Научная статья на тему 'Achillea х tzvelevii nom. Nov.. (Asteraceae) and Veronica tzvelevii comb. Nova (Plantaginaceae s. l. / Veronicaceae s. str. ): two taxa commemorating Nikolai Tzvelev'

Achillea х tzvelevii nom. Nov.. (Asteraceae) and Veronica tzvelevii comb. Nova (Plantaginaceae s. l. / Veronicaceae s. str. ): two taxa commemorating Nikolai Tzvelev Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Mosyakin S.

One new name and one new combination are validated, respectively, in Achillea L. (Asteraceae) and Veronica L. (Plantaginaceae s. l. / Veronicaceae s. str.): Achillea х tzvelevii Mosyakin, nom. nov. (A. х leptophylloides Tzvelev, nom. illeg.) for the hybrid A. leptophylla M. Bieb. х A. stepposa Klokov et Krytzka, and Veronica tzvelevii (Ostapko) Mosyakin, comb. nova (Pseudolysimachion tzvelevii Ostapko; Veronicapontica Ostapko, nom. illeg.). The species epithets commemorate the outstanding plant taxonomist Nikolai Tzvelev (1925-2015). Information on type specimens (holotypes and isotypes at LE and KW) of these taxa (both described from Lugansk Region, Southeastern Ukraine) and brief taxonomic and nomenclatural notes are provided.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Achillea х tzvelevii nom. Nov.. (Asteraceae) and Veronica tzvelevii comb. Nova (Plantaginaceae s. l. / Veronicaceae s. str. ): two taxa commemorating Nikolai Tzvelev»

S. Mosyakin

С. Л. Мосякин





M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2, Tereshchenkivska Street, Kiev, 01601, Ukraine s_mosyakin@hotmail.com

One new name and one new combination are validated, respectively, in Achillea L. (Asteraceae) and Veronica L. (Plantaginaceae s. l. / Veronicaceae s. str.): Achillea x tzvelevii Mosyakin, nom. nov. (A. x leptophylloides Tzvelev, nom. il-leg.) for the hybrid A. leptophylla M. Bieb. x A. stepposa Klokov et Krytzka, and Veronica tzvelevii (Ostapko) Mosyakin, comb. nova (Pseudolysimachion tzvelevii Ostapko; Veronicapontica Ostapko, nom. illeg.). The species epithets commemorate the outstanding plant taxonomist Nikolai Tzvelev (1925-2015). Information on type specimens (holotypes and isotypes at LE and KW) of these taxa (both described from Lugansk Region, Southeastern Ukraine) and brief taxonomic and nomenclatural notes are provided.

Keywords: Achillea, Veronica, taxonomy, nomenclature, Ukraine, Nikolai Tzvelev.

In the course of the preparation of an updated version of the checklist of vascular plants of Ukraine to replace the previous published edition (Mosyakin, Fedoronchuk, 1999) I noticed that nomenclatural changes are needed for two taxa of angiosperms described from Ukraine. Both these taxa are associated with the name of Nikolai N. Tzvelev (1925-2015), an outstanding Russian botanist of the V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who recently passed away on his 91st year of life. The relevant nomenclatural changes are presented below.

Achillea х tzvelevii Mosyakin, nom. nov. (Achillea leptophylla M. Bieb. x Achillea stepposa Klokov et Krytzka).

Replaced name: Achillea x leptophylloides Tzvelev, 1994, во Фл. европ. части СССР [Fl. Evrop. Chasti SSSR], 7: 122, nom. illeg., pro

«Achillea leptophylla x Achillea setacea».

Type: [Ukraine] «Prov. Lugansk, distr. Melovskoi, pag. Ezhaczii, in sabuletis, 2 VII 1958, O. Dubovik» (as cited in the protologue). Label in Russian: «Луганская обл., Меловской р-н, х. Ежачий, на песках, 2 VII 1958, О. Дубовик». Translation: «Lugansk Region, Melovoe District, Ezhachiy [Yezhachiy] hamlet, on sands, 2 VII 1958, O. Dubovik» (holo-type — LE, 4 isotypes — KW).

Tzvelev (1994) treated his Achillea x leptophylloides as a hybrid A. leptophylla M. Bieb. x A. setacea Waldst. et Kit.; however, the name he proposed is illegitimate because it is a later homonym of A. leptophylloides Prodán (1930, Contrib. Bot. Cluj, 1, Fasc. 17: 8). Moreover, a presumable hybrid between A. leptophylla and A. setacea has been already described as A. x kummerleana Prodán (1916, Magyar Bot. Lapok, 15: 64; see also Prodan, Nyárády, 1964). In my opinion, based on the study of four isotypes of A. x leptophylloides at KW and the digital image of the holotype from LE (kindly provided by Ivan V. Tatanov), Tzvelev's taxon is indeed a hybrid, but most probably not between A. leptophylla and A. setacea but between A. leptophylla and A. stepposa Klokov et Krytzka The tetraploid species A. stepposa (2n = 36) almost completely replaces the diploid A. setacea (2n = 18) in southeastern regions of Ukraine (Klokov, Krytzka, 1984), including Lugansk (Luhansk) Region, from where A. x leptophylloides was described. According to Klokov and Krytzka (1978: 241, 243), A. stepposa morphologically differs from its diploid counterpart A. setacea in having larger leaves with a wider central undivided part along the main vein, wider and shorter terminal leaf segments, larger involucral fillaries, larger expanded portions of ligules in ray flowers, and larger achenes (1.3-2.3 mm long, as opposed to mainly 1.0-1.3(1.5) mm long in A. setacea). The plants collected by O. N. Dubo-vik (holotype and isotypes of A. x leptophylloides) are morphologically rather uniform (only with some variation), probably representing members of one vegetatively propagated clone (or several clones of the same origin); their characters are consistent with the hypothesis of their hybrid origin involving A. stepposa. Here the new name is proposed for this hybrid.

Ehrendorfer and Guo (2006) noted that in Eurasian species groups of Achillea L. «..."vertical" hybridizations between different ploidy levels are also possible through unreduced gametes and/or by anorthoploid progenies and backcrosses. All this contributes to the more complex reticulate relationships and much less clear differentiation of polyploid as compared to 2x taxa». They recognized in Eastern Europe on the 4x ploidy level (tetraploids) the following taxa of the A. millefolium aggregate: A. collina J. Becker ex Heimerl (relative to diploids A. asplenifolia Vent. +

A. setacea) in Central to Southeastern Europe; A. euxina Klokov (relative of A. asplenifolia), A. inundata Kondr. (diploid relative not identified) in Ukraine; A. stepposa (relative of diploid A. setacea) east of the Dnieper (Dnipro) River; and A. submillefolium Klokov et Krytzka (diploid relative uncertain) occurring from Eastern Europe to Siberia. According to Ehrendorfer and Guo (2006), the group of A. leptophylla M. Bieb. (diploid), A. biebersteinii Afan. and A. micrantha Willd. (diploids and tetraploids) apparently exhibits polyploid links with the A. millefolium aggregate, as demonstrated by their analysis of morphology and nuclear and cpDNA sequences. Thus, occurrence of such hybrids within the contact zones of parental species is not surprising, especially considering that A. micrantha in Ukraine is mainly (or exclusively?) represented by tetraploids, and thus its hybridization with another tetraploid species, A. stepposa, is much more likely than with diploid A. setacea s. str.

Veronica tzvelevii (Ostapko) Mosyakin, comb. nova.

Basionym: Pseudolysimachion tzvelevii Ostapko, 2014, Ukrayins'k. Bot. Zhurn. [Укр. ботан. журн.], 71(6): 673. = Veronicapontica Ostapko, 1994, Ukrayins'k. Bot. Zhurn. [Укр. ботан. журн.], 51(2/3): 88, nom. il-leg.

Type: «Ucraina, prov. Lugansk, distr. Belovodsk, pagus Novolima-revka, steppa arenosa supra declivibus cretaceis, 3 VII 1987, V. M. Ostapko» (as cited in the protologue). Label in Ukrainian: «Украша, Луганська обл., Бшоводський р-н, с. Новолимарiвка, тщаний степ понад крейдяними схилами, 3 VII 1987, В. М. Остапко». Translation: «Ukraine, Lugansk Region, Bilovods'k District, Novolymarivka village, sandy steppe over chalk slopes, 3 VII 1987, V. M. Ostapko» (holotype — KW; 3 isotypes — DNZ, at present temporarily in KW).

Ostapko (1994) proposed the name Veronica pontica for his newly described taxon from the Southeast of Ukraine, being apparently unaware that this name was a later homonym of V. pontica Wettst. (1890, in Engler u. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4, 3b: 85) and V. pontica Velen. (1894, Abh. Boehm. Ges. Wiss. 1893 (publ. 1894), 37: 52). In the checklist of vascular plants of the Southeast of Ukraine (Ostapko et al., 2010) this ta-xon was tentatively recognized under the provisional name «Pseudolysi-machion subponticum Ostapko, nom. nov. provis. (Veronica subpontica Ostapko, nom. nov. provis.)». In that checklist we intentionally refrained from validating new combinations and names, following Rec. 30A.3 of the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (McNeill et al., 2012) (in 2010 — the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature): «To aid availability through time and place, authors pub-

lishing nomenclatural novelties should give preference to periodicals that regularly publish taxonomic articles... » In his recent article Ostapko (2014) proposed several new nomenclatural combinations in Pseudolysi-machion Opiz for species of Veronica described from Ukraine and, following my recommendation (as the editor of the article), validated a new name, P. tzvelevii, to replace the illegitimate name « Veronica pontica Ostapko».

However, the recognition of Pseudolysimachion as a separate genus is rather problematic. Recent molecular data indicate that the Pseudolysimachion clade is phylogenetically rooted in Veronica s. l., most probably between sect. Veronica and the clade containing all remaining taxa of Veronica, including previously widely recognized genera Hebe Comm. ex Juss., Synthiris Benth., and some others. After analyzing the available phylogenetic data (see, for example, Albach, 2008; Albach, Chase, 2004; Albach, Fischer, 2003; Albach et al., 2004) and our original evidence from pollen morphology (Mosyakin, Tsymbalyuk, 2008; Tsymbalyuk, Mosyakin, 2013), I strongly believe that the recognition of Pseudolysima-chion as the genus separate from Veronica should not be recommended.

Veronica tzvelevii belongs to the species aggregate of Veronica spi-cata L. s. latiss. (Veronica subg. Pseudolysimachium (W. D. J. Koch) Buchenau sect. Pseudolysimachium W. D. J. Koch), which shows a considerable morphological polymorphism and patterns of frequent hybridization and polyploidy, resulting in its outstanding taxonomic complexity (see Elenevskiy, 1968, 1971, 1978; Klokov, 1976; Travnicek, 1998; As-sejeva, 2002; Albach, Fischer, 2003; Travnicek et al., 2004; Bardy et al., 2011; Kosachev et al., 2015). Our palynomorphological results for taxa of Veronica subgen. Pseudolysimachium (Mosyakin, Tsymbalyuk, 2008; Tsymbalyuk, Mosyakin, 2013) indicate that this group shows in its pollen morphology some parallel trends and patterns similar to those observed in pollen grains of Plantago L. Two main pollen groups were outlined, one containing V spicata, V longifolia L., V spuria L., and V incana L. («pure» species?), and another housing V viscosula Klokov, V. gryniana Klokov, V paczoskiana Klokov (= V spicata subsp. paczoskiana (Klokov) Kosachev), V maeotica Klokov, V orchidea Crantz, and V pseu-doorchidea (Pacz.) Klokov, with some minor distinctions between these «microspecies».

According to Ostapko (1994), his «Vpontica» (now V tzvelevii) differs from V barrelieri H. Schott ex Roem. et Schult. (= V spicata subsp. barrelieri (H. Schott ex Roem. et Schult.) Elenevsky) in having glabrous stems and leaves totally lacking pubescence or nearly so, smaller flowers, bracts shorter than calyx, and some other minor characters. Recent stu-

dies (Bardy et al., 2011) demonstrated that there is an extensive gene flow between V barelieri, V. orchidea, and V. spicata that considerably blurs species boundaries of these taxa in Southeastern Europe; consequently, the subspecies rank was proposed for the two mentioned segregates of V. spi-cata. No comprehensive experimental studies of the V. spicata complex have been done yet in the south-central and southeastern parts of Ukraine; however, such studies are planned for the future, depending on the availability of research support and the situation in the region. Probably V. tzve-levii also represents a local hybridogenous «microspecies», but its origin remains uncertain and further studies are needed to clarify its true identity. However, I believe that, until having results of more detailed studies, it is more convenient to have named species-rank taxa as distinct taxonomic operational units, which in the future may become further clarified in terms of their origin and status. Thus, at present I accept V. tzvelevii as a species, similar to the case of some other diverse and often taxonomically problematic taxa currently recognized for Eastern Europe and Western Asia.


I am sincerely grateful to Ivan V. Tatanov (V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia) for providing the digital image of the holotype of Achillea x leptophylloides Tzvelev deposited at LE, and to Tetiana S. Karpiuk (M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine) for digitizing the type specimens of Veronica pontica Ostapko. I am also grateful to Dr. Dmitry V. Geltman (V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia) for his advice in the course of the preparation of this nomenclatural note.


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Albach D., Fischer M. AFLP- and genome size analyses: contribution to the taxonomy of Veronica subg. Pseudolysimachium sect. Pseudolysimachion (Plan-taginaceae), with a key to the European taxa // Phytol. Balcan. 2003. Vol. 9(3). P. 401-424.

Albach D., Martinez-Ortega M., Fischer M., Chase M. A new classification of the tribe Veroniceae — problems and a possible solution // Taxon. 2004. Vol. 53(2). P. 429-452.

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C. 65-69.)

Elenevskiy A. G. [On systematics of Veronica spicataL. s. l.] // Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 1971. Vol. 8. P. 215-227. [In Russ.] (Еленевский А. Г. К систематике Veronica spicata L. s. l. // Новости сист. высш. раст. 1971. Т. 8. С. 215-227.) Elenevskiy A. G. [Systematics and geography of Veronica of the USSR and the adjacent countries.] Moscow, 1978. 259 p. [In Russ.] (Еленевский А. Г. Систематика и география вероник СССР и прилежащих стран. М., 1978. 259 с.)

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Kosachev P. A., Albach D., Ebel A. L. Check-list of Veronica subg. Pseudolysimachium (Plantaginaceae) of Siberia // Turczaninowia. 2015. Vol. 18(3). P. 84-95.

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Ostapko V. M. New nomenclatural combinations and a new name in Pseudolysi-machion (Plantaginaceae s. l. = Veronicaceae s. str.) and Phlomoides (La-miaceae): taxa occurring in Ukraine // Ukrayins'k. Bot. Zhurn. [Укр. ботан. журн.]. 2014. Vol. 71(6). P. 673-675.

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Trâvnîcek B., Lysâk M. A., Cîhalîkovâ J., Dolezel J. Karyo-taxonomic study of the genus Pseudolysimachion (Scrophulariaceae) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia // Folia Geobot. 2004. Vol. 39. P. 173-203.

Tsymbalyuk Z. M., Mosyakin S. L. [Atlas of pollen grains of representatives of Plantaginaceae and Scrophulariaceae.] Kyiv, 2013. 276 p. [In Ukr.] (Цимбалюк З. М., Мосякгн С. Л. Атлас пилкових зерен представниюв родин Plantaginaceae та Scrophulariaceae. Кшв, 2013. 276 с.)

Tzvelev N. N. [Genus Yarrow — Achillea L.] // Flora Partis Europaeae URSS [Fl. Evrop. Chasti SSSR]. St. Petersburg, 1994. Vol. 7. P. 117-127. [In Russ.] (Цвелёв H. H. Род тысячелистник — Achillea L. // Флора европейской части СССР. Т. 7. СПб., 1994. С. 117-127.)


Новое название и новая комбинация обнародованы в родах

Achillea L. (Asteraceae) и Veronica L. (Plantaginaceae s. l. / Veronicaceae

s. str.): Achillea x tzvelevii Mosyakin, nom. nov. (Achillea x leptophylloides

Tzvelev, nom. illeg.) для гибрида A. leptophylla M. Bieb. x A. stepposa

Klokov et Krytzka и Veronica tzvelevii (Ostapko) Mosyakin, comb. nova (Pseudolysimachion tzvelevii Ostapko; Veronica pontica Ostapko, nom. illeg.). Видовые эпитеты посвящены выдающемуся систематику растений Николаю Николаевичу Цвелёву (1925-2015). Представлена информация о типовых образцах (голотипах и изотипах, хранящихся в LE и KW) этих таксонов (оба описаны из Луганской области, юго-восточная часть Украины), даны таксономические и номенклатурные замечания.

Ключевые слова: Achillea, Veronica, систематика, номенклатура, Украина, Н. Н. Цвелёв.

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