Научная статья на тему 'Selected forms of sports and recreation in the process or young people's rehabilitation'

Selected forms of sports and recreation in the process or young people's rehabilitation Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Stanek Lucyna, Ambroży Tadeusz

In Poland for 20 years young people have been coming into a newly created world in which culture and social tendencies dominate. It is based on a thorough rebuilding of a social structure, institutions as well as people's behaviour. During such sudden changes young people are looking for different opportunities to adopt to a new reality. Unfortunately, there is a discrepancy in cultural aims. Additionally, the expansion of mass culture makes it more complicated because young people do not accept traditions and universal values. They glorify the material and hedonistic world instead. Yet, the most negative transformation includes the escalation of social pathology (alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution) aw well as different forms of aberration like aggression, hooliganism, subculture, sects or selfaggression. Brutality and aggressive attitudes are the inseparable part of young people's lives in Poland. Rugby lets people relieve tension, and it teaches the fair play rules. Such a discipline stresses cooperation and contributes to adopting peculiar rules used in a regular life later on. As a consequence, difficult youth may function well in a society. Rugby brings up and is a form of rehabilitation. This method may be a weapon to fight against crime committed by young people. It may also protect them from destructive and pathological impact of malfunctional environments.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Selected forms of sports and recreation in the process or young people's rehabilitation»



Lucyna Stanek, T adeusz Ambray Academy of Physical Education In Cracow

Annotation. In Poland for 20 years young people have been coming into a newly created world in which culture and social tendencies dominate. It is based on a thorough rebuilding of a social structure, institutions as well as people’s behaviour. During such sudden changes young people are looking for different opportunities to adopt to a new reality. Unfortunately, there is a discrepancy in cultural aims. Additionally, the expansion of mass culture makes it more complicated because young people do not accept traditions and universal values. They glorify the material and hedonistic world instead. Yet, the most negative transformation includes the escalation of social pathology (alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution) aw well as different forms of aberration like aggression, hooliganism, subculture, sects or self- aggression. Brutality and aggressive attitudes are the inseparable part of young people’s lives in Poland. Rugby lets people relieve tension, and it teaches the fair play rules. Such a discipline stresses cooperation and contributes to adopting peculiar rules used in a regular life later on. As a consequence, difficult youth may function well in a society. Rugby brings up and is a form of rehabilitation. This method may be a weapon to fight against crime committed by young people. It may also protect them from destructive and pathological impact of malfunctional environments.

Key words: Rugby, young people, rehabilitation .

Анотація. Станек Л., Амброзі Т. Селекція форм занять спортом і рекреації в процесі реабілітації молодих людей. У Польщі протягом 20 років молоді люди ввійшли в недавно створений світ, у якому лідирують культура й соціальні тенденції. Це базується на повному відновленні соціальної структури, установ так само як поводження людей. Протягом таких несподіваних змін молоді люди шукають різні можливості пристосуватися до нової дійсності. На жаль, у цьому аспекті є невідповідність у культурних цілях. Крім того, експансія масової культури робить цей процес більше ускладненим, тому що молоді люди не сприймають традиції й універсальні цінності. Замість цього вони прославляють матеріал і гедоністичний світ. Але, найбільш негативне перетворення включає підйом соціальної патології (хронічний алкоголізм наркоманія, проституція) у таких джерелах, як різні форми аберації подібно агресії, хуліганству, субкультур;! сектам або самоагресія. Звірство й агресивні відносини - невіддільна частина життів молодих людей у Польщі. Регбі дозволяє людям зменшувати напругу, що визначено справедливими правилами гри. Така дисципліна підкреслює співробітництво і вносить вклад у прийняття специфічних правил, які використовуються пізніше в правильному житті. Це дозволяє цій частині молоді більш-менш повноцінно інтегруватися в суспільство. Регбі розуміється і як форма відновлення. Такий підхід може бути знаряддям боротьби проти злочинів, чинених молодими людьми. Це може також страхувати їх від деструктивного і патологічного удару виправного середовища.

Ключові слова: регбі, молоді люди, відновлення.

Аннотация. Станек Л., Амбрози Т. Селекция форм занятий спортом и рекреации в процессе реабилитации молодых людей. В Польше в течение 20 лет молодые люди вошли в недавно созданный мир, в котором лидируют культура и социальные тенденции. Это базируется на полном восстановлении социальной структуры, учреждений так же как поведения людей. В течение таких неожиданных изменений молодые люди ищут различные возможности приспособиться к новой действительности. К сожалению, в этом аспекте имеется несоответствие в культурныхцелях. Кроме того, экспансия массовой культурыделает этот процесс более осложненным, потому что молодые люди не воспринимают традиции и универсальные ценности. Вместо этого они прославляют материал и гедонистический мир. Но, наиболее негативное преобразование включает подъем социальной патологии (хронический алкоголизм наркомания, проституция) в таких источниках, как различные формы аберрации подобно агрессии, хулиганству, субкультуре, сектам или само-агрессия. Зверство и агрессивные отношения - неотделимая часть жизней молодых людей в Польше. Регби позволяет людям уменьшать напряжение, что определено справедливыми правилами игры. Такая дисциплина подчеркивает сотрудничество и вносит вклад в принятие специфических правил, используемых позднее в правильной жизни. Это позволяет трудной молодежи более или менее полноценно интегрироваться в общество. Регби понимается и как форма восстановления. Такой подход может быть орудием борьбы против преступлений, совершаемых молодыми людьми. Это может также страховать их от деструктивного и патологического удара исправительной среды.

Ключевые слова: регби, молодые люди, восстановление.

In Poland for 20 years young people have been coming into a newly created world in which culture and social tendencies dominate. It is based on a thorough rebuilding of a social structure, institutions as well as people’s behaviour. During such sudden changes young people are looking for different opportunities to adopt to a new reality. Unfortunately, there is a discrepancy in cultural aims. Additionally, the expansion of mass culture makes it more complicated because young people do not accept traditions and universal values. They glorify the material and hedonistic world instead. Yet, the most negative transformation includes the escalation of social pathology (alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution) aw well as different forms of aberration like aggression, hooliganism, subculture, sects or self- aggression. Brutality and aggressive attitudes are the inseparable part of young people’s lives in Poland. Aggression has a wide range of concepts, however, one definition says that it is a physical or verbal behaviour which does harm or destroys everything”1. People act emotionally although instinct of aggression is a very characteristic and invariable phenomenon for us. A Swiss philosopher and scientist Conrad Lorenz -in his book titled “ So called evil” - says that an aggressive man gets this trait from Nature and then it is revealed during his or her work, promotion or physical activity. Analysing another train of thinking we may claim that Erich Fromm distinguished two types of aggressive men; natural and malicious ones. Natural aggression functions in a defensive way when a man faces a dangerous situation because it is coded in a human’s brain (similar to animals’ one). It may be called “self- protection”.

Malicious aggression may be linked with cruelty, destruction and self-destruction . This kind is observed among young people, what is more, it can be socially controlled in a very effective way. Re-education and rehabilitation among the youth may lead to vent their emotions, therefore institutions, organizations and social environments should take precautions. In the light of pedagogical theories and according to educators intentional upbringing plays the most important role. It means “well-organized leisure time”. It means treating spare time by the prism of several dimensions. We may assume that the first one is connected strongly with holiday which are treated as health regeneration after hard studies and exhausting work. It includes passive and active forms of recreation. Another one encompasses self-creativity of multi dimensional personality influencing variety of hobbies, need of realization, life goals as well as cultural, social and spiritual development. The last dimension indicates the fact that young people should perceive all forms of sport in order to care about their health. T aking sport into account we must remark that only humanistic sport is the most important one in education and culture of young people because it has a value in itself. It is also connected with a notion “sport for everybody” the more so its multiple forms of popularization are implemented in formal and informal behaviour. For a long time it has been said that upbringing through sport and recreation may be a reasonable suggestion of supplement to valuable and full young people’s lives. To prove above statements there will be described selected and spectacular successes achieved by Polish rugby team from Gdansk and Cracow. To begin with, we should pay attention to varied virtues of rugby which is a very specific discipline. Its beneficial influence was praised very early by English teachers. In the 19 century rugby was introduced in a syllabus at schools and in the army. Till now rugby has been done in state schools. It is the most popular sport in France, and other countries in Europe and the world.

The upbringing aspects included in a discussed discipline are the reasons of such this situation. It is worth enumerating other ones: these are collective aspects. They play a vital role in all team games. Overriding meaning means interpersonal integration. Such a team, in this case is a rugby team, and a society has a common aim. Thanks to it, emotional bonds are created among players. Team spirit of competition unites rugby players. What is more, people do not take up this sport because of earning money but of striking up new relationships. It is caused by a character of a competition. Collective aspects enable people to find their place in a social group and then they may be accepted by environment in which this group exists. Individual aspects of a game develops personality and strengthens character. It is because training shapes not only body but also a mind. That is why we need really professional coaches who will be able to run a training in a competent way and they will shape young people’s psyche. We must remember that strong character and patience matter as well as strength. Health includes physical fitness because stamina has a positive influence on athletes’ well-being.

As far as emotions are concerned, trainings evoke different feelings. They combat aggression, negative emotions, rise self-esteem and help to cope with losing. Such ability helps to face problems and overcome them. Esthetic aspects evoke the sense of beauty. People become more sensitive to material and non-material properties of

1 Tsirigotis K, et all, 2005, Profilaktyka agresji i przemocy wsrodowisku mtodziezy, (w) M. Binczycka-Anholcer (red.), Przemoc i agresja jako problem zdrowia publicznego, Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej

2 Lorenz K., 1975, T ak zwane ¡to, W arszawa: PIW

3 Kalina R. M., 1996, Wychowanie fizyczne w edukacji obronnej spheczenstwa, W arszawa: PTNKF

4 Powata-Niedzwiecki M., 1997, Rugby w programie wychowania fizycznego dla VII klas szkty podstawowej, „Lider”, nr 3

culture. Aspects of self-improvement help to understand weak points in a character. They stimulate self- perfection. Finally, there are aspects called prestigious and “indulgencies’” ones. They concern children , young people and hotheads. These are people who work to improve their health. Prestigious aspects are rarely observed among young players although this sport may have impact on young people’s social acceptance in their environment and it may increase belief in their skills5. Rugby is universal and thus it can be used as an important element to educate young people. Thanks to the educational aspects mentioned above we may overcome aggression among the youth. During a game players let the steam off. Rugby trainings are a perfect form of spending free time and they have good impact on health and mentality of players. Peculiarity of this sport is a good form to shape cooperative skills and obey the rules of fair play. If we use values of this sport skillfully, we may mould traits of character as well as physical skills. A game is based on interpersonal contacts and may be compared with “ team-sport competition” therefore, it may be used as a key to combat aggression among young people Rugby is a chance for difficult people, who if not encouraged to do this sport, will wander in streets and building estates, overuse alcohol and other intoxicants. It will result in different kinds of aggression

Rugby becomes more and more attractive for school children because they let the steam off and they have to obey the rules in the pitch. A good impact of trainings have been observed in Gdynia and Cracow among young people who do not adopt to their society as well as among “stadium” hooligans. Rugby Arca Club takes a special place in Polish history of rugby. This is the first club which was set for “scarf men” (supporters of Arca Gdynia) who are regarded as men with bad reputation in a sports world. This club proves to be very beneficial in education. It can be said to be good for rehabilitation because its player have changed a lot. Hooligans have become rugby players. The beginning of this ambitious plan was difficult because nobody believed in it. They regarded it as something crazy. Despite complicated personalities, difficult character and aggressive behaviour of the players, the rules were introduced and team had to obey them strictly. What is more, rugby players have got unwritten code of conduct, and a team is a kind of community. They appreciate honour, loyalty, and acting like a friend. There are not any better or worse players. Everybody is equal. Many players emphasize that a game requires cooperation and maturity. Common failures, hard work and one goal let them create a real team. A crowning achievement of sports event and difficult path to success was a championship of Poland in 2004 won by rugby players. One year later they won again.

Arka Gdynia attracts a wide audience and along with speedway rugby matches they are the most important in Trojmiasto. Their success is really great especially that people at different ages play it. Initially, they were called hooligans. Nowadays they are the first-class and perfectly organized Polish rugby club. They are the example of success based on “crazy” ideas.

A history of Nowa Huta Rugby Klub (NHRK) is another example of positive educational influence on young people. T omasz Urynowicza is a main person who came up with an idea to set a rugby team in Nowa Huta. Now, he is the President of if. Inspired by the example of a team from Gdak he wanted to make boys from housing estates active so he suggested alternative ways of spending their leisure time. NHRK has very elementary rules, they cooperate with the representatives of The Mayor from Cracow who specialize in prevention and protection against crimes committed by young people. Andrzej Augusttyski works with them. The Club established contacts with Nowa Huta school institutions and they realize one of their programmes “Rugby in a yard”. Due to this idea housing estate and parish teams appeared. „Krakow - Budapeszt - a proposed programmed - achieved another success. It got a name: “Y oung people from cities. Sport against violence”. This programme may be called international venture of the club because a club Medvek (bears) was invited to participation. A project was realized in 2005. Both teams had a training camp in Poland. They realized sports aspects of a camp but they also discussed issues connected with organization of free time for people from blocks of flats located in cites. Both teams claimed that encouraging people to play rugby is the best way to fight aggression. What is more, within the confines of Mdziez KE programme this project was given a honourable mention by Komisja Europejska. It also obtained recognition in a competition “Social disqualifying young people in Europe”. After this success in Brussels young rugby players are still working at new ideas and how to help people living in housing estates. “ Jajozawodowcy - rugby in a yard” is another programme financed by Union. The aim was to combat social pathology in Nowa Huta through a trial of integration between Nowohucka Liga Rugby and Mfdzyszkolna Liga Rugby. The originators want to fight against conflicts between supporters in Nowa Huta. The idea tells that Cracovia, Hutnik and W ia will have their representatives in a rugby team. Such a suggestion appeared the first time on Polish market. A programme is realized by fans of rugby and over 30 junior secondary schools and secondary ones have been invited. EU covers the cost of technical equipment and all the trainings. Information will be given by peers of these ones who regularly “sit” on benches in

5 Fedorowicz R., 2005, Aspekty wychowawcze rugby, (w:) M. Powaa-Niedzwiecki (red.), Rugby dla najmtodszych, W arszawa: PZR

front of their blocks. It is the best way to persuade young people to take up rugby because subculture like blockers form a very close group of people very difficult to reach. Hence, young rugby players are able to show a better way to live and make them see a new chance for a better future. The next programme will help young rugby players to be granted a scholarship. They will be given money to study as well. Activity is also a promotion of Nowa Huta which is a Cracovian district very badly perceived by inhabitants of different ones. The rugby players wear T-shirts with prints “I love Nowa Huta” while travelling in Poland or abroad.

Thus, Nowa Huta will play an important role7. Described examples confirm that rugby may be an alternative to a present life for children and young people coming from neglected families. People who completed schools are members of rugby clubs. They have jobs and some of them are successful in Poland and abroad playing rugby. Rugby lets people relieve tension, and it teaches the fair play rules. Such a discipline stresses cooperation and contributes to adopting peculiar rules used in a regular life later on. As a consequence, difficult youth may function well in a society. Rugby brings up and is a form of rehabilitation. This method may be a weapon to fight against crime committed by young people. It may also protect them from destructive and pathological impact of malfunctional environments.


1. Czerkawski R., 2006, Odnalezc swoj^ drog£ przeciw przemocy, „Kurier Podwawelski”, nr 131/2006

2. Fedorowicz R., 2005, Aspekty wychowawcze rugby, (w:) M. Powfa-Niedzwiecki (red.), Rugby dla najmlodszych, Warszawa: PZR

3. Kalina R. M., 1996, Wychowanie fizyczne w edukacji obronnej spleczenstwa, Warszawa: PTNKF

4. Lorenz K., 1975, T ak zwane io, W arszawa: PIW

5. Powala - Niedzwiecki M., Rugby w programie wychowania fizycznego dla VII klas szlo podstawowej, „Lider”, nr 3/1997

6. T sirigotis K., Gruszczyiski W., Florkowska K., 2005, Profilaktyka agresji i przemocy wodowisku mlodziezy, (w:) M. Binczycka - Anholcer (red.), Przemoc i agresja jako problem zdrowia publicznego, W arszawa: Polskie T owarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej

Came to edition 21.11.2008.

7 Czerkawski R., 2006, Odnalezc swoj^ drog£ przeciw przemocy, „Kurier Podwawelski”, nr 131/2007

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