Научная статья на тему 'Structure of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist'

Structure of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Voronovskaya Larisa Petrovna

In the article it is analyzed the scientific approaches to professional mobility of a specialist; it is defined the components of professional mobility of a municipal services specialist according to the peculiarities of training specialists in this area; it is shown the structural diagram of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Structure of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist»

Section 4. Pedagogy

Список литературы:

1. Федеральный закон от 21 ноября 2011 года № 323-ФЗ «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан»//Российская газета. -№ 263. - 23.11.2011.

2. Федеральный закон от 22 августа 1995 года № 151-ФЗ «Об аварийно-спасательных службах и статусе спасате-лей»//Российская газета. - № 169. - 31.08.1995.

3. Федеральный закон от 21 декабря 1994 года № 69-ФЗ «О пожарной безопасности»//Российская газета. - № 3. -05.01.1995.

4. Федеральный закон от 04 мая 2011 г. № 99-ФЗ «О лицензировании отдельных видов деятельности»//Российская газета. - № 97. - 06.05.2011.

Voronovskaya Larisa Petrovna,

О. М. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Instructor E-mail: voronovskaya.larisa@gmail.com

Structure of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist

Abstract: In the article it is analyzed the scientific approaches to professional mobility of a specialist; it is defined the components of professional mobility of a municipal services specialist according to the peculiarities of training specialists in this area; it is shown the structural diagram of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist.

Keywords: utility sector specialist, professional mobility, the components of professional mobility of a utility

sector specialist.

Actuality of the problem. The changes which are taking place in today’s world are characterized by continuity and uneven and often affect the professional activities of an individual negatively. This determines the division of people into those who are highly resistant to change, but do not have the tendency to adapt, those who are not able to adapt and can not resist change, those who are able to adapt and change, but their rate of adaptive processes is not sufficient and those who are able to adapt quickly to change, able to learn quickly, selflearning. This situation stipulates for necessity to form future professionals’ resistance to change and ability to adapt based on the formation of future specialists’ professional mobility.

Analysis of scientific publications. The analysis of scientific literature suggests that modern scholars have not reached consensus on the structure characteristics of professional mobility, as they are based on different approaches and understand the essence of professional mobility differently. C. Kaplina supposes that the structure of professional mobility includes the set of basic components of professional culture (key competence and qualifications) and professional competence (high intelligence, creative ability, professionalism). The components dedicated by the scientist are combined according to professional content, focus on a person and social needs [5]. Considering the professional mobility as the best style of a specialist’s activity in the process of professional self-development, L. Bochkarev, Yu. Dvoretska, E. Zeyer,

S. Nuzhnova [1; 2; 3; 7] distinguish the basic components of professional mobility as certain qualities that enable a person to adapt as much as possible the terms of activity that is affect the adaptive behavior of the individual. Yu. Dvoretska

emphasizes the need to study professional mobility as personal qualities (adaptability, communicative skills, independence, purposefulness, commitment, values of person’s orientation, social memory, critical thinking, the ability to self-knowledge, self-development, self-education, social mobility) as the characteristic of a person’s activity (reflectivity, creativity, project skills, forecasting, flexibility, plasticity) as self transformation processes, activities, environment. The scientist distinguishes the structure of professional mobility behavioral (achievement motivation), cognitive (self-esteem, awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, awareness of the need to change), integral-personal (feature that help to adapt successfully to changing conditions, responsibility for decisions (internal-ity/externality), values and meanings of life) components of specialist’s professional mobility [2].

It is interesting the determination of the structure of professional mobility which was done by B. Ihoshevym who remarks the necessity to consider this concept as openness that is disposition to everything that is new, unknown, unusual, unexpected, ability to abandon stereotypes and patterns in the perception of reality and activity; activity that provides a constant readiness to work, the external show of intentions, development of new forms of activities and transformation of external (professional and social) environment; adaptability as the ability to adapt effectively to the changing professional and social activities; communicative skills as ability and willingness to establish the necessary connections and contacts with individual educational activity; creativity which provides a creative approach to the environment and one’s own activities, their readiness for focused and purposeful transformation [4].


Structure of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist

V. Mishchenko proposes to consider the structure of professional mobility as the set of interrelated components; motivational, cognitive competence, reflective and generally personal [6]. According to the scientist’s believe this classification allows considering a cognitive component of professional mobility (possession of certain knowledge in various professional fields), and its psychological component (creativity, confidence, high communicative, etc.).

Therefore, the analysis of research and publications shows that in the structure of professional mobility it is most often highlighted the following characteristics:

• fundamental knowledge and generalized ways of working which are the main condition for the rapid learning of new knowledge which is necessary to expand the new professional activity or mastering new skills;

• activity of the individual which is considered as the ability to change work and himself according to this work, a willingness to learn new forms and activities; professional initiative;

• adaptability as the ability to adapt to changing conditions of professional activity, readiness to change the life and work;

• openness as the tendency for a new, impartiality, ability to renounce stereotypes and patterns of the reality perception and activity;

• communicative skills as the ability and willingness to establish new relationships and maintain contacts in the profession activity;

• creativity which is creative approach to the environment and his or her own activity, their willingness to change;

• competence as the ability to be flexible in the profession, willingness to continue training, self-learning, self-development, self-education;

• self-development which is creative self-realization and self-improvement in the new professional conditions;

• reflexivity as the ability to control the results of the activities and the level of his or her own development, personal achievements consciously, to assess his or her own professional achievements adequately;

• flexibility, plasticity which is the ability to change the activity successfully or change the ways of making professional solutions to in accordance with working conditions.

The aim of the article is to determine the structure of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist.

Main part. According to the modern scientific researches of professional mobility and analysis of the peculiarities of specialist in municipal services sector training we offer to consider the professional mobility of specialists in this sector in the unity of the two main aspects such as activity and personal.

In our opinion personal component of professional mobility is the external demonstration of the personal internal processes, which are aimed to find a place in the system of professional relations and successful implementation of his or her requirements for professional promotion.

Motivational component includes a system of motives, goals, needs of self-development, self-improvement, selfeducation, self-actualization in professional activity, needs

of learning the effective ways of its organization, in professional development or need to change qualification because of dissatisfaction with the made choice, the desire for effective professional promotion. It helps to form the interest in the professional activity, to get professional knowledge and creates psychological conditions that encourage personality to a productive and creative professional duties and functions in the activity, changes the areas of activity in a dynamic professional space. In our opinion acmeological and axiological components are included in the motivational component. Acmeological component causes the desire of the individual to achieve the heights of creative development and professionalism. The main acmeological determinant is acmeological culture which consists of the humanist worldview, innovativeness, focus on professional self-development and self-improvement. Axiological component is determined by the values of the profession and values and motives of professional activity, willingness to act, the ability and willingness to work professionally, professional growth, self-realization and selfeducation, important professional qualities of the individual.

Next structural component is regulatory component that includes implementation of emotional and volitional processes, causes systemic and formation of purposeful character, development and optimal use of the individual potential and secures the individual ability to self-regulation, self-control. We believe that reflection is referred to the regulatory component. It is developed when a person has monitoring actions and evaluation of professional activities and it is accompanied by emotional experiences. The degree of its formation determines the level of personal development, personal achievements, realization of his or her own positions in the team, demonstrates how the specialist can coordinate and integrate all other personal qualities for effective implementation of the professional activity. Reflectivity of a person is the formation of such important qualities as creativity, initiative, and focus on cooperation, confidence, and tendency to introspection, critical and innovative reflectivity, forecasting the results of his or her activities. In psychological terms reflection is a deep realization of his or her own capabilities, his or her critical analysis and improvement in professional activity.

The communicative component includes the concepts of goals, motives, means and incentives to communicate, ability to express thoughts clearly, to convince, to argue, to tell the information, organize and keep the dialogue, to use verbal and nonverbal means of communication. It provides communication, knowledge of business etiquette and culture of speech, ability to listen, provide professional advice and it is implemented in professional communication and interaction with others. The communicative component combines communicative interaction (social interaction of professional activity), social perception (perception, understanding and assessment of the social situation, which is conditioned by changes in the professional environment) and interpersonal communication. Communicative interaction is the ability of a professionally mobile specialist to implement the interaction between people in the organization


Section 4. Pedagogy

ofjoint activity, coordination of professional orientations, goals, objectives, motives with the positions of other participators of professional activity according to their individual characteristics. Social perception is the ability to establish interpersonal professional relationships, interpret personal characteristics of the employee and predict the success of his or her activity on the base of perception. According to professional communication we mean the ability to exchange information between one or related professions within professional activity, aimed at solving professional tasks or professional development.

Thus, the personal aspect of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist we include motivational, regulative and communicative components.

The activity aspect of professional mobility of a future utility sector specialist we include cognitive and informative and organizational components.

The cognitive and informative component provides the professional actualization of cognitive processes such as perception, memory, attention, thinking, imagination, the ability to investigate, describe and explain systematically form the position of modern science challenges that a specialist faces, provide the use of modern knowledge for effective formation and realization of creative potential of a specialist in professional activity. This component includes professional literacy, professional skills, education and knowledge of the world. The effectiveness of professional knowledge, its focus on the practical use appears in the professional skills of a specialist. In our opinion, it is very important for the implementation of this component, to focus on getting new knowledge in

universities; self learning outside the university; the ability to find and receive the information which is necessary to execute professional tasks effectively, professional and personal development, the ability to use information and communication technologies in professional activity; process the information according to the content of professional tasks that are solved by a specialist, determine the actions which are necessary to achieve the result and evaluate its effectiveness.

The organizational component provides the active of a person, consistency in the professional activities of a utility sector specialist, gives ability to predict the results of the work, organize accomplishment of management solutions by subordinates, correct interaction with the representatives of the other structures of the urban economy. This component includes the ability to organize, structure, improve professional activity in the professional field, the ability to analyze, design and predict the results and consequences of the actions which are aimed to solve specific professional tasks and achieve the professional aims; ability to organize the activity of the collective; the ability to evaluate critically the proposed options of managerial decisions and justify proposals for their improvement based on criteria of efficiency and possible consequences. Adaptive personality characteristics are also provided to the organizational component. According to scientists, professional mobility is a professional mechanism of adaptation.

Conclusions. The described characteristics can be summarized as the certain structural components. We offer the following block diagram of professional mobility of a utility sector specialist. It is presented in the diagram (fig. 1).

Fig. 1


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On the formation of the child’s personality in a tolerant multi-ethnic societies educational Bashkortostan

6. Mishchenko V. A. Mobility as the Main Professional Meaning in Professional Development of Pedagogical University Students/V. A. Mishchenko, I. A. Tenyunyna//News of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Issue № 2-2. - V 16. - 2014. - P. 319-321.

7. Nuzhnova S. V Essence and Structure ofConcepts Professional Mobility in Modern Society/S. V Nuzhnova. - M., 2004. - 258 p.

Gurov Valeriy Nikolaevich,

Professor, Doctor of Education, winner of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of Education, Head of the Theory and Practice of Education Management Development

Institute of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

E-mail: valeriygurov@bk.ru Mazitov Ramil Giniyatovich, assistant professor of theory and practice of education, candidate of political sciences, the rector of the Institute of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Karimov Fanis Fanusovich, graduate student of Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, specialist educational-methodical work of the department of theory and practice of education management Institute of Education Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

On the formation of the child’s personality in a tolerant multi-ethnic societies educational Bashkortostan

Abstract: The article discusses the need to form a tolerant personality in multiethnic societies, given the author’s understanding of tolerance and the role of heads of educational institutions in addressing the identified problem. It is a research project developed by the authors.

Keywords: Tolerance, tolerant personality, professional retraining of administrative staff in education, research project.

Гуров Валерий Николаевич, профессор, доктор педагогических наук, лауреат премии Правительства РФ в области образования, заведующий кафедрой теории и практики управления образованием института развития образования Республики Башкортостан.

E-mail: valeriygurov@bk.ru Мазитов Рамиль Гиниятович,

доцент кафедры теории и практики управления образованием, кандидат политических наук, ректор института развития образования Республики Башкортостан

Каримов Фанис Фанусович, аспирант БГПУ им. М. Акмуллы, специалист по учебно-методической работе кафедры теории и практики управления образованием института развития образования Республики Башкортостан.

К вопросу о формировании толерантной личности ребенка в полиэтнических образовательных социумах Башкортостана

Аннотация: В статье рассматривается необходимость формирования толерантной личности в полиэтнических социумах, дается авторское понимание толерантности, а также роль руководителей образовательных организаций в решении обозначенной проблемы. Приводится разработанный авторами исследовательский проект.

Ключевые слова: Толерантность, толерантная личность, профессиональная переподготовка

управленческих кадров в образовании, исследовательский проект.


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