Научная статья на тему '10 ways to make a public performance interesting'

10 ways to make a public performance interesting Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Zhamolatdinova Laylo Ruzibayevna, Bobodzhonova Yulduz Igorovna, Ruzmetova Shohsanam Temur Qizi

The article analyzes the problems related to improving oratory ability as making public speaking fun is one of the things that are going to take an average public speaker and give them enough practice to turn them into a good or great public speaker. We have given several activities for improving speaking ability of learners and we hope that this will help future teachers in a wide content. They can make use of these activities in teaching different aged learners, including teenagers, and adults as well.

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В статье анализируются проблемы, связанные с улучшением ораторского мастерства, поскольку превращение публичных выступлений в веселье это одна из вещей, которая привлечет обычного оратора и даст им достаточно практики, чтобы превратить его в хорошего или великого оратора. Мы провели несколько мероприятий по улучшению речевых способностей учащихся и надеемся, что это поможет будущим учителям в широком содержании. Они могут использовать эти виды деятельности для обучения учащихся разного возраста, в том числе подростков и взрослых.

Текст научной работы на тему «10 ways to make a public performance interesting»


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Zhamolatdinova L.R. , Bobodzhonova Yu.I. , Ruzmetova Sh.T. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Zhamolatdinova446@scientifictext.ru

1Zhamolatdinova Laylo Ruzibayevna - Independent Researcher; 2Bobodzhonova Yulduz Igorovna - Student; 3Ruzmetova Shohsanam Temur qizi - Student, ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF FOREIGN PHILOLOGY, URGENCH STATE UNIVERSITY, URGENCH, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: the article analyzes the problems related to improving oratory ability as making public speaking fun is one of the things that are going to take an average public speaker and give them enough practice to turn them into a good or great public speaker. We have given several activities for improving speaking ability of learners and we hope that this will help future teachers in a wide content. They can make use of these activities in teaching different aged learners, including teenagers, and adults as well. Keywords: speech, speaking, activity, creativeness, collaboration.


ИНТЕРЕСНЫМ Жамолатдинова Л.Р.1, Бободжонова Ю.И.2, Рузметова Ш.Т.3 (Республика Узбекистан)

1 Жамолатдинова Лайло Рузибаевна - независимый исследователь; 2Бободжонова Юлдуз Игоровна - жудент;

3Рузметова Шохсанам Темур кизи - cm^удент, факультет иностранной филологии, кафедра английского языка, Ургенчский государственный университет, г. Ургенч, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье анализируются проблемы, связанные с улучшением ораторского мастерства, поскольку превращение публичных выступлений в веселье -это одна из вещей, которая привлечет обычного оратора и даст им достаточно практики, чтобы превратить его в хорошего или великого оратора. Мы провели несколько мероприятий по улучшению речевых способностей учащихся и надеемся, что это поможет будущим учителям в широком содержании. Они могут использовать эти виды деятельности для обучения учащихся разного возраста, в том числе подростков и взрослых.

Ключевые слова: речь, говорение, деятельность, креативность, сотрудничество.

1. My Friend's Fictional Life. In this activity, what you do is you get up in front of people (you can do it home by yourself as well) and you take one of your friends and you introduce them. However, instead of introducing them in the normal way you make up a fictional life for them. So you say, hi this is Jane Smith, and she actually moonlights as a jazz pianist for the underground mafia. And you talk about her life, whatever it may be. It's generally pretty funny as well.

2. Impromptu Game. You basically just get up in front of people and somebody gives you something impromptu to run with. It might be a topic, it might be a sentence or it might just be a single word or anything like that. But generally we run with just a certain topic. For example: They need to talk about climate change or they need to talk about what makes a great teacher, or they need to talk about social media changes or whatever. So that the impromptu game.

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3. Funny Image Game. This is similar to the impromptu game, but basically what you do is you give the speaker a funny image; you can find these easily just searching through Google and you get them to talk about that image. You can pretend it's their life experience and how this impacted my life or they can talk about why this image is important and what this image means or what's the story behind this image.

4. Continuous Story. This is best done with a group of people. Each person gets up and might speak for anywhere from 20 seconds to a minute and they start telling a story. And when their time is up, the next person has to get up and they have to continue the story. So, obviously each person doesn't know what the person before them is going to say and so they have to continue the story. The goal of this is to make the story make sense. This game helps people engage in listening and learn to be creative enough to make the story continue on and make sense.

5. Something In My Wallet. You can use your own wallet or (if people are comfortable enough and happy to do it) you can get the person sitting next to you's wallet. Take an item out of the wallet and discuss what this item is and why its important and obviously you are trying to elaborate and make it funny as much as possible.

6. Action Story. This can be done in 2 ways.

A) You tell a story that has a whole great of actions in it and as a speaker you have to do these actions yourself whilst speaking.

B) Or the audience has to do the actions themselves while the speaker is giving their speech. So you could say; I did a big stretch when I woke up in the morning. And everybody has to stretch. And then you say, I put on my hat, and everybody has to do the actions in line with that.

7. Make A Commercial. Get a bunch of things from your room or from your house, bring them in and you need to make a commercial about these items. Someone is giving a random product. It might be a deodorant, might be an iphone, it could be anything. And then they are required to give a 30 second to 1 minute commercial on this product and talk about why this is so awesome and why people should buy it. So that's a really fun one as well.

8. A Fake Holiday. This one is done with images primarily and a set of images that are related to each other. So it could be a farm where you have images of animals, or the barn house or something funny happening on the farm. The speaker is required to tell maybe 1, 2 or 3 sentences for each image and then you click forward to the next image. Then they need to use the next image to continue the story. So you are using these images as the key cards, as to where the story needs to go so the person needs to adapt the story based on the images that are given.

9. Alternative Ending. You take a well-known TV show or a well-known movie. And what you do is you create an alternative ending for it.

10. Connect The Nouns. This is really a fun one, I really like this one. You can do this by either putting nouns on key cards shuffling them up and picking 2 up at a time or you can use this random noun generator. You get 2 nouns and you then have to create a story that connects that 2 nouns. So it might be 'a sheep' and 'a mechanic' or it could be 'friend' and 'shoelace'. Then you have to create a story that connects those 2 nouns together.

References / Список литературы

1. Оттенхаймер Гарриет, 2009. Антропология языка: введение в лингвистическую антропологию. Белмонт, Калифорния: Уодсворт Кенгаж Лернингю. С. 129-145. ISBN 9781428848849.

2. Ирвин Джудит, 1974. Стратегии манипулирования Сатаусом в приветствии волофов. Кембридж.

3. Оттенхаймер Гарриет, 2009. Антропология говорения: введение в лингвистическую антропологию. Белмонт, Калифорния: Уодсвот. п. 122. ISBN 9781111828752.

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References in English / Список литературы на английском языке

1. Ottenheimer Harriet, 2009. The Anthropology of Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. pp. 129-145. ISBN 9781428848849.

2. Irvine Judith, 1974. Stratagies of Sataus Manipulation in the Wolof greeting. Cambridge.

3. Ottenheimer Harriet, 2009. The Anthropology of Speaking: an Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology. Belmont. CA: Wadswoth. Р. 122. ISBN 9781111828752.

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