Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. Vol. 8 (26), No3, 2019, pp. 125-136
DOI: 10.15393/
UDC 517.547, 517.588
S. Naik, P. K. Nath
Abstract. In this article, we prove that the two-parameter family of operators Ab'c is bounded on the weighted Bergman spaces Bpa+c-1 if a + 2 < p and unbounded if a + 2 = p.
Key words: Generalized Cesaro operator, weighted Bergman space, boundedness
2010 Mathematical Subject Classification: 47B38, 46E15
1. Introduction. Let D denote the unit disc in the complex plane C, dD its boundary, H(D) the set of all analytic functions on D and dm(-) = 1/n r drdd the normalized Lebesgue area measure on D. For 0 < p < <x, the weighted Bergman space for —1 < a < consists of functions f E H(D), such that
Bp = (a + 1)/ |f (z)|p(1 — |z|2)adm(z) =
D 1
a +W, ,w, a.
n J 0
Mp(r, fX1 - r2<
where Mp(r,f) = / |f(re )|vdB.
To define the adjoint of the generalized Cesaro operator, we need the Gaussian hypergeometric function. Let (a,n) be the shifted factorial defined by Appel's symbol
r(a + n)
(a, n) = a(a + 1)... (a + n — 1) = ^ . ;, n E N = {1, 2, 3,...}
© Petrozavodsk State University, 2019
and (a, 0) = 1 for a = 0. The Gaussain hypergeometric function is defined by the power series expansion
F(a,b; c; z) =
(a, n)(b, n) zn (c,n)
(|z| < 1),
where a, b, c are complex numbers, such that c = —m, m = 0,1, 2, 3,..., and we assume c = —m, m = 0,1, 2, 3,..., to avoid zero denominators. Clearly, F(a,b, c, z) belongs to H(D). Many properties of the hypergeometric functions are found in [1]. Asymptotic behavior of the zero-balanced (i. e., the c = a+b case) is well-known. For the non-zero balanced case, improved formulation is obtained in [4,12], whereas the geometric properties of Gaussian hypergeometric functions are considered, for example, in [9,10]. The same problems for linear and convolution operator are dealt with in [11].
Let b, c E C with Reb > 0, Re c > 0. For a function f (z) = anzn, f (z) E H(D), the two-parameter family of Cesaro averaging operators Pb'c is given by
Pb,cf (z) = E( TbTIC E bn-kak
An k=n
and bk are given by b0 = 1,
(b,n) n)
1 + b - c
Ab+l;c+l Ak-1
1 + b - c b
for k ^ 1. The operators Pb'c were introduced in [2] and have been studied for boundedness on various function spaces, such as Hp, BMOA, Ba [7,8], on mixed norm spaces [6], as well as on the Dirichlet space [7]. For b = 1 + a and c = 1, we obtain the generalized Cesaro operators p 1+7,1 = c7 introduced in [14]. It is known that operators CY are bounded on the Hardy space for 0 < p < x>, BMOA, and Bloch space [17] and on the Dirichlet space [16].
For b,c E C, such that Reb > 0, Rec > 0, let Ab,c be the adjoint operator of Pb,c, given by
Abcf (z) = EE
bk -nak Ab+l;c k=n Ak
where f (z) = ^=0 anzn E H(D) and Ablkc and bb are the same as defined for Pb'c. These operators were formally introduced in [3] and studied for boundedness on the space of Cauchy transforms. In the notation of Stempak [14], we find that
A1+7>1f = AY f.
In particular, for y = 0
A"f = Af = £ Ei+I a z'"
n=0 \b=n /
where AY is the adjoint operator of the generalized Cesaro operator C1 (see [17]). If y = 0, the AY is simply adjoint of the classical Cesaro operator C (see [13]). Now we recall a known result that gives an integral representation of the operator Ab'c.
Lemma 1. [3] Let b,c E C with Re b > 0, Re c > 1 and function ft,s(z) = 1 — t — s + st + tz. Then
1 1
Ab,cf (z) = mJJ sc-2(1 — t)b-1f (^t,s(z)) * F(c,1; 1; ^t,s(z))dsdt,
where M = (1 + b — c)(c — 1).
Here * denotes the Hadamard product (or convolution) of power series. That is, if f (z) = Y1 ^=0 anzn and g(z) = Y1 ^=0 bnzn are two analytic functions in |z| < R, then convolution between f and g is denoted by f * g and is defined by (f * g)(z) = ^=0 anbnzn. This series converges for |z| < R2. Moreover,
(f * g)(z) = 2ni i f (w)g(z/w)|z| < pR < R2. ln% J w
|w| =p
2. Preliminary results. In this section, we recall few preliminary results, which are used to state and prove the main results of this article. The adjoint operator was considered in [13] for the case (y = 0) and in [17]. In [13], Siskakis proved the following result.
Theorem 1. The operator A is bounded on the weighted Bergman space BOa if and only if a + 2 < p.
Stevic proved, in [15], a generalization of Theorem 1 for the operators AY, when y = 0:
Theorem 2. The operator AY is bounded on the weighted Bergman space Bp if and only if a + 2 < p.
The main aim of this article is to generalize Theorem 2 by finding conditions on the parameters b and c for which the operators Ab'c are bounded on the weighted Bergman spaces.
We will use the following lemma in the sequel.
Lemma 2. [5, p. 65] For each 1 < a < ro there is a positive constant C = C(a), such that
f |1 - reie|-a d0 ^ C(1 - r)-(a-1),
if 0 ^ r < 1.
Henceforth, C, K, and C1 denote positive constants, whose values are different at different occurrences.
3. Main Results. In this section, we consider the so-called convolution operator and prove its boundedness on the weighted Bergman space Ba+c-1 for c ^ 1. Also, we state and prove the main result of this paper. From now onwards, we denote F(z) = F(1, c; 1; z) for all z E D.
Lemma 3. If p E [1, ro),a> -1, c ^ 1, f E Bpa, then f * F E Bpa+{c-1)p.
Proof. Let f E Bpa. Then
a + 1 f , , W, „2Na
n J
Mp(f, r)(1 - r2)ardr < ro. (2)
Using the definition of convolution and the fact that F(1, c; 1; z) = (1-z)-for 0 < r < p < 1, we have
MP(f * F, r) = 2n f |(f * F)(peid)|pdd =
2n 2n
21n f F(pe^f p^) dt
2n 2n
2- (1 - pe«)-c/(!>-t>)dt
0 0
Applying Minkowski's integral inequality and Lemma 2 above, we have
2n 2n
1 Ç/ 1
Mp(f * F,r) ^ 2ny (2ny |(1 - pe^fPe^pe) p dt ^
2n J V2n
00 2n 2n
^ 2n/ t/
1 — pe
-e P
de p dt
2n 2n
— i |1 — peit|—cdt(— 2n J 1 ^ 1 V2n
¿c (1—p)—c+iMp(/,r :
From the above inequality, we find
(1 — p)(c—1)pM^(/ * F, r)(1 — r)adr ^K^ M^f,r) (1 — r)adr
where K = C/2n.
Now, taking r = p2, we have
Mp(f * F, p2)(1 — p2)a+(c—1)pdp2 ^
^ K(1 + p)(c—1)p MP (f,p)(1 — p2)adp2.
A simple calculation shows:
MPf * F, p2)(1 — p4)a+(c—1)q p2dp2 ^ K Mp (f,p) (1 — p2)ap2dp2
The last inequality and (2) give i
y * F,p2)(1 - p4)a+(c-1)qp2dp2 < œ. 0
This completes the proof. □
Now we give an estimate on the norm of the convolution operator )
on Ba.
Theorem 3. Let p G (0, œ),a > — 1,c ^ 1,0 : D ^ D be a non-constant analytic function. Then the operator ) = (/ * F)(0), where F = F(1,c; 1, z) on Ba+c-1(D), satisfies the following inequality:
a + 2
C = () if a > 0 and C = () (||0||» + |0(0)|)p +3|0(0)|)-p.
Proof. We will use the method of Siskakis [13]. Let a = |0(0)| and b = «0«» and fix 0 < r < 1. By the well known consequence of the Schwarz-pick lemma on the map 01 = b-10, we have |0(z)| ^ ^o+O^, for Izl ^ r. Since a ^ b, we have (o+br) ^ ((b-a)r+2a) for all 0 < r < 1,
^ ' (b+or) ^ (b+o) '
so |0(z)| ^ bR ^ R, where R = R(r) = ((b-b+r0+2o) for all 0 < r < 1. If f * F G Ba+c-1(D), let |(u * F)(z)| be the harmonic extension |(f * F)(Rei6>)|p on |z| ^ bR; |(u * F)(z)| is continuous on |z| ^ bR and majorizes |(f * F)(z)|p there, so
|(f * F)(0(z))|p ^ |(u * F)(0(z))| for |z| ^ r.
It follows that
2n 2n
M ((f * F)0,r) = J |(f * F)(0(rei0))|pd£ |(u * F)(0(rei0))|d0. (3) 0 0
Now, for 0 < p < 1,
(u * F)(p0(0)) = ~n/ F(pei0)«(0(0)e-i0)d0,
|(u * F)(p0(O))| = 12-/ F(pei0)u#(0)e-i0)de
^ 2b/|F(Pei6)||u(0(O)e-ie)|de = 0
= 2n f |1 - pei0|-Cu(0(O)e-i0)de.
Finally, by Harnack's inequality and the Mean Value Theorem, we have
'"«'»e-) < ^"<°> = ^2n / |f <bRe")|pde- (5)
From (3), (4), and (5) and using Lemma 2, we obtain
2n 2n
de <
MP((f * F)0,r) ^ ( ) I |1 - pei0|-C I |f (dReit:)|Pdt
id I-c
. I f I I — I
(2n)HbR - a
< ^^ (bR-a)^|f)|Pde =
D(1 - p)-c+1 (bR + a) Mp(f R) (6)
= (2n)2 ^bR-^JMpP(f,R). (6)
Now multiply both sides of (6) by (1 - r2)ar and integrate with respect to r from 0 to 1 to get
J MpP((f * F)<£, r)(1 - p)c-1(1 - r2)ardr ^ 0
^ 77^2 i ) M(f, R)(1 - r2)ardr.
(2n)27 \bR - a
Taking p = r2, we get
J M((f * F)0,r)(1 - r2)a+c-1rdr * 0
* (2^/ (^)m(f,R)(1 - r2)"rdr.
Proceeding as in [13], we get i
i Mp((/ * F)0, r)(1 - r2)a+c-1rdr *
a+2 1
i /(1 - u2)aMp(/,u)udu
(2n)2 Vb + 3a/ V&- a) J K J p
for -1 < a < 0.
™* (^ )a( b-a )"+2»/
Hence, the conclusion follows. □
The following results, regarding the boundedness of the composition operator on the Weighted Bergman space, was proved in [13], which is a particular case of c =1 of our result, as given in Theorem 3.
Corollary. Let 0 : D ^ D be a non-constant analytic function. Then the operator T^(/) = /o0 on Bp satisfies the following inequality:
a + 2
* c, u-r + |0(O)|\ p
where C =1 if a > 0 and C = (||0|U + |0(O)|)P(||0|U + 3|0(O)|)-P, -1 < a < 0.
Now we state and prove the main result of this article.
Theorem 4. Let b, c G C with Re(b) > 0 and c ^ 1. Then the operator Ab'c is bounded on the weighted Bergman space Bp+c-1 if a + 2 < p and unbounded for a + 2 = p.
Proof. Case (i) Let a
Here p > 1, because a > -1. Applying Minkowski's inequality twice and taking 0 = in Theorem 3, we obtain
a + c-1
1 1
((f * F)(<Mz)))(1 -t)b-1sc-2dsdt (1-|z|2r+c-1dm(z)
U 0 0 1 1
^ K
(f * F)(<Mz))(1 -t)b-1 dt"(1 -|z|2)a+c_1dm(zn psc-2ds^
0 U 0 1 1
^ K
(f * F)(<Mz)) " (1 -|z|2)a+c-1dm(z)) p(1 -t)b-1dtsc-2ds
0 0 U
1 1
K I I llW)lBp+c-i(1 - t)b-1dtsc-2ds ^
1 1 a + 2
^ KC1|f ||bs // i2 - 2s - t + p (1 - t)b-1dtsc-2ds ^
^ KCJf ||Bp2^cl^ f _+_(1 - t)b-1dt. c - 1 J t
Here K = (1 + b - c)(c - 1)(a +1). The above integral is convergent for < 1. This completes the proof.
Case (ii) Let a
Suppose f1(z) = . Using Lemma 2, we obtain
/ |i 1Z|P (1 - |z|2)adm(z) =1J(1 - r2)^ |1 - rei0|-Pderdr ^
U 0 -pi
2«c /"
^ — (1 - r)a+1-Pdr,
which is finite for a + 2 > p. Hence, f1 E Aja+c_ 1
(a) For c > 1, we have:
1 1
Ab'c(/1(z)) = K ^J(/1 * F)(1 - t - s + ts + tz)(1 - t)b—V-2dsdt:
00 1 1
= K J J F (1,c; 1; 1 - t - s + ts + tz)(1 - t)b-1sc-2dsdt
00 1 1
= K /7 (1 - t)b'1sc'\ dsdt,
(t + s - ts - tz)c
where K = (1 + b - c)(c - 1). Now we find 1 1
A/» = K// ^ty dsdt =
00 1 1
K / (1 - t)b-1 t—csc—2 £ ^sn dsdt =
0 0 n=0
~ S 1 1
!n 1 i\ra Wi -Ara+b-1+— (ra+c)^4 / „ra+c—2,
n=0 0 0
1 1
— (c)^ ^n 1 (1 - t)-+b—1
(-1)- /(1 - t)n+b—1t—(n+c)dW sn+c—2ds
= K £ ^(-1)^ (1 -(-+c) dtl sn+c—2ds. n=0 0 0
Since n + c > 1, the first integral diverges. Hence, Ab'c(/1(z)) is unbounded.
(b) For c = 1, from (1) we have
ro ro , ^ ^ / ^ ^ bk—nak \
Ab,1(/(*)) = ^^ A-TTJz-
г=0 k=n ^fc
For /1(z) = , we find
ro ro , ro , <TO <TO ,
A/)) = £ (£ -r) z- = £ A+ra + £ (£ ^ )z-
n=0 k=n —k k=0 —k n=1 k=n —k
Hence, we have
~ = V (1 + 6 - i)^*1 = b + k - 1
fc=0 k fc=0 ^ k fc=0 which is divergent. □
Remark. It is still an open question, whether the operator Ab'c is bounded on the weighted Bergman space B^+c-1 for a + 2 > p.
Conflicts of Interests: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
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Received June 27, 2019. In revised form, September 26, 2019. Accepted October 01, 2019. Published online October 16, 2019.
Department of Applied Sciences Gauhati University Guwahati, Assam, India-781 014 S. Naik
E-mail: [email protected]; P. K. Nath
E-mail: [email protected]