Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьш исследователей)»
УДК 681.62
А. П. Голушко, Е. В. Титкова Научный руководитель - Н. И. Чугунова Руководитель по иностранному языку - О. В. Маслова
Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева
Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31 Е-mail: anna-6991@mail.ru , titkova_katya@mail.ru
ЗО-принтер - это устройство, предназначенное для производства объемных, трехмерных моделей путем наращивания или послойного изготовления. Возможностям применения технологий трехмерной печати, получившим широкое распространение в области промышленности, медицины сфере культуры, посвящена данная статья.
Ключевые слова: ЗО-принтер, методы трехмерной печати, послойное изготовление деталей, стереолитография, модели из листового материала, селективное лазерное спекание, послойная заливка экструдированным расплавом, изготовление моделей зданий, ЗО-принтер в медицине, мир высокой моды.
A. P. Golushko, E. V. Titkova Scientific Supervisor - N. I. Chugunova Foreign Language Supervisor - O. V. Maslova
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation Е-mail: anna-6991@mail.ru , titkova_katya@mail.ru
3О printer is a device, designed for volumetric, three-dimensional models production by creating models by means of layer manufacturing. Description of three-dimensional printing technology application, which is widespread in industry, medicine, in the sphere of culture, is presented in this article.
Keywords: 3О printer, three dimensional printing methods, layer-by-layer manufacture of parts, stereolithography, models from sheet material, selective laser sintering, layer-by-layer filling of the extruded melt, making models of buildings, 3О printer in medicine, the world of high fashion.
Latest developments in science and technology are being implemented in modern life at a rapid speed. Technologies seemed almost inaccessible to realization a few years ago, now are firmly entrenched in everyday life.
One of the clearest examples is 3D printing technology, which is widely distributed in the world. This printing method is applied in various fields: from manufacturing machine parts to creation of fashionable clothes.
Three-dimensional basic printing methods and application of such technologies are presented in this
In general, 3D printer is a device for production of volumetric, three-dimensional models by the layer-by-layer fabrication. Basis for the future 3D model is a project created by using special software, and choice of materials is determined by the received model scope.
It should be noted that three-dimensional printers are widely used in industrial production during the last thirty years and appear to form an alternative approach in manufacturing of prototypes and various part models, what helps to save engineers time.
Technology used in three-dimensional printing appeared in 80-ies of the last century.
Technology of stereolithography appeared first and was based on the idea of creating a layered three-dimensional model from a special photopolymer, curable under the influence of laser radiation based on ultraviolet radiation. The model is created by gradual build-up layers, thickness of which does not exceed 0.2 millimeters. This technology was pioneered by Charles Hull, who later founded a company for mass 3D printers production. Created by technology of stereolithography, models are characterized by a relatively low cost. Used materials are well suited to handle, though do not tolerate destructive moisture influence.
Another printing option was suggested by Michael Feigen. His solution was to create three-dimensional models from any sheet material, such as film, plastic, paper. Individual layers were fastened by heat to a certain temperature roller. Resulting models roughness is the main drawback of this printing method. In addition printed prototypes can be delaminated under the water influence.
In 1986 Carl Descartes invented method of selective laser sintering. Three-dimensional model is obtained by sintering a powder material under the influence of a laser beam. Heated to desired temperature, material is processed with a laser beam that draws a right path. As material can be metal, thermoplastic or ceramic material, which provides product's durability and reliability.
One of the latest 3D printing methods was layer-by-layer filling of an extruded melt that was patented by Scott Crump in 1988. Usage of such technology involves application of finest thermoplastic yarns, heated to a certain temperature and supplied through a special head that squeezes material in very thin layers on a flexible head. Layers are stacked on each other, gradually cooling down and solidifying.
Also there are other three-dimensional printing technologies, but those above are most common. Technology choice is determined by function of the future product, material for its production, precision performance and cost.
Advantage of 3D printers is the speed of creating models. Present invention was seen by specialists in various fields and has become widely used.
Three-dimensional printers have whole infrastructure display. Cheap plaster composite that provides finished models low cost is used for such samples. Engineers from the University of Southern California managed to create a 3D system, giving the opportunity to work with bulky objects. Printer works on the principle of crane, erecting building walls from layers of concrete. Construction of such structure took about 20 hours, and it only remains to insert windows and doors in existing construction.
3D printers are also widely used in the field of medicine. 3D printer's usage allows saving lives, because it has become possible to create a unique prosthesis, which will accurately reflect individual characteristics of the patient. Medical models can be made from a variety of materials, including living cells. Physicians also managed to use this print to create patches for damaged human skin, using as a material a special gel from donor cells.
High technologies application did not miss the world of high fashion. For example, Dutch fashion designer Iris Van Herpen presented his own collection on a fashion week in Paris. All models were printed on a 3D printer. This apparel technology allows using multiple materials simultaneously, that solves question of manufactured clothes strength and elasticity. Things, created by printing are not very beautiful, but sometimes are extremely convenient. As an example, footwear, which is created on a three-dimensional printer, consider each customer individual peculiarity, including shape and size of foot.
Three-dimensional printing technology is prevalent in many areas and will soon become available to almost everyone. Major advantages of these technologies are simplicity and speed of models production. Every year three-dimensional printers are getting closer to home use. Such devices application does not seem unusual. Perhaps there will be time when a 3D printer will become as available as a refrigerator or microwave, which at the dawn of its emergence also seemed to be something unusual.
1. 3D printers and their application range. Overview of bulk printing models [Electronic resource]. URL: http://gooosha.ru/ (access date: 25.02.2016).
2. The 3D printing scope. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.orgprint.com/wiki/3d-pechat/sfery-primenenija-3D-pechati (access date: 29.02.2016).
3. 3D printer - how it works. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.fotokomok.ru/3d-printer-kak-eto-rabotaet/ (access date: 12.02.2016).
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