Научная статья на тему 'New lexis in the area of sports in Bulgarian and Czech language'

New lexis in the area of sports in Bulgarian and Czech language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kolev Dimitar

The article concerns the titles of new sport disciplines in Bulgarian and Czech language, which come from English, or, in some cases, from Eastern languages (Chinese, Japanese, etc.). The purpose of the study is to determine the dynamics of this scientific field and the paths of its renewal. This process is determined by expanding the influence of sport activities in everyday life of our society and becoming more and more popular due to mass media and Internet.

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Текст научной работы на тему «New lexis in the area of sports in Bulgarian and Czech language»

2. Уфимцева A. A. Типы словестных знаков. - Изд. 3-е. - М.: Едиториал УРСС, - 2011. - 208 с.

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5. Гарипова Н. Д. Наблюдения над смысловой структурой многозначных слов разных частей речи//Исследования по семантике. - Уфа, БГУ - 1977. - С. 90-97.

6. Колобаев В. К. О некоторых смежных явлениях в области лексики (к вопросу о соотношении полисемии и широкозначности слова). - Ин.яз. в школе - 1983. - № 1 - С. 11-13.

7. Гришанова В. Н. К вопросу о критериях разграничения значений полисемантичных фразеологических единиц//Русский язык в школе. - № 6. - 1979. - С. 84-88.

8. Воронина А. З. Глагольные фраземы в аспекте номинации (на материале фразеологических единиц типа «глагол-существительное» в современном английском языке): дис. ... канд. филол. наук. - М., - 1979. - 184 с.

9. Halliday M. A. K., Hasan R. Cohesion in English. - London-New York: Longman, - 1976. - P. 374.

10. Ullmann S. Précis de sémantique française. - Berne: Francke Verlag, - 1975. - 352 p.

11. Schmid H.-J. English abstract nouns as conceptual shells: from corpus to cognition. - Berlin-New-York: Mouton de Gruyter, - 2000. - 457 p.

12. Bolinger D. Pronouns and repeated nouns. - Indian: Indiana University Linguistics Club, - 1977. - 63 p.

13. Ivanic R. Nouns in search of a context. A study of nouns with both open- and closed-system characterictics//In-ternational Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 2, - 1991. - P. 93-114.

14. Francis G. A corpus-driven approach to grammar//Baker M., Francis G., Tognini-Bonelli E. Text and technology: In honor ofJohn Sinclair. - Philadelphia - Amsterdam: John Benjamins, - 1993 - P. 137-156.

15. Vendler Z. Adjectives and nominalizations. - The Hague: Mouton, - 1968. - 134 p.

16. Терещенко С. С. Широкозачначшсть та багатозначшсть в украшськш мов^/Наукова електронна бiблiотека перюдичних видань НАН Украши, - 2007. - С. 177-179. - URL://http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/dspace/bit-stream/handle/123456789/21756/74-Tereshchenko.pdf?sequence=1

17. Плоткин В. Я. Широкозначность как особый тип семантики слова//Номинация и контекст: Сб. науч. тр. -Кемерово: КГУ, 1985. - С. 85-96.

18. Ullmann S. Semantic Universals/S. Ullmann//Universals of Language. Ed. By J. H. Greenberg. - Cambridge, Massachusetts, The M. I. T. Press, - 1963. - P. 172-207.

19. Амосова Н. Н. Основы английской фразеологии//Предисл. О. И. Бродович. Изд. 2-е, дополненное. - М.: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ», - 2010. - 216 с.

20. Авдеев A. A. Проблемы широкозначности и её соотношение с полисемией и дейксисом (На материале имен существительных английского, русского и французского языков): дис. ... канд. филол. наук: 10.02.19: защищена в Воронеж. гос. ун-те, 27.12.2002. - Воронеж, - 2002. - 172 с.

21. Баланюк С. С. Широкозначшсть як основа явища невизначеносп на прикладi англ.прикм-шв лексико-семант. групи «особливий». - Вюник Житомирського держ. ун-ту. Фглолопчш науки - 2010. - № 54 - С. 182-186.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-16-4-12-15

Kolev Dimitar, Institute for Bulgarian Language — BAS,

PhD student E-mail: dimitar_kolev87@abv.bg

New lexis in the area of sports in Bulgarian and Czech language

Abstract: The article concerns the titles of new sport disciplines in Bulgarian and Czech language, which

come from English, or, in some cases, from Eastern languages (Chinese, Japanese, etc.). The purpose of the

New lexis in the area of sports in Bulgarian and Czech language

study is to determine the dynamics of this scientific field and the paths of its renewal. This process is determined by expanding the influence of sport activities in everyday life of our society and becoming more and more popular due to mass media and Internet.

Keywords: neologisms, nouns, sports, Bulgarian language, Czech language.

Lexis in the area of sports is renewing and enriching actively over the past few decades, which arouses the interest to a comparative study of innovational processes in this thematic area. On one hand, the system of sport terminology is developing, which leads to expanding the area of usage and popularization of terminological units not only among the professionals in this area, but also among wide groups of our society. On the other hand, new sport lexis shows up — it has no terminological character and includes lexical items, which are used in every layer of the lexical system, and also — professional lexis and slangisms [4]. The reason behind these processes is that sports activities take wider and wider place in everyday life of significant part of the society, and sport is widely promoted due to mass media and Internet.

Nowadays sport is not only special professional activity or training for personal health and vigor, but also it is gaining significance as common cultural phenomenon. For example, the bond between sports and entertainment industry, cyber culture, urban subculture and some other areas of social life is getting more and more narrow. This fact is also a source to origination of neologisms, because of the existing necessity for naming new, non-existing before phenomena (for example — cyber sport activities).

On the other hand, there is globalization in the field of sports, that manifests itself in the fact that some new sports, originated from a particular country, quickly become popular in other countries, too. And sports that are old established, but traditional for a particular society, are now gaining international popularity. These global-izational phenomena are the reason for intensifying in-ternationalizational processes in the area of sports.

Nowadays both Bulgarian and Czech lexis in the field of sports is augmenting with neologisms which are denotations (i. e. names) to: new types of sports (b. скиатлон, с. skiatlon, b. каньонинг, с. kanoning/canyon-ing); individuals who practise the corresponding type of sport (b. сноубордист, с. snowbordista; b. шпагист, с. kordista); sports equipment (b. сноускут, с. snowscoot; b. слайд, с. slide); places where a concrete sport is practiced (b. сноупарк с. snowboardovy park/snehovy park/snowpark; b. U-рампа с. U-rampa), etc. Here we draw our attention only to one of the thematic fields of new lexis in the area of sports in Bulgarian and Czech

language: denotations of sports types and sports disciplines. There are significant changes in this area, related to the appearance of many new subdivisions. The aim of the study is to establish which are the manifestations of dynamics in this thematic field and which are the ways of neologization in it. The material for the study is extracted from neological vocabularies [1; 2; 7; 8], from specialized and unspecialized periodical literature, Internet sites and from other sources.

Innovations in the field of sports denotations in Bulgarian and Czech language are mostly related to differentiation of new categories in this thematic area. We could mention the following categories:

1. Hybrid sports denotations

a) Denotations of new sports, which combine contests in several sports disciplines: b. летен биатлон, с. letni biatlon (a sport discipline that includes shooting and running or riding a mountain bike); b. шах-бокс, с. sachbox (a sport that combines chess game and boxing); b. дуатлон, с. duatlon (a competition combining two disciplines — running and cycling).

b) Denotations of new sports, which combine elements of other sports: b. бордсейлинг с. boardsailing (a water sport combining elements of windsurfing and sailing); b. босабол; с. bossaball (a game that combines elements of volleyball, football, gymnastics and the martial art of capoeira).

2. Extreme sports denotations: b.рафтинг, с. rafi-ing/rafiovani (sports activity which includes navigating a raft in rough waters); b. бейсджъмпинг, с. basejump-ing (parachuting from tall fixed structures, such as skyscrapers, bridges, rocks, television towers and so on); b. хелибординг, с. heliboarding/heliobording (a snowboard-ing competition on inaccessible mountain terrain where the contestants are dropped on the ground from a helicopter); b. скайсърф/скайсърфинг, с. skysurfing/nebesky surfing/nebeske surfovani (a type of skydiving in which the skydiver wears a board attached to his feet and performs surfing-style aerobatics during freefall).

3. Denotations of traditional sports variations according to the place ofpractice

a) street variations: b. стрийт футбол/уличен футбол, с. streetfotbal/ulicni fotbal/poulicni fotbal; b. стрийт хокей/уличен хокей, с. streethokej/street-hokej; b. стрийтбол, с. streetball (a variation of bas-

ketball, typically played on outdoor courts); b. уличен фитнес/стрийт фитнес, с. street fitness.

b) beach variations: b. биийчволей/плажен волейбол, с. beachvolejbal/plazovy volejbal; b. плажен хандбал, с. beachhandball/pldzova hazena/plazovka.

4. Ethnic-specific sports denotations (or denotations of martial arts, also practiced as sports), which are getting international distribution: b. драконови лодки, с. draci lode (a traditional Chinese sport — paddling on a wooden boats with dragon heads decoration, usually navigated by 20 paddlers, a drummer and a paddler in the back of the boat who is responsible for turning the boat); b. муай тай, с. muay thai (a combat sport of Thailand that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques); b. сумо, с. sumo (a traditional Japanese fight, related with a religious cult, in which participate men with great bodyweight); b. шивари, с. shivari (a karate style that includes learning how to break tiles, slabs and so on with the flat ofyour hand); b. шотокан, с. sotokan/sho-tokan (a Japanese martial art and sport); b. шуто, с. suto/su to/suto uke (a Japanese martial art and sport).

5. Denotations of sports involving animals: b. скиджоринг, с. skijoring/skijoring (a winter sport, popular in North America and Scandinavia, where a person on skis is pulled by a horse, a dog (or dogs) or a motor vehicle); b. дог пулинг, с. dogpulling (a sport where a dog pulls heavy loads); b. пушбол, с.pushball (a game with horses, where they push a very large ball with their chests). As we can see from the examples above, this thematic subgroup has much in common with the previous one.

6. D enotations of sport practiced in an urban environment: b. скейтинг/скейтбординг, с. skating/skate-bording; b. паркур, с. parkour (an extreme sport — overcoming tough obstacles (tall fences, walls, etc.) in an urban environment).

7. Denotations of sport activities with the main purpose of entertainment: b. зорбинг, с. zorbing/zor-bovani (the recreation or sport of rolling downhill inside an orb, generally made of transparent plastic); b. хидрозорбинг, с. hydrozorbing (the water equivalent of zorbing); b. сноутюбинг, с. snowtubing/snehovy clun (a recreational activity where an individual rides on top of an inner tube on snow); b. петанка, с. petanque (a recreational activity where the goal is to toss or roll hollow steel balls as close as possible to a small wooden ball while standing inside a circle with both feet on the ground).

8. Denotations of systems for maintaining a good physical health and vigor by combining various techniques, including dancing, martial arts and so on: b. шейпинг, с. sejping/shaping (a system for maintaining a

good physical shape, combining elements of aerobics, choreography and bodybuilding); b. ModemuKa (a sports program which combines different types of dancing with aerobic exercises); b. 3yM6a, c. zumba (a sports program combining dancing, aerobic and fitness elements); b. nuAamec, c. pilates (a system of gymnastic exercises, which contains elements of yoga and ballet and is aimed at developing flexibility and strength of the whole body, without the aim of muscle mass).

9. Denotations of sports with elements of show and spectacle: b. aKpoSammeH poKeHdpoA, c. akrobaticky rock and roll (a competitive dance that combines dance movements to rhythmic music with acrobatic elements);

b. nuhpAuudum, c. cheerleading (a sports competition between majorettes); b. ecmemmecxa гuмнacmuкa, c. esteticka gymnastika (a group sports discipline that combines elements of gymnastics, j azz ballet and acrobatics).

10. Paralympic sports denotations: b. napaoAuMnuucKu $>ym6oA, c. paralympijsky fotbal; b. napaoAuMnuucKu eoAeu6oA /cumuHi eoAeu6oA, c. volejbal v sede/sitting volejbal (volleyball for athletes with disabilities in the lower limbs); b. cAedw-xoxeu, c. sledge hokej (a paralympic sport where players go on the ice not on skates, but on special sledges); b. 6acKem6oA c umaAudHu koauhku, c. basketbal na voziku; b. ^exmoeKa c umaAudHu koauhku, c. serm na voziku; b. meHuc c umaAudHu koauhku,

c. tenis na voziku; b. KhpAum c umaAudm koauhku, c. curling na voziku.

An innovation it the thematic field of sport is the emergence of the concept cyber sport (c. cybersport, kybersport), which refers to playing computer games as a competitive activity.

In conclusion we could say that neologization is intensified both in Bulgarian and in Czech language. This is related to the need many sports and sports disciplines that have arisen or have gained popularity in recent decades to obtain language naming.

The standpoint of Bulgarian and Czech authors that sports vocabulary is one of the areas where the effect of internationalizational processes in lexis of Bulgarian and Czech language is at its strongest [3; 6].

The main part of the new international names of sports are Anglicisms, while others come from some Eastern languages (Chinese, Japanese, etc.), but enter the Bulgarian and Czech language through English [5]. The peculiarities of the phonetic, graphic, morphological and semantic adaptation of these new internationalism to the system of the receiving language (Bulgarian or Czech) requires a separate study and will be subject to an individual work.

Online Sources in EFL/ESP Classes at Saudi Arabian Universities for Creating LASS


This material is based upon work supported by the PROGRAM FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS, BAS, under Grant No. ДФНП-114/11.05.2016.


1. Martincova O. a kol. Nova slova v Cestinë. Slovnik neologizm^ Praha: Academia, - 1998.

2. Martincova, O. a kol. Nova slova v Cestinë. Slovnik neologizmй 2. Praha: Academia, - 2003.

3. Svobodova D. Internacionalizace so^asne Ceskë slovni zasoby. Ostrava: Ostravska univerzita, - 2007.

4. Ticha Z. Pojmenovani ve sportovni oblasti - od slangu ke spisovne komunikaci (na Cesko-bulharskëm materia-lu)//Dynamika a inovace v Cestinë a bulharsti^ (90. leta 20. stoleti). Praha: UJC AV CR, v. v. i., - 2003.

5. Благоева Д., Колковска С. Динамика и иновационни процеси в българската лексика в края на ХХ и началото на XXI век//Българска лексикология и фразеология. Т. 1. Българска лексикология. София: АИ „Проф. М. Дринов", - 2013.

6. Колковска С., Благоева Д. Интернационализация на новата лексика (върху материал от българския език^/Specyfika leksyki i slowotworstwa w j^zykach slowianskich. Warszawa: SOW, - 2012.

7. Пернишка Е., Благоева Д., Колковска С. Речник на новите думи в българския език (от края на XX и началото на XXI в.). София: Наука и изкуство, - 2010.

8. Пернишка Е., Благоева Д., Колковска С. Речник на новите думи в българския език (от края на XX и началото на XXI в.). София: Наука и изкуство, - 2010.

D OI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-16-4-15-24

Dr. Manssour Habbash, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia E-mail: research2015ut@gmail.com

Online Sources in EFL/ESP Classes at Saudi Arabian Universities for Creating LASS

Abstract: In support of Chomsky's Language Acquisition Device (LAD), Burner [3, 19] proposes that a certain phenomenon called Language Acquisition Support System (LASS) plays a significant role in the acquisition oflanguage. Bruner also proposes the concept of 'spiral curriculum' as an effective instructional device that emphasizes the importance of a number of revisits to a topic for an in-depth understanding of the topic as well as for developing cognitive base for building upon the topic. Drawing upon the concepts of Bruner, this study hypothesizes that EFL (English as a Foreign Language)/ESL (English for Specific Purposes) teachers make use of the available online sources for producing a framework of scaffolding for their students and for creating LASS in their classes that support language acquisition process. To this extent this study aims at exploring the different ways that the teachers of EFL/ESP at the University of Tabuk in Saudi Arabia are using online sources in ways that support in developing a framework of scaffolding and creating LASS. The study employs mixed methods research model and collects data through interviews and questionnaires. The data gathered from the teachers is analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively and presented the narrative as well as the statistical accounts of the findings. The study finds that scaffolding is an important constituent of LASS, that the teachers create LASS in their classes by using online sources, and concludes that the creation of LASS in Saudi Arabian EFL/ESP classes is an essential factor in the acquisition of the language.

Keywords: LASS, EFL/ESP, Using On-Line Sources, Formats, Language Acquisition and Scaffolding.

Purpose, Objectives and Design of the Study tional purposes is gaining prominence because ofits avail-

Since the use of online sources for classroom instruc- ability and the ease of access, it's useful to get teachers'

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