Научная статья на тему 'Premixes in the feeding of broiler chickens'

Premixes in the feeding of broiler chickens Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Premixes in the feeding of broiler chickens»

UDC: 636.5.033:636.087.7


Nikolayev S.I., Struk V.N., Doctors of Agricultural Science, Professors Karapetyan A.K., Struk N.V., Candidates of Agricultural Science Lipova E.A., Khalikov A.R., Krotova O.E., Post-graduate students Volgograd State Agrarian University, Volgograd, Russia E-mail: nikolaev vgsha@mail.ru, anjela 2811@mail.ru


The adding of the premixes "Condor” to the diet positively influences the physiological parameters of broiler chickens. Therefore, to increase the production of meat of broiler-chickens it is advisable to use premix in the growth period in a dose of 1 % and to use premix in the final period in a dose of 1%.


Broiler chickens; Mixed feed; Premix; Digestibility coefficient.

In the intensive poultry farming in the conditions of industrial technology of poultry management the biologically complete feeding has become a decisive factor for high productivity. The domestic and international experience shows that the highest effect of adding biologically active substances in the fodder can be obtained when using them in the form of premixes[1,4].

The use of vitamin-mineral premixes in the diet is inevitable to obtain good productivity [5]. Generally 1% premixes are used. The less or more saturated premixes of 0,5-5 % can be added to the mixed feed. Premixes are produced on the scientifically based recipes, their composition depends on the breed and age characteristics of the animals, their economic purpose and the conditions of management, as well as on the technological properties of the certain components and their compatibility [3].

The purpose of our research was to examine the influence of the premixes «Condor», containing indispensable amino acids, enzymes, drugs, vitamins, minerals on the meat productivity and physiological indicators of the broiler-chickens.


For the experiment 3 groups of 7-days-old chickens were formed (one control group and two experimental ones), 50 chickens in each group. The chickens were selected in the groups by the method of analogue taking into consideration a cross, age, live weight, physical development. The conditions of the poultry management, feeding and watering front, the parameters of the microclimate in all the groups were similar and meet the requirements of the ARTIP (VNITIP).

In the growth period the premix that contained lysine, methionine, threonine, vitamins, mineral substances, kokcisan, bacihiline 120 and antioxidant was added to the basal ration (BR), which included wheat and barley. The control group got 0.5 % of premix, the first experimental group and the second experimental group got 1 and 1.5 % of the premix respectively. In the growth period 100 g of fodder contained 308,76 kcal of the metabolizable energy and 22,68 % of the crude protein in the control group, and in the first and second experimental groups 309,7 u 312,1 kcal of the metabolizable energy respectively, 22,7522,78 % of the crude protein respectively.

During the final period the premix that contained lysine, methionine, vitamins, mineral substances, phytase and antioxidant was added to the basal ration (BR) which included wheat and barley. The control group got 0,5, % of the premix, the first experimental group got 1,0, % of the premix and the second experimental group got 1,5 % of the premix. In the final period 100 g of fodder contained 310,9 kcal of the metabolizable energy and 21.15% of the crude protein in the control group, and in the first and second experimental groups 314,3 and 317,4 kcal of the metabolizable energy respectively, 21,52 and 21.9 % of the crude protein respectively.


The live weight is an important indicator of the growth and development of broiler-chickens, by the age of 42 days in the control group, the average live weight equaled 2145 g and an average daily gain - 57,3 g. In the experimental groups the average live weight equaled 2264-2290 g, and the daily gain - 60,65 - 61,41 g, which is respectively by 5.5 - 6.8 and 5.8-7.2 % higher than the indicator of the control group.

The study of the digestibility of nutrients is an important indicator, by which you can judge about the processes of fodder digestion. The incomplete digestion often leads to a great loss of nutrients [2]. That's why the balance experiment was conducted, the results of which are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - The digestibility coefficient of nutrients rations, % (M ± m)

Index Group

Control The 1-st experimental The 2 - nd experimental

Dry matter 77,79±0,2 80,93±0,29** 78,67±0,1*

Organic matter 80,59±0,21 82,12±0,21** 80,81±0,16

Crude protein 78,18±0,44 79,65±0,11* 79,36±0,1

Crude fiber 19,27±1,07 20,86±0,91 19,93±0,85

Crude fat 78,1±0,63 81,08±0,29 79,52±0,54

Nitrogen-free extractive substance 92,57±0,39 93,52±0,78 92,8±0,87

* P>0,95, ** P>0,99

The coefficient of dry matter digestibility in the control group amounted 77,79 % , in the 1-st experimental group - 80,93, which is by 3.14 higher than in the control group, in the 2-nd experimental group - 78,67, which is by 0.88 higher than in the control; the digestibility coefficient of the organic matter in the control group amounted 80,59 %, in the 1-st experimental group - 82,12 %, which is by 1,53 higher than in the control, in the 2-nd experimental group - 80,81%, which is by 0.22 higher than in the control; the digestibility coefficient of crude protein in the control group amounted 78,18%, in the 1-st experimental group - 79.65, which is by 1.47 higher than in the control, in the 2-nd experimental group -79,36, which is by 1.18 higher than in the control; the digestibility coefficient of crude fiber in the control group amounted 19,27 %, in the 1-st experimental group - 20,86, which is by 1.59 higher than in the control, in the 2-nd experimental group - - 19.93, which is by 0,66 higher than in the control; the digestibility coefficient of crude fat in the control group amounted 78.1 %, in the 1-st experimental group - 81,08, which is by 2,98 higher than in the control, in the 2nd experimental group - 79,52, which is by 1.42 higher than in the control; the digestibility coefficient of nitrogen-free extractive substances in the control group amounted 92,57%, in the 1-st experimental group - 93,52, which is by 0.95 higher than in the control, in the 2-nd experimental group - 92,8, which is by 0.23 % higher than in the control.

The study of the balance and use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus in the organism of the poultry is of great importance. According to the balance of nitrogen the use (taking) of feed protein, increase or decrease of protein in the body of the poultry are determined. The results of the study of the balance and use of nitrogen by the experimental broiler-chickens are given in Table 2.

The use of nitrogen in comparison with the taken one in the control group amounted 43,69 %, in the 1-st experimental group - 47,73, which is by 4.04 % higher than in the control, in the 2-nd experimental group - 45,52 %, which is by 1.83 % higher than in the control. The mineral substances play an important role in all physiological processes of an organism, the exchange of calcium and phosphorus are of special importance (Table 3).

The balance of calcium and phosphorus in all experimental groups of the broiler chickens was positive. The coefficient of the use of calcium and phosphorus in the control group amounted 54,96 and 47,88 %, in the experimental group 56,2-50,99 % and 61,04 and 51,39 %, which are by 1.24 - 6.08 and 3.11-3,51 % higher compared with the control group.

Thus, the data of the balance experiment prove the positive impact of premixes on the balance and the use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus by the broiler-chickens in the experimental groups.

Table 2 - The balance and use of nitrogen by the experimental broiler-chickens, g (M ± m)

Index Group

Control The 1-st experimental The 2-nd experimental

Taken with fodder 6,498±0,27 6,557±0,16 6,696±0,17

Isolated in manure 3,661±0,21 3,427±0,13 3,648±0,1

Isolated in feces 1,421±0,07 1,226±0,06 1,382±0,03

Isolated in urine 2,24±0,14 2,201±0,13 2,266±0,07

Balance 2,839±0,06 3,13±0,04* 3,048±0,09

Digested 5,077±0,2 5,331±0,15 5,314±0,14


From the taken, %: 43,69±0,86 47,73±0,76* 45,52±0,6

From the digested 55,98±1,02 58,8±1,38 57,36±0,77

* P>0,95

Table 3 - The balance and the use of calcium and phosphorus by experimental group of broiler-chickens, g (Mm)

Index Group

Control The 1-st experimental The 2-nd experimental


Taken with feed 1,634±0,07 1,83±0,04 2,007±0,05*

Isolated in manure 0,736±0,01 0,713±0,03 0,879±0,04*

Balance 0,898±0,06 1,117±0,03 1,128±0,02*

The use of accepted,% 54,96±1,44 61,04±1,04* 56,2±1,15


Taken with feed 1,249±0,05 1,296±0,03 1,357±0,03

Isolated in manure 0,651±0,04 0,63±0,03 0,665±0,03

Balance 0,598±0,02 0,666±0,02 0,692±0,03

The use of accepted,% 47,88±1,27 51,39±1,45 50,99±1,86

* P>0,95

An important criterion for evaluation of the fodder is the availability of amino acids to be absorbed, therefore, it is important to normalize poultry feeding ration with regard to the content of amino acids available for absorption in the fodder (Table 4).

Table 4 - Availability of amino acids, % (Mm)

Index Group

Control The 1-st experimental The 2-nd experimental

Arginine 73,75±0,34 74,45±0,48 74,25±0,56

Lysine 72,45±0,28 72,92±0,55 72,65±0,53

Tyrosine 71,61±0,4 72,13±0,36 71,86±0,38

Phenylalanine 71,66±0,47 72,13±0,23 71,96±0,45

Histidine 66,09±0,48 66,61±0,38 66,39±0,37

Leucine+ isoleucine 72,14±0,21 72,48±0,32 72,26±0,35

Methionine 75,76±0,33 76,49±0,3 75,93±0,45

Valine 72,62±0,17 73,31±0,24 73,12±0,18

Proline 71,05±0,13 71,09±0,42 71,07±0,6

Threonine 71,84±0,32 72,3±0,42 71,99±0,28

Serine 70,84±0,31 71,58±0,24 71,3±0,26

Alanine 72,51±0,23 73,03±0,21 72,78±0,25

Glycine 57,84±0,5 58,65±0,54 58,39±0,5

From the above data it is evident that the availability of amino acids of the fodder in the 1-st and 2-nd experimental groups tended to increase compared with the control group, the highest availability of arginine was in the 1-st experimental group - 74,45%, which is by 0.7 % higher than in the control group, in the 2-nd experimental group - 74.25 %, which is by 0.5 % higher than in the control. In the control group this indicator was - 73,75 %. In the control group the availability of lysine was 72,45 %, in the 1-st experimental group - 72,92, which is by 0.47 % higher than in the control, in the 2-nd experimental group - 72,65 %, which is by

0.2 % higher than in the control. Availability of methionine in the 1-st experimental group was 76,49 %, which is by 0.73 % higher than in the control, in the 2-nd experimental group -75,93 %, which is by 0.17 % higher than in the control. In the control group the index was 75,76 %.

In the availability of the amino acids: tyrosine, phenylalanine, cystine,

leucine+isoleucine, valine, tryptophan, proline, serine, alanine and glycine the same pattern is observed.

Biochemical and morphological parameters of blood reflect the general condition of the organism and its physiological processes (Table. 5).

Table 5 - Morphological and biochemical parameters of blood of broiler-chickens, (Mm)

Index Group

Control 1-experimental 2-experimental

Erythrocytes, 10l2/l 3,20,09 3,40,06 3,30,09

White blood cells, 109/l 33,30,33 31,00,58 32,30,33

Total protein, g / l 52,640,75 53,890,51 53,540,7

Glucose, mmol / l 11,80,13 12,610,33 12,320,28

Albumin, mmol / l 24,250,31 27,790,26** 26,490,23**

Urea, mmol / l 11,260,16 13,420,22** 12,880,06**

Calcium, mmol / l 2,960,04 3,750,05** 3,630,07**

Phosphorus, mg / l 2,120,01 2,260,03 2,130,03

** P>0,99

The addition of the premixes tested in the poultry fodder had positive influence on the morphological composition of blood of broiler-chickens. The number of erythrocytes in the blood of broiler-chicken of experimental groups was by 3.1% and 6.2% higher compared with the control group. A slight reduction of leukocytes in the blood of broiler-chickens in the experimental groups was determined.

The level of calcium in the blood of the broiler-chickens in the control group amounted to 2,96 mmol/l, and in the experimental groups this indicator exceeded the analogues of the control group by 0.79 and 0.67 mmol/l, respectively; the content of phosphorus in the blood of the broiler-chickens of the experimental groups was respectively by 0.01 and 0.14 mmol/l higher in comparison with analogues of the control group.

This states that there were not any violations in the metabolism and testifies to the complete feeding of the experimental broiler-chickens.

According to the results of the experiment economic efficiency was calculated. The gross output of meat was by 6,67 - of 8.36 % higher in the experimental group compared with the control group. As a result additional profit in the experimental groups was 341,61541,43 rubles, and conditional additional profit per 1000 head of poultry was 6832,2-10828,6 rubles, which proves the efficiency of the use of different levels of adding premixes «Condor» in the mixed feed of chickens-broilers.


Therefore, to increase the production of meat of broiler-chickens it is advisable to use premix in the growth period in a dose of 1 % and to use premix in the final period in a dose of 1%.


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