Научная статья на тему 'The peculiarities of social-psychological distance in multicultural students group'

The peculiarities of social-psychological distance in multicultural students group Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Vykhrushch-Oleksyuk Oleksandra

The notion of social distance was considered in multicultural group of students, that is one of the main for the process integration of foreign student in educational and socio-cultural space. The question of correlation interaction of social course was considered due to the different social groups on the base of principle of tolerance. Our conclusions were made according to the improvements of the process adoption of each other by members of multicultural group of students.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The peculiarities of social-psychological distance in multicultural students group»

Section 6. Psychology

интегративный показатель эмоционального интеллекта Холла, эмоция интереса, радости (чувство уверенности в себе). Отмечается более низкий уровень рефлексивности, ниже и общая эмоциональная возбудимость.

Выводы. Полученные данные позволяют сделать заключение, что более низкая эмоциональная возбудимость, уверенность в себе (вплоть до самоуверенности), подавление отрицательных эмоций, в том числе, желание избежать, отдалиться, выйти из крайне неприятных и несовместимых с установками человека ситуациями, избавиться от опасных объектов, в большей степени связаны с левополушарной активацией (правыми ПППР). Это соответствует представлениям Ю. Куля [7] о функционировании субсистем, способствующих реализации намерения: «интенционного» фильтра на ранних стадиях восприятия, блокирующего информацию, иррелевантную намерению и, наоборот, делающего перцептивную систему более чувствительной к характеристикам поступающей информации, связанным с намерением. Если при этом эмоциональный фон затрудняет достижение цели, система стремится изменить и его. Перцептивные категории, связанные с намерением, находятся при этом в большей «готовности» и требуют меньших затрат времени на

обработку и раньше других получают доступ к системам регуляции действия.

Результаты согласуются с данными исследования, проведенного Ю. Кулем совместно с С. А. Шапкиным и А. Н. Гусевым [8], выявившими у ориентированных на действие испытуемых левополушарную доминантность практически всех компонентов саморегуляции. При наступлении неприятного события у ориентированных на действие испытуемых система контроля быстро опознает неприятное событие, определяет степень влияния на систему (по сравнению с другими событиями) и приводит в готовность механизмы левого полушария, связанные с процессами подготовки и контроля моторных программ. Авторы полагают, что ориентированные на действие испытуемые уже на ранних стадиях переработки стрессогенной информации преодолевают негативное воздействие, сохраняя комплекс связей внутри системы контроля за действием (селективное внимание, эмоциональные предпочтения, целевые репрезентации и др.).

Полученные данные могут быть полезны при подготовке спортсменов высокой квалификации, при учете индивидуальных особенностей произвольной регуляции и контроля за действием в спортивной психологии.

Список литературы:

1. Ильин Е. И. Эмоции и чувства. - СПб: Питер, 2001. - С. 633-634.

2. Лурия А. Р. Основы нейропсихологии. - М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1973. - 374 с.

3. Москвин В. А., Москвина Н. В. Межполушарные асимметрии и индивидуальные различия человека. - М.: Смысл, 2011. - 368 с.

4. Москвин В. А., Москвина Н. В. Психофизиология индивидуальных различий в спорте. - М.: Изд-во НИИ спорта РГУФКСМиТ, 2013. - 128 с.

5. Москвин В. А., Москвина Н. В., Шумова Н. С. Индивидуальные различия в спортивной психологии. - М.: РГУФКСМиТ, 2015. - 134 с.

6. Москвина Н. В. Индивидуальные особенности волевой регуляции (на примере студентов спортивного вуза).//Спор-тивный психолог. - 2010. - № 3 (21). - С. 44-49.

7. Шапкин С. А. Экспериментальное изучение волевых процессов. - М.: Смысл; ИП РАН, 1997. - 140 с.

8. Kuhl J., Schapkin S., Gusev A. A theory of volitional inhibition and an empirical test: Individual differences in the topography of ERP patterns for action-versus state oriented processing of emotional words.//Forschungsberichte aus der Univ. Osnabrueck. - 1994. - № 99. - P. 1-52.

9. Moskvin VA., Moskvina N. V Psychophysiology and features volitional regulation sport university students.//European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology. - 2015. - № 3. - P. 62-65.

Vykhrushch-Oleksyuk Oleksandra, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian national university, PhD student, department of Social psychology E-mail: alya_wyhrushch@mail.ru

The peculiarities of social-psychological distance in multicultural students group

Abstract: The notion of social distance was considered in multicultural group of students, that is one of the main for the process integration of foreign student in educational and socio-cultural space. The question of correlation interaction of social course was considered due to the different social groups on the base of principle of tolerance.


The peculiarities of social-psychological distance in multicultural students group

Our conclusions were made according to the improvements of the process adoption of each other by members of multicultural group of students.

Keywords: foreign students, multiculturalism, social course, tolerance, integration.

The multiculturalism is one of the basic standards of modern education, which is based on the main values of European society: human rights, equality, peace, social justice, democracy, freedom, security of citizens, interdependence, pluralism, cultural diversity, openness, accountability, partnership and respect to the environment. In this context the highest multicultural competence of young generation is the necessary condition for providing of full life in today’s European space [1, 88].

The problem of interaction in multicultural environment was considered in the conditions of educational process globalization and an opportunity to choose any country of the world generating interaction and apprehension. There was a significant increase of foreign students, who gets their education in Ukraine from18 312 (1998-1999 educational years) to 63 172 (2014-2015 educational years) and Ukrainian students, which are studying abroad 25 128 in 2004 year to 35 066 in 2010 [2; 3].

Since the number of foreign students in Ukraine increases significantly and number of investigations in different branches of psychology (social too) is so negligible, that is why we think that it is necessary to course our investigation on the given social group. For the same time, social-psychological integration of student’s youth from Russia, Africa, Asia, Arab countries in higher educational establishments of Ukrainian society is representing a great scientific-theoretical and practical interest and connects the question not only exchange of experience, world-class professional training, but also toler-ance/intolerance, constructive/destructive interaction within multicultural environment etc.

The problem of social course is considered in historical, sociological, ethnical, pedagogical, cultural, psychological contexts.

For the first time term “social course” was proposed by sociologies G. Zimel for characteristic of social interaction in physical space, in which the change of social interaction was observed by changing the geographic distance. More reliable estimates, from the social psychological point ofview, were in the investigations of R. Park and E. Bochardus. In particular R. Park thought that in the base of social course are installation personality, which are represented at interpersonal and intergroup social interactions as a result are non/under-standing and proximity/alienation between social groups. In turn, E. Bochardus, term of social course observed in varying degrees of social contacts closeness; to which are ready or not s take the individual interaction [4]. According to P. Sorokin, characteristic of social course are the positions in social space according to their proximity or remoteness that is why for the definition of social distance it is necessary to know their objective indicators (marital status, citizenship, nationality, religion, occupation, political affiliation, economic status, birth etc). Than more substantial will be differences between objective

positions, those, by Sorokin, accordingly become greater social distance [5, 297-300].

Nowadays in science were formed two dominant theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of this concept, according to them this category describes or a subjective feeling of alienation between members of different groups (R. Park, E. Bogardus), or differences in the characteristics of the lens manifestation of the social situation in different groups (P. Sorokyn, P. Burdie) [4, 53-57].

In our opinion the most appropriate understanding of social distance by P. Burdie, which considers these achievements competitive theoretical directions and determine social course like closeness/distance position in the social space, that are objectively (through distribution of various types of goods and services), so and subjectively (as a mental structure) [6, 35-51].

For the definition of intolerantly-tolerant settings in relation to representatives of different social groups was used a modified scale of E. Bogardus social distance. With this technique had identified a number of foreign students’ attitudes towards the representatives: a) of other nationality, b) of different religion; c) with other color of skin; d) Ukrainian. It was offered to the students of foreign origin by selecting one of seven own judgment to assess the degree of acceptance or rejection, closeness or alienation in relation to representatives of these groups. The research considered psychological readiness of students studying abroad to interact in a multicultural environment.

Participation in constatual experiment took 318 foreign students from African countries (Nigeria, Sudan, Congo, Zimbabwe, etc.), aged 18 to 31 years. All respondents were divided into 3 groups of 106 participants each, depending on the length of stay in Ukraine (Group 1-1 year, Group -1 to 2 years, 3 group — more than two years). An even distribution by gender in each group: there were 53 representatives of male and female. Research conducted psychological work in three higher educational establishments of Ukraine: Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil State Medical University by I. Gorbachevsky and Ternopil National Technical University by I. Pului.

Analysis of the raw data showed significant individual differences in degree of acceptance of these groups: from the absolute isolation maximum delimitation to a high degree of proximity (willingness to accept as a close relative) (see fig. 1). In particular the rejection of most foreign students are showing to people with different skin color (11 %), thus adopt the same person as a close friend willing to 32 % (flush with representatives of other nationalities). Social and psychological attitudes of respondents to the representative of the Ukrainian nation bordering the willingness to accept it as a close friend (24 %) and relative (21 %) — a high level of intimacy before taking him like guest (tourist) in his country (18 %) — a high level of social distancing. The representative of other religion


Section 6. Psychology

students who comes to study from other countries see as a close friend (28 %) and citizen of their state (23 %). Almost the same number of representatives of this group is ready to be perceived by the respondents as guests (tourists) (13 %),

neighbors at home (10 %), colleagues (10 %) and close relatives (10 %). Foreign students are not willing to see in their country people of other religions (5 %), representatives of Ukrainian and nationalities other than their own (6 %).

Fig. 1

The results of the investigation of social distance among students by Bogardus’ methodic.

Usage of the criterion of parametric linear Pearson correlation revealed a number of specific depended installations on the mentioned social groups of foreign students. How longer is a person in contact with the representatives of different peoples, cultures, the less social distance observed between them (r = 0.124; р < 0.05). If we analyze the gender component, it should be noted that of men, an increase of social distancing from religion (r = 0.173; р < 0.01) and color of skin (r = 0.111, р < 0.05), as opposed to women.

We attribute these significant differences in trends and their attitude to foreign students from different social groups by influence of specific educational, social and information space. Lack of information about the socio-cultural features members of multicultural groups creates application forms

of stereotypical thinking and behavior in a multicultural environment and increasing social distance, which can lead to misunderstandings and different forms of xenophobia.

Based on this survey indicators to improve interaction in a multicultural group and reduce the social distance can formulate a number of practical tasks: improvement in the language in which is learning and in this multicultural group; improving knowledge about the socio-cultural characteristics of the country in which the students came to study and representatives of the nations with whom the foreign student in direct contact; the establishment of friendly relations and a favorable microclimate in multicultural student groups on training sessions, parties exchange cultural experiences, events, round tables and other events; various selection of methods and forms of work with foreign students to improve their integration into the new multicultural educational environment.


1. Simonenko M. Multicultural competence of future teacher as a standard of education a European dimension./Bulletin of Kiev National University by Shevchenko T. - A series of “Sociology. Psychology. Pedagogy" - Appendix 4, Volume II (14) - 2009.

2. Global educations digest 2004. UNESCO Institute for Statistics.//[Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://www. uis.unesco.org/Library/Pages/default.aspx?s=Document %20Library

3. Actual statistical and analytical data of educational services for foreigners in Ukraine.//[Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://intered.com.ua/actual-statistical-and-analytical-data.

4. Nepyyvoda T. Social distance between age groups in Ukrainian society. The social distance between polar age groups (youth and the elderly) in Ukrainian society.//Visnyk Kiev National University of T. Shevchenko. - Sociology 1-2, 2010.

5. Sorokyn P. Social stratification and mobility. Man. Civilization. Society. - M.: Politizdat, 1992. - P. 295-424.

6. Bourdie P. Sociology in politics - M.: Socio-Logos, 1993.


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