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bilingual education / the humanities / principle of cultural conformity / competences / mentality / international/foreign students

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khudobina O.F., Fedulov I.N.

There is shown the importance of using a principle of cultural conformity in creating different problem situations during bilingual training at higher schools. There are considered case studies which were put to use in the process of teaching the humanities.

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наиболее приемлемые для них пути работы с информацией и в то же время осваивать новые, расширяя свои возможности в дидактическом процессе;

- принцип самоорганизации, способствующий самоопределению магистрантов как субъектов целенаправленного профессионального становления;

- принцип самореализации, позволяющий включать в процесс обучения магистрантов результаты их личного научно-методического поиска на правах полноценной учебной информации.

При всём кажущемся разнообразии представленных выше принципов структурирования учебного материала дисциплин по менеджменту образования они преследуют общую цель: обеспечить эффективность его использования для профессиональной подготовки будущего менеджера образовательной сферы как субъекта управления и, в то же время, самоуправления, максимально учитывая содержательный и дидактический потенциал дисциплин, а также и потенциал самого студента как полноценной, интеллектуально, эмоционально и культурно развитой личности, нацеленной на выполнение актуальных задач в сфере образовательного менеджмента.

Список литературы

1. Гриньова М.В. Менеджмент загальноосвгт-шх навчальних заклащв / М.В. Гриньова, Л.В.Ма-лаканова, Г.Ю. Сорошна. - Полава: ПП «Астрая», 2012. - 311 с.

2. Демчук В.С. Основи освггаього менеджменту / В.С. Демчук. - К.: Летай; 2007. - 263 с.

3. Драч I. Особливосп професшно! дiяльностi викладачiв вищо! школи в шформацшному сусшль-ствi / 1рина Драч // Iмiдж сучасного педагога. - №1. - 2013. - С. 27-30.

4. Зорина Л.Я. Программа - учебник - учитель / Л.Я. Зорина. - М.: Знание, 1989. - 80 с.

5. Корягина О.В. Структурирование учебного материала как один из аспектов технологичности учебного процесса в целом / О.В. Корягина. - [Интернет-ресурс] . - Режим доступа к документу http://www.rusnauka.com/15.PNR 2007/Pedagogica/ 21957.doc.htm

6. Кремень В.Г. Проблеми якосп украшсько! освгга в контексл сучасних цившзацшних змш / Василь Григорович Кремень // Директор школи, ль цею, пмнази. - № 5-6. - 2014. - С. 6-11.

7. Методика викладання у вищш школi / О.В. Малихш. 1.Г. Павленко, О.О. Лаврентьева, Г.1. Матукова. - К.: КНТ, 2014. - 262 с.

Khudobina O.F.

candidate of education, associate professor of the chair of Physics, Volgograd State Medical University;

Fedulov I.N.

doctor ofphilosophy science, professor of the chair of Philosophy Volgograd State Social Pedagogical





There is shown the importance of using a principle of cultural conformity in creating different problem situations during bilingual training at higher schools. There are considered case studies which were put to use in the process of teaching the humanities.

Keywords: bilingual education, the humanities, principle of cultural conformity, competences, mentality, international/foreign students.

Intensive processes of international integration cover a wide range of spheres and an educational one. Our region has become an important experimental area for different international educational projects and for studying of a great number of foreign students within the ideas of bilingual instruction. Bilingual education means instruction with the use of two languages - English (for three years) and Russian (senior courses). Thus, a foreign language (Russian) is used as the medium of instruction in a subject other than the language itself. To be successful bilingual education requires in-depth study of universal, cultural, national, religious and individual values in educational systems. It calls for special methods, new principles of pedagogical and methodological conceptions.

A person developed in another cultural medium, has different outlook, different thinking, cultural values, ideas and key points. However, the process of studying in Russian higher school is mostly aimed at Russian student. That is why foreign students have to face

with both new notions, determined by their future profession and entirely different mentality, thinking to being, values etc. Many elements of Russian culture do not have any equivalents in native language of a foreign student. This «cultural dissonance» impedes progress of successful communication in educational process, complicates socialization of international students and finally hampers the instruction itself. Thus, the key point of bilingual education must be «a dialogue of mentalities», including gentle, gradual immersion of students into foreign for them cultural and communicative environment, subjected to their national and cultural peculiarities. The principle educational idea is cultural conformity of bilingual interaction [1]. To understand Russian mentality well it is important to study Russian history, Russian classical and modern literature, Russian cultural and philosophical traditions. However, we face one more problem here - students are not very keen on studying nonspecialized humanitarian disciplines. To solve the problem with reference

to bilingual education it is necessary to implement cul-turological approach combining foundations of professional, national and world culture. The approach has been realized by one of the authors of the article at the practical classes in History of Russia at the Volgograd state medical university. The key idea of the method is comparative analysis of historical events and periods in Russia and students' native land. For example, in VII century Slavic tribes divided into three main groups: the eastern, western and southern slavs. Speaking about this important event it is interesting for students from Islamic countries to emphasize that Islam arose in Arabia in the same century. Students from Africa listen with interest the fact that the process of formation of Kievan Russia coincided with that of strong states replacing each other in the territory of modern Chad. Students start discussing

the questions with great interest that results in deep knowledge in the subject and breaking of different educational and psychological barriers. It promotes increase of level of informative motivation and efficiency of the process of training as a whole.

In 1957 Soviet Union started the first artificial satellite of the Earth and this year colonial independence was proclaimed in Malaysia making it possible for the country to be an independent nation. It is necessary to point out the distinctions between the discussed processes. It is essential to place the main emphasis on the statement of their unity and similarity in the main point — the necessity of reaching mutual understanding between people of different faiths and cultures for preservation of a human civilization.

Studying a subject of the tataro-Mongolian invasions to Russia, students start understanding better the value of a well known proverb: the uninvited guest is worse than the Tatar. Thus, awakening of interest to humanitarian disciplines helps to acquire a system of values of Russian culture and expand the fund of background knowledge. As noted D.S. Likhachev, «the culture of mankind moves forward not by movement in space and time but by accumulation of values. More values we see, more sophisticated and sensitive our perception of other cultures is» [3, p. 41].

Thus, the use of principle of cultural conformity allows to make a problem situation personally significant and entirely realize its developing potential. It is a fundamental principle of culturological approach. Being many-sided and difficult, the approach includes a number of principles, which should be allocated:

• principle of «openness», assuming openness to knowledge of other culture and perception of social, cultural, religious and other cross-cultural distinctions. Exactly the interaction of cultures is capable to provide one culture with facts and ideas peculiar to another culture for the purpose of expansion of outlook of representatives of both cultures and deeper knowledge of

their own culture. As L.N. Luzina notes: «Human mind is only then mind when it is not identical to the very thought, when it is possible to introspect it, to look at another «I». Without this «I», without other culture one can not feel his or her uniqueness» [2, p. 199].

• principle of «parity of cultures», implying «equality» of all nations and cultures, their importance and value in the world community. It is necessary to observe the principle strictly because any careless estimation in relation to values and samples of other culture as «right» or «wrong» will displace a student on ethnocentric and nationalistic positions.

• cognitive principle, concerning the process of acquiring knowledge of culture of learning foreign language, that in turn promotes expansion of communicative and cultural competences that results in personality and professional development.

• principle of «comparativeness», penetrating all structures of educational process: studying and discussion, error checking, control and assessment. The principle considers revealing of so-called «parallels» and «convergences», points of contact of cultures in educational process.

• principle of «emotionality», assuming immersion in emotional sphere in cognition and requiring emotional reconsideration of studied material. It is essential to observe the principle to form a complete image of the other culture, realizing through the process of activization of the instruction - introduction of discussions, role-playing games, trainings etc.

To sum it up, it should be noted that the described culturological approach is universal and many-sided. It directs our attention to our deep cultural layers present at consciousness of everyone. The pedagogical approach being properly corrected may be put in practice successfully in bilingual instruction of students in Russia, Europe, the USA etc. It might be applied practically for studying the humanities, science, engineering and other disciplines both at classical universities and at technical, medical and other higher schools.


1. Khudobina, O.F. Psychological barriers and factors of their overcoming in the process of bilingual education at higher school (on the example of training foreign medical students): monograph / O.F. Khudo-bina.- Volgograd: Publishing house VolgSMU, 2013.132 p.

2. Pevzner, M.N. Bilingual education in the process of globalization: monograph / M.N. Pevzner, A.G. Shirin; Novgorod state university named by Yaroslav the Wise .- Great Novgorod, 2010.- 199p.

3. Tuktamyshev, N.K. Social and pedagogical fundamentals of transition to bilingual education at a higher school: dissertation ... doctor of pedagogical science: 13.00.01. / Tuktamyshev Nail Kadyrovich. -Kazan, 2001.- 41p.

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