Научная статья на тему 'A new species of the genus Xylariophilus Pal & Lawrence, 1986 from Malaysia (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae: Xylariophilinae)'

A new species of the genus Xylariophilus Pal & Lawrence, 1986 from Malaysia (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae: Xylariophilinae) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
taxonomy / new species / description / Coleoptera / Bothrideridae / Xylariophilinae / Malaysia

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Háva J.

The species Xylariophilus ornatus sp. n. from Pahang, Malaysia, is described, illustrated and compared with similar species.

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Текст научной работы на тему «A new species of the genus Xylariophilus Pal & Lawrence, 1986 from Malaysia (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae: Xylariophilinae)»


DOI: 10.24412/2226-0773-10-4-529-532

A new species of the genus Xylariophilus Pal & Lawrence, 1986 from Malaysia (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae: Xylariophilinae)

J. Háva

Forestry and Game Management Research Institute

Strnady 136, CZ-252 02 Praha 5 - Zbraslav, Czech Republic

e-mail: jh.dermestidae@volny.cz

Key words: taxonomy, new species, description, Coleoptera, Bothrideridae, Xylariophilinae, Malaysia.

Abstract: The species Xylariophilus ornatus sp. n. from Pahang, Malaysia, is described, illustrated and compared with similar species.


The species of the genus Xylariophilus Pal & Lawrence, 1986 are characterized by their small body size (less than 2 mm in length) and beautiful color pattern on the elytra which are rarely seen in the family Bothrideridae.

The following four species have been described in the genus: Xylariophilus bicoloripennis and X. honoratus both from Australia: Queensland, X. andoi from Laos and Thailand and X. comatus from India: Arunachal Pradesh (Pal & Lawrence 1986, Aoki 2013). Among the bothriderid beetles collected in Malaysia by my colleagues, I have found a remarkable species of Xylariophilus which is different from any of the four known species mentioned above, and is described as a new species.

Materials and Methods

The size of the beetles or of their body parts can be useful in species recognition and thus, the following measurements were made:

total length (TL) - linear distance from anterior margin of head to apex of elytra.

elytral width (EW) - maximum linear transverse distance.

The holotype specimen is deposited in the following collection: JHAC - Jiří Háva, Private Entomological Laboratory & Collection, Únětice u Prahy, Prague-West, Czech Republic.

Specimen of the presently described species is provided with red, printed label with text as follows: “HOLOTYPE Xylariophilus ornatus sp. nov. Jiří Háva det. 2021”.


Xylariophilus ornatus sp. n.

Figs. 1-4

Description. Male. Body measurements (mm) TL 2.67 EW 1.25. Head black, only slightly longer than wide, clypeus brown, distinctly projecting in transverse trapezoid form, with a strong long seta on each side; surface densely covered with long yellow setae and rather sparsely with oval punctures. Palpomeres light brown. Eyes not very prominent, without facetal setae. Antennae light brown with dark brown antennal club (Fig. 3), composed of 11 antennomeres (left antenna missing). Pronotum transverse, black, with long yellow setation, laterally with intermixed long, erect black setae, finely punctured, lateral margins strongly converging anteriorly, weakly sinuate on each side of anterior margin; posterior angles about 120°, provided interiorly with a small hook. Elytra yellowish with black maculae (Figs. 1-2), covered by long yellow setation with intermixed long erect black setae. Epipleuron dark brown with short yellow setae. Scutellum small, broadly triangular, black. Ventral side of prothorax covered with elongate oval punctures and short yellow setae, but not so densely as on dorsal side; procoxae close together, procoxal process very narrow, weakly expanded apically. Mesosternum strongly sculptured to form distinct network, metasternum glabrous with median impressed line 0.5× as long as median length of sternum, covered by short yellow setation. Pygidium brown with yellow setaion. Abdominal ventrites wide, brown, densely covered with short yellow setae. Legs light brown with yellow setation, tarsi with 4 tarsomeres. Male genitalia as in Fig. 4.

Female. Unknown.

Differential diagnosis. The new species similar to other known species but differs by the following characters:

Head and pronotum black; elytra yellowish with black maculae. Upper surfaces slightly shiny, densely clothed with long, fine setae. Body length 2.67 mm……………………………….X. ornatus sp. n.

Head reddish-brown; legs and antennae yellow except for reddish-brown terminal club; pronotum wholly black or reddish-brown in anterior half; elytra yellowish-brown with black maculae. Upper surfaces somewhat shiny, densely clothed with long, fine setae. Body length 2.3-2.5 mm..……..………….……..…….X. andoi Aoki, 2013

Head reddish-brown; pronotum reddish-brown with a longitudinal black marking on each side extending from anterior to posterior angle and occupying about one-seventh of the width. Elytra whitish-yellow with distinct black markings forming a complex pattern. Upper surfaces somewhat shiny, densely clothed with long, fine setae. Body length 1.63-1.70 mm.………….X. bicoloripes Pal & Lawrence, 1986

Head deep brown; pronotum reddish-brown with posterior four-ninths and anterolateral angles black. Elytra yellowish-brown with black markings forming 3 irregular bands. Upper surfaces slightly shiny, densely clothed with long, fine setae. Body length 1.93 mm...………..X. comatus Pal & Lawrence, 1986

Head deep brown; pronotum black or blackish-brown with anterior fifth or sixth reddish-brown; elytra yellowish-brown to reddish-brown with black markings usually forming 3 characteristic bands. the middle one broken at the suture and the posterior one sometimes absent. Upper surfaces somewhat shiny, densely clothed with long, fine setae. Body length 1.48-1.88 mm.……...X. honoratus Pal & Lawrence, 1986

Type material. Holotype, male: Malaysia,W Pahang, 35 km SEE Ipoh, 1500 m, 4°28N 101°23E, Tanah Rata, 24.iv.2001, Říha lgt. - JHAC.

Etymology. Named for the characteristic ornamental elytral pattern.

Acknowledgement. I am very grateful to Larry Bezark (Sacramento, USA) for the revision of the English manuscript.


Aoki J. 2013. Bothriderid Beetles of Southeast Asia, I. A New Species of the Genus Xylariophilus (Coleoptera, Bothrideridae) from Laos and Thailand. - Elytra, Tokyo, New Series 3(2): 225-228.

Pal T.K., Lawrence J.F. 1986. A new genus and subfamily of mycophaous (Bothrideridae: Cucujoidea) from the Indo-Australia Region, with notes on related families. - Journal of the Australian Entomological Society. 25: 185-210.

Fig. 1-4. Xylariophilus ornatus sp. n., holotype, male: 1 - habitus, dorsal; 2 - habitus, lateral; 3 - antenna; 4 - male genitalia.

Received: 18.03.2021

Accepted: 23.03.2021

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