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Ключевые слова
oil / gas / industry / problems / actual / implementation / actual problems / reforms / нефть / газ / промышленность / проблемы / актуальные / реализация / актуальные проблемы / реформы.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Mammadova Samira Yashar

As it is known, in the transition stage to new economic relations, economic-structural reforms are carried out in all areas of the world economy, including the oil and gas industry, the management mechanism is im-proved, and new economic forms and infrastructure are created in accordance with market relations.'' industry has sufficient financial opportunities, natural, economic, scientific and human resources for the transition to new market relations. As the demand for radical reforms in the economy increases, the formation of new market mechanisms, the application of advanced economic technologies, the rational use of labor potential, mobiliza-tion in terms of space and time, and strict control are necessary. Currently, more efficient use of these resources is one of the most important priorities of the development strategy of the oil and gas industry.

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Как известно, на этапе перехода к новым экономическим отношениям проводятся экономико-структурные реформы во всех сферах мирового хозяйства, в том числе в нефтегазовой отрасли, совер-шенствуется механизм управления, создаются новые хозяйственные формы и инфраструктура. в соот-ветствии с рыночными отношениями». Промышленность имеет достаточные финансовые возможно-сти, природные, экономические, научные и человеческие ресурсы для перехода к новым рыночным отно-шениям. По мере возрастания потребности в радикальных преобразованиях в экономике необходимы формирование новых рыночных механизмов, применение передовых экономических технологий, рацио-нальное использование трудового потенциала, мобилизация в пространстве и времени, строгий кон-троль. В настоящее время более эффективное использование этих ресурсов является одним из важней-ших приоритетов стратегии развития нефтегазовой отрасли.


«етуушшум-шушаи» жш. а economic sciences



Mammadova Samira Yashar Ph.D, Assoc. prof., Azerbaijan Cooperation University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-26149-35-38 ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ECONOMIC REFORMS IN THE OIL AND


Мамедова Самира Яшар

к..н., доц., Азербайджанский Университет Кооперации




As it is known, in the transition stage to new economic relations, economic-structural reforms are carried out in all areas of the world economy, including the oil and gas industry, the management mechanism is improved, and new economic forms and infrastructure are created in accordance with market relations. " industry has sufficient financial opportunities, natural, economic, scientific and human resources for the transition to new market relations. As the demand for radical reforms in the economy increases, the formation of new market mechanisms, the application of advanced economic technologies, the rational use of labor potential, mobilization in terms of space and time, and strict control are necessary. Currently, more efficient use of these resources is one of the most important priorities of the development strategy of the oil and gas industry.


Как известно, на этапе перехода к новым экономическим отношениям проводятся экономико-структурные реформы во всех сферах мирового хозяйства, в том числе в нефтегазовой отрасли, совершенствуется механизм управления, создаются новые хозяйственные формы и инфраструктура. в соответствии с рыночными отношениями». Промышленность имеет достаточные финансовые возможности, природные, экономические, научные и человеческие ресурсы для перехода к новым рыночным отношениям. По мере возрастания потребности в радикальных преобразованиях в экономике необходимы формирование новых рыночных механизмов, применение передовых экономических технологий, рациональное использование трудового потенциала, мобилизация в пространстве и времени, строгий контроль. В настоящее время более эффективное использование этих ресурсов является одним из важнейших приоритетов стратегии развития нефтегазовой отрасли.

Keywords: oil, gas, industry, problems, actual, implementation, actual problems, reforms

Ключевые слова: нефть, газ, промышленность, проблемы, актуальные, реализация, актуальные проблемы, реформы.


Thus, the solution of the general economic issue begins with the fact that the technical and economic issues of geological exploration drilling are resolved on the basis of the developed theory, the work is spread over a large area, it is carried out in lake conditions, it is seasonal in nature, scientific and technical progress, increasing its economic efficiency, material stimulation, centralized management of work is a positive influencing factor and conditions. When a rich oil and gas field is discovered, the investment is reduced and this part is directed to exploitation drilling as an in-field reserve. Increasing the economic efficiency of search and exploration works is considered one of the sides of the general economic issues of the oil and gas industry.

The following topics are analyzed to achieve the purpose of this research:

- search and exploration of oil and gas deposits,

- drilling of oil and gas wells,

- oil and gas exploration,

- oil and gas processing,

- transportation of oil and gas and products obtained from them,

- storage of oil and gas and products obtained from


- sale of oil and gas and products obtained from


Analysis and generalization of scientific literature is used to determine the concept and structure of oil-gas industry [3, p.16].

In order to analyze the research topic, it is important to understand the process of carrying out complex innovation measures in the oil and gas industry. Those measures include the following:

- oil and gas extraction departments should be equipped with measuring devices, conducting large-scale monitoring works in the areas where they operate;

- ensuring re-design and construction of drilling rigs for oil and gas enterprises, taking into account the latest technical achievements;

- development and application of protective layers based on local reagents to reduce oil losses from defective, especially poorly roofed, tanks used for oil collection, storage and transportation;

- carrying out fundamental and current repair of wells in accordance with international standards;

- evaluation of the technological level of the oil and gas industry based on innovations;

- development of the trend of technological innovation in the oil and gas industry.

International experience shows that the intensive application of new technologies-horizontal drilling, methods of oil yield increase, three-dimensional seis-micity, and active energy saving help to reduce costs in the development of relatively expensive hydrocarbons by 2-3 times. Oil companies are underground in modern drilling, they use geophysical and computer modeling methods that provide an accurate description of the structure and layer. In addition to being highly effective, these methods are much less expensive than the drilling process itself. As a result of the conducted research, it can be considered appropriate to carry out the innovative assessment of drilling in the oil and gas industry in the following direction [5, p.78]:

- accurate drilling potential by conducting an inventory determination;

- set according to the near-term production perspective of a new mobile drilling structure based on potential formation;

- relevant production capacity and conventional feasible drilling costs

- mobilization and application of potential in unity, etc.

The analysis of the obtained data shows that it is possible to use three directions for planning the main development trends of the oil and gas industry.

The first direction involves maintaining the main trends of production in the efficient use of the potential obtained in the base period.

The second direction differs from the first direction by taking into account the real limitations on the main types of resources and considers it necessary to completely satisfy the demand for the products of the field.

The third direction considers it important to fully satisfy the prospective requirements for the field product, taking into account the distribution of the limited resource volume, provided that it is used efficiently by the oil and gas industries.

Therefore, the method of long-term forecasting based on the dynamic economic-mathematical model based on preliminary grouping of oil and gas production with generalized characteristics will give a more positive result. Grouping is done as follows:

- exploration and drilling;

- oil and gas production;

- products and spare parts for the repair of oil mining and drilling equipment;

- other products (according to farm contracts).

It should be noted that various dependencies are taken into account within the framework of the optimization model. The following requirements can be attributed to this:

- the dependence between the specific weight of each type of equipment by satisfying the various goals of each consumer;

- the dependence between the growth of the production of the customer and the share of the used equipment;

- the dependence between the growth of productivity of equipment and its use.

One of the main conditions for predicting the increase in production in oil and gas industries is that the equipment has maximum productivity. Rather, it is necessary to determine the functional dependence between the change in productivity of equipment and their number [8, p.123].

One of the most important issues for the normal development of the oil and gas industries is the correct determination of the prospective demand for equipment. The number of equipment, their condition and technical level, their efficient use are the main factors in determining the planned volume of production. The dynamic development of the oil and gas sector and the improvement of the supply of regions with energy carriers, as well as the favorable investment environment created in the non-oil sector, carried out privatization process, financial support for small and medium enterprises and other reforms will ensure more intensive development of non-oil sectors.

For the purpose of innovative development of the oil and gas industry, it is planned to continue the measures in the following directions:

- search and exploration of new deposits;

- involvement of the discovered deposits in full-scale development;

- drilling of new wells in fields under development and rehabilitation of inactive wells;

- the oil yield coefficient for fields under development application of new techniques and technologies in order to increase;

- construction, reconstruction and modernization of oil and gas production, transportation and processing systems;

- extensive use of scientific and technical achievements and advanced experience.

When it comes to evaluating the economic efficiency of innovation projects in the oil and gas industry, there are a large number of formulas in this field, among which it is difficult to choose the most correct one. The main of them is the method of evaluating the economic efficiency of innovation projects the cost comparison method can be shown. Thus, it is possible to manage the efficiency of the costs incurred for the assimilation of innovation with the following indicators:

- determination of the costs incurred for the assimilation of the innovation;

- determining the total costs of production and product realization;

- increasing the income from product realization with the application of innovation;

- determination of income from the sale of all types of products;

- determining the value of intangible assets;

- determination of the value of the main funds;

- determination of net profit;

- determining the average composition of the personnel list.

The adoption of innovation in the oil and gas industry cost efficiency in the following indicators features [2, p.35]:



- lowering the cost of the product;

- increasing the ratio of arming with the fund;

- increasing the realization or sales volume of the product;

- increasing the profitability of sales, as well as other production

- improvement of profitability ratios of financial indicators.

As is known, the management structure in the oil and gas industries reflects the internal background of the construction of the management system. Thus, the structural elements in the oil and gas sector are organically related to each other, forming a whole, unified system - the production management system. Therefore, the structural elements and their set constitute the attribute and basis of the management system.

Management structure in oil and gas industries is a form of division of labor in management. One of the main issues here is the correct relationship between the functions of management and its structure provision is the distribution of management functions in an optimal form on separate departments. The effective implementation of this process is the efficiency of both the production and the management system has an important effect on the increase.

The formation of the management structure or the production apparatus in the oil and gas industries usually goes from the bottom to the top. First, workplaces, lines and blocks, areas, and lastly production service areas and infrastructure are defined. Based on the production structure, the management apparatus system, the number of employees and other categories are defined here.

It is important to note that the essence of the development and implementation of the oil strategy is to choose the most efficient and optimal option from among the various alternative options for the further development of the production and economic activity of the oil and gas sector and its production and economic activity it consists of directing. Thus, the development of the oil strategy is carried out at the upper management levels and includes the following tasks [4, p.56]:

- preparation of strategic goals;

- optimal assessment of the existing capabilities and reserves of oil and gas companies;

- analysis of trends in the field of marketing activity;

- selection and assessment of the alternative path and directions of the oil strategy;

- defining the oil strategy for the prospective period;

- development of operative programs and corresponding budgets;

- evaluation of the final results of production activity through specific criteria.

In order to solve the above-mentioned tasks, the following can be considered appropriate in the process of developing the oil strategy:

- the internal and external factors that ensure the strengthening of the oil and gas sector and the development of its commercial, technological and social areas should be analyzed;

- alternative options for sustainable economic development of the oil and gas sector should be developed and the most efficient and optimal option should be chosen among them;

- appropriate management decisions should be made for the sustainable development of the oil and gas sector, etc.

In all these cases, it is important to carry out a full due diligence of the product sharing agreements in achieving the various outcomes of the PSAs. From the state's point of view, an analysis of the sensitive aspects is necessary to ensure the proper implementation of the contract:

- directions of capital and operational costs;

- directions of oil production;

- directions of rising and falling oil prices.

In this regard, the relationship between the efficiency of investment in the oil and gas industry, the expansion of its fixed assets and the cost of simple reproduction and the result obtained from it, and is an indicator that characterizes quantitative dependence. Thus, the use of investment in the oil and gas industry is characterized by economic efficiency, saving of material, energy and financial resources, increasing labor productivity, lowering the cost of construction products, and improving its quality. So, the economic efficiency of the investment can be calculated when 0 directly affects the automation of production processes, creation and adoption of new equipment and advanced technology, modernization of existing machines and equipment, restructuring of production and armament with equipment raising the level, lowering the cost of the construction product and improving its quality, saving material-energy, labor and financial resources be directed.

In developed countries, taxes and the budget are one of the main means of state regulation of economic life, and they are also regulators of the social sphere. The other part of the budget, first of all, is generated by taxes on the incomes of individuals, that is, the population.

Market relations do not exempt the state from the processes of managing and regulating the economy. These processes, in turn, should include the direct intervention of the state in the financial and production activities of economic entities. The state should create normal conditions necessary for the operation of market mechanisms, regulate those processes with the help of taxes, which are one of these mechanisms and their basis. At the same time, the basis of the expenditure part of the budget is the expenses spent on socio-economic resources.

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State revenues are conditioned by the initial distribution of net incomes generated in enterprises and organizations. It can also be called the centralized net income amount. However the primary income distribution ratio does not remain constant and is constantly changing. The primary distribution of state revenues, in the broadest sense of the word, includes the distribution of national income. State revenues and the ratio between the revenues of state-owned enterprises, the threshold is conditional, it occurs within the same ownership. Here, the allocation of income to state income

and enterprise income is defined as the interaction of the following factors:

- determining the amount and quantity of the generated net income;

- determination of the national economy by its demand for financial and material resources (for collection);

- determination by public and social demand;

- determination of the need for normal continuation of production activities of state enterprises based on the principle of self-financing, etc [5, p.90].

Currently, the creation of oil funds to use oil revenues was born out of historical necessity. The events arising from the price criterion of oil in the international market, and even more, its depletion and impermanence factor, have facilitated the transition to the fund creation strategy.

If we look at the diversity of the missions of the relevant funds in the world experience, we will see that there are two-way programs. A group of countries spends the funds of the existing funds on the expansion of production and re-production, while others use the export products to create new production and service areas.

There are about 20 oil funds in the world. Examples of these are the Norwegian State Oil Fund, the Alaska Permanent Fund, the Stabilizing Investment Fund of Venezuela, the Miss Fund of Chile, etc. can be noted. After the 60s of the 20th century, there was a need to create oil funds. Two factors contributed to the creation of oil funds [6, p. 140]:

- seeing that oil or other mineral wealth is a depleting resource, preserving at least a part of the income from the sale of this wealth for the next generation;

- a number of countries worried about the sharp increase in the price of oil in the world market, seeing that the socio-economic development clearly suffers from this factor, decided to save a part of the income from the sale of natural resources in the stabilization fund and, if necessary, provide socio-economic stability from this fund make.


There is a great need to study the international experience in the management of oil revenues. If we approach the issue from a historical point of view, it becomes clear that most of the countries that export oil

and other mineral resources are in a very difficult economic situation. So, most of the world's oil-exporting countries either live in poverty (Nigeria, Angola, New Guinea, Sao Tome, Trinidad-Tobago, etc.), or periodically encounter wars and civil strife (Venezuela, Mexico, many Arab countries, etc.).

Oil is one of the most valuable natural resources today, as in all stages of history. In modern times, oil remains a natural resource that cannot be replaced by any raw material, and humanity will have to use oil for a long time until it is possible to use new sources of energy. From this point of view, it is necessary to know the history of oil, its origin, formation and role in the national economy and fields of application.

Currently, there are countries in the world that have effectively used oil revenues and built a stable economy. These countries include developed countries such as USA, Canada, Norway, Australia. Their oil and gas industry, as well as the practice of using the income from this industry, is of great interest, and it can be assumed that every oil country can benefit from this experience and achieve dynamic economic development.

Currently, one of the main tasks of such funds is to create inexhaustible wealth for future generations from the depleted oil resources.


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