Научная статья на тему 'A philosophical treatise. The truth'

A philosophical treatise. The truth Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Peshkov Vladimir Georgievich

Tao that can be expressed in words is not a constant Tao. Laozi. Tao Te Ching.

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Текст научной работы на тему «A philosophical treatise. The truth»

Section 11. Philosophy

but their thinking primarily takes place at unconscious level. Unconscious simply means non-verbal, without words, for example, in form of emotions etc. And an element is the fifth dimension, entrance to which is sought for. It is expressed as complexity, fractionality, diversity and freedom. The world consists of seven elements in space; four of them are in time, in spite of the traditions of its notion. God’s will can be the eighth element. Let it be behind the scene, especially when it can be so easily taken for the superiority of elements. No matter how much people try to fight them or use them, the nature wins. But this is what life is all about — it is the interaction of elements, for us, civilization and nature. In space

and time, with its karma. Civilization is an element: the development of nature goes same way, no matter how delusive it is. The property of elements is one in all and all in one. Hegel believed that it was self-development of spirit and, may be, he was right. Hence, consciousness and civilization lie in the nature. They have become clear elements realized through people. Today, the mankind attempts to robotize the world and, perhaps, it will become a new element: robots in neuron networks, in other words, Cosmos, when robots can think and operate at their own level. Now, it is information society. And the ancient people were right that there are eight elements.

Klages Yan Sorintovich E-mail: clages@yandex.ru

A new theory of human psyche in a new dialectics

Abstract: The article shows the true localization phenomena of psyche in the hemispheres of the brain. Keywords: mind, thinking, will, memory, perception, hemisphere.

I present the true picture of psychic phenomena of the hemispheres of a human’s brain in a short characteristic of their specific or their general characteristic.

There are the following easily-accessible phenomena of consciousness in the left hemisphere (dominating in people):

1. Historical memory, knowledge (theoretical), characterized as substance, difference, novice;

2. Thinking (ordinary mind, cunning, plan and intellect as the symbolic, identity, dialectic thinking), characterized as content, identity, preservation;

3. Perception (critical, active with intuition as learning, realization or rude, passive, the non-conscious), characterized as an internal form, negation, redundancy;

4. Will as physical thinking, characterized as an external form, realization, synthesis. It forms activity and other manifestations of consciousness such as phenomenon, removal, symbolism.

The following less-accessible phenomena are in the right hemisphere:

1. Abstract thinking (analogue) such as work with the memory of the left hemisphere or imagination, transcendent and non-conscious, characterized as substance, difference and novice;

2. Fantasy (practical emotional memory or selfconsciousness, mind) containing ideas, goals, images and

other incentives as primary drive of the consciousness, unrealized at unavailability of the memory of the left hemisphere, characterized as content, identity and preservation;

3. Emotions (unconscious perception with intuition as orientation), characterized as an internal form, negation and redundancy;

4. Instincts as will (priority) and primary drive of life activity (as phenomenon, removal and symbolism), characterized as an external form, realization and synthesis.

I can add that it is the emulation of the environment. An activity is self-consciousness. Moreover, to illustrate it, I enclose a scheme «Interrelation of psychical phenomena and typology of a personality»:

Choleric MIND, WILL Logician Rationalist Sanguine person CONSCIOUSNESS, OPINION Ethicist Extravert

Phlegmatic Melancholic



Sensory person Intuition person

Introvert Irrationalist


A philosophical treatise. The truth

Peshkov Vladimir Georgievich E-mail: peshkov53@bk.ru

A philosophical treatise. The truth

Abstract: Tao that can be expressed in words is not a constant Tao. Laozi. Tao Te Ching. Keywords: truth, not true, verity, lie, reality, abstraction, actuality.

The goal of philosophy is to understand the substance of things, i. e. learn the truth. Every man has their own notion about the substance of things, but it doesn’t always comply with the truth, i. e. something that really exists, and something that exists is the truth; hence, something that exists is true and something that doesn’t exist is not true. The substance of things lies in what exists. Here, we mean real existence, which is true, i. e. what really exists is true. The truth is one and it is a reality. It is objective. What is not true is subjective; thus, it exists in multiple numbers.

Kant divided the world into noumena and phenomena, and we will also add actuality. Noumena are reality. Phenomena are abstraction, which is created by our consciousness in the soul detaching from reality. Consciousness creates abstract, sensual images filling them with sensations, and creates a relation between them. Actuality is the synthesis of reality and abstraction, noumena and phenomena. Actuality is the world, in which we exist and where all subjects have an abstract, sensual cover and real filling. The relations between the same subjects in reality and in actuality are absolutely different. The relations between abstract covers, which are in consciousness, are one thing; and the relations between real fillings, which are beyond consciousness, are another thing.

One should note that sensual cover is an exceptionally subjective phenomenon, and we do not take it beyond our consciousness. The fact that things surrounding us have a geometric form, have sensations, colors, sound, smell etc. does not belong to reality. Beauty is subjective. It is in our consciousness and it can’t be anywhere else. And the fact that we see a big beautiful world beyond our consciousness is an illusion; hence, the relations between subjects in reality and actuality are different.

The truth should not be confused with verity. The truth refers to reality. Verity and lie refer to actuality. Actuality is the world of our sensations and our sensations are the criteria of verity and lie in this world. For example: it is raining outside and to make sure of it, it is enough to look out of the window, then we will learn whether it is verity or lie. Our sensations cannot be the criteria of the truth. One can look in any microscope, even a tunnel one; they will not see reality anyway. Reality is beyond our sensations. Liquid, solid, vapory — these are the properties of reality and we can sense them, but solid and soft are our sensations and reality goes beyond them again.

Plato has a concept of the truth «... one who speaks about things as they are, speaks the truth; one who says otherwise, lies». In this concept the word «truth» should be replaced with the word «verity» and only then it will comply

with actuality. Words cannot be a criterion of the truth. Words express our sensations. The truth lies beyond our sensations.

The truth can be understood with mind. But we have to describe it and discuss it with words. We will imagine reality on the assumption of our sensual experience, i. e. we will combine two incompatible worlds and this is where the paradox of our consciousness lies. We understand what we create. Laozi spoke about it. He called reality Tao and he said that Tao created with words is different from actual Tao. Paradox, of course, belongs to our consciousness. It is not in reality.

So, what is the criterion of the truth, its results obtainable by our sense organs; results of the processes that take place in reality? It is important to understand the substance of these processes to further apply them in practice.

The matter is based on substance, i. e. something that has properties. There is an old philosophy of maxim — «one cannot obtain anything from nothing». Nothing has no properties, i. e. there is no existence; hence one cannot create from nothing. Thus, we deduce a principle that to exist there has to be volume, i. e. occupy place, because only volume can have properties. If there is volume, there are properties. If there is no volume, there are no properties. If there are no properties, there is no existence.

Emptiness should be a natural form of existence of the universe as absolute still — absence of properties in the structure. But we do not observe still anywhere, why? To understand it, one should consider the properties of emptiness carefully. Unlike nothing, emptiness has properties. It is homogenous and isotropic, i. e. it has a three dimensional volume, and it is also infinite — one cannot set a limit to emptiness. The fact that emptiness has volume gives the universe the right to exist in the form of emptiness, i. e. emptiness is the substance that forms the basis of the matter.

Thus, emptiness is a substance. Its existence does not depend on anything, but its property — infinity alters the form of existence of emptiness. Classic emptiness is absolute still, something integral, frozen and accomplished. Infinite emptiness cannot be integral, frozen or accomplished, because infinite is always more than integral; hence, infinite emptiness cannot exist as an independent substance. But it has to exist, because the universe has to exist and it doesn’t matter in what form. The occurred paradox between emptiness and its properties leads to its metamorphoses, i. e. makes emptiness a substance that forms the basis of the universe.

Infinite can exist only in the form of discrete. Discrete emptiness can only be formed by movement, because movement is an alternative to still. What can move in emptiness? Emptiness itself, of course. Movement is energy, a substrate


Section 11. Philosophy

creating an independent substance, a revolving volume of emptiness. The revolving volume of emptiness is an elementary particle of the matter, then indivisible atom of the matter.

We understand that to exist, emptiness has to move. But emptiness should understand it too to start moving. Mind is an ability to understand, thus, movement is rational, i. e. creation of an elementary particle of the matter is a mental act. Movement creates elongation and duration, but there is a need for cause-and-effect connection so that movement can exist in elongation and duration, and for that movement has to have memory. Elementary particles fill the entire volume of the universe and in order to exist as independent substances, they have to interact. To do that, they have to feel one another, and it’s not possible if they don’t have senses. The above said makes it clear that movement in the form elementary particle has mind, senses and memory, i. e. it is true movement unlike the mechanical one. Movement of the above said is miracle and miracle is created by God. For us, everything that takes place in reality, i. e. the truth, is a miracle, because we exist in a different world and we have different criteria of actuality of this world.

Elementary particles fill the entire volume of the universe, i. e. they are a part of continuum, uninterrupted medium; thus, reality does not consist of separate but independent substances. Reality is discrete, and at the same time, it is uninterrupted, i. e. it is impossible to separate particles one from another, even though they move freely relative to one another. Modern science builds mathematics and physics on the notion — a separate substance. The separate substance exists in actuality, i. e. in abstraction. Here we are surrounded by separate subjects. And it is not in reality; thus, building of science with the help of the notion a separate substance is a mistake. Modern science studies fiction created by our consciousness.

If one knows the substance of elementary particles — bases of the matter, it is not difficult to understand the structure of a physical field. Physical field is a field of harmonic interaction. Revolving, elementary particles either help one another revolve creating harmonic interaction, or prevent one another from revolving creating negative interaction, or are in neutral interaction neither helping nor preventing one another from revolving. Natural urge of all elementary particles is to interact harmonically. Thus, physical field is the field of harmonic interaction.

Properties of emptiness form the basis of the properties of the matter. Emptiness is homogenous and isotropic, and it shows that there are no standards in emptiness, which, in turn, is the foundation of the principle of individuality, i. e. everything that happens with emptiness is individual. Primarily, elementary particles are individual. They are individual in capacity, and, consequently, in revolving speed, and in the volume they occupy. There are hardly two absolutely identical elementary particles in the universe. Individuality of the entire universe results from the individuality of elementary particles.

The substance of interaction of elementary particles lies in the fact that revolving, each elementary particle strives

to capture as much space as possible, but it is countered by neighboring elementary particles; hence, interactions can be of three types. Natural urge of an elementary particle to interact is harmonic. Elementary particles select partners to interact: one is attracted; another is turned down, which creates lines of force. A line of force is a complete chain of harmonically interacting elementary particles. The peculiarity of the line of force lies in the fact that when elementary particles interact harmonically in it, they increase the speed of revolving, i. e. they increase their capacity, and cooperating with external lines of force, each elementary particle uses a collective capacity of the line of force.

Individuality of elementary particles gives more powerful elementary particles an opportunity to involve neighboring elementary particles in its revolving orbit creating cells of the filed. A cell of the field consists of lines of force and their neutral filling as well as a central elementary particle on which lines of force are closed. The central particle revolves the whole cell of the field through the lines of force receiving additional energy. The cell of the field is an independent substance with its mind, senses and memory, which gives it an opportunity to interact with other cells of the field through the lines of force.

Physical field is multilayered. The primary layer creates interaction of elementary particles. Interacting, they create the cells of the filed. It is the second layer of the field. In turn, interacting, the cells of the field create the third layer of the field and this process goes into eternity. If we take a look at macrocosmos, we will see solar systems of the cell of the field of one n-level, which create the galaxies of the cell of the field of another n+1 level etc. The same happens in microcosmos, but in the reverse order.

The substance of interaction of elementary particles and cells of the filed lies in the transfer of energy from particle to particle or from cell to cell, and this process has speed of interaction. The peculiarity of interaction of cells lies in the fact that when shifting from one level to next level, the speed of interaction drops catastrophically. It happens because the number of interacting elementary particles grows by many times when shifting from one level to another. As an example, let’s consider solar system. It is filled with the cells of the filed. Speed of their interaction is roughly light speed, which is much higher in the lines of force. And the speed of interaction of the solar system with neighboring systems is many times less.

The difference of speed of interaction bears the substance of determinism, i. e. events, which take place at one layer of the field, begin at lower layers of the field. Event that happens with us is a synthesis of energy flows, which are conceived at primary layer of the field and, before they reach us shifting from one level to another, a lot of time passes, which explains how the future is in the past.

A man exists in two worlds. When they are a wake, they exist in actuality and are related to it through sense organs. During sleep, their sense organs are off and their soul con-


A philosophical treatise. The truth

nects directly with the physical field and receives information from it in the form of dreams. If, when awake, we receive information about the external environment from only one layer of the fields, during sleep the soul can receive information from different layers and it explains the phenomenon of prophetic dreams. There is a category of people, such as prophets, who can receive information from the lower layers of the field even when awake, and the lower they go in layers, the further they can see in the future.

If the physical field was not multilayered, chaos would rule the world and we would never be able to see the future. Hence, the fact of multilayered filed can be considered as the first evidence of our correct understanding of the substance of reality — the truth.

Modern scientists studied well the structure of a live cell, but they cannot create it artificially from the same materials. The thing is that live organisms build themselves on their own selecting chemical elements according to the principle of individuality and harmony, and that is artificial, i. e. it is not possible to create by simple mixing of chemical elements. This fact can also be referred to the evidence of our correct notion of reality — the truth.

In our notion, the presence of the physical field can be proved experimentally by creating mechanical traction in the vacuum. Chemical and physical properties of a substance are created by the field, i. e. it is a relation of linear sizes of atoms of the substance — cells of the field to the step of lines of force. It can be seen upon the placement of the substance in

the Mendeleev’s table; herewith, in reality, there is not clear border between chemical elements. Physical properties of the substance also depend on the relation of linear sizes of atoms of the substance — cells of the field to the step of lines of force of the field. If the atoms of the substance are significantly bigger than the step of lines of force, they squeeze up against each other solidly with lines of force and the substance gains a fixed state of atoms — solid state. If atoms of the substance or molecules are a little bit smaller than the step, atoms or molecules gain a less fixed state — liquid state. If atoms of the substance are significantly smaller than the step of lines of force, the substance gains vapory state. It should be noted that lines of force have a spiral-like form and their step in the cosmos, in the field of harmonic interaction, is considerably smaller than near the earth surface; hence, in outer space, the substance gains solid state or simply freezes.

Revolving, helicopter screw rests upon not only air, but also field. If one removes air and creates a vacuum, it can rest upon a physical field. The rotations of revolving screw should be significantly increased. This simple experiment, relative to modern experiments on a Collider, will be a reliable evidence of our correct notion of the truth.

I will now end giving examples confirming the truth. They are endless, because our notion of the truth explains everything that takes place in our world from the point of common sense. We now end studying this issue and the author hopes that we have considerably moved closer to understanding the truth. However, we will not put a full stop, but ellipsis.


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