A NOTE FOR THE DUNKL-CLASSICAL POLYNOMIALS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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orthogonal polynomials / Dunkl operator / Dunkl-classical polynomials

Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Y. Habbachi, B. Bouras

In this paper, we give a new characterization for the Dunkl-classical orthogonal polynomials. The previous characterization has been illustrated by some examples.

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Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. Vol. 11 (29), No 2, 2022, pp. 29-41

DOI: 10.15393/j3.art.2022.11310


UDC 517.587, 517.538.3

Y. Habbachi, B. Bouras


Abstract. In this paper, we give a new characterization for the Dunkl-classical orthogonal polynomials. The previous characterization has been illustrated by some examples.

Keywords: orthogonal polynomials, Dunkl operator, Dunkl-classical polynomials

2020 Mathematical Subject Classification: 33C45, 42C05

1. Introduction and preliminary results. Let V be the vector space of polynomials with coefficients in C. An orthogonal polynomial set (OPS for short) {Pn}n^o in V is called classical (resp. A-classical, Hq-classical) if {DPn}n^l (resp. {AP„}n^[, {HqPn}n^l) is also an OPS, where D (resp. A, Hq) denotes the derivative operator D = (resp. A the difference operator, Hq the Hahn operator given, respectively, by Af (x) = f (x + 1) - f (x) and Hqf (x) = ,q = 1J eV).

In [10], the authors characterized the so-called classical orthogonal polynomials (Hermite, Laguerre, Jacobi, and Bessel) by a new characterization. In particular, they showed that a MOPS {Pn}n^0 is classical if and only if there exists a polynomial an of degree n ^ 0, and a polynomial $ (monic) of degree less or equal to 2, such that Pn+lu = D(an$u), n ^ 0, where u is the corresponding form to {Pn}n^o. Later on, this characterization has been extended for the classical discrete and ^-classical (discrete) polynomials (see [2]).

A natural question arises: Is there a similar characterization for Dunkl-classical orthogonal polynomials?

The aim of this paper is to answer this question. Namely, we prove the Theorem 2 (see section 2).

We begin by reviewing some preliminary results needed in the sequel. Let V be the dual of V. We denote by (u,f) the action of u e V on

© Petrozavodsk State University, 2022

f EV. In particular, we denote by (u)n = (u,xn), n ^ 0, the moments of the form u (linear functional).

Let us introduce some useful operations in V'. For any form u, any polynomial p and any (a, c) E C \ {0} x C, let fu, hau, 5C and (x — c)-1u be the forms defined by duality:

(fu,P) = (u, fp) ; (haU,p) = (U, haP) ,

(5c,p) = p(c); ((x — c)-lu,p) = (u, Bcp),

where hap(x) = p(ax) and (9Cp)(x) = —^^.

x — c

Then, it is straightforward to prove that for c E C and u E V

(x — c)-l((x — c)u) = u — (u)05c.

Let {Pn}n^0 be a sequence of monic polynomials (MPS for short) with deg Pn = n, n ^ 0. The dual sequence for {Pn}n^0 is the sequence {un}n^0, un E V', defined by (un, Pm) = 8nm, n,m ^ 0, where bnm is the kronecker symbol.

The linear form u is called regular if there exists a MPS {Pn}n^0, such that [8]:

(u, PmPn) = r-nSn,m, n,m ^ 0, r,n = 0, n ^ 0.

The sequence {Pn}n^0 is then said to be orthogonal with respect to u. In this case, we have

Un = ((uo,P2))-1PnUo,n > 0. (1)

Moreover, u = Xu0, where (u)0 = X = 0 [13].

In what follows, all regular linear functionals u are assumed to be normalized, i.e, (u)0 = 1.

A polynomial set {Pn}n^0 is called symmetric if and only if Pn(—x) = (—1)nPn(x),n ^ 0/

According to Favard's theorem, a monic orthogonal polynomial sequence (MOPS) is characterized by the following three-term recurrence relation [8]:


P0(x) = 1,Pi (x) = x — p0,

Pn+2(x) = (X — Pn+l)Pn+l(x) — Jn+lPn(x), U ^ 0.

with ([3n, jn+l) e C x C \ {0}, n ^ 0. The first associated with {Pn}n^o is the MOPS {Pirl)}n>o, defined by


P^1)(x) = 1, P(11)(x) = x - fa

P&te) = (x - fln^PilUx) - ln+2Pil\x), n > 0. Let us introduce the Dunkl operator [9]:

T,(f) = f' + 2»H_if, (H-if )(x) = f (x) (-x), f eV e C.

By transposition, we define the operator T^ from V' to V' as follows:

(T,u,f) = -(u,T,f ),f eV ,u eV'. In particular, this yields

(T^u)n = n(u)n-l, n ^ 0,

with the convention (w)_;l = 0 where

1 - (-1)n

= n + 2^£n,£n =-2-,n ^ 0. (4)

Note that T0 is reduced to the derivative operator D.

Using the previous definitions, we get the following formula [5]:

T^(fu) = fT^u + (T^f )u + 2/j(H_if )(h_iu - u),f eV ,u eV'. (5)

Now, consider a MOPS {Pn}n^o and let

P^(x,y) =—^(TpPn+i)(x), y = -n - 1 ,n ^ 0.

^n+l 2

Denoting by {the dual sequence of {Pn\-, we have [14]

T^U1l](^) = -^n+iun+i, n ^ 0. (6)

Definition 1. [4,7,14] A monic orthogonal polynomial sequence {Pn}n^o is said to be T^-classical (or Dunkl-classical) polynomial sequence if {T^Pn}n^L is an orthogonal polynomial sequence. In this case, the form u corresponding to {Pn}n^o is called T^-classical form.

B. Bouras proved in [5] the following theorem: Theorem 1. Let {Pn}n^o be a MPS orthogonal with respect to a linear form u0. For and № = 0, the following statements are equivalent:

(a) The sequence {Pn}n^o is Dunkl-classical.

(b) There exist a non-zero complex number K and three polynomials $ (monic), $ and ^ with deg$ ^ 2, deg$ ^ 3 and deg^ = 1, such that

K $"(0^0 K i>" '(0)

*'(0> + {4,j2'" - n) + W-W) n - "Î = 0 P)


T^$uo - 2fih-i($Uo))+1—4t~^uo = 0, (8)


x$ (x)u0 = h-1(&(x)u0). (9)

Remark 1. Symmetric Dunkl-classical forms are well described in [4]. In particular, two canonical forms appear: the generalized Hermite and the generalized Gegenbauer forms; however, for the non-symmetric case one canonical case appears: it is the regular perturbed generalized Gegenbauer form [6]

Ç(a,» - 2) = A(x - 1)-1G(a, ^ - 1) + 5U (10)


A =____, (11)

2a + 2/i + 1' y J

and G(a,^ - 2) is the generalized Gegenbauer form [1], [3].

The MOPS corresponding to Q(a, 2), which we denote {S^'^ 2^ }n^0, satisfies the three-term recurrence relation (2) with [8]

¡3n = 0 and Jn+1 = 7-+ 2a- , n > 0, (12)

' In+1 (2n + 2a + 2/i + 1)(2n + 2a + 2/i + 3)' ' V '

where ßn+1 is given in (4).

Lemma 1. [5], [7]. If [Pn}n^o is a Dunkl-classical MOPS, then u0\ß) satisfies

( Pni](;ß))2) = + - n) +

+ K&''(0) A (uo,P2+i) (13)

+ ^-V(^ -n)J-+~. (13)

3(1 - 4n2) J nn+i

2. Main Result. The main result of this section is as follows: Theorem 2. Let {Pn}n^0 be a MPS orthogonal with respect to a linear form u0. For ^ = 0, y, the following statements are equivalent.

(a) The sequence {Pn}n^0 is Dunkl-classical.

(b) There exist a non-zero complex number K and three polynomials $ (monic), deg$ ^ 2, $, deg$ ^ 3 and deg^ = 1 and a polynomial Qn, deg(Qra) = n,n ^ 0, such that

K ( \

Pn+iUo = 1 - 2T^(Qn($Uo - 2fih_i($Uo))j , n > 0, (14)

K$''(0) K&''(0)

¥(0) + w-W) t>- n)+W-U) «i - n)=0 (15)


x<& (x)u0 = h_L( $ (x)u0). (16) Proof. (a) ^ (b) From the assumption, we have

un =((uo,P*))_lPnuo,n > 0 (17)


= ((u[l(v), (P}l](-,v))2))_lP£](-,v)u0;](v),n > 0. (18) Substitution of (17) and (18) in (6) gives

T„(p£\-,»)v0\ii)) = -Vn+i — Pn+iUo, n ^ 0, (19)

f n+l

where rln = (u[\y,), (Pn\-,^,))2) and rn+i = (uo,P2+l). For n = 0, equation (19) becomes

T,u[](^) = - 1+2^Pmo. (20)


Using formula (5), equation (19) is transformed to

PP^^T^ifi) + u[](i) + 2fih-1u[(l](fi) = -2 u0. (22)

x (h-iu[](ii) - u[1](^)) = -fin+i^—Pn+iUo, n ^ 0. (21 V / rn+i

For n =1, equation (21) becomes

Ji] 1

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Substitution of (20) in (22) gives

ull (i) + 2ih-i ull (i) = K $u0, (23)


K$ = 1+lPiPl1\^i) - 2r-±-P2, (24)

li r2

and the non-zero constant K is chosen to make $ monic. Applying the operator h-i to (23), we get

h-iuH](i) + 2iu[](i) = Kh-i($u0). (25)

Multiplying (25) by 2i and subtracting the result from (23), we get

u[\l) = *\ 2($uo - 2ih-i($u0)). (26)


40 1 -Substitution of (13) and (26) in (19) gives

K /

T„[Pii](;l)($uo - 2ih-i($uo))

1 -

. k $''(0) K(§>'''(0) \

= \*'(0) + 2( 1- V) (4l2^-n) + 3K1 - (¿2)l(Cn-n))Pn+iuo,n > 0.

Thus, (14) follows, where

Qn =--^^---,n > 0.

/ K$''(0) K&"'(0) \

r'^+W-W) i'(i"-n))

Now, putting n = 2 in (21), we obtain

+ 2/iН-гР21](;»)(h-iиЦ](ц) - м^Ы) = -X2P3U0. (28) Taking into account (20) and (26), we get

(V^M - (l + 2l)H-iP^,ï))h-i(*>U0) =

= (^PPM - Tp%i)+

+ 1—Ï*H-iP?(;i) -X2Ps)u0. (29)

Applying the operator h-l to the last equation and taking into account the fact that

(T,Pll\;l))(x) - (l + 2l)(H-iPil\;l))(x) =

= ( P2])'(x,l) - (H-iP2i])(x,l) = 2x

and the formulas

h-i(xv) = -xh-iv and h-i(h-iv) = v,v eV', we obtain (15), where

ф(x) = (Pi(x)P?(x,i) - 1S>(x)(T^)(x^) +

+ ï~ïФ(x)(H-iP?)(x,l) -X2Ps(x)). (30)

(b) ^ (a) Putting n = 0 in (14), we get

К / \

Piuo = l - Q0T^Фщ - 2ih-i(&u0)). (31)

Then, according to Theorem 1, the sequence {Pn}n^o is Dunkl-classical P

with Ф = - P-. □ Qo

3. Examples. In this section, we will illustrate Theorem 2 by giving some examples. For this, we need the following results.

Let {S^'1 i')}n>0 be the sequence of orthogonal polynomials with respect to the form G(o,ß — l ) (see (10)).

The sequence {Sin*'1 2^}n>0 satisfies the recurrence relation

S^-2\x) = l,$r-1 \x) = x — ßo, (_9)

,_1 ) __._(aß— 1 ) ■_(ocß—1 ) (32)

Sn+2 2 (x) = (X — ßn+l)SnTl 2 (x) — 7n+lSn'ß 2 (x),n > 0,

with [12]

ßo = —a(0O) = 1 + A, ßn+i = a^ — al°% %+i = — a^(l + a^), > 0, where can"' is given by Maroni [12]

a(o) = _sj+i-2)(1) + A(SÎa"1-2})(l)(1) n > 0

Cn = ,-----U ,-----1N . . ,'1 > 0. (33)

s{na,i- 2 ] (l) + A(s{naT1 ]Yl)(i)

The relationship between {Sl?'1 2and [sl?'1 2is (see [12])

Sl+i-2) = S-Ti-2) + a^S^-2\ n > 0. (34)

Lemma 2. The coefficient ais given by

a<+ =---,n > 0. (35)

n 2n + 2a +2n + V V J

Proof. We will prove (35) by induction on n. Using (3), (11), (12), and (33), we get

s[a'1-2\l) + \(S0a'i-2))(l)(1) _ n Vi

/i | \\ __r^i f^Zfi.']

s0+'1-2 )(1) + \(S{+r2 ))(i)(1) - = - .

Hence, (35) is true for n = 0.

Assume that (35) is true until n and let us prove it for n +1. From (33), the recurrence hypothesis, and the three-term recurrence relation

fulfilled by {S<n+'i 2we have


(o) _ S{nT1 )(1) + A(S(na+i-1 ))(l)(1)

n+l S((+ï-1 ) (1) + A(S(n'i-1 ])(l)(1)

_ S^-2(l) + \(S{n->r2))(1)(1)X = / Jn+i\

I ln+lS^~1 )(1) + A(Sn^'it-2 ) )(D(1)' ^

= _(+_ ^n+1 + 2a ) (by (12)) = V 2n + 2a + 2 ¡i + 3J K y y "

n + 2 + 1 _ ¡(_1)n ¡n+2

2n + 2 a + 2i + 3 2n + 2 a + 2^ + 3

This completes the proof. □

Remark 2. From (35), it is easy to see that a^ satisfies the following relation:

¡n+1 x a{n+1 = ¡n+2 x a^l1),n Z 0. (37)

Lemma 3. We have the following results:

1) The generalized Hermite polynomials 'H^ satisfy [11]

T^nlAx) = ¡n+1'H<ni)(x),n Z 0. (38)

2) The generalized Gegenbauer polynomials S^*'" 2 ) satisfy [4]

tS7i-2V) = in+1S{:l1'"-1 \x),n Z 0. (39)

3) The sequence of orthogonal polynomials S^*'" 2 ) satisfy

tS+i-1 \x) = InnSt11'"-2)(x),n Z 0. (40)

Proof. We aim at proving (40); from (34) and (39), we have:

T q( - 1 ) (\ = T S (a,"- 1 ) (\ + (a) T S (a,"-2 )(\ =

T"Snl2 (-L) = ±"°nl2 ('L)+ anl1T"Snl1 (d,) =

= S(*+1'"-2) , ) + (a) Sit*11"-2)( , =

— 1nl2Sni1 (X ) + ani1lnl1Sn (X ) —

(a+12 ), -, (a) ¡n+1 a(a

= / S (al1'"-2) +a(a) 1nl1 S (al1'"-2 )(A =

= ¡nl2\ Snl1 (X) + an+1 Sn (Xn =

v 1n+2 J

¡n+2 (Slail1'"-2\x) + a^Si*11'»-1 )(x)) by (37) :

= ¡¡ni2S{nli''1 2\x),n Z 0. Moreover, it is clear that T»s1*'" 2\x) = 1 + 2i = ¡1s0*11'" 2\x).

Hence the desired result. □

Example 1. Generalized Hermite polynomials. The sequence of generalized Hermite polynomials [H<;t1}n^o is symmetric Dunkl-classical and its associated form H(i) satisfies (7)-(9) with [5]

$(x) = 1, $(x) = -x, tf(x) = 2x, K = 1 + 2/i. (41)

Using (27), (38), and (41), we can easily prove that

Qn(x) = -2 Hnil)(x),n Z 0. The form H(i) is symmetric, i.e, H(i) = h-lH(i). Then H(i) - 2nh-iH(n) = (1 - 2n)H(n).

According to Theorem 2, the sequence {Hn1}^ satisfies the following relation:

H<IiH(ii) = - 1Ti(Hnil)H(i)), n z 0


Ln+i/Lw — 2 i

Example 2. Generalized Gegenbauer polynomials. The sequence

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of generalized Gegenbauer polynomials {sI?'1 2) }nzo is symmetric Dunkl-classical and its associated form Q(a,i - |) satisfies (7)-(9) with [5]

$(x) = x2 - 1, $(x) = -x(x2 - 1),

, s , s (1 + 2a)(a + 1 + 2)

V(x) = (2 a + 2i + 3)x,K = ---—---^. (42)

a + 1

From (27), (39) and (42), we can easily prove that

Qn(x) = --^-—-7-—- S(:+l'i-2)(x),n Z 0.

Q() (a + i + | )(n + 2 + 2a + i(1 - (-1)n)) ( ), '

Moreover, since Q(a,i - |) is symmetric, then we have

G(a,l - ^ = h-i(<3(a,i - 2)),

Multiplying the last equation by x| - 1, we obtain

(x2 - 1)Q(a,i - 1) = h-i((x2 - 1)Q(a,i - 2)),


{x2-1)G {a, a-2)-2lih-1((x2-1)g {a, a-1)) = {1-2a)){x2-1)g {a, a-1).

Thus, according to Theorem 2, the sequence [S^'^ 2satisfies the following relation:

2 )n( L 1

Sn+1 2 У {a,a--) =-;-;-r^X

n+l ^ 2 n + 2 + 2a + a{1 - (-1)n)

x T^{Sia+1'^-2 V - 1)g {a,a - 1)), n Z 0.

Example 3. Non-symmetric Dunkl-classical orthogonal polynomials. The sequence [S2 is non-symmetric Dunkl-classical and its associated form G{a,a - J) satisfies (7)-(9) with [5]

Ф{х) = {x - 1){x + 1 + ), Ф{x) = x{x - 1){x - 1 - ^), y(x)= {1 + 2a + 2a)2 x _ 1 + 2a ч K = {2a - 1){l + 2g + 2a) {x) 2a V 1 + 2a + 2a J, 2a


for a = 0.

On the one hand, we use (27), (40), and (43) and we get

Qn{x) = - {2a + 2a + 1){n +1+2a + a{1 +{-1)n)) ^^ 2){x),n Z 0 On the other hand, from (10) we have

{x - 1)g{a,a - 1) = xg{a,a - 1). (44)

Since Q{a, a - 2) is symmetric, we have Q{a,a - 2) = h-l{Q{a, a - 2)), or, equivalently, in (44):

{x - 1)<5{a,a - 1) = h-i{{x - 1)Q{a,a - ^^ Multiplying the last equation by x - , we obtain

{x-1)(x- <3{a,a-1) = -h-i{{x- 1)(x + <3{a,a-1)).


Now, from the first equality in (43) and (45), we have

$(x)§(a, ß - 2) - 2ßh-i(&(x)Q(a, ß - \)) = (1 + 2ß)(x2 - 1)Ç(a, ß - 1).

„ ! (46)

Consequently, according to Theorem 2, the sequence {S^n'^ 2satisfies the following relation:

o(<*'ß-2 ) ni ^ 1 w

S.,,^ 2 y(a,ß - - ) =-------—-— x

n+1 v 2' n + 1 + 2a + ß(1 + (-1)n)

x Tß(S^-2 V - 1)g(a,ß - 2)),n z 0.

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank the editor and the anonymous referees for their useful comments and suggestions.


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Received December 12, 2021. In revised form, March 21, 2022. Accepted March 22, 2022. Published online April 2, 2022.

Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences, Gabes University, Tunisia

Y. Habbachi

E-mail: Yahiahabbachi@gmail.com B. Bouras

E-mail: Belgacem.Bouras@issatgb.rnu.tn

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