Медицинские технологии список научных статей
Рассмотрена возможность использования метода относительных измерений рычажным микрометром при превышении предельными отклонениями контролируемого размера диапазона показаний шкалы стрелочного отсчетного устройства микрометра.The possibility of using the method of relative measurements with a...
2017 / Леонов О. А. -
In the next years, the need for increase in number of channels of a land network will quickly continue grow. In this article, considered a problem of increase in capacity of networks from the fiber-optical communication line, transfer questions on one optical fiber of two signals in opposite...
2017 / Boymanov I.J. -
Актуальность.На сегодняшний день вопрос о психофизиологических механизмах восприятия изображений, содержащих иллюзорные искажения, остается открытым. Практически нет данных о специфике работы мозга при распознавании различных видов иллюзий.Цель. Анализ временной динамики вызванной активности мозга...
2023 / Денисова Екатерина Геннадьевна, Зайцева Юлия Николаевна, Ермаков Павел НиколаевичВАК -
Exact analytical solutions of elliptic and hyperbolic equations in a multichannel multistatic positioning system are obtained. The results of modeling the Time Sum of Arrival (TSoA) and Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) methods for estimating the object coordinates by arrival times with...
2023 / Kuptsov V.D., Ivanov S.I.ВАК -
Частотнi залежностi ринологiчних параметрiв електричного бiоiмпедансу в областi навколоносових i носових пазух
Дослiджено можливостi тричастотної широкосмугової електричної бiоiмпедансометрiї носових i навколоносових областей з точки зору оцiнки стану i динамiки ринологiчних ускладнень за частотними залежностями параметрiв повного електричного опору (iмпедансу) цих областей. Дослiдження виконанi...
2019 / Шарпан О. Б. Мосiйчук В. С. -
Parameters of the Сarrier Sense Multiple Access Protocol with Conflicts Resolving at the Physical Layer
At present, the global growth of communication needs makes us more efficient in using of the frequency spectrum. The development of communication systems requires an increase of throughputs, but the frequency spectrum is limited, which will not allow to increase the channel width or the number of...
2019 / Yerokhin V.F., Poliakova A.S., Sboiev R.Yu., Hol V.D. -
Mathematical Model of Complex Radio-Location Portrait of Aim with a Final Number of Bright Points
Introduction. To form radio-location portrait (RLP) of aim – in the structures and algorithms of modern radar sets (RS), methods based on high identification signals are used. The hereinabove was established by the research analysis concerning the synthesis of RLP and existing approaches to the...
2020 / Shynkaruk O.M., Kyrylenko V.A., Babii V.A., Polishchuk V.V., Babaryka A.O., Chukanov A.I. -
Features of Testing and Selection of Implant-Valves to Reduce Intraocular Pressure
Drainage implantation in glaucoma is usually performed after previous unsuccessful treatments and is the patient’s last chance to save vision. The article describes a device that allows to automate the process of preoperative checking different types of implants used for the output of intraocular...
2020 / Tkachuk R.A., Yanenko O.P. -
Scattering of Optical Pulses by Add-Drop Filters on Dielectric Microresonators
We consider a system of ring microresonators with whispering gallery oscillations of ultrahigh-Q, which are widely used to construct various integrated filters of the optical wavelength range. Using the perturbation theory, an electrodynamic model has been developed that describes a complex system...
2020 / -
Comparison of Monopolar and Bipolar Cox-Maze Ablation Based on Clinical Data and Mathematical Modeling
Purpose: Today radiofrequency heart ablation is gold standard for the radical surgical treatment of different types of heart rhythm disturbances. The purpose of the research is a comparative analysis of monopolar and bipolar electrodes for ablation during open heart surgery (Cox-Maze ablation)....
2020 / Stasiuk Y.P., Sychyk M.M., Maksymenko V.B., Kravchuk B.B. -
Computer Modelling Technologies of Optical System of Polarizing Thermal Imager
The energetic resolution is a main parameter of any thermal imager depending on the transmittance of its optical system. The optical system of a polarizing thermal imager (PTI) consists of a polarizer, a phase shifter and a lens arranged in series on the optical axis. This paper proposes a method...
2020 / Kolobrodov V.H. -
Хмарний сервiс вiзуального монiторингу динамiки функцiонального стану пацiєнта за параметрами електричного бiоiмпедансу
Представлено результати розроблення власного хмарного сервiсу i гнучкого веб-iнтерфейсу системи електричної бiоiмпедансометрiї, яка використовується в задачах дiагностики складу тiла i його бiогiдратностi. Система може бути використана як окремо, наприклад у разi вирiшення питань контролю складу...
2021 / Мосiйчук В. С., Шарпан О. Б. -
Investigation of Lung Sounds Features for Detection of Bronchitis and COPD Using Machine Learning Methods
The study is dedicated to the issue of investigation of the lung sounds digital analysis processing methods, searching for new informative features of pathological respiratory sounds and using machine learning methods for classifying the state of the bronchopulmonary system. In particular, the use...
2021 / Porieva H.S., Ivanko K.O., Semkiv C.I., Vaityshyn V.I. -
Method for Blink Detection in Single Channel of Invasive Electromyogram Signal
Problem statement. Facial nerve damage is the cranial nervous system disorder often leading to facial muscle paralysis, which might be effectively restored using functional electrical stimulation of the fully or partially denervated circular muscle of the eye to achieve muscle contraction to close...
2021 / Bobrov A.L., Borysenko O.M., Popov A.O. -
Solving the Inverse Problem of Relationship Between Action Potentials and Field Potentials in Cardiac Cells
Multiple electrode array (MEA) systems are the instrument platforms being used for cardiac extracellular electrophysiology investigation. Key applications of MEA technology are disease modeling and screening of drug effects. To solve these problems the efforts of many scientists are directed to...
2021 / Ivanushkina N.G., Ivanko K.O., Shpotak M.O., Prokopenko Y.V. -
Optimum Coherent and Incoherent Demodulators of BPSK and DBPSK Radio Signals with Manchester Encoding
Algorithms and schemes of optimal coherent and incoherent demodulators of binary radio signals with phase and differential phase shift-keying (DPSK) with Manchester encoding of the modulating signal are proposed. The use of DPSK makes it possible to effectively deal with the phase ambiguity of the...
2021 / Parfeniuk V.H., Sabadash S.S., Stavisiuk R.L. -
Myocardial Ischemia Detection Using a Reduced Number of ECG Leads
The study is devoted to the investigation of the electrocardiographic (ECG) features to distinguish norm and myocardial ischemia in reduced set of electrocardiographic leads. In particular, for myocardial ischemia detection the spectral features of the electrocardiographic signal and...
2022 / Mnevets A.V., Ivanushkina N.G., Ivanko K.O. -
Лiнза Ротмана Ku-дiапазону iз 4-ма вихiдними портами
Розглянута лiнза Ротмана Ku-дiапазону, яка використовується для живлення антенної системи з метою формування багатопроменевої дiаграми спрямованостi. Узгодження лiнзи за параметром S11 досягає < -10 дБ у робочому дiапазонi частот. Для отриманої геометрiї лiнзи кут сканування антени, що має чотири...
2023 / Мельник Т. Й., Сушко О. Ю. -
Метод та алгоритм обробки електроенцефалографiчних сигналiв у комп’ютерних медичних дiагностичних системах для виявлення психоемоцiйних показникiв людини
Розроблено метод та алгоритм обробки електроенцефалографiчних сигналiв при психоемоцiйному навантаженнi для пiдвищення iнформативностi комп’ютерних медичних дiагностичних систем з метою виявлення часових переходiв мiж рiзними психоемоцiйними станами у людей. Метод та алгоритм обробки...
2023 / Хвостiвський М. О., Панькiв I. М., Фуч О. В., Хвостiвська Л. В., Бойко Р. Р., Дунець В. Л., Карташов В. В. -
Method of Complex Envelope Processing for Signal Edges Detection
Problem statement. The need of information processing automation in modern radio monitoring systems stimulates development of flexible methods for signal detection and its parameters estimation in time domain. A priori uncertainty of signal time-frequency structure complicates the automatic...
2023 / Buhaiov M.V.