Научная статья на тему 'The combined effect of complex mixes of poisons on the organism of white rats in 30-day round-the-clock inhalation and measures of biological prevention'

The combined effect of complex mixes of poisons on the organism of white rats in 30-day round-the-clock inhalation and measures of biological prevention Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Mirzakarimova Malokhat Abduvakhidovna

The direction of “biological prevention” in the field of hygiene of the environment, which is understood as the complex of measures directed to the increase in resistance of individual person and population to exposure of harmful factors of the industrial and ambient environment, are increasingly being developed over the last years. For biopreventive maintenance only the means are used harmless at long application in preventive effective dosage. In this context in the industrial towns for residents of ecologically unfavourable territories there are used pectin, glutamate, adaptogenes of vegetative origin and additives containing calcium, iodine, iron, cuprum, various vitamins and some aminoacids as bioprotectors.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The combined effect of complex mixes of poisons on the organism of white rats in 30-day round-the-clock inhalation and measures of biological prevention»

After consultation of neurologist in 14 (73,79%) adolescents with thyrotoxicosis there has been diagnosed endocrine encephalopathy, of them in 8 (57,4%) — neurasthenia.


1. In all adolescents with Graves' disease there are noted vegetative expressions of thyrotoxicosis, connected with influence of exceed quantity of thyroid hormones on the sympathetic nervous system.

2. Among children with thyrotoxicosis the phenomena of anxiety and negative emotional experiences prevailed, thus cognitive activity has appeared below in comparison with those parameters of control group.

3. The further research of emotional expressions and anxiety syndrome in the adolescents with Graves' disease would be required.


1. Antonova K. V. Thyrotoxicosis. Changes of mentality. Treatment opportunities//RMJ. - 2006. - Vol.14. - № 13. - P. 14-15.

2. Balabolkin M. I., Klebanova E. M., Kreminskaya V. M. Differential diagnostics and treatment of endocrine diseases: Manual Book. - M.: medicine, 2002. - 752 p.

3. Frigorieva E. A., Pavlova E. Павлова Е. A. Depression and thyrotoxicosis//Socialnaya and clinicheskaya psychiatry. - 2010. - № 2. - P. 100-107.

4. Dermanova I. B. A questionnaire for research of anxiety in the senior teenagers and young men (Spilberg Ch. D. Adaptation by Andreeva A. D.)/Diagnostics of emotional -moral development. - SPb., - 2002. P. 75-80.

5. Muratova Sh. T., Ismailov S. I. Influence of Graves' disease on psychic-cognitive state of children and adults (review of the litera-ture)//Mejnarodniy endokrinologichniy journal, Ukraine. - № 6 (70), 2015. - with 86-90.

6. Fadeev V. V. Diseases of the thyroid gland in the regions of mild iodine deficit.

7. Cytko E. V., Korotaev A. V., Naumenko E. P., Kudlacevich S. B. Specific features ofvegetative regulation and structural-functional heart parameters in diffusive toxic goiter three months later the thyroidectomy. Problemi zdoroviya I ecologii.-2013.-2 (36). - P. 70-75.

8. Shereshevskiy N. A. Klinical endocrinology. - M., - 1957, 307 p.

9. Cao Y., Liu Z. Factor structure and factorial invariance of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Chinese children and adolescents//Psych J. 2015 Jun; 4 (2): 74-87.

10. Dement M. M., Ozmen B., Deveci A. et al. Depression and anxiety in hyperthyroidism//Arch. Med. Res. 2002. Vol. 33, N 6. P. 552-556.

11. Julian L. J. Measures of anxiety: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety (HADS-A)//Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). - 2011. Nov; 63 Suppl 11: S467-72.

12. Kelly S., Hall L. Measuring anxiety in adolescents exposed to community violence: a review, comparison, and analysis of three mea-sures//Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2010 Jan; 31 (1): 28-38.

13. Mignon A., Linkowski P., Van Heeringen C., Dramaix M. Registry of patients with painful symptoms and observation of depression and anxiety.//19th Congress of European college of Neuropsychopharmacology, Paris, France, 16-20. Sep. 2006.

14. Muratova Sh. T., Ismailov S. I. Mental characteristics of teenagers with Graves' disease in Uzbekistan//European science review (Vienna). - № 7-8 (July-August) - 2015. - Р. 77-80.

15. Orgil S. M., Spence S. H., Huedo-Medina T. B., Espada J. P. Spanish validation of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale//Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2012 Apr; 43 (2):271-81.

16. Van Wijk C. H. The use of Spielberger's State-Trait Personality Inventory (trait anxiety subscale) with naval subaquatic specialists//Int J. Occup Med Environ Health. 2014. Dec; 27 (6): 959-66.

Mirzakarimova Malokhat Abduvakhidovna, Scientific Research Institute of Sanitary, Hygiene and Occupational diseases, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher E-mail: ludmilamedlib@mail.ru

The combined effect of complex mixes of poisons on the organism of white rats in 30-day round-the-clock inhalation and measures of biological prevention

Abstract: The direction of "biological prevention" in the field of hygiene of the environment, which is understood as the complex of measures directed to the increase in resistance of individual person and population to exposure of harmful factors of the industrial and ambient environment, are increasingly being developed over the last years. For biopreventive maintenance only the means are used harmless at long application in preventive effective dosage. In this context in the industrial towns for residents of ecologically unfavourable territories there are used pectin, glutamate, adaptogenes ofvegetative origin and additives containing calcium, iodine, iron, cuprum, various vitamins and some aminoacids as bioprotectors.

Keywords: environment pollution, poisons, rats, bioprotectors.

Last years the persistent interest has been observed to devel- poisons by method of correction of metabolic processes directed to opment of methods of bioprevention of intoxications with various the lowering of their toxic effect [4].

Detoxicant effect of biologically active substances (BAS) has been attributed to intensification of the processes of biotransformation, endo- and exotoxicants in the body consistent with the enhance of their toxicodynamics, toxicokinetics with increase in effect of body detoxication which results in maximum reduction of the contents of toxic components in the bioenvironment and restoration of homeostasis [9].

It is known, that phenol, formaldehyde and lead are substances of the leading and mostly widespread industrial poisons. Besides they often render summary effect with other pollutants. High toxicity of these components, growth of their manufacture and application require development of methods of bioprevention and their wide introduction in clinical practice [6]. The methods of biopreventive maintenance, as a rule, directed to increase of body resistance to negative influence of pollutants of the industrial environment and potentially adverse factors of human environment in small concentrations and dozes.

In a number of experimental works it was shown, that the rationally selected substances with taking into account of peculiarities of toxicological characteristics of poisons, on one side, and pharmacotherapeutic characteristics of BAS, on the other side, favorably influence on kinetics of the poisons in the body weakening their toxic effect and rising the body immunostimulation [1; 2; 3; 5; 7; 8].

Toxic effect of a mix of phenol, formaldehyde and lead acetate in the experimental researches was determined as a result of study of the following parameters: the summary-threshold parameter (STP was determined by method of S. V. Speransky in modification of S. M. Pavlenko (Moscow, 1975); sulfhydric groups (SH-groups) in the blood with use of spectrophotometry method of Kh. N. Rubina and A. A. Romanchuk (Moscow, 1965); activity of cholinesterase (CE) in the whole blood — by method of Chestrin, B. A. Krivoglaz (Leningrad, 1965); activity of alanin — and aspartat aminotransferase (AlAT and AsAT) — by method of E. Reitman and S. Frenkel (Minsk, 1977); activity of enzyme cata-lase (CAT) — by method of A. N. Bach and S. Z. Subkova (Saratov, 1968); activity of alkaline phosphatase (AP) — by method of Besseya, Loury, Brock (Minsk, 1976); a level of pyruvik acid (PA) in blood — by modified method of Umbrait (Moscow, 1969); malon dialdehyde (MDA) — by technique of L. I. Abdreeva et al (Moscow, 1988); the contents of leucocytes, erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the peripheral blood — by V. E. Predtechenskiy (Moscow, 1966).

Results of research and discussion. 30-day treatment of the rats with fix of phenol, formaldehyde and lead acetate (1,12±0,15; 3,45±0,6 and 0,1± 0,012 mg/m 3 — respectively), has resulted in development of subchronic intoxication with a primary lesion of the CNS and liver.

The purpose of researches was the experimental study of the character of resorptive toxic effect of the mix of phenol, formaldehyde and lead acetate on the bodies of animals and development of the methods of pathogenic prevention of intoxications by correction of the metabolic processes.

Materials and methods of researches. The experiment has been carried out on 5 groups of animals (10 rats in each group) with use of inhalation chambers (tab. 1). 1-st group of studied animals during 30 day was exposed to round-the-clock inhalation effect of the mix of phenol, formaldehyde and lead acetate; group II, on a background of inhalation, beginning from the second week received additionally drug hepamal per oz in dose 1 ml per 100 g of body mass of an animal (hepamal — correcting preparation manufactured by joint-stock company "Sorb-Tex», produced on the basis of the species of flowers of Helichrysum L., ginger plant (Tanacetum vulgare) and fruits of a dogrose); animals of group III — on a background of inhalation received intragastrally biofenicol in dose 100 mg/kg of body mass (biofenikol — phyto-preparation of the liquorice) group IV additionally received to the daily ration fix of vitamins thiamine (150 mg), calcium carbonate (225 mg) and ascorbic acid (50 mg); group 5 — is control group.

The definition of the contents of phenol, formaldehyde and lead acetate in the air was performed with use of unified method of definition of the atmospheric pollution (Moscow, 1976).

It was revealed, that the effect of high concentration of the given mix, at monthly round-the-clock inhalation exposure caused change of appearance and behavioral status of animals.

In the animals of the I-st group there were observed trouble, excitation, hurried breathing, irritation of mucous membranes of eyes and skin, plentiful salivation. There was noted tarnishing hair and its coming out, in this case the animals became flaccid and inactive. The observable animals suffered from poor appetite, that confirmed by decrease of their body mass. To the end of the treatment in animals of group I the decrease of body weight was registered by more than 26%, in comparison with control group (132 against 278,5g).

On the 10-th day of an exposition in the toxic environment the parameters of the functional condition of the CNS changed sharply in the animals. So, STP in the animals of group 1 was more by 39,8% in comparison with the data of the control. With increase of an exposition, the process of inhibition grew on 20-30 days, accounting 45, 64 and 49,04%, respectively.

It was established, that in the animals who have undergone the round-the-clock exposure to the mix of studied toxic substances, there was developed marked syndrome of endointoxication, confirmed by the increase of a level of medium-sized toxic molecule of the blood serum by 1,85 times (0,13±0,008 against 0,07±0,005 IU in the control, P< 0,001).

Table 1. - Administration of the real concentrations of the chemical components and correcting preparations during experiment

Animals Mix components concentration, mg/m 3 Correcting preparations

phenol formaldehyde Lead acetate hepamal 1 ml/100g body mass biofenikol 100mg/kg Vitamin mix

group quantity M ±m M ±m M ±m

I 10 1,12 0,15 3,45 0,6 0,1 0,012 - - -

II 10 1,13 0,12 3,41 0,75 0,098 0,010 + - -

III 10 1,11 0,16 3,48 0,70 0,1 0,013 - + -

IV 10 1,12 0,15 3,46 0,62 0,1 0,010 - - +

V 10 fresh air

Table 2 shows that the exposure to the mix of chemical substances resulted in significant disorders of the metabolic process in the rats of group I, which were expressed in filling of the underoxidized products of the carbohydrate, fatty and protein metabolism.

Enzyme aminotransferase is one of the most important components in the body for maintenance of the interrelation between metabolisms of lipids and carbohydrates, as well as for participation in the amino acid biosynthesis. AlAT and AsAT are the most active in the body of animals.

Table 2. - Dynamic changes of physiologic, biochemical and hematological parameters in rat undergone the round-the-clock inhalation exposure to the mix on the 30-s day of study

№ Parameter Group of animals


1. Body mass, g 132±4,62*** 164±4,23 166±5,0 158±3,8** 178,5±5,0

2. STP, IU 4,50±0,43*** 7,50±0,85 7,83±0,43 6,83±0,85* 8,83±0,21

3. SH-groups, mg% 42,5±3,20*** 61,8±5,40 51,8±2,80*** 59,3±4,30* 74,8±3,60

4. Whole blood CE, ^g/ml. min 248±11,3*** 357±8,95 310±12,7** 335±18,2 374±8,94

5. AlAT, ^mol/l. h. 2,08±0,11*** 1,72±0,09** 1,75±0,10** 1,87±0,08*** 1,26±0,06

6. AsAT, ^mol/l. h. 2,43±0,12*** 1,84±0,15 1,87±0,21 1,93±0,1 1,62±0,08

7. AP, ^mol/l 1,48±0,06*** 1,02±0,051 1,14±0,06* 1,23±0,06** 0,85±0,102

8. PVA, mg% 3,53±0,18** 2,52±0,34 2,48±0,3 3,12±0,15* 2,38±0,24

9. MDA, ^mol/l 3,45±0,16*** 2,19±0,05* 2,17±0,04* 2,45±0,08** 1,95±0,06

10. CAT, IU. 6,02±0,13** 6,94±0,3 6,98±0,35 6,43±0,20 7,34±0,36

11. Medium-sized toxic molecule, IU, 0,13±0,008*** 0,09±0,004* 0,08±0,005 0,085±0,004* 0,07±0,005

12. Leucocytes, 10 12/l 14,25±0,96** 10,3±0,45 9,84±0,24 10,28±0,3 9,54±0,44

13. Erythrocytes, 10 9/l 4,97±0,67*** 7,0±0,39 7,2±0,41 6,51±0,38 8,10±0,38

14. Hemoglobin, % 11,2±0,45** 12,7±0,17 12,4±0,3 12,40±0,5 13,7±0,1

Note: * - P<0.05, ** - P<0.01, *** - P<0.001

Increase in activity of AlAT, AsAT, AP, PA, decrease in activity of CE, SH-groups and rise of the level of molecules of the medium-sized mass indicate about developing marked syndrome of endogenous intoxication and deep disorders of lipid, protein and carbohydrates metabolism.

In parallel with the specified biochemical changes the change of hematological shifts (increase in quantity of leucocytes, decrease in number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin) were found.

As a result of research it was revealed, that, on a background of receiving preparations there was observed change of clinical status, attenuation of the toxic effect of the mix and changes of a number of biochemical and physiological parameters in direction to the data of control group.

The animals of II, III and IV groups receiving correcting preparations, compared with animals of the I-st group, had no so expressed signs of intoxication: the animals were more mobile, did not suffer from the expressed absence of appetite, the loss of body weight did not exceed 8-11% compared to indicators of control group.

At administration to intoxicated animals of the preparations hepamal (group II), biofenikol (group III) and mix of vitamins (group IV) there was observed normalization of the majority of the investigated parameters.

So, the parameter STP in the rats of group I, in comparison with the data of control group, on the 10-th day ofexperiment decreased by 32.6%, on the 20-d day—by45.63% and on the 30-th day—by 49.3%; in the rats of group II the decrease achieved 30.7%, 30.5% and 20.7%, respectively; in the rats ofgroup III—falling was by 29.6%, 28.65% and 11.32%; in the rats of group IV—by 29.2%, 22.6% and 22.62%. During carrying out experimental research in the rats of I, II, III and IV group there were no revealed changes ofMDA parameters, however, the clear tendency was to its reduction, that indicated about positive metabolic changes in the body. In the rats of groups III and IV the activity of enzymes AlAT, AsAT and AP attenuated. However the observable changes did not reach a level of control group. The results received showed reduction of the intensity ofpathological process in the body.

The most expressed changes on a background of hepamal and biofenikol effects were noted in the parameter of free radical oxidation oflipids and antioxidant blood systems that confirmed antioxidant activity of these preparations.

The comparative analysis of the data received in the experimental animals of groups II, III and IV showed, that the most expressed correcting effect was noted in the rats, receiving hepamal; biophe-nikol was on the 2 place, and the mix of thiamine, calcium carbonate and ascorbic acid — on the third place.

It is known, that many plants, including also into the structure of hepamal, such as dogrose, ginger plant (Tanacetum vulgare) and Helichrysuin L., and also root of licorice (biophenikol) contain great quantity of BAS, having high antioxidant potential and rendering stimulating action on the enzymes of the body detoxicational system. Taking into account more expressed correcting effect ofhe-pamal and biophenikol they may be recommended as means of preventive maintenance at exposure to chemical substances (phenol, formaldehyde, and lead acetate).


1. Aerogenic 30-day exposure of phenol (1.12±0.15 mg/m 3), formaldehyde (3,45±0,6mg/M 2) and lead acetate (0,1± 0,012 mg/M 3) renders negative influence on the rats body. In the animals, beginning from the 10-th day of poisoning, there is noted statistically reliable reduction of physiological, immunological and biochemical characteristics.

2. On a background of intoxication of animals due to a mix of the investigated substances, the administration of hepamal, biofenikol and vitamin mix into the rats' body during 3 weeks renders marked preventive effect. In this case there is noted attenuation of the oxidative metabolism of lipids and blood proteins, parameters of endointoxication that emphasized correcting effect of studied preparations.

3. Hepamal has the most expressed correcting effect; biofenikol occupies the second place, and the mix of thiamine, calcium carbonate and ascorbic acid -on the 3d place.


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Akhmedov Ulugbek Bahodirovich, DMD, Republican Specialized Center of Surgery named after academician V. Vakhidov Chief researcher of coronary surgery department E-mail: makesha@mail.ru Murtazaev Saidorifkhon Saidaloevich, Ph. D., Republican Specialized Center of Surgery named after academician V. Vakhidov Head of coronary surgery department E-mail: mss197402@rambler.ru Baybekov Iskander Mukhamedovich, DMD, Professor Republican Specialized Center of Surgery named after academician V. Vakhidov Head of pathological anatomy department E-mail: baybekov@mail.ru Mirzaakhmedov Sohib Djamaliddinovich, DMD, Republican Specialized Center of Surgery named after academician V. Vakhidov Master Department of Thoracic Surgery department E-mail: drsokhib@mail.com

Structural features of the radial artery at the different ways in their harvesting for use in coronary artery bypass

Abstract: According to the study of muscular type artery, radial artery has all inherent in this type of vessel shell. In their different ways of allocating the radial artery revealed that the structural safety of the shells of the radial artery, especially the inner lining depends on the method of their selection."Skeletonization" leads to disruption of the integrity of the inner shell, especially its endothelial layer, which is the most vulnerable. Deendotelizatsiya inner shell can promote thrombus formation in the graft.

Keywords: radial artery, bypass, skeletonization.

The leading factor in the development of various complica- High prospects noted and in use for coronary artery bypass

tions in graft is a morphological discrepancy of graft's (vein) wall surgery radiotherapy. This is due to its sufficient length and diam-and artery in anastomosis area Ham, Cormac [3]; Rosws [6]. This eter Vechersky Yu.Yu. et al [1]; Shneider et al. 2004; Laco et al 2001; led to intensive development and active implementation in practice Tatoulis et all [8]; Wilson et all [10]. In turn, the active use of the of coronary surgery techniques total autoarterial bypass. Choices for radial artery has caused the need to study its morphological features these operations was the internal thoracic artery. Machur S. E. et al [2]; Wildhirt et all [10].

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