Научная статья на тему 'About Development Of E-Commerce In Kazakhstan'

About Development Of E-Commerce In Kazakhstan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «About Development Of E-Commerce In Kazakhstan»

About Development Of E-Commerce In ^оно^еские науки


Li S.V.

E-commerce is one of most actively developing formats of trade nowadays, and this tendency is observed even in those countries where it has old and successful history. A certain progress in respect of activization of this type of Internet operations shows Kazakhstan , in comparison with such advanced states in this technology such as USA and China, and even Russia, may appear modest. Nevertheless if three-four years ago possibility of acquisition of goods on the Internet was considered by the majority of Kazakhstan citizens as exotic and the venture.

Advantages of electronic trading can benefit fully both the companies that are selling or buying. This development can lead to an expansion of an area of presence, competitiveness strengthening at the expense of the price, service, efficiency of delivery, possibility of personalisation of sales taking into account wishes of the specific client, fast reaction to demand and decrease in expenses. Another gain from electronic trading is connected with savings of time, a possible more convenient form of delivery, detailed acquaintance with goods, and also economy of means. If to speak about benefits for national economy as a whole, experts especially note a decrease in the role of shadow economy as at electronic trading all payments are carried out “openly”.

In 2006 in the Kazakhstan segment of Worldwide network there were about 20 online stores in 2007, according to Profit.kz [1], their number increased to 23 by the end of 2011, according to some information, their number exceeded 130. According to information revealed during one of round table discussions by representatives of Internet association of Kazakhstan, the number has reached 270 last year (2012). However, not all declared online stores really function, so to say about exact quantity of that are in a turn of electronic commerce and also about market size as a whole it is difficult.

The e-commerce market in Kazakhstan makes is 1200 million tenge, or 0,45% from a common market of a retail in the country, while in Russia the corresponding indicator is estimated at 8%, and in the USA — 11%.

Practically all participants of the market, and also representatives of state structures agree in opinion that the most developed sector of the market of Internet commerce is the sector of services, first of all ticket sales - and train tickets, communication services. The volume of Internet sales of an ticket - and train tickets in terms of money makes about 195,5 million [2].

Created at a stage of origin of electronic commerce the market of household appliances and electronics takes today rather quite good positions in 15% of 117,4 million. One of characteristic features is that it was created mainly by the largest players offline

- retail - ALSI, Alser, Sulpak, Logycom and others.

E- commerce in sector of consumer goods, here in the Kazakhstan market is insufficiently developed. If the Russian market in such segments as clothes, the footwear, goods for children, sports goods, furniture, goods for the house, reaches 31%, in Kazakhstan their share doesn’t hold out even to 10%. Thus specifics of the market of electronic commerce, for example, is in a clothes and footwear segment that the main sales are carried out by nonprofessional and semi-professional players, in particular many orders are made out through social networks and forums. However under the influence of arrival to Kazakhstan of large Russian players, this market can show significant growth.

Absence of professional players, limitation of investments, backwardness of logistic structures says that the Kazakhstan market of electronic commerce is in embryo; at the same time we have a high potential for future development. We expect

that practically all sectors will show multiple growth under one condition — in the market there have to be professional players who will attract investments.

As a whole, for the last two years Internet commerce shows higher growth rates in comparison with traditional channels of realization — according to different data, sales on the Internet grow at 22-26% per year. Rather high level of penetration of the Internet, existence of necessary user experience, safety belong to number of major factors of growth in the questions concerning personal these users, existence of convenient means of the payments, the adequate legislative base convenient and inexpensive infrastructure of delivery of goods.

For many years representatives of official structures said that the 20 percent threshold of penetration of the Internet has to become that point on which passing rapid growth of number of users will begin and, respectively, demand for Internet services will increase. This threshold is already passed, but we yet don’t observe the explosive growth of electronic commerce. Anyway, the majority of Kazakhstan citizens while prefer to shop in shops of a traditional format. It is possible the matter is that other components of growth while are not at the proper level, after all successful advance of electronic commerce — is result of complex work[3].

Today the Kazakhstan market ofInternet trade is concentrated in the large cities, first of all in Almaty and Astana. To inhabitants of regions, including remote areas channelized commerce, from the point of view of logic, they represent the most attractive audience. First, the Kazakhstan regions considerably lag behind the capitals on level of penetration of the Internet, and, secondly, in geographical conditions of Kazakhstan the question of delivery becomes one of the most topical. Need to deliver goods to long distances, to remote settlements, which includes the hazards, for a considerable part of year — difficult weather and road conditions demands existence of modern, accurately functioning logistic structures, and in this plan deficiency of the offer is felt. Certainly, large international players act on the market of the country, for example DHL and Pony Express, but it is too unprofitable to send goods on these channels. “The main problem of Kazakhstan — is a logistics problem. “Kazpochta” well works on regions, but on the capitals — long. There are new operators who can do delivery around the city, and such players should be supported. The logistics which has to include not simply delivery, but also storage, branding, and packing is necessary.

Formation of electronic trading demands active actions from financial sector. Until recently the concept of electronic money wasn’t enshrined in the legislation of the republic. The law establishing them legal status, appeared only last year, and today on the basis of the affiliated organization of National bank

— the Kazakhstan center of interbank calculations — the project in which all Kazakhstan Banks of the Second Level will take part is realized directed on introduction of electronic money. The universal platform will allow all Banks of the Second Level and to their clients within a common information space to be served on uniform conditions and with equal opportunities. The mechanism of issue of electronic money assumes its implementation in exchange for money really placed in bank. That is the bank can emit only the sum of the money accepted from the user. Actually the law on electronic money is very simple

— they are denominated only in tenge and emitted by banks of the second level. It means that when the online store will come to bank and will order a certain issue of electronic money, it has to make proved 100 percent of the transaction.

Всероссийский журнал научных публикаций № 3(18) 2013


Инвестиции в человеческий капитал как альтернатива сырьевому развитию России

Матвеев А.А.

As for electronic invoices, banks with interest expect it, but there will be a mass of questions according to the electronic and digital signature, a validity of confirmation of these documents. The alliance Bank created electronic payment system with electronic purses and works with a number of online stores. However turns are extremely insignificant, often the online store is a certain digital show-window of offline business, it is simple with a certain discount. Besides, in the Kazakhstan segment of the Internet the big percent of sales is carried out by cash which hand over to the courier who has delivered chosen goods, and after all hardly it is hardly possible to call such mechanism, electronic trading in pure form. The role played in it as overdue emergence of the legislation on electronic money, and that circumstance that 90% of the payment cards which are available on hands for the population, are by default closed for operations on the Internet.

Players of the market of electronic commerce should work seriously over a number of competitive advantages of domestic online stores which includes the clear interface, possibility of cash on delivery, delivery of goods in more short time in comparison with world Internet resources, in particular eBay and Amazon on which buyers with knowledge of English more frequently use in the current markets. While at the appeal to the Kazakhstan online stores clients often face mistakes, the unclear interface and leave on foreign resources. As for cash on delivery, this tool can play an important role in mistrust overcoming in relation to online stores. Clients who will initially be careful in watching their purchases in electronic form, must be convinced that the goods will be delivered, and to pay purchase by cash.

On the other hand it isn’t necessary to forget that any trade

— is a street with two-way traffic, and development of electronic commerce, opportunity will accept electronic payments to promote that, as the Kazakhstan producer will be able to expand a sales market, having offered competitive goods, having presented competent logistics and good service. And here it is important not to miss the moment, having turned on in the legislation mechanisms of stimulation of sales of domestic products and services. And it is necessary to think over the matter beforehand as at Internet trade development the foreign players, intending to sell the goods made in other countries will come to Kazakhstan.

There has to be an understanding of that a long journey begins with the initial small steps. Addressing to world experience, it is possible to remember that all online stores began with million-plus cities — in Russia, for example, business began with Moscow, then there was St. Petersburg and other large cities. In megalopolises there is a complex of the factors promoting development of electronic trading.

In a word, whatever measures were accepted at legislative level, only one regulatory mechanisms it will appear to provide obviously not enough progress in sphere rather new to the Kazakhstan economy.

The list of the used sources

1. http://www.ipr.kz/kipr/3/1/89 - site of institute of political


2. http://www.profit.kz/articles/1823-Razvitie-elektronnoj-torgovli-

v-Kazahstane/#.URtqpGdNEcs - site of review os IT-market

3. http://www.bnews.kz/ru/conferences/view/81/ - news site


Главным ресурсом экономики всегда был человек, но его значение в различные периоды истории изменялось. На ранних этапах он играл роль в первую очередь носителя физической силы, которую можно приложить в трудоёмком производстве. Этим объясняются и способы организации хозяйства древности и средневековья, когда основным условием эффективной работы выступали дисциплина и беспрекословное подчинение. Но с развитием технологий, появлением производительных машин, замещающих ручной труд, экономика стала нуждаться не в бесправных трудягах, а квалифицированных кадрах, которые смогли бы с одной стороны управлять этими сложными механизмами, с другой — изобретать новые. На место безличного грубого труда как основы экономики приходит творческий ум.

Человек сегодня воспринимается не как пассивное орудие труда для эксплуатации, что было еще несколько веков назад, а как свободная личность, творческий потенциал которой нужно всячески раскрывать на пользу её самой и общества в целом. Ведь знания являются главной ценностью в современной экономике, в связи с чем со второй половины 20 века такие выдающиеся ученые экономисты, как ТШульц и Г.Бэккер стали выделять особый вид капитала - человеческий. Под данным определением понимаются знания и навыки человека, приобретенные им в процессе обучения или практической деятельности и используемые в производстве товаров и услуг.

Также в человеческий капитал включаются такие факторы, как уровень здравоохранения в стране, от которого зависит средняя продолжительность жизни, а значит и срок трудовой деятельности, свобода передвижения, благодаря которой индивид может найти лучшее применение своим знаниям. Большую роль играют доступ к информации и конкурентность рынка труда, которые определяют эффективное соответствие структуры рабочих мест и количества работников.

Основной формой инвестиций в человеческий капитал выступает получение образования. Уже давно доказано, что каждый дополнительный год обучения повышает заработную плату работника. Так, например, согласно статистическим исследованиям, проводившимся в США, средний доход американца за всю жизнь составляет 770 тыс. долларов при получении начального образования, 1150 - среднеспециального, 1465 - послевузовского [1, с. 6]. Таким образом, инвестиции в человеческий капитал считаются экономически оправданными, когда они обещают окупиться в будущем.

Человеческий капитал — это не теоретическая абстракция, а вполне определенный ресурс, который поддается исчислению. Так по расчетам Всемирного Банка в 1996 г. по 192 странам в среднем доля человеческого капитала в национальном богатстве составляла около 64 %, физического — 16 %, а природных ресурсов — 20 %, что представляет совершенно противоположную по сравнению с началом 20 века структуру экономики [2, с. 96]. В России, к сожалению, преобладают природные ресурсы — 72 %, в то время как на долю человеческого капитала приходится всего 14 %, что отражает её зависимость от внешнего спроса на нефть и газ. Это усугубляется постоянной «утечкой мозгов» на Запад, а подготовка ученого обществоведа в среднем обходится в сумму около 235, инженера - 253, врача 646, специалиста научно-технического профиля — 800 тыс. долларов [3].

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