ACOUSTIC CORRELATES OF THE NATIVE LANGUAGE SPEAKER IDENTITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Potapova Rodmonga, Potapov Vsevolod, Kuryanova Irina

When identifying a speaker by voice and speech, a special role belongs to the specif cs of the utterance prosodics. T e average value of the fundamental frequency (F0) is traditionally considered an essential feature in the identif cation study of speech, since it is characterized by a fairly high degree of interspeaker variability. In order to analyze informative acoustic correlates that enable identif cation of a foreign speaker, a study was conducted on the basis of the SIS II automated platform involving the material of the Tajik and Romany languages. In this study, in relation to the languages mentioned, the most informative values for identif cation comparison are fundamental frequency (F0) values. In general, acoustic correlates acquire identif cation signif cance only in combinations of features, in their frequency and recurrence; therefore, in order to obtain reliable identif cation results, it is necessary to detect a broad range of prosodic characteristics of unprepared non-native speech. T e realization of prosodic means of shaping a speech utterance is the basic factor in recognizing a non-native language by a forensic expert who does not speak the language under study and identifying “speakers” who speak a language that is not native to the forensic experts.

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Вестник Московского университета. Серия 9. Филология. 2022. № 4. С. 39-49 Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 9. Philology, 2022, no. 4, pp. 39-49


Rodmonga Potapova, Vsevolod Potapov, Irina Kuryanova

Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia; rkpotapova@yandex.ru

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;


Moscow Research Center of the Department of Regional Security

and Anti-Corruption, Moscow, Russia; ivkuryanova@mail.ru

Abstract: When identifying a speaker by voice and speech, a special role belongs to the specifics of the utterance prosodies. The average value of the fundamental frequency (F0) is traditionally considered an essential feature in the identification study of speech, since it is characterized by a fairly high degree of inter-speaker variability. In order to analyze informative acoustic correlates that enable identification of a foreign speaker, a study was conducted on the basis of the SIS II automated platform involving the material of the Tajik and Romany languages. In this study, in relation to the languages mentioned, the most informative values for identification comparison are fundamental frequency (F0) values. In general, acoustic correlates acquire identification significance only in combinations of features, in their frequency and recurrence; therefore, in order to obtain reliable identification results, it is necessary to detect a broad range of prosodic characteristics of unprepared non-native speech. The realization of prosodic means of shaping a speech utterance is the basic factor in recognizing a non-native language by a forensic expert who does not speak the language under study and identifying "speakers" who speak a language that is not native to the forensic experts.

Key words: speech prosody; non-native speech identification; speech utterance macrosegmentation; speech frequency contour

Funding: This research is supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Project No 22-28-01050 (head of the research project: Prof. ScD Rodmonga Potapova).

For citation: Potapova R., Potapov V., Kuryanova I. (2022) Acoustic Correlates of the Native Language Speaker Identity. VestnikMoskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 9. Philology, 4, pp. 39-49.


Р.К. Потапова, В.В. Потапов, И.В. Курьянова

Московский государственный лингвистический университет, Москва,

Россия; rkpotapova@yandex.ru

Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Москва,

Россия; volikpotapov@gmail. com

Московский исследовательский центр Департамента региональной

безопасности и противодействия коррупции, Москва, Россия;


Аннотация: При идентификации говорящего по голосу и речи особая роль принадлежит специфике просодической оформленности высказывания. Среднее значение частоты основного тона традиционно считается существенным признаком при идентификационном исследовании речи, так как характеризуется достаточно высокой степенью междикторской вариативности. Для анализа информативных акустических коррелятов, позволяющих идентифицировать иноязычного говорящего, на базе автоматизированной платформы SIS II проведено исследование на материале таджикского и цыганского языков. В данном исследовании применительно к указанным языкам наиболее информативными для идентификационного сопоставления предстают значения частоты основного тона. В целом идентификационную значимость акустические корреляты приобретают только в комбинаторике, в их частотности и повторяемости, поэтому для получения достоверных результатов идентификации необходимо обнаружение целого комплекса просодических характеристик неподготовленной иноязычной речи. Реализация просодических средств оформления речевого высказывания является базовым фактором при распознавании экспертом-криминалистом, не владеющим исследуемым языком, иноязычной речи и идентификации говорящих на неродном языке «дикторов».

Ключевые слова: речевая просодия; идентификация иноязычной речи; макросегментация речевого высказывания; мелодическая огибающая высказывания

Финансирование: Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского научного фонда, проект № 22-28-01050 (руководитель научного проекта: д-р филол. наук, проф. Р.К. Потапова).

Для цитирования: Потапова Р.К., Потапов В.В., Курьянова И.В. Акустические корреляты языковой идентичности говорящего // Вестн. Моск. ун-та. Сер. 9. Филология. 2022. № 4. С. 39-49.

1. Introduction 1. Введение

Speech communication is a two-way process that involves not only the generation of speech, but also its perception, that is, auditory perception. At the same time, the generation, transmission and reception of a verbal message are only part of the overall process of communication as a whole. Comprehensive interdisciplinary research [Potapova, Potapov, 2006; Potapova, Potapov, 2012; Potapova, Potapov, Lebedeva, Agibalova, 2015] consider the process of communication not only with respect to the verbal specifics of its implementation, but also relying on paraverbal (into-national-rhythmic), non-verbal (facial expressions and gestures) and extraverbal (environment) means (see works by R.K. Potapova).

In the analytical study of the verbal and paraverbal characteristics of communication, the solution of forensic science problems is of particular importance, in particular, the identification of a person by voice and non-native spoken language. Paraverbal means of speech, in particular, prosody, play a special role in the analysis of speech behavior of a communicant speaking a foreign language, for the purpose of their subsequent identification [Potapova, 1999; Potapowa, 2002; Potapova, Potapov, 2006 et al.]. The study of speech prosody to identify those acoustic correlates of speech that make it possible to identify a foreign speaker in a language unknown to an expert is an important task of modern instrumental phonetics and speech acoustics [Kuryanova, 2017]. In Russia, the first fundamental research in this area was performed under the supervision of R.K. Potapova on the material of Arabic, Chechen, English, French, Georgian, German, Lithuanian, Polish and Turkish [Potapova, 1999; Potapova, Potapov, 2001; Potapova, Potapov, 2011; Potapova, Potapov, 2019 et al.], during which informative characteristics of non-native speech perception were identified in relation to the speaker. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to auditory perception due to interlingual interference. In this situation, the listener must use various sets of perceptual patterns of phonetic units. During auditory decoding of foreign language utterances, listeners construct phonemic, syllabic, rhythmic and prosodic models of speech utterances in their native language. The problem of auditory perception of speech is associated with the problems of identifying voice and speech not with reliance on a visual image, but exclusively on an auditory image (ear-witness), in the field of forensic phonetics and with the linguistic competence of forensic experts, primarily forensic phoneticians [Hollien, 1990; Potapova, Potapov, 2014; Galyas-hina, 2021].

2. Suprasegmental level of speech continuum 2. Супрасегментный уровень звучащей речи

Speech communication is realized both at the segmental and suprasegmental levels. With regard to the study of foreign speech for forensic purposes, the fundamental means of speech communication is prosody that acts as an operational unit for the perception of unknown speech and plays a primary role in the primary recognition of a foreign speaker and personality identification [Potapova, Potapov, 2006; Potapova, Potapov, 2008; Potapova, Potapov, 2012; Potapova, Potapov, Lebedeva, Agibalova, 2015; Kuryanova, 2017]. Prosody is an essential component of any speech unit and has such informative features that make it possible to segment speech, identify and portray (assign attributes of the speaker) (profiling), etc. [Potapova, Potapov, 2006; Potapova, Potapov, 2008; Potapova, Potapov, 2012; Potapova, Potapov, Lebedeva, Agibalova, 2015].

Prosody is defined as a set of suprasegmental means at two levels: at the level of perception (pitch, tempo, loudness) and at the physical level (fundamental frequency (Hz), speech rate (Ns/sec), intensity (dB)) [Potapova, 1986; Potapova, 1997b; Potapova, Potapov, 2012; Potapova, Potapov, Lebedeva, Agibalova, 2015]. Pitch and fundamental frequency (F0) are often used interchangeably in intonation studies. It should be emphasized that fundamental frequency (F0) refers to the physical property of the speech signal, which is directly related to the speed of vibration of the vocal cords, and the pitch refers to the perception (see, for example, [Arvaniti, 2022]). Paraverbal variability of speech utterance can be considered as a function of the speaker's conceptual goal setting, while the acoustic elements of the prosodic structure are not equivalent in the transmission of connotative speech information [Potapova, 1997a; Potapova, Potapov, 2006]. One of the determining factors in solving the issue of identification is the speaker's linguistic affiliation, which manifests itself primarily in the rhythmic organization of the utterance [Potapov, 2001].

The potential of a comparative study of the rhythmic organization of various fragments of a speech signal is provided by relative stability in the process of implementing the melodic shaping of utterances [Kuryanova, 2017]. The syntagma melodic contour is traditionally understood as a trajectory of change in the fundamental frequency, which is realized in a certain speech segment [Potapova, 1994; Potapova, 1995; Ladd, 1996]. The syntagma includes a pre-nuclear part (or pre-head, pre-center), a nuclear part (or head, center) and a post-nuclear part (or post-head, post-center).

3. Informative acoustic correlates of non-native spontaneous speech 3. Информативные акустические корреляты устной спонтанной

иноязычной речи

In terms of syntagmatics, any sound signal can be described by a certain set of physical characteristics that correspond to subjective sensations (for example, fundamental frequency voice pitch, etc.) [Kunzel, 1995; Kunzel, 2000; Potapova, Potapov, 2006; Potapova, Potapov, 2012]. A special role in syntagmatics is played by the factor of distribution of frequency, dynamic and temporal parameters.

Perceptual processing of these acoustic events results in an auditory representation, which entails a substantial reduction of the variation present in the acoustic signal and produces a segmentation into syllable-sized units. Due to this segment, a continuous speech signal is converted into a sequence of short fragments. This process has a decisive influence on the perception of such prosodic attributes as pitch, loudness, and duration. For example, a change in the fundamental frequency (F0) is converted into a sequence of pitch steps and pitch movements. Also, the appearance of syllables correlates with such derived prosodic attributes as prominence, speech rate, and rhythm [Mertens, 2022: 259].

To analyze informative acoustic correlates that enable identification of a non-native speaker, a study was conducted on the basis of the SIS II automated platform on the material of Tajik and Romany languages, as the most popular ones, taking into account the tasks of modern forensic science. The types/subtypes of the contour of the analyzed speech signal were classified according to the direction of the fundamental frequency (F0) movement (ascending, descending, ascending-descending, etc.) and according to the fundamental frequency (F0) value of the syntagma section relative to the boundaries of the fundamental frequency (F0) range (low/high melodic pattern (contour) level). These realizations of syntagma sections differentiate various functionally loaded contour types and can be used to reflect the regional specifics of the usage of the same type of contour [Nolan, 1997; Kuryanova, 2011; Goloshchapova, Kuryanova, 2012]. In the course of the study, the types and subtypes of the syntagma contour classified in this way were analyzed according to the following parameters: the values of the initial and final fundamental frequency (F0), the maximum and minimum fundamental frequency (F0) values, the mean value of the fundamental frequency (F0), temporal localization of the maximum and minimum (coordinate of the maximum/minimum value of the fundamental frequency (F0) as a percentage of the total duration of the selected fragment), the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the fundamental frequency (F0), the rate of change in the fundamental frequency (F0), the angle or asymmetry (degree of asymmetry

in the distribution of fundamental frequency (F0) values relative to the mean value), the excess kurtosis (degree of uniformity in the fundamental frequency (F0)) distribution, the irregularity coefficient of the fundamental frequency (F0) contour, the duration of the selected fragment.

Prosodic parameters have varying degrees of identification significance for a conclusion about the identity of voice and speech. The mean value of the fundamental frequency (F0) is traditionally considered an essential feature in the identification study of speech [Zlatoustova, Potapova, Po-tapov, Trunin-Donskoy, 1997; Nolan, 2002; Potapova, Mikhailov, 2012; Potapova, Potapov, Lebedeva, Agibalova, 2015], since it is characterized by a fairly high degree of inter-speaker variability. In the course of the study, in relation to the languages mentioned, it was found that the most informative for identification comparison are the values of the fundamental frequency (F0) (first of all, the minimum value of the fundamental frequency of the nuclear ascending and nuclear descending tones, as well as the values of the mean, initial and final fundamental frequency). These values are characterized by stability, regularity of manifestation and rather low intra-speaker variability. The rest of the analyzed acoustic parameters have a low distinguishing capability. The use of these parameters when identifying a speaker may be relevant in cases where the speaker's speech consistently shows pronounced differences from the typical nature of the implementation of a particular feature [Kuryanova, 2017].

When studying the rhythmic organization of speech, such issues as belonging to the style/kind of pronunciation, type of pronunciation (complete/incomplete, emotionally neutral/emotionally colored, prepared/ unprepared speech production, etc.) come to the fore [Potapov, 2001; Potapova, Potapov, 2006]. It has been established that a change in the physical or emotional state of the speaker can significantly change the variability of the fundamental frequency [Hart, Collier, Cohen, 1990; Ladd, 1996; Zlatoustova, Potapova, Potapov, Trunin-Donskoy, 1997; Potapova, Potapov, 2011; Potapova, Potapov, Lebedeva, Agibalova, 2015]. Depending on the situation, the conditioned differences in the mean fundamental frequency caused, for example, by the contradiction between the physical and emotional state of the speaker, recording conditions, speech style and communicative situation, represent the greatest difficulty in identification studies [Hart, Collier, Cohen, 1990; Ladd, 1996; Zlatoustova, Potapova, Potapov, Trunin-Donskoy, 1997; Nolan, 2002; Potapova, Mikhailov, 2012; Potapova, Potapov, Lebedeva, Agibalova, 2015]. The analysis of the material used for the comparison showed that the indicated "speakers" were in different emotional states, which caused significant differences in certain prosodic characteristics of speech. The study of these phonograms made it possible to determine the dominant voice characteristics that are most susceptible to modifications during an

emotional shift (for the speech of "speakers" in both Tajik and Romany languages), which are presented in the table.

Thus, the identification comparison of phonograms by prosodie parameters should be preceded by a thorough perceptual-auditory analysis of the speech material in order to establish the factors that affect the degree of reliability of identification conclusions. Still, in the process of solving constant practical problems of this kind, it was revealed that trained experts who do not speak Tajik and Romany languages can almost equally identify and analyze the prosodic features of speech as experts who speak the studied languages or are native speakers of these languages. Naturally, the analytical and perceptual-auditory abilities of experts play a significant role, which is associated with a preliminary rigorous screening of candidates for performing tasks of this kind.


Dominant characteristics of voice and speech subject to greatest modifications in various emotional states of the "speaker"

Доминирующие характеристики голоса и речи, подверженные наибольшим модификациям при различном эмоциональном состоянии «диктора»

Characteristics of voice and speech (in descending order) Percentage of mismatches for the Tajik language Percentage of mismatches for the Romany language

Melodic contour features 33,8% of the total number of mismatched features 29,9% of the total number of mismatched features

Temporal features 17,7% of the total number of mismatched features 18,3% of the total number of mismatched features

Loudness level 14,6% of the total number of mismatched features 13,8% of the total number of mismatched features

Pausation features 7,8% of the total number of mismatched features 7,1% of the total number of mismatched features

Articulation quality 6,8% of the total number of mismatched features 6,2% of the total number of mismatched features

4. Conclusion 4. Заключение

All of the above indicates the basic role of a multi-parameter analysis of a speech utterance, taking into account acoustic and perceptual-auditory characteristics. The correctness of perception of non-native speech at the suprasegmental level depends on the perceptual standards of listeners, while the presence of prosodic models of the native language in their mind does not prevent the correct identification of non-native prosodic

models (in relation to non-tonal languages) based on the analysis of the fundamental frequency (F0) values. Acoustic correlates that characterize the speech structure are manifested in a specific distribution within the syntagma and in the phrase as a whole and are significant for identification of non-native speakers. The acoustic correlates described above acquire identification significance only in mutual combinations of features, in their frequency and recurrence; therefore, in order to obtain reliable identification results, it is necessary to identify precisely the set of pro-sodic characteristics of non-native spontaneous speech.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Поступила в редакцию 01.04.2022 Принята к публикации 24.05.2022 Отредактирована 14.06.2022

Received 01.04.2022 Accepted 24.05.2022 Revised 14.06.2022


Rodmonga Potapova — Prof. ScD in Philology, Institute of Applied and Mathematical Linguistics, Moscow State Linguistic University, professional member of The International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) since 1997; rkpotapova@yandex.ru

Vsevolod Potapov — ScD in Philology, Senior Researcher, Faculty of Philology, Lo-monosov Moscow State University; volikpotapov@gmail.com Irina Kuryanova — PhD in Philology, Moscow Research Center of the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption; ivkuryanova@mail.ru


Потапова Родмонга Кондратьевна — доктор филологических наук, профессор; директор Института прикладной и математической лингвистики Московского государственного лингвистического университета; rkpotapova@yandex.ru Потапов Всеволод Викторович — доктор филологических наук, старший научный сотрудник филологического факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова; volikpotapov@gmail. com

Курьянова Ирина Владимировна — кандидат филологических наук, начальник Управления судебного речеведения Московского исследовательского центра Департамента региональной безопасности и противодействия коррупции г. Москвы; ivkuryanova@mail.ru

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