Mil. 2011 #4.

(4) Amh. çÀ'raka; Arg. çÀ'rÀka; Gaf. sÀrÀkÀ; Sod. darrakka // rel. to Arb. iÂrzk- 'étoile du matin' (Mil. 2011 #5). Note that the idea of these S.Eth. forms borrowed from Cush. (of which only C.: Beja terzg/k is adduced, most likely a lw. from the above Arb. word), put forth in Dolg. 1973: 48-9 (and repeated in Kog. LE 478: footnote 103), is quite unsubstantiated, to say nothing of the fact that there are six unrelated S.Eth., Cush., Omot. and Chad. terms for 'moon' there combined in one entry.

(5) Cha. bana // only Gur., the "tempting" etymology in LGur. 146 being far-fetched (v. Mil. 2011 #6).

(6) Hrs. hÂrët; Mhr. hârzt; Hob. haare'et; Jib. ?£rat; Soq. ?ere // < MSA *?ar- 'moon' (for possible Sem. cognates v. Mil. 2011 #7), with a direct parallel in Brb. (Mil. 2011 footnote 56).

◊ No term in Bib. or Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *warh- (#1); on the debatable relations with Egyp. zih 'moon' v. Mil. 2011.

55. mountain

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) sadû, saddû // < Sem. *sad(d)- (Mil. 2012), with possible parallels in Cush.: LEC: Somali (May-Digil dial.) szzd, Jiddu szzt 'stone', Oromo szda? 'heavy and compact stone' .

(2) Ugr. fr (f < *d); Bib. iûr; Pal. iwr; Syr. iwr-; Mnd. iur-; Urm. iwr- // < Sem. *iu/zr- 'flint, rock' with a few parallels implying Afras. *cur- id. (Mil. 2012; add: N.Omot.: Gimira (Bench) car 'rock' ADB).

(3) Hbr. hâr; Pho. hr // with Ugr. hr 'mountain' < Sem. *har- < Afras. *hawr- (Mil. 2012).

(4) Qur. Jabal-; Leb. zabel; Mec. Jabal // < Sem. *gVbVZ- 'mountain; boundary, border', perhaps derived with root extension -l < Afras. *ga/ub- 'mountain' (v. Mil. 2012; disregard the Dul-lay forms).

(5) Sab. ir // < Sab.-Arb. *iu(iu)r- (v. Mil. 2012).

(6) Gez. dabar; Tgr. dabar // < Sem. *dabr- 'mountain valley, meadow' (Mil. 2012), perhaps < *dab- with root extension -r < Afras. *dV(m)b- 'rock' (Mil. 2012).

(7) Amh. tarara; Arg. tarara // no parallels in Sem.; for possible Cush. sources of borrowing and/or Afras. connections v. Mil. 2012.

(8) Har. sarz // < S.-E. Eth.-Arb. *sary/w- (v. Mil. 2012).

(9) Hrs. kermaym; Mhr. karmaym // < Sem. *karm-; for further Sem. and Afras. connections v. Mil. 2012 (add Chad. *kV(wV)r- 'stone, hill' St 2011 #287 and, perhaps, *kVr- 'forest' ibid. #273).

(10) Jib. her // < Sem. *hz/amâr-: Arb. hzmÂrat- 'gros pierre' (BK I 490), Hbr. Mmor 'heap' (HALOT 327) and, perhaps, Akk. amâru 'to pile up (bricks)' (CAD a2 27).

(11) Soq. /e'/z'dehon // probably < Sem. *pad(d)Vn- 'path in the mountains' with W. Chad. parallels (Mil. 2012).

◊ Mlt. montana < Italian montagna; Sod. gara < E. Cush.; Cha. k^àto < E. Cush. (Mil. 2012); Mhr. gabel; Hob. Jabeei; Jib. gzezl are more likely < Arb. than genuine (contra Mil. 2012 #4). No term in Gaf. or Wol.

^ No Common Semitic.

56. mouth

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) pu-; Ugr. p; Hbr. pä; Pho. py; Bib. pum; Pal. päm; Syr. püm-; Mnd. pum-; Urm. püm-; Qur. fam- fuw-); Mec. famm; Sab.f,fm; Gez. ?af; Tna. ?af; Tgr. ?af; Amh. ?af; Arg. af; Sod. af; Har. af; Wol. af; Cha. af // < Sem. *(?a-)pay/w(-m)- 'mouth' (cf. SED I #223, Mil. 2012).

(2) Leb. hald?; Mlt. hal?a // < Sem. *halk- 'Adam's apple, throat' (v. SED I #117) < Afras. *(ha-)lVk(-um)- 'throat and upper part of neck' (Mil. 2012).

(3) Gaf. sdmotä // for the presumed non-trivial meaning shift < Eth. *s'm 'to kiss' instead of borrowing < E.Cush. v. Mil. 2012.

(4) Hrs. hah; Mhr. höh; Hob. hoh; Jib. hoh; Soq. he // < Sem. *hVwVy- ~ *hawh- 'hole, aperture' supposedly < Afras. *qaw/?- 'hole' with arguable (Mil. 2012).

^ North and West Semitic *(?a-)pay/w(-m)- (#1) < Afras. *(?a-)pay/w-'mouth' (Mil. 2012).

57. name

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) sumu; Ugr. sm; Hbr. sem; Pho. sm; Bib. sum; Pal. sem, swm; Syr. sdm; Mnd. sum-; Urm. simm-; Qur. ?ism-; Leb. ?dsdm; Mec. ism; Mlt. isem; Sab. sm; Gez. sdm; Tna. sdm; Tgr. sdm; Amh. sdm; Arg. sdm; Gaf. sdmwä; Sod. sdm; Har. sum; Wol. sum; Cha. sdm; Hrs. hem; Mhr. ham; Hob. hum; Jib. sum; Soq. sem // < Sem. *(?i-)sim-.

^ Proto-Semitic *(?i-)sim- < Afras. *(?i-)sim- 'name' (Mil. 2012).

58. neck

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) kisadu; Gez. kdsad; Tna. kdsad // < Sem. *ki(n)sad- 'neck, top of shoulder' (SED I #147).

(2) Hbr. sawwa(?)r; Bib. sawwa?r; Pal. swwr; Syr. sawr-; Mnd. sawr- // < Sem. *saw(?)ar- 'neck' (v. SED I #258).

(3) Qur. 'unk-; Mlt. (gh)ona? // < Sem. *'Vnk- 'neck' (SED I #15); cf. N.Cush.: Beja anküa 'Häcker, Buckel' (if < *'ankw-).

(4) Leb. ra?abi; Mec. ragaba // < Common Arb. *rakb-; for possible cognates with met. v. Mil. 2012.

(5) Tgr. sdgad // likely, with an unusual meaning shift, < sägda 'prostrate oneself' < Sem. *sgd 'prostrate' (LGz 490).

(6) Amh. angät; Arg. angäd, hangät; Gaf. angät; Sod. angät; Har. angät; Wol. angät; Cha. angät // with Arg. h- vs. Har. 0- (*h > h, *' > 0 in Har.), it is hard to say if < Sem. *'Vng(-at)- or < *hVng(-ar)- 'neck' (Mil. 2012); in the latter case v. Egyp. (18 Dyn.) hngg 'gorge' (ibid.).

(7) Hrs. Mhr. yöti; Hob. yöotd; Jib. yote // only MSA.

(8) Soq. fakrere (syn.: kar — v. Sem. and Afras. parallels in Mil. 2012 #8) // < Sem. *pi/ark-at- ~ *pi/akr-at- (SED I #219), perhaps, with fossilized -r extension, < *pVk- 'neck' (ibid. #213).

0 Urm. kddal- < Arb. kidäl- rather than genuine (Mil. 2012). No term in Pho. or Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *kisad- (#1).

59. new

(1) Akk. (OB) essu; Ugr. hdt; Hbr. hadas; Pho. hds; Bib. Mdat; Pal. hdt; Syr. haddt-; Mnd. hadt-; Urm. M(d)t-; Gez. häddis; Tna. häddis; Tgr. häddis; Amh. addis; Arg. ha&s; Sod. ajjis; Har. hajis; Wol. ajis // < Sem. *hadit- (DRS 837).

(2) Qur. jadid-; Leb. zdid; Mec. jadiyd; Mlt. jdid // for a plausible Sem. etymology incl. Arb. jadid- 'new, jeunesse, jeune age' and Syr. gaddüd- 'adolescens' v. Mil. 2012; cf. Chad. *gVdVn- 'younger, the youngest' (St. 2005 #500) and N.Omot.: Yemsa gaddo 'new'.

(3) Sab. ksib // < Arb.-Sab. *kaszb- (Mil. 2012).

(4) Gaf. waya // acc. to LGur 666, a loan from HEC (Sidamo haro, etc.) "with loss of r through palatalization" (ibid. 673), which is unconvincing; cf., hypothetically, E.Cush.: LEC *?awt-it-: Dirayta awsitt, Mashile awtitta 'new' and C.Chad.: Ouldeme awehe, Mada ewwe, Zulgo awzyfl, Cuvok waya id.

(5) Cha. gfldar // for possible Sem. connections v. Mil. 2012.

(6) Hrs. heydzn; Mhr. heydzn; Hob. haydiz'n; Jib. odzn // < MSA-Arb. *wayd-Vn < MSA-Arb. with plausible Afras. connections (Mil. 2012).

0 Soq. gadid is more likely an Arabism than genuine.

^ North and West Semitic *hadif- (#1).

60. night

(1) Akk. (OB) mwsu; Sod. masat; Cha. masata // < Sem. *(?a-)musy- 'night, yesterday, evening' (Mil. 2012).

(2) Ugr. ll; Hbr. layla; Pho. ll; Bib. lely-a; Pal. lele; Syr. lely-; Mnd. lily-; Urm. layl-; Qur. laylat-; Leb. layl; Mec. layl; Mlt. leyla; Sab. lly; Gez. lelit; Tna. layt-i; Tgr. lali; Amh. let; Gaf. lita // < Sem. *1ay1-.

(3) Arg. hadara (syn.: etta, yet — v. Mil. 2012 #4) // (unless < E.Cush.) < Sem.: *hadar- 'darkness' (Mil. 2012); cf. E.Cush.: Saho hadar, Afar hadar (perf. flhdera) 'spend the night doing something'; N.Omot.: Anfilo diihro (met.) 'night' (ADB).

(4) Har. artu, ortu (syn.: layl-i, lel-i — v. #2); Wol. arot // < S.-E. Eth., likely < Sem. *yarb- 'sunset, evening, west' (v. in Mil. 2012 #5).

(5) Hrs. ?flser; Mhr. Facar; Hob. ?«asar; Jib. Facar // rel. to Arb. ?a1-Fasr- 'le jour et la nuit, ou le soir et le matin', likely < Sem. *Fasr- 'feast, time, season, night' (Mil. 2012 #6).

(6) Soq. hte // perhaps rel. to Arb. ha/iifli 'sommeil' (BK 1 377).

^ North and West (Sod., Cha.) Semitic *(?a-)mVsy- (#1) < Afras. *(?a-)mas(y)- 'night, evening' (Mil. 2012; N. Omot. *?umars-, which is a different Afras. root /*mVsVr— *rVmVs— *(?u-)mars- ADB, should be replaced with N.Omot. *?VmVs/c-: Malo ?om«ca, Basketo ?umac 'night', Mao (Sezo) ?£msi 'moon', perhaps Dizi (Maji) acim (met.) 'id.'.

^ West Semitic *1ay1- (#2); cf. Afras.: W.Chad. *1V(V/y) 'moon': Tala lii, Boghom lio; S.Cush.: Asa ?a1a1aya 'star'; Ma?a -lasu (dissim. < *1a1u?) 'evening'; N.Omot.: Bworo illa 'evening', Yemsa wali 'night' (ADB; cf. EDE III 43-44).

61. nose

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) appu; Ugr. ?ap; Hbr. ?ap; Pal. ?p; Qur. ?anf-; (?) Sab. f (Stein: 1 attestation with a question mark); Gez. ?anaf; Tgr. ?anaf; Gaf. Sod. afunna; Har. wf; Cha. flfuna // < Sem. *?anp- 'nose' (SED I #8).

(2) Syr. nahzr-; Mnd. nhir-; Urm. nahzr-; Leb. manhar; Mlt. amniher; Hrs. nherzr; Mhr. nehrzr; Hob. nahrizr; Jib. nahrer; Soq. nahrir // < Sem. *nahzr- 'nostril, nose' (SED I #198).

(3) Mec. husum // Class. Arb. hayswm- 'cartilages du nez' (v. Mil. 2012).

(4) Tna. ?a/anca; Amh. Arg. a/anca // an enigmatic term (v. Mil. 2012).

(5) Wol. bfl'rbfl're // < barbare 'pepper' (LGur 151), v. Mil. 2012.

0 No term in Pho., Bib. or Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *?anp- (#1) < Afras. *(?a-)na/i/- 'breath' (v. in Mil. 2012).

^ South and West Semitic *nahzr- (#2) < Afras. *nahVr- 'nose' (Mil. 2012), perhaps going back, with root extension -r, to Afras. (incl. Sem.) *nah- 'referring to the nose, nasal mucus, phlegm' (Mil. 2012).

62. not1

(1) Akk. (OB) ul (and la — v. #2); Pho. 7l (and 7y — v. #3); Sab. 7l; Amh. al...(m); Arg. al...(w/u); Gaf. al; Sod. al-; Har. al; Wol. al-; Soq. al // < Sem. *7al, var. *7ul (Mil. 2012, Kog. LE 471).

(2) Ugr. l, la-a (and 7al — v. #1); Hbr. lo(7) (and 7al — v. #1); Bib. la; Pal. la7; Syr. la; Mnd. la; Urm. la; Qur. la (and ma — v. #4); Hrs. la7; Mhr. (7dl...) la7; Hob. ld7; Jib. (7ol...)lo7 // < Sem. *la7 (Mil. 2012, Kog. LE 471).

(3) Gez. 7i; Tna. 7ay(...n); Tgr. 7i // < Sem. *7ay < Afras. *7ay (v. Mil. 2012).

(4) Leb. ma...s; Mec. ma; Mlt. ma // < Sem. *ma(7) < Afras. *ma (Mil. 2012).

(5) Cha. an- // < Sem. *7ayn- '(there) is not' (otherwise a sporadic change < *al-) < Afras. *7ayn-~ *nay- v. Mil. 2012 #5).

^ Proto-Semitic *7al ~ *7ul (#1) < Afras. *7a/ul- (Mil. 2012, ADB).

^ West and South Semitic *la7 (#2), with several Afras. parallels (Mil. 2012, ADB). Both proto-forms may be eventually related through metathesis, but at the Proto-Afrasian rather than at the Proto-Semitic level.

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63. one

(1) Akk. (OB) 7isten m., istiat f. // < Sem. *1ist(-Vn/t)- 'one; eleven': Ugr. 1st 1sr(h), Hbr. 1as3tte, Egyp. Arm. 1st7, Sab. 1st(n) m., 1st f. '11' < Sem. *1is-t(-Vn/t)- (Mil. 2012, Kog. LE 471; add Sab. Isitn 'eins' Stein, one attestation) < Afras. *1is-n/t- 'one' (Mil. 2012).

(2) Ugr. 7ahd; Hbr. 7ahad; Pho. 7hd; Bib. had; Pal. had; Syr. had-; Mnd. had; Urm. had-; Qur. wahid-; Leb. wdhad; Mec. wahid; Mlt. wihet; Sab. 7hd; Gez. 7ahadu; Tna. hada; Tgr. hatte f. (woro m.); Amh. 7and; Arg. hand; Gaf. 333d; Sod. at(t); Har. ahad; Wol. add; Cha. at // < Sem. *7/wahad- 'one, single, alone, united' (Mil. 2012, Kog. LE 471).

(3) Hrs. tad; Mhr. tad, tat, tdyt; Hob. tdat; Jib. tad (m.), tit (f.); Soq. tad (m.), tey (f.) // likely rel. to Arb. tu7an 'quelqu'un', presumably < MSA-Arb. *tu/a7/y- '(some)one' (> MSA *tay(-t), dis-similated > *tad or assimilated > tat in masc., and remaining *tay(-t) in fem.); cf. Afras.: W.Chad.: North Bauchi *wuti 'one' (Warji, Kariya, Siri, Jimbin. etc.) and E.Cush.: HEC: Burji de-kki (m.), de-tti (f.) 'one, single' (W- < *tV) ADB.

^ West Semitic *(7/wa-)had- (#2) < Afras. *(7/wa-)had- 'one' (Mil. 2012).

64. person

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) 7awilu // no plausible Sem. parallels; presumably < Afras. *(Ha)wil- 'child' (Mil. 2012).

(2) Ugr. bns (< bn ns; syn.: 7adm — v. #3); Bib. (bar-)7anas; Mnd. (a)nas-, barnasa; Qur. 7ins-an-; Leb. 7insen; Sab. 7nsi (syn.: 7si - v. #4) // < Sem. *(bin-/bar-)7i-nas- (v. man #5).

(3) Pho. 7dm // < Sem. *7adam- (not < *(7a-)dam- 'red' as is often stated), likely < Afras. *7adam- ~ *da7am- 'kin, family member' (Mil. 2012).

(4) Hbr. 7is (syn.: 7dnos — v. #2); Sab. 7si (syn.) // < Sem. *7is- (v. man #3).

(5) Pal. gebar (syn.: brns, 7anas — v. #2); Syr. gabr- (syn.: bar-(7)nas--v. #2); Urm. gabr- (syn.:

barnas— v. #2) // v. man #4.

(6) Mec. sahs // < Sem. *sxhs 'to be high, great, lofty (> haughty)' (Mil. 2012).

(7) Gez. bd?3s-i // < Afras. *bV7Vs- 'son, boy, coeval' (v. man #7).

(8) Tna. sab; Amh. saw; Arg. su; Gaf. sdwwd; Sod. sab; Har. usu7; Wol. sab; Cha. sdb // v. man #9.

(9) Mhr. nafs; Jib. nafs // (arguments contra borrowing < Arb. v. in Mil. 2012) < Sem. *nap(i)s-'soul; vitality, life; person, personality; self' < Afras. *nafVs- 'breathing' (ibid.).

1 The forms listed below are only partial synonyms, since their sentential functions are different.

(10) Soq. heyhz // with three possible alternative etymolgies, perhaps eventually related: (a) if meaning '(the) living (one)', < Sem. *hwy 'to live' < Afras. *hayVw- 'live, be born, give birth to' (Mil. 2012); (b) < Arb.-MSA *hay(y)- 'tribe; neighbor; fraternity': Arb. hayy-'tribe; man of the same tribe, neighbour', Jib. aha (why) 'run to help', Soq. hzyo 'fraternité' < Afras. *hay/w/?- 'tribe, clan, kin': Egyp. (MK) why 'tribe, clan, family, house (of nomads?)'; Cush. E.: Saho heaw 'people', S. *hay?- 'kin, clan; brother, sister': Iraqw hay 'kinsfolk, clan', hz'ya 'brother', ha?e 'siblings', Qwadza he?e 'sister', etc.; (c) < Afras. *hawVy- 'man, husband': Chad. W.: Gera hàwz 'chief', C. Logone fwye 'husband'; S. Cush.: Iraqw Alagwa Burunge haw-ata 'man, husband', Dahalo hflayo 'man, husband' (ADB).

◊ Mlt. perswna < Latin or Italian persona (interestingly, must have been a source of borrowing, likely through the Order of Malta, into Russian парсуна, a "primitive" portrait genre in 17th century Russia); Hob. znsz' < Arab.

^ West Semitic *(bzn-/bar-)?z-nas- < Afras. (v. man #5).

65. rain

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) zunnu; Sab. dnm; Gez. zanâm; Tna. zanam, zanab (syn.: may — v. water #1); Tgr. zaJam; Amh. zanab; Arg. zanab; Gaf. zanab®«; Sod. zanab; Har. zanâb; Wol. zaJam; Cha. zarab // < Sem. *dwn(a)m- (Mil. 2012).

(2) Ugr. mir (syn.: gsm — v. Mil. 2012 #3); Hbr. mâiâr (syn.: gà'sdm v. Mil. 2012 #3); Pal. mir; Syr. meir-; Mnd. mzir-; Urm. mzir-; Qur. maiar-; Mec. maiar // < Sem. *mziar- (Mil. 2012).

(3) Leb. sziâ; Mlt. szta // < Sem. *sztaw/?- 'rainy, windy season' (Mil. 2012 #4).

(4) Hrs. me-Jsen (syn.: rehemet — v. Mil. 2012 #7); Mhr. ma-Jsz (syn.: rehemét — v. Mil. 2012 #7); Hob. ma-Jsee; Jib. mo-se (syn.: rahmet — v. Mil. 2012 #7); Soq. me-se // < Sem. *Jzs(JVs)- 'efflux, outflow' (Mil. 2012 #6)., rel. to *JV(V)s- 'to be moist, ooze' (St. 2005 #227, tentatively comp. with Sem. *JVz-).

◊ No term in Pho. or Bib.

^ North and West Semitic *dwn(a)m- (#1) < Afras. *jVn(-Vm)- ~ *jVm(-Vn)- 'rain' (Mil. 2012).

^ West Semitic *mziar- (#2) < Afras. *(mz-)iar(ar)- (Mil. 2012).

66. red

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) sâmw // for possible Sem. etymologies of this complicated case and respective Afras. parallels, v. Mil. 2012.

(2) Hbr. ?âddm; Cha. d«my«t // < Sem. *?adam- ~ W?Vm- 'red' (Mil. 2012).

(3) Pal. swmk, symwk, smwk; Syr. sûmâk-, swmmâk-; Mnd. swmak-; Urm. samwk- // for two alternative etymologies v. Mil. 2012.

(4) Qur. hwmr- (pl.); Leb. Mec. Mlt. ahmar // < Sem. *hamr- 'red' (Mil. 2012).

(5) Gez. kayyzh; Tna. Myyzh; Tgr. kà'yah (syn. шй — v. Mil. 2012 #6); Amh. Myy; Arg. Myyah, kdy; Gaf. kdyd; Har. këh // < Sem. *kayh- 'light red, rose' (Mil. 2012); for a possible cognate in Afras. *kay/wh- 'luminary (moon, sun)' v. ibid.; add E.Cush.: Dullay *(wV)A±ayh- 'sun' and, perhaps, HEC: Dasenech guy 'moon' (ADB).

(6) Hrs. ?4fer; Mhr. ?o/ar; Hob. ?oo/ar; Jib. Г/ar; Soq. Гй/er // likely < Sem. *iapar- 'dust, soil', v. earth #3.

◊ Sod. bassa; Wol. bus«; Cha. basa < E. Cush. (Mil. 2012). No term in Ugr., Pho., Bib. or Sab. (cf. hmrt redc in SD 68, attested once and with a question mark).

^ West (Hbr. and Cha.) Semitic *?adam- ~ W?Vm- (#2) < Afras. *(?a-)dVm- ~ *dz?m- '(dark) red' (Mil. 2012).

67. road

(1) Akk. (OB) urhu (syn.: girru — v. Mil. 2012 #2, and harranu — v. Mil. 2012 #1); Bib. ?arha;

Pal. ?wrh; Syr. ?urh- (syn.: darb--v. #6); Mnd. îuhr-; Urm. ?ürah- // < Sem. *?urh- 'way,

road' — v. Mil. 2012 #5; add Arb. rhw 'éloigner' (BK 1 841); note that the Arm. forms are suspected by some authors of being < Akk. on grounds that I fail to understand.

(2) Ugr. ntb(-t) // for Sem. cognates and curious parallels (or look-alikes) in Chad. v. Mil. 2012 #3.

(3) Hbr. däräk; Pho. drk // < Sem. *drk '(quickly) follow/tread a path, walk'; for what seems Afras. variant roots, but of unusual correlation v. Mil. 2012 #4.

(4) Qur. tarïk-; Mec. tariyg; Mlt. tri? // for a possible provenance < Sem. *t/tarVk- 'night luminary' and/or an Akk. cognate v. Mil. 2012 #6.

(5) Leb. darab (syn.: tarï? — v. #4) // Class. Arb. darb-; if (following Lane) a lw., must be, together with Leb. darab < Syr. darb- (v. Mil. 2012 #7); anyway, v. Afras. parallels (ibid.).

(6) Sab. msib? // < sib? 'carry out an undertaking (e.g., military expedition, etc.)' (SD 122) < Sem. *sb(?) 'to walk' with Chad. parallels in *sVb- 'to go (back, out)', etc. (St. 2009 #39, add Hausa sabö 'return' pointing to *sVbV?-), cf. Mil. 2012 #8.

(7) Gez. ma-ngad (syn.: fdnot — v. Mil. 2012 #9 with Afras. parallels in ADB); Tna. mä-gädd-i; Amh. mä-ngäd : mä-gädd-i // < Eth. *nagada 'go on a journey, travel, trade', likely < Sem. *na-gad- with Afras. cognates (Mil. 2012 #10).

(8) Tgr. gäbäy // likely < Sem. *ga(n)b- 'side; beside; back; body' with Afras. cognates (Mil. 2012 #11).

(9) Arg. hema, hayama; Cha. ema // rel. to Arb. hmy < Afras. *haym- 'walk, come and go' (Mil. 2012 #11).

(10) Sod. moca // acc. to LGz 606, < Sem. *ws? 'go out'.

(11) Hrs. wörem; Mhr. hürum; Hob. ?oordm; Jib. ?orm; Soq. ?orim // MSA-Arb. *?u/irm- (with fossilized -m) < Afras. *?/war- 'road' (Mil. #13; add Brb.: Shenwa wur 'go', etc.).

0 Gaf. mäyä < Oromo meya (LGur 441); Har. uga and Wol. ungä < Omot. (Mil. 2012).

^ North and West Semitic *?urh- (#1); cf. Chad. *rVV[y]-: Hausa rùugâ 'drive on/away', Bok-kos roh 'senden, schicken' (compared with Ngizim règû 'migrate' and Arb. rhw 'éloigner'), cf. derived E.: Ubi ?ùrgin 'drive away, hunt' (St. 2011 #803).

68. root

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) sursu; Ugr. srs; Hbr. söräs; Pho. srs; Bib. söres; Mnd. sirs-; Leb. siras // < Sem. *SxVu/irSx-.

(2) Pal. lykr (syn.: srs — v. #1); Syr. îëkar- (syn.: sers--v. #1); Urm. îikr- // < Sem. *îik(k)ar-

'root; medicine' (v. in SED I #20); cf. Chad. C.: Bachama kwire, E.: Jegu kyaro 'root' (ADB; possibly < *kw/yar- or *1Vkw/yar-).

(3) Qur. ?asl- // likely rel. to Sem. *?asi/al- 'join, attach' and '(noble) origin' (cf. DRS 30) and *wasil- 'joint, articulation' (cf. SED I #289), with a possible Chad. parallel *cVl- 'string' (St. 2009 #747).

(4) Mec. îirk (syn.: jizir < Arm.-Arb. *gizar- 'root vegetable', v. Mil. 2012 #5); Mlt. (gh)eru?; Hrs. ?ark; Mhr. ?ark; Hob. ?ârk // < Sem. *1a/irk- 'tendon, muscle, vein, nerf; root' (SED I #20).

(5) Gez. Sdrdw; Tna. sur; Amh. sar; Arg. sarit, sar; Gaf. sar; Sod. sar; Har. sar; Wol. sar; Cha. äsar // probably different from #1 (contra Mil. 2012 #1 and Kog. LE 480); rel. to Chad. *cVHVrV ~ *cVrVHV (St. 2011 #287); cf. also C. Cush. *sar-, more probable < Eth.

(6) Tgr. kard // cognates not found.

(7) Jib. siroh; Soq. serah // < MSA-Arb. (v. Mil. 2012; different from #1 contra Kog. LE fn. 109); justly comp. (through metathesis) with C.Chad.: Biu-Mandara *§dhdray 'root' in St. 2011 #287.

0 No term in Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *Sxu/irSx- (#1).

^ West and South Semitic *Fa/irk- (#4; unless MSA < Arb.).

69. round

(1) Akk. (OB) garru // < Sem. *gar(gVr)- < Afras. *gVr(gVr)- (Mil. 2012).

(2) Hbr. Fago/; Soq. gaF/he/ (met.) // < Sem. *Fg/ (v. reasons for uniting these terms in Mil. 2012).

(3) Syr. ga/S-; Urm. ga/w/- // < Sem. *gaV/V/- < Afras. *gaV/VZ- 'round' (Mil. 2012).

(4) Mnd. ku/u/- // < Sem. *k"V/V/- 'round, surround' < Afras. *k"V/- 'round, circular' (Mil. 2012; add Copt.: Sahidic ke/ko/ 'e. rond' Vyc. 76).

(5) Leb. m-dawar; Mec. mu-dawwar // < Sem. *dwr 'to be/go round' (arguments contra borrowing in MSA < Arb. v. in Mil. 2012) with a few Afras. parallels (ibid.).

(6) Gez. kabub; Tna. kabib (syn.: ?an-kab/a/ — v. Mil. 2012 #7); Tgr. kabib, kabub; Amh. kabb; Sod. kabb; Wol. kub; Cha. kab // < Sem. *kVb(kVb)- 'round' (Mil. 2012).

(7) Har. du/a/u // < Sem. *dVbV/- 'round, ball-shaped' with possible scarce Afras. parallels (Mil. 2012 #8).

(8) Jib. ha/ket // < Sem. *ha/k-at- 'circle, ring' (Mil. 2012 #9).

0 Mlt. tont likely < Ital. tondo; Mhr. madawwar, Hob. mdawwar more likely < Arb. than genuine (counter Mil. 2012 #5). No term in Ugr., Pho., Bib., Pal., Qur., Sab., Arg. or Gaf.

^ West (Hbr.) and South (Soq.) Semitic *FagV/- (#2); eventually interrelated, with root extension -F, to Sem. *gaV/V/- < Afras. *gaVM- (#3).

70. sand

(1) Akk. (OB) basu (bassu) // < Sem. *bVs- (Mil. 2012); cf. E.Cush.: LEC: Oromo booioo 'muddy'.

(2) Hbr. ho/; Pal. ha/; Syr. ha/-; Mnd. ha/- // < Sem. *haw/- 'sand, mud' (v. Mil. 2012).

(3) Leb. rama/; Mec. rama/; Mlt. rame/ // common Arb. and, perhaps, Sab. rm/ 'building sand' quoted in SD 117 with a question mark (v. Mil. 2012; add identical terms rel. to geomancy in different languages in LGz 471).

(4) Gez. hosa; Tna. husa; Tgr. hasa (syn.: caba/) // < Sem.*h/hVw/yVs- 'sand, gravel' < hypothetic Afras. *qas/c- (Mil. 2012).

(5) Amh. assawa; Arg. hasawa; Sod. asawa; Wol. asawa; Cha. asawa // < Sem. *hasw/y- < Afras. *has(a)y- (Mil. 2012; correction: Jib. hflsi is not 'sand' but 'soil', which eliminates Common South and West Semitic *hasw/y-).

(6) Har. se/at (syn.: sihsera — v. Mil. 2012 #6) // rel. to (unless borrowed from) Arb. sih/at-; cf. Afras. parallels (Mil. 2012 #7).

(7) Hrs. baieh; Mhr. baih; Jib. boih // < MSA-Arb. *baih- 'sand', likely derived < *bih 'to lie down (on the sand?); to spread, extend (of sand?)' (v. lie #11).

(8) Soq. seme // < Soq.-Arb. *s^aym- (v. Mil. 2012 #9); cf. Afras. parallels (ibid.), in which the origin of the sibilant remains debatable until detailed and well-grounded consonant correspondences for all Afrasian languages have been established).

0 Urm. sz/- is < Turkish. Hob. ram/eet < Arb. No term in Ugr., Pho., Bib., Qur., Sab. or Gaf.

^ No Common Semitic.

71. say

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) kabw // < Sem. *k(a')Vbb- 'say, shout, curse' < Afras. *kab- 'speak, shout, curse' (Mil. 2012).

(2) Ugr. rgm // < Sem. *rgm 'to blame, curse' (Mil. 2012).

(3) Hbr. ?mr; Pho. ?mr; Bib. ?mr; Pal. ?mr; Syr. ?mr; Mnd. ?mr; Urm. ?mr // < Sem. *?mr 'to say, order'.

(4) Qur. kwl; Leb. 7al; Mec. kal; Mlt. al // < Sem. kwl 'to say', *kawl- 'voice' < Afras. *kawl- 'to talk, shout' (Mil. 2012).

(5) Sab. bhl (Stein: two attestations; syn.: kwl Stein: one attestation — v. #4); Gez. bhl; Tna. bala; Tgr. bela; Amh. ala; Arg. ala; Gaf. bala; Sod. balam; Har. baya; Wol. bala; Cha. baram // < Sem. *bhl 'to say, curse' (Mil. 2012).

(6) Hrs. 1amor; Mhr. 1amur; Jib. 1or; Soq. lemor // v. other (correction from "another" in Mil. 2012) meanings in MSA and Arb. ibid.; < MSA-Arb. *1mr presumably 'causing to existence or accomplishment by force of magic speech/formula' (to be treated as a variant root of *7mr (#3).

^ West Semitic (Sab.-Eth.) *bhl (#5) with a likely W.Chad. parallel *biHal- 'angry' (Mil. 2012).


(1) Akk. (OAkk on) amaru // < Sem. *7mr 'to see; show, indicate; know' < Afras: *(7V-)mVr- 'to see, look, show, search for' (Mil. 2011 know #5)

(2) Ugr. phy (syn.: 1n — v. eye #1) // the only imaginable etymology is a hypothetic Ugr.-Arb. *phy ~ *p7h (perhaps also Sab. bh7t 'scout, intelligence agent'), v. Mil. 2012.

(3) Hbr. r7y; Qur. r7y; Mlt. ra; Sab. r7y; Gez. rdlya; Tna. ^aya; Tgr. r37a; Arg. re; Har. ri7a // < Sem. *r7y 'to see'.

(4) Pho. hz (r7y, a verbal noun — v. #3); Bib. hzy; Syr. hzy; Mnd. hza; Urm. hzy; Amh. ayya; Arg. han3a; Gaf. ajja; Sod. azzam; Wol. anze; Cha. az/sam // < Sem. *hzy 'to see, watch' (Mil. 2012 #5).

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(5) Pal. hmy // < Hbr.-Arm. *hmy 'to see, watch, beware' < Sem. *hmy 'to watch, protect' with some weak Afras. parallels (Mil. 2012 #6).

(6) Leb. sef; Mec. saf // < Sem. *sw/yp 'look out, observe, protect' (Mil. 2012 #7).

(7) Hrs. seni; Mhr. sinuh; Hob.smu; Jib. sini; Soq. sini // < MSA-Arb. *sV(7)n- 'see, know, care' < Afras. *cVn- (Mil. 2012 #8).

^ West Semitic 1 *r7y (#3) < Afras. *ray7- ~ *7ayr- 'to see' (Mil. 2012 #4).

^ West Semitic 2 *hzy (#4) with one isolated C.Chad. parallel (ibid.).

73. seed

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) zeru, zar7u; Hbr. zara1; Bib. z3ra1; Pal. zr1; Syr. zar1-; Urm. zar1-; Qur. zar1-('seed, corn', etc. in the Qur'an (Pen.), with bdr attested as 'to sow' only — cf. otherwise Kog. LE 471); Mlt. zerri(gh)a; Gez. zar7/1, Tna. za^-i; Tgr. zardl; Amh. Arg. Gaf. Sod. Har. Wol. zar; Cha. z3na // < Sem. *zar1/7- (Mil. 2012, cf. otherwise Kog. LE 471-2).

(2) Ugr. d/dr1; Mec. dirra // < Sem. *dVr1/7- (Mil. 2012).

(3) Mnd. baz(i)r- (syn. zira — v. #1) // < Sem. *bVzr- (Mil. 2012) with a few debatable Chad. parallels (Mil. 2012).

(4) Leb. bdar // < Arm.-Arb. *badr- (Mil. 2012).

(5) Har. sani; Wol. sanne (otherwise < E.Cush., then most likely < Oromo); Soq. sdne (syn.: Soq. deri — v. #2) // < Sem. *7a-snV7/n- (Mil. 2012).

◊ Hrs. badr, Mhr. bidar, Hob. beeddt, Jib. bed3r likely < Arb. No term in Pho.

^ North and West Semitic *zar1/7- (#1) < Afras. *jVry/7/1- 'seed, sowing, sown field, to sow, plant, cultivate': Egyp. (late, Gr.) z; (< *jVr or *3Vr) 'Bez. der achtel Arure, acht Aruren Acker' (EG III, 411), (Gr.) 'Art Acker' (Ibid., 414); Chad. W.: Karekare zirue (< *jir-) 'planting across ridgerows', C. *zVr- 'to sprout': Mbuko zaray 'pousser par terre (haricot)', Zulgo zdrd 'long sprouts' (St. 2009 #542), E.: Kera zdoru, Kwang seere 'to sow'; Cush. N.: Beja derd7 (< *jVr7- or *3Vr7- or < Arb.) 'seed', C. *zVr-: Khamir zuru 'wheat', zir-, Kemant zar- 'to sow', Aungi zer 'to cultivate'; N.Omot. *3Vry- or *jVry-: Wolamo zer- 'to spread, to seed',

zer-etta, Malo zere-c, Gamu, Dache zere-ccz, Gimira (Bench) zar 'seed', Kachama zeer- 'to sow' (ADB; Cush. and Omot. terms may be borrowed from Amh.).

^ South and West (if the Har. Wol. terms are genuine) Semitic *?a-snV?/n- (#5) < Sem. *?a-snV?/n- 'seed, grain, cereal' < Afras. *sany- id. (Mil. 2012).

^ West Semitic (Ugr. and Mec.) *dVrf/?- (#2; -f perhaps due to contamination with *zarf/?-) < Sem. *dVry/w- 'to scatter, sow, winnow; seeds': Akk. zaru 'to sow seed, broadcast; scatter, sprinkle; winnow' (CAD z 70), Ugr. dry to winnow' (DUL 282), Hbr. zry 'to scatter, winnow' (HALOT, 280), Jud. dry, dr? 'to scatter, strew; winnow' (Ja., 322), Syr. dr? 'sparsit, dispersit', madray- 'vannus' (Brock., 165), Arb. dry/w 'répandre la semence (en semant), semer; vanner, nettoyer (le grain) en le lançant au vent avec une pelle ou avec un van' (BK 1, 771), durat- 'dorra, espèce de millet' (BK 1, 772), Gez. zdrdwd 'to scatter', (?a)zrdwd, (?a)zrdyd 'to winnow' (LGz., 644 with other Eth. data), Mhr. dar 'to spread out; to spread (gravy, curry, seed)' (JM 47), Jib. derr 'to spread out' (JJ 47), Soq. den 'semence' (LS, 135) < Afras. *jVr- 'to scatter, spread (seed), winnow, process grain; grain, seeds': Brb. *uzzar 'to winnow' (common Brb. incl. Tuareg, hardly < Arb.); (?) Egyp. (OK) dy.w.t (< *jVr-w-Vf? Not very likely, supported primarily by the meaning 'winnower') 'Arbeiterin auf dem Gut bei der Ernte: Worflerin' (EG, V 421); Chad. W.: Podoko njira 'trier (les bons grains des mauvais)' (cf. also Pero jwrà, Guruntum jàajàr 'groundnuts'), C. *(n)JVr- 'a grain mortar' (St. 2009 #1158), (?) E.: Somrai jar 'throw' (ADB).

74. sit

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) wsb; Ugr. yib, ?aizb; Hbr. ysb; Pho. ysb; Bib. ytb; Pal. ytb; Syr. ytb; Mnd. ytb; Urm. ytb; Sab. wib // Sem. *w_ib (Mil. 2012).

(2) Qur. kfd; Lbn. ?afad // < Sem. *kfd 'bend, sit, put down' < Afras. *kV(f)d- 'bend, sit, lie down' (Mil. 2012).

(3) Mec. jalas // < Sem. *g1s 'to sit (in a special way, atop, on an elevated place)' (Mil. 2012).

(4) Gez. nabara // < Sem. *nbr 'to be elevated, raise(d), place(d)/sit atop' (Mil. 2012).

(5) Tna. kof bd7d' (syn.: td'-kd'mmd'fd' — v. #7) // < Sem. *wkp ~ *kwp 'to lie, sit' (Mil. 2012 #5) with an isolated parallel in E.Cush.: Yaaku (ibid.); unclear if Chad. *kVp- 'to put upright' (St. 2011 #57) can be compared, pointing to Afras. *kVp- 'to sit upright'.

(6) Tgr. gasuy hdlla (syn.: kdf beld — v. #5) // perhaps < Sem. *gzss- 'torso, body, side of body' (cf. SED I No. 92) < Afras. *gzcc- 'torso, chest, side of body' (Mil. 2012).

(7) Amh. td-kdmmdid; Arg. (td)kdmmdia // < Eth.-Arb. *kmi 'bind, hold tightly; sit' (Mil. 2012).

(8) Gaf. tdwannd; Sod. tonnam; Cha. conam // only S.Eth. < *wn?/f (LGur 599), likely < Afras. *wVnVf- ~ *fVwVn- (contra Mil. 2012) 'sleep; sit': Egyp. (19 Dyn.) fwn 'sleep'; Chad. C. *?/wzyan- id., E. *wanH-: Kwang wé^ id., Migama wflàno 'to dream' (ADB).

(9) Har. (td)gëbd(la); Wol. (td-)gobd7d // either < Eth.-Arb. *gVb(b) + ala (auxiliary verb) or < Afras. *gVbbVr/1- 'to sit, prostrate oneself; a (sacred?) seat' (Mil. 2012; add W. Chad. Kifri gobbzl- cto crawl').

(10) Hrs. shewlôl; Mhr. shulul; Hob. shoolwul // cf. a suggested Arb. parallel (Mil. 2012).

(11) Jib. skof // < Sem. *(?a-)skup(p)- 'threshold' (Mil. 2012).

(12) Soq. zzfem // v. three etymological options and a Chad. parallel to one of them in Mil. 2012.

0 Mlt. poja < Italian (ap)poggzare.

^ North and West Semitic: *wib (#1); for a presumed, quite different, primary meaning with an Afras. etymology v. Mil. 2012.

75. skin

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) mask-; Pal. msk; Syr. mesk- (syn.: geld— v. #3); Mnd. mzsk // < Sem. *mask-'skin' (Mil. 1914).

(2) Ugr. yr; Hbr. 'tor, Pho. tr // < Sem. *ya/ur-/*yaryar- '(loose) skin, dewlap' (SED I #105) < Afras. *yur- (highly tentative; v. Mil. 2014).

(3) Urm. gild-; Qur. jild-; Leb. zild; Mec. jild; Mlt. jilda // < Sem. *gi/ald- (SED I #78).

(4) Gez. mal/'s // < Sem. *ma'as- or *ma'as- (Mil. 2014).

(5) Tna. kwdrbät; Tgr. kärbät // < Eth.-Arb. *kwirb-at- < Afras. *kwirab- 'bark, skin' (Mil. 2014).

(6) Amh. kodä (syn.: kwärbät, absent from other S.Eth., likely < Tna — v. #5) // < Eth.-Arb. *k(w)ad- 'skin'; rel to W. Chad. *kad- 'skin' (St. 2011 #315).

(7) Mhr. bdSdret; Jib. bdSdret // < Sem. *bi/asar- 'flesh, (human) body' (SED I #41); perhaps < Afras. *bVc(-Vr)- 'skin, skinning': Brb.: Ghadames bzar 'to be peeled'; E.Chad.: W.Dangla buusu 'faire une coupure de la peau au couteau', E.Dangla bese 'scarifier, faire une entaille dans la chair'; Cush. C.: Khamir bas- 'Einschnitte in die Haut machen... tätowieren', E.: HEC: Somali bus-e 'chaff', S.: Ma?a buse 'skin'; N.Omot.: Kafa bus- 'schlachten, die Gurgel durchschneiden', Anfillo bas 'to slaughter cattle' (ADB).

(8) Soq. sirhi // < Sem. *sir- 'skin, hide of cattle' (incl. Mhr. sarü, Jib. sere 'to skin a cow with a knife') SED I #267; cf. W.Chad. *cVr- 'to peel (bark, husk)' (St. 2007 #2491a).

0 Gaf. gWagä, Sod. goga, Har. goga, Wol. gogä and Cha. goga are < Oromo googa; Hob. jood < Arb. jild. No term in Bib. and Sab.

^ North and West Semitic: *mask- (#1) < Afras. *mask- (Mil. 1914).

76. sleep

(1) Akk. (OB) salalu // likely < Sem. *sll 'to lie or go down, be in a horizontal position' (Mil. 2014).

(2) Ugr. ysn; Hbr. ysn // < Sem. *sin(-at)- 'sleep, dream' < Afras. *wisan— *sawin- 'sleep, dream' (Mil. 2014 #3).

(3) Pal. dmk (syn.: nwm — v. #4); Syr. dmk (syn.: skb — v. #5); Urm. dmk (syn.: tl' — Mil. 2014 #7) // no cognates (v. Mil. 2014 #4).

(4) Qur. nwm; Leb. nem; Mec. nam; Gez. nwm // < Sem. *nwm 'to sleep, slumber'.

(5) Mnd. skb; Tgr. säkäb hälla // < Sem. *skb 'lie (down), sleep' (v. lie #2).

(6) Mlt. ralat // < Arb. rkd 'to sleep'; no visible Sem. parallels.

(7) Tna däkkäsä // Eth. with no parallels (v. Mil. 2014 #9).

(8) Amh. tännä; Arg. tenna, enä; Sod. annäm; Har. nela; Wol. anne; Cha. nayäm // < Sem. < Afras. *nhy ~ *hwn (Mil. 2014 #10).

(9) Gaf. (tä)gäddälä; Cha. (tä)gätäräm // v. lie #10.

(10) Hrs. se-wkof; Mhr. s-üküf; Hob. su-ukoof; Jib. sef // < Sem. *wkp ~ *kwp 'to lie, sit' (v. Mil. 2012 sit #17).

(11) Soq. deme (syn. henod — v. Mil. 2014 #14) // < Sem. *dVm-/*dVwVm- 'to be still, last, stay a long time in one place' < Afras. *dam- 'dwell, stay, rest' (Mil. 2014 #13).

0 No terms registered in Pho., Bib. or Sab.

^ West (Arb., Gez.) Semitic 1 *nwm (#4) < Afras. (Mil. 2014 #5; to add as a possibility Chad. W.: Hausa neemaa 'adultery, fornication', E.: Lele nom 'courtiser' (with a meaning shift 'to sleep' > 'to sleep with a woman' > 'fornicate'?).

^ West (Mnd., Tna.) Semitic 2 *skb (#5).

77. small

(1) Akk. (OB) sehru (with irregular h? — cf., however, Jib. mansdhorrot 'little finger' (JJ 243) pointing, perhaps, to a different Sem. root *shr; syn.: dakk- < Sem. *da/ikk- ~ *dakik-< Afras.

*da/ikk--v. Mil. 2014 #2); Pho. s'r; Qur. sayir-; Leb. zyir (< *syr); Mec. sayiyr; Mlt. za(gh)ir;

Sab. syr (syn.: ktn — v. #2) // < Sem. *sayir-.

(2) Hbr. katan // < Sem. *katan- < Afras. *k(W)Vt- (Mil. 2014 #3).

(3) Bib. zafer; Pal. zfwr, zefe(y)r (syn.: dkyk — v. Mil. 2014 #2); Syr. zafor-; Urm. zafor- // < Sem. *zfr 'be small, thin', rel. to Chad. *zVr- 'to be narrow' (St. 2009 #563; Mil. 2014 #4).

(4) Mnd. zuf- (syn.: kotdn- v. #2) // < Aram. *zff (Mil. 2014 #5).

(5) Gez. na?us (syn.: dakz'k — v. Mil. 2014 #2); Tna nu?us; Tgr. na?us; Arg. mans, mass; Gaf. ansd; Sod. malds; Cha. ars (syn.: kasz — v. Mil. 2014 #8) // < Sem. *?VnVs- (Mil. 2014 #6).

(6) Amh. fannas // v. Mil. 2014 #7.

(7) Har. fît; Wol. fzt (in both syn.: (y)and'sd' — v. #5) // No etymology found.

(8) Hrs. kennon; Hob. kannuwn; Soq. kéyhen // < MSA-Arb. with Chad. parallels — Mil. 2014; add *kVn- '(the youngest) son; calf; small' (St. 2011 241), perhaps < *kVn-.

(9) Jib. nzsan // no parallels found.

^ Noth and West Semitic *sa^zr- (#1).

78. smoke:

(1) Akk. (OB) kutr-; Ugr. kfr; Mnd. gufr- // < Sem. *kufdr-.

(2) Hbr. fdsdn, Soq. feto (with a loss of -n? Less likely rel. to Arb. fayi- 'pluie abondante et qui s'étend aux environs' — v. Mil. 2014 footnote 9; syn.: Mak) // < Sem. *fVian- (v. Mil. 2014).

(3) Pal. tenan; Syr. tdn-; Urm. tz'n-; Gez. tann (syn.: fzs, fesa — v. #6); Tgr. tdnan; Gaf. tdnnd; Sod. tdn; Har. tdn; Wol. tdn; Cha. tdn // < Arm.-Eth. *tan(a)n- (v. Mil. 2014).

(4) Qur. duhdn-; Leb. dhan; Mec. duhhdn; Mlt. duhhdn; Hrs. nedëh; Mhr. nz'dz'h; Hob. ndooh; Jib. mandoh (met. in all MSA) // on this difficult case v. Mil. 2014.

(5) Tna. takk-z' // Tigre tdka 'put on fire' (no other Sem. cognates found) < Afras. *tVk- 'burn, put on fire' (Mil. 2014).

(6) Amh. cas; Arg. çzs (syn.: tan — v. #3) // < *fays (only Eth. acc. to LGz. 601), likely rel. to Arb. fassdn- 'poussière soulevée et qui voltige et tourbillonne dans l'air' with controversial parallels in C.Cush. (v. Mil. 2014) and a probable cognate in S.Cush.: Asa to?usayok 'smoke' (< *fo?us-?).

0 No term in Pho., Bib. or Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *kufr- (#1); if < *kuf-r with root extension -r, v. possible Chad. parallels (Mil. 2014).

^ South and West (Arb.) Semitic 1 *nzdVh- ~ *duhdn- (#4).

^ (?) South and West (Hbr.) Semitic 2 *fVian- with parallels in Afras.: W.Chad. *caHan-'burn': Mupun cdan, Sura caan, Chip san; E.Cush.: Yaaku zse, pl. zsehnen 'smoke' (< *fzsVn- < AA *fzcVn-?).

^ West Semitic (Arm.-Eth.) *tan- (#3).

79. stand

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) u/zzuzz- // with a likely cognate in Arb. (Mil. 2014).

(2) Ugr. km ('stand up'); Bib. kwm; Pal. kwm; Syr. kwm; Mnd. kwm; Qur. kwm (syn.: wkf — v. #5); Sab. kwm; Gez. kwm; Tna. komd (syn.: dd'w bd'ld, a lw. < Cush. — v. Mil. 2014); Amh. komd; Arg. koma, oma; Gaf. komd; Sod. komdm; Cha. k^dmdm // < Sem. *kwm (Mil. 2014).

(3) Hbr. fmd // < Sem. *fmd with debatable W.Chad. parallels (Mil. 2014).

(4) Urm. kl? // no etymology found (suspicious as a possible borrowing).

(5) Lbn. wa?af; Mec. wagaf; Mlt. wz?f // < Sem. *wkp (Mil. 2014).

(6) Tgr. bdfra // seems a singular semantic development from Eth.-Arb. *bfr 'to be arrogant, haughty' (Mil. 2014)

(7) Har. kdndna; Wol. kandnd // with a cognate in Arb. (v. Mil. 2014) and Chad. *kVn- (possibly < *kVn-) 'to stand (straight)' (St. 2011 #235, where it is comp. with Akk. kânu 'be firm in place, etc.'): C.: Gude ka^ 'standing straight', Bachama kd^3, E.: E.Dangla kokzne 'to stand'.

(8) Hrs. sor; Mhr. sor; Hob. soor; Jib. sor // < Sem. *sw/yr 'to stand, support, carry' (Mil. 2014; correction: Sab. h-sr 'to stay, stand' with a question mark), rel. to W.Chad. *cVr- 'to stand' (St. 2009 #772; Mil. 2014).

(9) Soq. kesah (< *kesa1 ) // likely rel. to Arb. ks1 II 'ne pas quitter la maison'.

◊ No term in Pho.

^ West Semilic *kwm (#2) < Afras. *kaw/ym- 'stand up, rise' (Mil. 2014).

80. star

(1) Akk. (OB) kakkab-; Ugr. kbkb; Hbr. kokab; Pho. kkb; Pal. kebkib; Syr. kawkdb-; Mnd. kukb-;

Urm. kawkdb-; Qur. kawkab- (syn.: najm--v. #2); Sab. kwkb; Gez. kokab; Tna. kwakob; Tgr.

kokab; Amh. kokab; Arg. kokab; Gaf. kokobd; Sod. kokab; Cha. kwdkwab; Hrs. kebkib; Mhr. kebkib; Jib. kdbkeb; Soq. kibsib // < Sem. *kabkib-, perhaps "circles" < Sem. *kVbb-, kVbkVb- '(to be) round' (Mil. 2014).

(2) Lbn. nizmi; Mec. najma // no etymology found.

(3) Har. tuy // no clear etymology found; perhaps < Sem. *sVh- 'be white, clear; shimmer' (v. white #6): in Har. t can continue *s while *h is normally preserved, though cases of *h > 0 seem to occur.

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◊ Mlt. stilla < Italian; Wol. kalbazo < Cush.? (v. LGur 342). No term in Bib.

^ Proto-Semitic *kabkib- (#1).

81. stone

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) abn-; Ugr. 7bn; Hbr. 7dbdn; Pho. 7bn; Bib. 7dbdn; Pal. 7aben; Sab. 7bn; Gez. 7dbdn; Tna. 7dmn-i; Tgr. 7dmdn; Sod. dmmayyd; Har. un; Wol. un; Cha. dmdr; Soq. 7oben // < Sem. *7abn-.

(2) Syr. kdp- (syn.: 7abn--v. #1); Urm. ki7p- // < Sem. *kap- 'stone, stone structure': Akk. (SB)

kapu (kabu, kappu) 'cliff, embarkment' (CAD k 191), kapitu 'stony ground' (ibid. 184), Hbr. kepim 'rock' (< Arm.? v. HALOT 492), Arb. kub-at- 'pierre avec laquelle on broie les aromates' (BK 2 941), Yemenite Arb. kaba 'pillar' (LGz 272), Sab. k7b 'part of damb structure' (SD 76), Gez. kab 'fortress, fort' < Amh. (LGz 272), Amh. kab 'fort' (acc. to Leslau, possibly of Cush. origin: Oromo kab id.; vice versa in the light of Sem. etymology), Gafat kaba 'village', Gurage *kab 'wall made of stone' (ibid.). Note: the above p ~ b correspondence accounted for by Sem *p neatly fits this consonant hypothesis (v. SED I CV-CXVI).

(3) Mnd. glal- // < Sem. *ga/ul- ~ *gilal- 'stone', perhaps < Sem.*gll 'be round' < Afras. *gwalVl-'be round' (Mil. 2014).

(4) Qur. hajar-; Lbn. hazar; Mec. hajar // Arb. only with two Eth. parallels suspicious as possible borrowings; possibly related, with metathesis, to Brb. *Hirg- 'stone' (Mil. 2014).

(5) Mlt. jebla // < Sem. *gVbVl- 'mountain; boundary, border', v. mountain #4.

(6) Amh. ddngay; Arg. ddngay, gdnjela (< *gVndVl-, with met. < *dVngVl-); Gaf. ddnga // Tgr., Tna. ddngwdlla 'rocher' < Mod. Eth. *dangwal- with no Sem. cognates; perhaps < Cush.: N.: Beja dangeer 'a stone suitable for throwing', C. *ddngwdr- 'stone (large), rock' (CDA 130), but with an unaccountable r > l; cf. obviously rel. C.Chad.: Tera ndogu, Malgwa doywala, Makeri dagwi 'stone'; one wonders if on this basis Afras. *da(n)gw(-ir/l)- (ADB) can be reconstructed (cf. Kog. LE footnote 112, quoting only the S.Eth. terms and calling them Cushitisms with a reference to Dolg. 1973: 124 for possible source-words. The cited pioneering work by the late Aharon Dolgopolsky, undoubtedly a great linguist, while paving the way to a new stage in Afrasian comparison, is nevertheless full of anticipatory and erroneous etymologies, many of which he himself revised or rejected later. The quoted entry *cV[g]Vh- 'stone, rock' contains four unrelated roots, none of which can be a source for the terms in question.)

(7) Hrs. sewwer; Mhr. sowwer; Hob. soor // < Sem. *sVwwVr- ~ *sir(a)r- 'pebble, dust' (Mil. 2014; cf. otherwise Kog. LE footnote 114).

(8) Jib. /wdwn (also 'rock') // probably < Sem. *pad(d)an- 'path in the mountains', v. mountain #11 and Kog. LE footnote 115.

^ Proto-Semitic *?abn- (#1) < Afras. *(?a)bun- 'stone, millstone' (Mil. 2014).

82. sun

(1) Akk. (OB) sams-; Hbr. sama's; Pho. sms; Bib. samas; Pal. sms; Syr. sems-; Mnd. sam(i)s-; Urm. sims-; Qur. sams-; Lbn. samas; Mec. sams; Mlt. semes; Sab. s2msi; Soq. sam // < Sem. *Sxam(Sxam)-.

(2) Ugr. sps // (no Sem. cognates found) < Afras. *sip- 'sunlight, brightness' (Mil. 2014).

(3) Gez. dahay; Tna. sahay; Tgr. sahay; Amh. fay; Arg. cahed // < Eth.-Arb. *sVhy- < Afras. *cVhay/w- 'burning sun' (Mil. 2014; add. N.Omot. *ciHac- (redupl.) 'sun': Dizi (Maji) caz, (Sheko) seasw, ciacu, (Nao) saz ADB).

(4) Gaf. ¿'ymarfl, Sod. yimar, imar // only Eth. incl. Gez. ?amir 'sun, day, time' < Afras. *(?a-)mVr-'(sun)light' (cf. Mil. 2014).

(5) Har. zr; Wol. ayr, Cha. eyat // Eth. incl. Gez. (Sawasew) ?er < Sem. *?Vr- 'daylight' (less likely "of possible Cushitic origin", v. Kog. LE footnote 70) < Afras. *?ay/wr- 'sunlight' (Mil. 2014).

(6) Hrs. heyom; Mhr. heyum; Hob. hyuwm; Jib. yum (syn.: sum 'sun' or 'heat of the sun' — v. Kog. LE footnote 71) // < Sem. *yawm- 'day' < Afras. *yam- 'day, sun'.

^ Proto-Semitic *Sxam(Sxam)- (#1) < Afras. *sam- 'burning heat' (Mil. 2014).

83. swim

(1) Hbr. shy; Syr. shy; Urm. shy // < Hbr.-Arm. *shy or *shy, probably < Afras. *cah/F- 'bathe, wash oneself, swim' (Mil. 2014, ADB)

(2) Pal. swi // no etymology found.

(3) Qur. sbh; Lbn. sabah // no etymology found unless MSA *sbh is genuine, which is less likely.

(4) Mec. Fam; Mlt. (gh)om // Arb. only.

(5) Gez. wanaya (syn.: h/hammasa — v. #6; sa/(/)a/a 'to float, swim' < Sem. *s// 'to float': Tna. sa/a/a 'to float', etc., Hbr. s// 'to sink' HALOT 1027); Amh. wanne; Arg. wanna; Sod. wanna'm // only Eth. < Afras. *wny/*ynw/*?nw/y (MIl. 2014 #6).

(6) Tna. hambasa; Tgr. hammasa // cf. Arb. hamisat- 'petit ruisseau ou cours d'eau' (Mil. 2014 #5).

(7) Cha. darag'a // for two etymological opportunities v. Mil. 2014.

(8) Jib. reh (< rbh) // Soq. rabah 'se baigner', no other cognates found.

0 Har. (ta)waka and Wol. wace < E.Cush. (HEC) — v. LGur 650; Hrs. seboh, Mhr. swbah, Hob. soobah, Soq. sbh are Arabisms rather than genuine terms. No term in Akk., Ugr., Pho., Bib., Mnd., Sab. or Gaf.

^ No common Semitic.

84. tail

(1) Akk. (OB) zibbat-; Ugr. dnb; Hbr. zanab; Syr. dunb-; Mnd. dinabt-; Mlt. demp; Gez. zanab; Tna. zanab (syn.: ma/a/as — v. Mil. 2014); Tgr. zannab; Hrs. deneb; Mhr. danwb; Jib. dwnub; Soq. dinob // < Sem. *da/inab-(at-) (SED I #64).

(2) Pal. Fkws // most likely < Sem. Fks 'curl, braid' with an isolated N.Omot. parallel (Mil. 2014).

(3) Urm. iipr- // perhaps a semantic shift < Sem. iip(V)r- 'claw': see claw #1.

(4) Lbn. dayl; Mec. dayl // with a semantic shift < Arb.-Arm. *dyl 'to be low, humble' (Mil. 2014); cf. Egyp. (MK) znny 'to suffer, be distressed' (if -n < *l) and W.Chad. *jeel 'suffering, troubles' (ADB; unless < Nigerian Arb.).

(5) Har. kdnawa // < Sem. *kayn- < Afras. *kayn- ~ *kany- 'lower part of back' (Mil. 2014 #6).

(6) Sod. wddinna // no etymology found.

◊ Amh., Arg. and Gaf. cdra < E.Cush.; Wol. gonnd < HEC; Cha. jdwd presumably < E.Cush. (all in Mil. 2014). No term in Pho., Bib., Qur. and Sab.

^ Proto-Semitic *da/inab-(at-)- (#1).

85. that 2

(1) Akk. ullu; Tgr. loha // < Sem. *hulli (cf. SL 71).

(2) Ugr. hnk; Mnd. hanata // scored together, since two of the three deictic elements are common; scored separately from other Sem. forms, since it is hard to say which of the three deictic elements is the main one (if h-, to score with #3).

(3) Hbr. hahu(7); Pho. h7; Pal. hahu(7); Syr. haw, huw; Urm. ho; Sab. h7 // < Sem. *ha (or, rather, *hV7) "an additional deictic element" (SL 71; the attribute "additional" raises certain doubts since in this case, it is the main or even the only one), likely rel. to Brb.: Ahaggar wah, Nefusa wuh 'this', Qabyle (Ayt Mangellat) wihin 'that', etc. (ADB and ND 751, 752).

(4) Bib. dek; Qur. da(li)ka; Lbn. hadak; Mec. dak, hadak; Mlt. dak; Gez. zdkku; Hrs. dek; Mhr. dek; Hob. deek; Jib. dokun // < Sem. *da-kV — cf. SL 71.

(5) Tna. 7dti, 7dtuy // origin obscure.

(6) Amh. ya (syn.: zzdya — v. #4), Har. ya7 // < Eth. *yV7 ("an element of obscure origin", acc. to SL 71) < Afras. *7ay- ~ *ya7- (ADB): Coptic ph-e (m.), th-e (f.), n-e (pl.) < *-e < *-7Vy (cf. Vyc 157-8); Brb. *7ay(a/i) 'this'; Chad. W.: Ngamo ywe7u 'that one', E.: Mokilko 7ei] (m.), 7ettu (f.) 'this (< *7e-n/t < *7ay-n/t?).

(7) Arg. hod, wod // < *h/w-ad, cf. Afras. *-d ~ *d-: Brb.: Siwa dawa, Zenaga ad 'this', E.Tawllemmet adi 'that', etc.; C.Cush.: Khamtanga dd 'that', etc. (CDA 134).

(8) Gaf. annd, Wol. annd // v. this #1.

^ North and West (Tgr.) Semitic *hulli (#1).

^ South and West Semitic *da-kV (#4).

86. this (v. note on that)

(1) Akk. (OB) annu; Gaf. dnnd; Wol. dnnd // < Sem. *ha/inna/i (cf. SL 71).

(2) Ugr. hnd; Hbr. hazza; Pho. z, zn; Bib. ddna; Pal. de(y)n, hade(y)n; Syr. hadaka (syn.: hdna — v. #1); Mnd. hazin; Qur. hada; Lbn. heda; Mec. hada; Mlt. dan; Sab. d-n/t (syn.: h7 — v. #3); Gez. zdntu; Tna 7dzu(y); Sod. zi; Cha. zd(k); Hrs. den (also dah, di); Mhr. dome; Hob. ddandh; Jib. denu; Soq. de // < Sem. *dV-/*-dV (combined with additional deictic elements *ha and -Vn(V) — v. SL 71).

(3) Urm. 7aha // < *-ha — v. that #3.

(4) Tgr. 7dlli/a // v. that #1.

(5) Amh. yih (< *yik?) // apparently united with Har. yi(7) in Kog LE 473, which is far from evident: in Amh. *h normally > 0 , while *k may yield h, whereas in Har. normally *h > h and not > 7 or 0 (if with few exceptions); as for the uncertainty "whether Southern Ethiopian forms like Amh. yih, Har yi7 can be derived from *da" (ibid.), they undoubtedly cannot.

2 The method for grouping deictic pronouns has been completely revised and changed compared to the one chosen in Mil. 2014 (v. footnote 20); Afras. parallels have been also added when found.

(6) Arg. hud (m.), hudette (f.) // < *hud— v. that #7.

(7) Har. yi(7) // v. that #6.

^ North and West (Gaf. and Wol.) Semitic *ha/inna/i (#1) < Afras.: Brb. *wihin (v. that #3), *win (Ahaggar win, etc.), *(H)an (Zenaga a/in, Mzab anni, etc.) 'that'; N.Omot.: Bworo hanni, Kafa hini, Yemsa han 'this' (ADB). If the main deictic element in *ha/inna/i is *-n-, cf. Afras.: Egyp. (Pyr.) -n (less likely < *l) in p-n (m.), t-n (f.), n-n (pl.) 'this'; Brb. -n- (in the above forms); Chad. W.: Angas nya, Kirfi na, Gera nu, Buli, Mangas -na, etc. 'this', C.: *nV?(nV), *?Vn(n)V 'this'; Cush. N.: Beja ün (m.), t-ün (f.) 'this', C. *?Vn- ~ *nVn- 'this' (CDA 136), Kemant yin, Aungi an 'that' (ibid. 134), E.: LEC *-(a)n ~ *-na/i 'this', HEC: Sidamo ku-ni (m.), ti-ni (f.) 'this', Dullay *na/u 'this'; N.Omot.: Yemsa ?oonu-, Mao na 'this' (ADB).

^ South and West Semitic *(ha-)dV(-nV) (#2); cf. C.Cush. *Hinjay : Bilin inja 'that' (CDA 134), Khamtanga anzay 'this' (ibid. 136).

87. thou

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) atta; Ugr. ?at, ?atta; Hbr.?atta; Pho. ?t; Bib. ?anta; Pal. ?at(t); Syr. ?a(n)t; Mnd. anat; Urm. ?a(n)t; Qur. ?anta; Lbn. ?int(d); Mec. ?inta; Mlt. int; Sab. ?nt; Gez. ?anta; Tna. ?anta (only in addressing); Tgr. ?anta; Amh. antä; Gaf. ant, antä; Wol. atä // < Sem. *?anta (ADB).

(2) Tna. nassa-ka // < *nafsu-ka < Sem. *nap(i)s- 'soul; vitality, life; person, personality; self' < Afras. (v. person #9).

(3) Arg. ank(u); Har. aka-; Cha. akä- // S.Eth. only (likely of the same origin as the Sem. possessive pronoun *-k of the 2nd person) < Afras. *?a-(n)kV(k)- 'thou' (in Mil. 2014 #2 erroneously united with Tna. nassa-ka).

(4) Sod. dähä // no etymology found.

(5) Hrs. het; Mhr. hit; Hob. heet; Jib. het; Soq. het // < *hit (hardly < *?anta; cf. Kog. LE 473), matching N.Omot: Dizi (Maji) yetu, (Sheko) yeta, (Nao) yeta, possibly < *hitV (not < *?a(n)tV: acc. to Bnd Om 230, in all Dizi *h- > 0, *-n- > -n-, in all *-nC series n is preserved).

^ Proto-Semitic *?ant- (#1) < Afras. *?a(n)tV (Mil. 2014).

88. tongue

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) lisan-; Ugr. Isn; Hbr. lasön; Bib. lis(s)an; Pal. lysn, lässan; Syr. lessan-; Mnd. lisan-; Urm. lisan-; Qur. lisan-; Lbn. lsen; Mec. lisan; Mlt. lsin; Sab. lsln; Gez. lassan; Tgr. nassal (met.); Hrs. lesen; Mhr. ewsen; Jib. elsen; Soq. lesin // Sem. *lis(s)an- (SED I #181).

(2) Tna. mälhäs; Amh. malas; Arg. mälas; Gaf. malasä // < Sem. *lhs 'to lick', rel. to W.Chad. *lVs-'to lick' (St. 2005 #240; rather < *lVHVs-, cf. Hausa laasa, Gwandara lihye).

◊ Sod. alämät; Har. arrat; Wol. arämät; Cha. anäbat < E.Cush. (LGur. 89). No term in Pho.

^ Proto-Semitic *lis(s)an- (#1) < Afras. *(?i-)lis(-an)- 'tongue' (Mil. 2014; add N.Omot.: Oyda ilans (with met., hardly < Eth. which is odd for a lw.) id. (ADB).

89. tooth

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) sinn-; Ugr. sn; Hbr. sen; Bib. sen; Pal. sn; Syr. senn-; Mnd. sin-; Qur. sinn-; Lbn. san; Mec. sinn; Mlt. sinna; Sab. in, Gez. sann; Tna. sanni; Arg. san; Gaf. sanä; Sod. sann; Har. san; Wol. asan; Cha. san; Jib. snin // Sem. *sinn- (SED I #249).

(2) Urm. kik- // Sem. *kVkk- 'tooth' < Afras. *?ik- ~ *kakk- 'tooth' (Mil. 2014).

(3) Sab. tn (Stein, one attestation), Hob. mtanyoot // < Sem. *tVny- 'front tooth, incisor', likely < *tinay- 'two' < Afras. (v. two #1).

(4) Tgr. nibät // < Sem. *ni/ab- '(canine) tooth' (Mil. 2014)

(5) Amh. tars; Hrs. mezreh; Mhr. mazrah // < Sem. *sirs- 'molar tooth' (Mil. 2014 #4); cf. W.Chad.: Ankwe soor 'molar tooth' (s may originate from *c).

(6) Soq. íále (syn.: mztnz'oh 'dent' in LS 443 — v. #5; sáíal "of uncertain origin" Kog. LE 473, but with Afras. parallels — v. Mil. 2014 #7) // acc. to LS 309, "originairement 'dents supérieures'" < íélhe 'haut' < Sem. *í1y 'be high, rise' < Afras. *ía1y- 'to rise, climb; mountain' (ADB).

◊ No term in Pho.

^ Proto-Semitic *sznn- (#1) < Afras. *szn- 'tooth' (Mil. 2014).

90. tree

(1) Akk. (OB) zs(s)-; Ugr. is; Hbr. íes; Gez. íad; Tgr. íacdí; Gaf. anca; Wol. anee; Cha. dcd // < Sem. *iz/wss- (Mil. 2014).

(2) Bib. ?zlÂn; Pal. ?zlÂn; Syr. ?zlÂn-; Mnd. alan-; Urm. ?zZ«n- // < Sem. *?a/z-1(y)«n- '(oak)tree' < Afras. *(?V)-1Vn- '(kind of) tree' (v. Mil. 2014).

(3) Qur. sajar-; Lbn. sazar; Mec. sajara; Mlt. szjra // < Arb. (or Arb.-MSA) *sagar- (Mil. 2014; cf. Kog. LE in footnote 117 wondering if an internal Sem., not very convincing etymology, may fit) < Afras. *cagVr- with only Chad. but a triconsonantal parallel (Mil. 2014).

(4) Tna. ?om // no etymology found (Mil. 2014).

(5) Hrs. herom; Mhr. harmáyí; Hob. harmízí (and sajre'et < Arb.?); Jib. heyrom // < Sem. *harüm- ~ *harm-ay- (Mil. 2014; cf. Kog. LE footnote 118 surprisingly overlooking Akk. (MB) wrwmw 'a tree in mountains' (CDAk 427).

(6) Soq. szrohom // < *szrVm- or *SxzrVm- (the similarity with #5 is delusive); for two alternative Sem. etymologies and Afras. parallels to one of them v. Mil. 2014.

◊ Amh., Arg. and Sod. zaf < C.Cush. (Mil. 2014); Har. lAfw likely < deverbal Arb. laff- 'arbre touffu' < Iff 'ê. touffu' (ibid.). No term in Pho. or Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *íz/wss- (#1) < Afras. *íz(n)c- (Mil. 2014).

91. two

(1) Akk. (OB) sznâ; Ugr. in; Hbr. sanayzm; Pho. snm; Qur. ?zin«nz; Lbn. tneyn; Mec. ?zfnayn; Mlt. tneyn; Sab. iny // < Sem. *iznay-.

(2) Bib. tare(y)n; Pal. iray(y)in, tryy; Syr. tare(y)n-; Mnd. trzn; Urm. tarz; Hrs. iero; Mhr. ieroh; Hob. zíróh; Jib. iroh; Soq. tzro // < Sem. *izray/w-; surprisingly neither Arm. nor the MSA terms are mentioned in a very thorough Kog. LE (p. 473).

(3) Gez. ka1?e; Tna. ka1affA,ka1fA; Tgr. ka1?oi m., ka1?e Amh. hwlAt; Arg. ket, hA?ai; Gaf. alaiiA; Sod. kzíí; Har. ko?oi; Wol. hoyt; Cha. k^eí // < Sem. *kz7?- 'both'-: Akk. kz7a11û, Ugr. kla-t 'both', Hbr. kz7?-ayzm 'of two kinds', Arb. kzlâ, Sab. k1?y, Soq. ke?a1a 'both' (ADB) < Afras. *kz/a1V?-'the two equal, one and the other': Egyp. (Pyr.) ky 'other' (if < *kV1-); C.Chad.: Mada kal 'to be equal', Mofu kal kal 'pareil' (considered by some Chadicists a loan from Fulfulde); S.Cush.: Burunge kalel- 'to be similar' (ADB).

^ North and West Semitic *iznay- (#1) < Afras. *czn- 'two' (Mil. 2014).

^ West (Arm.) and South Semitic *izray/w- (#2); for a possible connection with Chad. *cVr-'two' v. Mil. 2014 footnote 24 (add another controversial parallel: S.Cush. *c/car- or *c/cad-'two': Iraqw cár, Alagwa car, Burunge cada; reflexes of *c- and *c coincide in these languages; d in Burunge vs. r in other Iraqoid is usually considered to reflect *d, which is confirmed by convincing examples; however, there are several examples of the same correspondence pointing to *r.)

92. walk

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) alakw; Ugr. hlk; Hbr. hlk; Pho. hlk; Bib. hlk; Syr. hlk (syn.: ?z1 — v. #2) // < Sem. *h1k- (Mil. 2014).

(2) Pal. 7zl (syn.: hlk — v. #1); Urm. 7zl (syn.: rhs < Sem. *rhs 'to move' HALOT 1222) // < Sem. *(7)zl < Afras. *(7a)jVl- 'walk; run' (Mil. 2014).

(3) Mnd. sga // < Sem. *Sxgy 'walk, stray' with Chad. parallels pointing to Afras. *sVg- 'to roam, stray, err' (Mil.2014).

(4) Qur. msy; Lbn. masa; Mec. misiy; Mlt. mesa // no Sem. etymology found; for debatable Afras. parallels v. Mil. 2014. Perhaps, with met. < Arb. sym 'entrer, penetrer dedain' (BK 1 1300) < Afras. *cVyVm- or *sVyVm- depending on what Chad. root fits better: *sVm- 'to take and carry' (St. 2007 #215) or *zVm- 'pursue, chase'; Egyp. (Pyr.) sm 'to go' (ADB).

(5) Sab. mz7 // v. come #2 (contra Mil. 2014 #5).

(6) Gez. hwr; Gaf. (a)hord; Har. hara; Cha. wdrwdr, wdrd // < Eth.-Arb. *hwr 'to walk, go, return < Afras. *hwr ~ *hry 'walk, go away' (v. Mil. 2014 #7).

(7) Tna. kddd, kedd; Tgr. kedd; Amh. heddd; Arg. heda; Wol. hedd // < Eth.-Arb. *kyd ~ *kdkd 'to walk, walk slowly' < Afras. *ky/wd 'to walk, run' (v. Mil. 2014 #8).

(8) Sod. alldfdm // < Sem. *hlp 'to pass' (Mil. 2014).

(9) Jib. ayad // etymology unclear; perhaps < Arb. (v. Mil. 2014 #10).

(10) Soq. lod (syn.: taher — v. Mil. 2014 #11) // (unless rel. to Jib. ayad — #9) < Sem. *1dw/y 'walk, pass by' < Afras. *Sad- 'walk, come and go' (Mil. 2014 #5).

◊ Hrs. seyor; Mhr. sdyur, Hob. syoor seem to be Arabisms; cf., however, Soq. s(t)ry 'entrer' (LS 422), which may point to common (and in that case, quite likely genuine) MSA *syr ~ *sry < Sem. (MSA-Arb.) *syr with a Chad. parallel *sVr- 'to go' (St. 2009 #323).

^ North and West Semitic *hlk (#1), cf. Afras. *lkw ~ *lwk 'to walk' (Mil. 2014).

93. warm

(1) Akk. (OB) emmu ('hot'; syn.: sahanu 'to become warm, to warm oneself' — v. #2); Hbr. ham; Pal. hmym, hmyn; Syr. hamim- // < Sem. *hamm- 'heat' (HALOT 325).

(2) Syr. shen, Urm. sahin-; Lbn. sdhni; Mlt. shun; Jib. shan // < Sem.*shn (Mil. 2014).

(3) Mec. harr // < Sem. *hrr 'be hot' (Mil. 2014).

(4) Gez. mdwuk; Tna. mdwuk; Amh. muk; Arg. 7amo; Gaf. mokd; Sod. mukdnna; Cha. mwdk; Har. muk; Wol. mukamuk // only Eth. *mwk 'to be hot, warm' ~ *mkk 'to burn' (metaphorically); cf. also, with met., Akk. kamu 'burn up' CDAk 283); < Afras. (Mil. 2014; add. Brb.: Adghaq a-mayay 'grilled grains', E.Tawllemmet dmydy 'to grill (grains); be grilled' (ADB).

(5) Tgr. hdfun (syn.: moka — v. #4) // no Sem. cognates found; < Afras. *hVf- ~ *fVh- 'fire; burn' (Mil. 2014 #5).

(6) Hrs. hwob; Mhr. hob (syn.: gona < Sem. *gawn- < Afras. — v. Mil. 2014 #7) // < Sem. *hawb-with debatable Cush. parallels (Mil. 2014).

(7) Soq. di-yenaha // only MSA (v. burn #11 and Mil. 2014 #8).

◊ In Ugr., only the verb shn 'to be hot, have fever, warm oneself' (DUL 812) that should rather not be scored; no term in Pho., Bib., Mnd., Qur. (outside the Qur'an it is suhn-) and Sab.

^ North and West Semitic *hamm- (#1).

^ South and West Semitic *shn (#2) with debatable (no traces of -h-) Afras. parallels: W.Chad.: Pero ceno 'to warm', Kulere, Daffo-Butura san 'warm'; Omot.: Ongota soni 'warm' (ADB).

94. water

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) mu; Ugr. my, mym (syn.: mh — v. #3); Hbr. mayim; Pal. may(y)% myy; Syr. mayye; Mnd. mi-; Urm. mdy-; Qur. ma7-; Lbn. may; Mec. mayya; Mlt. ilma (il-ma, with the article); Sab. mw, mwy; Gez. may; Tna. may; Tgr. may; Har. miy; Wol. mdy // < Sem. *ma7/y-.

(2) Arg. ?o/a // no Sem. cognates found, likely, with met., < Afras. *pz'?ai- 'rain' (Mil. 2014).

(3) Hrs. hemyoh; Mhr. hemûh; Hob. hmoh; Jib. mzh // < Sem. *mawh- ~ *mahw- (likely a variant root of *ma?/y- #1, to be scored separately): Ugr. mh 'water' (DUL 534-5 also quoting Aram. mwh id.), mhyt 'meadow, irrigated land' or 'waters' (ibid. 537; comp. with Egyp. mhy 'water' which is in fact mhy, unrelated), Arb. mwh 'av. beaucoup d'eau (puits)', mz-yâh-, ?flmwflh- (pl.), mâh- 'eau' (BK 2 1169), mahw- 'lait clair, aqueux, délayé d'eau', muhât-'sperme' (ibid. 1164), Gez. mahwa 'melt (intr.), be liquefied, dissolve, make dwindle' (LGz 334-5), Tgr. mÀ'ha 'melt, be melted' , Har. moha 'be melted' (ibid.).

(4) Soq. rzho // < Sem. *rVwVy- 'abundant water; watering, irrigating' < Afras. *rzway/?— *?Vraw/y- (Mil. 2014 #3).

0 Amh. waha, Gaf. flgfl, Sod. yzga, Cha. aka are considered Cushitisms (however, the S.Eth. consonants cannot be explained from any Cush. source-words available — v. Mil. 2014). No term in Pho. or Bib.

^ North and West Semitic *ma?- (#1) < Afras. *ma?/w/y- (Mil. 2014).

95. we

(1) Akk. (OB) nznu; Ugr. nhn; Hbr. anahnû; Pho. ?nhn; Bib. ?flnahnâ?; Pal. ?dnan (curiously, with -h- dropped); Syr. hanan; Mnd. anzn; Urm. ?ahanan; Qur. nahnu; Lbn. nahn(z); Mec. ?zhna; Mlt. ahna; Gez. nahnÀ'; Tna. nahna; Tgr. hana; Amh. ?anna; Arg. anna; Gaf. annz; Sod. anna; Har. anna; Wol. znna; Cha. yana; Hrs. neha; Mhr. nhah; Jib. nhan; Hob. nhah; Soq. hanhen // Sem. *(?a)nahnu ~ *(?a)han(an) 'we'.

0 No term in Sab.

^ Proto-Semitic *(?a)nahnu ~ *(?a)han(an) < Afras. *nah(n-) ~ *hz/an(a/zn)- 'we' (Mil. 2014; conventionally united: perhaps to be treated not as one root with met., but as two variant roots to be scored separately; the Brb., Sidamo and Dizi (Nao) forms should be probably treated as constituting one more different Afras. root).

96. what?

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) mznu; Gez. mant; Tna. mantay; Amh. man; Arg. man; Gaf. man, manz; Sod. man; Har. mzn; Wol. man; Cha. mar // < Sem. *mzn-.

(2) Ugr. mh; Hbr. mâ; Pho. m; Bib. mâ; Pal. mh; Syr. mâ; Mnd. mahu; Urm. mû(-dz); Qur. mâ; Sab. m; Tgr. mz/a // Sem. *ma(-h), -h likely "a... deictic element" (v. that #3) variant *mz (Tgr.).

(3) Lbn. sû; Mec. ?ays; Mlt. se; Hrs. hasen; Mhr. hesan (h- most probably identical to -h in #2 ) // < Sem. *say?- 'thing; what?' (Mil. 2014).

(4) Hob. znzh; Jib. ?zne; Soq. znzm (*?znz-ma?) // < MSA *?znz- < Sem. *?ay(y)-Vn- < Afras. Wy/wVn- ~ *nay(n)- 'what?' (Mil. 2014; add E.Chad.: Migama ?znz-méu and N.Cush.: Beja naa 'what?').

^ North and West (Eth.) Semitic *mzn- (#1) < Afras. *mVn- 'what?' (Mil. 2014 #2; I would like to change my opinion about a secondary parallel development in favor of a common Afras. pronoun).

^ South and West (Arb.) Semitic *say?- 'thing; what?' (#3) < Afras. *cay?- ~ *?zc- 'thing; what? who?' (Mil. 2014) ; in the light of hV- and -n in Hrs. and Mhr. absent in Arb. and the Afras. parallels, these MSA forms seem more plausibly genuine than borrowed from Arb.

^ West Semitic *ma(-h) (#2) < Afras. *ma/z or *may 'what?' (Mil. 2014 #1; add to Egyp. "what?" another meaning "who?").

97. white

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) pesû // < Sem. *pVsVh- 'be bright' with tenable Chad. parallels (Mil. 2014).

(2) Ugr. lbn, labanu; Hbr. laban; Pho. Ibn; Mnd. Ibina; Hrs. elbön; Mhr. dwbön (pl. lëbdn); Hob. Iboôn; Jib. lün; Soq. libnon // < Sem. *lbn 'be white' (Mil. 2014).

(3) Bib. hiwar; Pal. hwwr, hywr; Syr. hewwar-; Mnd. hiuar- (syn.: suhar — v. Mil. 2014 #4); Urm. hdwär- // < Sem. *hwr 'be black and white' (Mil. 2014).

(4) Qur. ?abyad-; Lbn. ?abyad; Mec. ?abyad; Mlt. abyat // < Sem. *bays- 'egg' with a reliable Chad. parallel < Afras. *bayç- (v. Mil. 2014 #5; disregard N.Omot. *bawç- 'white' since it is more likely rel. to Sem. *biss- 'bright, brilliant, yellow' — v. yellow #4).

(5) Gez. saîda, saîadû, daîadû; Tna. saîda; Tgr. saîda // no Sem. cognates found; if < *saîd-, cf. C.Chad. *çVd- 'to shine, be light, clear': Muyang âcàday 'to shine', Moloko caday 'to clear', waçaday 'to shine', Gude céddkd 'early morning', Hitkalanchi sdôkô 'morning, tomorrow' (St. 2009 #687); *-d- probably points to *-Hd-.

(6) Amh. nâçç; Gaf. ndswä; Sod. näccä; Har. nâçïh; Cha. näcä // < Sem. *nsh 'be pure, clean, brilliant' < *sVh- 'be white, clear, shimmer' with fossilized n- < Afras. *çah- 'be clear, bright, white' (Mil. 2014 #7).

(7) Arg. zah, zahi // (unless same as syn.: zelläha in Mil. 2014 #8 with -lli > -y/i, cf. LArg 7) < Sem. *zhy 'be brilliant' (Mil. 2014 #8) with a parallel in Chad. W.: Bokkos zàwà 'white', C.: Mandara jeyé, zéjé 'white', Gisiga zïzai] (< *zVz-Vn) 'yellow' < Afras. *jVhVy- 'be bright, white, shine' (ADB).

(8) Wol. gumärä // < South Eth.; for possible Sem. cognates v. Mil. 2014 #10.

(9) Cha. gwad // probably < Eth. *gwVhd < Eth.-Arb. *ghd 'be clear, visible' (Mil. 2014 #11).

◊ No term in Sab.

^ South and West Semitic *lbn (#2) < Afras. *li/ab(-an)- 'white' (Mil. 2014).

98. who?

(1) Akk. (OAkk on) mannu; Bib. man; Pal. man, m?n; Syr. man(-nu); Mnd. man; Urm. man; Qur. man; Lbn. meyn; Mec. miyn; Mlt. mïn; Sab. mn; Gez. mannu; Tna. män; Tgr. män; Amh. man; Arg. man (syn.: ma — v. #2); Gaf. man; Har. man; Cha. m.wan; Hrs. mön; Mhr. mon; Jib. mun; Soq. mon // < Sem. *man- (ADB); perhaps eventually related to *min 'what?' with vocalic opposition (v. what? #1).

(2) Ugr. my; Hbr. mï; Pho. mï; Sod. ma (syn.: man — v. #1); Wol. ma // < Sem. *mi/a; perhaps eventually related to *ma(-h) 'what?' (v. what? #2).

^ Proto-Semitic *man- (#1) < Afras. *man(V), rarely *min(V) — v. EDE III 12-13.

^ West Semitic *mi/a < Afras. *mi/a — v. EDE III 9-12.

99. woman

(1) Akk. (OB) sinnistu // no cognates whatsoever. As a probably far-fetched hypothesis: could this not be a unique compound word, made up of sünu 'lap, crotch; euphemism for sexual parts' (CAD s 386-7) and nistu either < Sem. *nis- or < *nit- (v. #2)?

(2) Ugr. ?att; Hbr. îissa; Pho. ?st; Pal. ?ä(y)ttä, 7th; Syr. ?i(n)tdt-; Mnd. ant-; Sab. ?ntt; Tgr. îdssit; Arg. dndsca; Gaf. ansdtä // < Sem. *?a/int-at-.

(3) Urm. nikva // < Hbr.-Arm. *nakb-at- 'woman' < Sem. *nkb 'to drill, bore through' (Mil. 2014).

(4) Qur. ?imra?at-, mar?at-; Lbn. mara; Mlt. mara // fem. < Sem. *mar?- 'male human' < Afras. *mar?- 'man/woman, child, human being' (Mil. 2014).

(5) Mec. hurma // < Arb. hurmat- 'chose sacrée; famille d'un homme, surtout sa femme ou sa fille' < Sem. *hrm 'forbid, dedicate, declare sacred' (Mil. 2014).

(6) Gez. bd?dsit (syn.: ?amst — v. #2 and Kog. LE 483) // fem. < bd?ds-i 'man', N.Eth. only with a plausible Arb. parallel < Afras. *bV?Vs- 'son, boy, coeval' (Mil. 2014#6).

(7) Tna. sdbdy-tz; Amh. set // fem. < Eth. *sab?-; for possible Sem. connections and Chad. parallels v. Mil. 2011 #11).

(8) Sod. mast; Wol. mast; Cha. mast // no Sem. cognates found; for Afras. parallels see man #10.

(9) Har. zdoc, zndoc // (-oc like in aboc 'male' < *?ab- 'father'?) < Sem. *?Vd-at- 'lady' (otherwise < Cush., so in Kog. LE footnote 126) < Afras. *?a(n)d- 'elder female relative' (Mil. 2014).

(10) Hrs. tei; Mhr. tzi; Hob. teei; Jib. t£i // no etymology, unless < *t-zi < *tV-?zf- < *?a/znf-at- (this

is certainly the case with pl. *?znzf--v. #2, Mil. 2014 and Kog LE 482) with a prefixal

rather than suffixal fem. formative.

(11) Soq. iflze // fem. < iayg 'man'; for MSA, plausible Sem. and highly tenable Afras. parallels v. man #12 in Mil. 2011.

◊ No term in Bib.

^ West Semitic *?a/znf-at- (#2) with an attractive parallel in Omot. *Hznc- (Mil. 2014; add N.Omot.: Mao (Bambeshi) ente 'man').

100. yellow

(1) Akk. (OB) (w)ark- (also 'green'); Ugr. yrk ('greenish yellow'); Pal. yrk (also 'green'); Syr. ywrak- (also 'green'); Mnd. yuraq- (also 'green, pallid') // < Sem. *wark- 'yellow, green' (Mil. 2014).

(2) Hbr. sahob // perhaps should be excluded, since the color is uncertain (v. Mil. 2014).

(3) Qur. sa/ra?- (f.); Lbn. ?as/ar; Mec. s/ar; Mlt. zs/ar // only Arb. (contra (Mlt. 2014).

(4) Gez. besa, bas«; Tna. bzca; Amh. bz'/aca; Arg. baca; Wol. bzcd // < Sem. *bzss- 'bright, brilliant' (Mil. 2014).

(5) Tgr. sflgray // (also 'greyish brown, light-coloured') either < Arb.-Eth. *sag(®)Vr- 'k. of unidentified color' or a lw. < Sudanic Arb. ?asgar (Mil. 2014).

(6) Sod. weia; Cha. weia // identification with #4 is justly doubted in LGur 672; more likely rel. to Arb. wfldzh- 'clair, brillant, etc' (v. Mil. 2014).

(7) Hrs. hezor; Mhr. hazawr; Jib. sazrir // also 'green' (v. green #7).

◊ Urm. zdrdfl is an Iranism; Hob. karkmi; Soq. Mrkam (and kerkham 'safran' LS 225) are considered to be borrowed from Arb. kurkum- 'safran indien, curcuma; henna' (acc. to DRS 1275, "mot voyageur" of obscure origin, attested in most Sem. languages; Sem. origin cannot be ruled out, which would probably qualify the Hob. and Soq. terms as genuine); Mhr. sfl/ar ('yellow, green; brass'), Jib. s/rir are most likely Arabisms. No term in Pho., Bib., Sab., Gaf. and Har.

^ North and West Semitic *wark- (#1) < Afras. *wVrak- 'green, yellow' (Mil. 2014).

A few comments on the results and some working conclusions

First of all, it needs to be mentioned that I usually trust genealogical classifications based on lexicostatistics more than those that are based on morphological and/or phonological iso-glosses (even if those tend to be more popular). The latter tend to be scarce (and, consequently, largely useless for any kinds of statistical calculations — unlike lexical isoglosses that may rely on both etymology and statistics), often heterogenous and contradictory within the same taxon, and lacking (for now, at least) any widely accepted and coherent typological hierarchy that would be universally relevant for producing genealogical classifications.

The classification resulting from the present study and presented graphically in Fig. 1 confirms my previous conclusions:

-5.00 -4.50 -4.00 -3.50 -3.00


Proto-North Semitic (-3.70)


i i i i i i



i /i i

Proto-West Semitic (-2.95)

Proto-Ethiopian (-1.18)

Modern South Arabian (-0.70)


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.



\ Hebrew

(-1.52) N——| Phoenician |










Qur'anic Arabic

Palestinian Judaic


Syrian Aramaic

Biblical Aramaic















Maltese Arabic

Lebanese Arabic

Meccan Arabic

Urmian Aramaic

OJ on

Fig. 1. Genealogical classification of Semitic languages (based on the application of Sergei Starostin's glottochronological formula to 100-item Swadesh wordlists).





A. In genetic classification:

(1) an early separation of what I call South Semitic (Proto-MSA) from the main bulk of Semitic, apparently including Akkadian; this implies a lack of close genetic affinity between MSA, on one hand, and either ESA or Ethiosemitic or Arabic, on the other;

(2) a synchronous tripartite branching of what I conventionally call West Semitic into Proto-Ethiopian, Proto-Arabic and "Proto-Levantine";

(3) separation of Ugaritic (the 100-item wordlist contains 69 items whose appropriate Swadesh meanings are attested reliably) from the latter group and, hence, a slightly bigger genetic distance between Ugaritic and the Canaanite (represented by Hebrew and Phoenician) subgroup than between Canaanite and Aramaic;

(4) a very tentative (based on a highly incomplete list of 45 reliable items and 14 arguable or attested only once or twice) classification of Sabaic with the "South Levantine" group, perhaps by a slim margin closer to Aramaic than to Canaanite, and clearly closer to both than to Ethio-Semitic or Arabic;

(5) a probably synchronous branching of Proto-North Ethiopian into Geez, Tigre and Tigrai;

(6) branching of Proto-South Ethiopian into four equidistant subgroups, represented by Amharic-Argobba, Gafat, Southeast (Harari, Wolane and undoubtedly Selti and Zway, not included into the present study) and Southwest (Soddo, Chaha, and the rest of the "Gurage" cluster, compared in my previous studies);

(7) an early separation of an Arabic dialect that later evolved into the language of the Qur'an from the rest of Arabic and a somewhat odd early separation of another dialect, underlying Maltese, from the rest of Arabic dialects.

B. In glottochronologically obtained dating:

(1) Proto-Semitic (4,800 B.C.E.) on the verge of its first split is roughly synchronous with Proto-Indo-European (it makes sense to wonder whether this is pure coincidence or a reflection of some common prehistorical event);

(2) it is separated from the split of Proto-North Semitic by a thousand years — a considerable time gap, hardly accidental;

(3) the split of Proto-West Semitic roughly coincides with the beginning of the Early Bronze Age II, the early dynastic period of Sumer and the rise of the Akkadian Empire, early Assyria and Sumero-Akkadian states;

(4) the split of Proto-South Levantine falls on the verge of the 3rd and 2nd millennia, when Akkad was usurped by Gutian invaders from the Zagros and the entire region faced severe famine and skyrocketing grain prices. In particular, it is curious that the separation between Proto-Aramaic and Proto-Hebrew-Phoenician roughly agrees with the internal chronology of the Bible inasmuch as it dates the separation of Abram's family from the rest of Terah's clan that stayed behind in Haran;

(5) the split between Hebrew and Phoenician is dated to about mid-15th century B.C.E. (earlier than in my previous calculations); under the assumption that the internal chronology of the Bible, despite its religious or mythological associations, at least indirectly reflects some historical reality, it is perhaps worth noting that this dating is coherent with the claimed time and the very event of Exodus, up till now not confirmed by any serious archaeological evidence;

(6) the dating of the split of Proto-Ethiopian (the very end of the 2nd mill. B.C.E.) seems to be compatible with the time of the presumed first migration wave from South Arabia to the Horn of Africa which brought Proto-South Ethiopian speakers to the African coast, followed a few centuries later by speakers of Proto-North Ethiopian;

(7) it would be instructive to compare the separation of Soqotran (7th century B.C.E.) from the main bulk of MSA with the datings for the first archaeological traces of South Arabian settlers in the Island of Socotra.

As a final conclusion, it is necessary to stress that all of these speculations on the connections of the datings obtained above with concrete historical events are highly tentative and preliminary. Nevertheless, such coincidences are still worthy of our attention, if only as potentially useful "pointers" to further, more detailed interdisciplinary research.


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А. Ю. Милитарев. Дополнения к стословному списку семитских языков и филогенетические выводы.

Статья завершает серию из четырех публикаций, в которых автором был предложен подробный этимологический анализ 100-словных списков Сводеша по всем известным семитским языкам, для которых такой список в принципе может быть составлен. В настоящей, финальной части исследования автор подводит закономерный итог в виде перечня всех реконструкций, которые на том или ином хронологическом уровне удалось получить для элементов 100-словного списка, сопровождаемых краткими комментариями. В завершение автором предлагается новая, усовершенствованная версия генеалогического древа семитских языков, полученная с помощью глоттохронологической формулы С. А. Старостина и сопровождаемая кратким историческим комментарием.

Ключевые слова: семитские языки, афразийские языки, этимология, глоттохронология, лексикостатистика.

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