Научная статья на тему 'List of questions for,the,general population (page numbers in brackets indicate where opinions and characteristics'

List of questions for,the,general population (page numbers in brackets indicate where opinions and characteristics Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Текст научной работы на тему «List of questions for,the,general population (page numbers in brackets indicate where opinions and characteristics»

;-fte MMst pf Questions for,the General Population on;r,t;r-. , ..........................u;>- v

J', ., , (*“6® numbers in brackets indicate where opinions, and, characteristics. -,t. -

vrr: '1:jL Vj* :>'■ of‘ various groups of population are presented) ' ' “ ” ~ ’* .

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-••ii-r-r-i v.<’.-•<<: n>.; - . - , ■

7. What news programmes did you most frequently watch'during the rlast-week?11) Utro;12) Ves'ti; 3) ITA-Novosti; !u ir' , 4) Jtbgi; ^‘Pddrobnosti^'G)' •Sego,dnya'(NTV);l7)rVremechko;;i8):2x2'’News;..9):News programmes of: local* (oblast,

town) channels; 10) Foreign news programmes^ (CNN, etc.);.il)*pi4n’t-y^tch;newslon-TV; No answer.; (52), -i, ■

8. What newspapers do you more or less regularly read (at least once a week)? 1) Argumenty i fakty; 2) Izvestiya; 3) Kommersant; 4) Komsomolskaya pravda; 5) Krasnaya zvezda; 6) Nezavisimaya gazeta; 7) Pravda; 8) Rossiyskaya gazeta; 9) ;Segodnya; 10) Sovetskaya Rossiya; 11) Trud; 12) Another newspaper of nationwide circulation; 13) Local (oblast, town, district) newspaper; 14) Don’t read newspapers regularly; No answer. (52)

9. What could you say about your mood in the recent days? 1) Excellent mood; 2) Normal, balanced state of mind; 3) Feeling tense, irritated; 4) Experiencing fear, melancholy; 5) Hard to answer; 6) No answer. (49, 55, 60, 65)

10. How would you estimate your family’s present material condition? 1) Very good; 2) Good; 3) In between; 4) Bad; 5) Very bad; 6) Hard to answer; 7) No answer. (49, 55, 60, 65)

11. How would you estimate your town’s (rural district’s) present economic situation? 1) Very good; 2) Good; 3) In between; 4) Bad; 5) Very bad; 6) Hard to answer; 7) No answer. (49, 55, 60, 65)

12. How would you estimate Russia’s present economic situation? 1) Very good; 2) Good; 3) In between; 4) Bad; 5)

Very bad; 6) Hard to answer; 7) No answer. (49, 55, 60, 65)

13. Which of the following statements is most relevant to the current situation? 1) Things are not so bad and it is possible to live; 2) Life is difficult but one can nevertheless endure it; 3) Our miserable situation has become unbearable; 4) Hard.to answer; 5) No answer. (49, 55, 60, 65)

14. Do you think that now the economic reforms are to be continued or that they are to be ceased? 1) To be continued; 2) To be ceased; 3) Hard to answer; 4) No answer. (53, 55, 60, 65)

15. What is your personal attitude to the President of Russia? 1) Fully support his actions; 2) Disagree with some of

his actions; 3) Believe he is to resign; 4) Hard to answer; 5) No answer. (53, 56, 61, 66)

16. What is your personal attitude to the Federal Assembly of Russia? 1) Fully support their actions; 2) Disagree with some of their actions; 3) Believe it is to be dissolved, re-elected; 4) Hard to answer; 5) No answer. (53, 56, 61, 66)

17. What is your personal attitude to the Russian government (Cabinet of Ministers)? 1) Fully support their actions; 2) Disagree with some of their actions; 3) Believe they are to resign; 4) Hard to answer; 5) No answer. (53, 56, 61, 66)

18. What is your personal attitude to the head of the Russian cabinet? 1) Fully support his actions; 2) Disagree with some of hiis actions; 3) Believe he is to resign; 4) Hard to answer; 5) No answer. (53, 56, 61, 66)

19. How would you evaluate in general the political situation in Russia? 1) Favourable; 2) Quiet; 3) Tense; 4) Critical, explosive; 5) Hard to answer; 6) No answer. (50, 53, 56, 61, 66)

25. Could you give the names of 5 or 6 Russian political figures who command your confidence most of all? 1) Borovoi;

2) Gaidar; 3) Yeltsin; 4) Zhirinovsky; 5) Zyuganov; 6) Kozyrev; 7) Lapshin; 8) Lakhova; 9) Luzhkov; 10) Pamfilova; 11) Rutskoi; 12) Rybkin; 13) Sobchak; 14) Boris Fedorov; 15) Svyatoslav Fedorov; 16) Chernomyrdin; 17) Chubais; 18) Shakhrai; 19) Shumeiko; 20) Yavlinsky) 21) Other; 22) None; 23) Don’t know; 24) No answer. (52, 56, 61, 66)

26. What mark would you give the President Boris Yeltsin, of Russia? (The average mark by the scale from ’1’ — the highest mark to/10’ — the lowest mark). (53, 57, 62, 67)

27. What mark would you give the Chairman of Cabinet of Ministers Viktor Chernomyrdin? (53, 57, 62, 67)

28. What do you think expects Russia in political life within the coming several months? 1) Sufficient improvement of the situation; 2) Certain improvement of the situation; 3) Certain deterioration of the situation; 4) Sufficient deterioration of the situation; 5) Hard to answer; No answer. (54, 57, 62, 67)

29. What, do you think expects Russia in economy within the coming several months? 1) Sufficient improvement of the situation; 2) Certain improvement of the situation; 3) Certain deterioration of the situation; 4) Sufficient deterioration of the situation; 5) Hard to answer; No answer. (54, 57, 62, 67)

31. In your opinion, which of the parties and organisations listed below best of all reflects interests of people like you?

1) Agrarian Party of Russia (Lapshin); 2) Yavlinsky’s bloc; 3) Russia’s Democratic Choice (Gaidar); 4) Democratic Party of Russia (Govorukhin); 5) Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Zyuganov); 6) Liberal Democratic

• Party of Russia Zhirinovsky); 7) Party of Russia’s Unity and Consent (Shakhrai); 8) Party of Economic Freedom (Borovoi); 9) Women of Russia (Lakhova); 10) Forward, Russia! (Boris Fedorov); 11) Derzhava (Rutskoi) 12) Party of Working People’s Self-rule (Svyatoslav Fedorov; 13) Party of Beer-lovers (Kalachev); 14) Other; 15) Don’t know any such party; 16) There is no such party; 17) Don’t know, 18) No answer. (54)

31a. Which of the problems existing in today’s Russian society make you most anxious? 1) Shortage of food, everyday goods; 2) Price increase; 3) Rising unemployment; 4) Crisis in economy, output decline in industry and agriculture; 5) Rise of crime; 6) Crisis of moral and culture; 7) Deterioration of the environment; 8) Aggravation of ethnic relations; 9) Dramatic stratification between the wealthy and the poor, unfair distribution of incomes; 10) Threat of fascism and extremism; 11) Corruption, bribery; 12) Weakness, inability of the state power; 13) Conflicts within the country’s leadership; 14) Threat of military dictatorship; 15) Military conflicts on Russia’s borders; 16) Other; 17) Don’t know; 18) No answer. (57, 62, 67)

32. In your opinion, how possible are now mass demonstrations against price increase, fall of the living standard in your town/rural district? 1) Quite possible; 2) Hardly probable; 3) Don’t know/Hard to answer; No answer. (50, 58, 63, 67)

33. If demonstrations, meetings against price increase and fall of the living standard take place, would you personally participate in them or not? 1) Most likely yes; 2) Most likely no; 3) Hard to answer; 4) No answer. (50, 58, 63, 68)

33a. If Yeltsin runs in the coming presidential election, is it possible that you would vote for him? Why? 1) I will note vote for Yeltsin under any circumstances; 2) I will vote for Yeltsin only if other candidates appear to be still worse;

3) I will vote for Yeltsin because he is the mainstay of democratic reformation; 4) I will vote for Yeltsin because he is able to maintain order in the country; 5) I will vote for Yeltsin because he is a reasonable, moderate politician able to compromises; 6) I will vote for Yeltsin because he active and resolute enough; 7) I will vote for Yeltsin


Сентябрь—октябрь 1995 Информационный бюллетень мониторинга

.... . ,because, he,is. popular enough,; enjoys support, of the people; .8) I.will, vqte for .Yeltsin because I like his human

’ 1 1 ‘qualities;'9) I will vote for Yèltsiri because my'friends,'acquaintances will support him; .10) I will vote for ,Yeltsin for,other circumstances; 11) I will vote forfSYeltsin because, by force of. habit, there is.nobody better; 12). Donít .know; Ï3) No answer: ;‘ V ' V; V

¡ ■ 1 { ■ <} ~ , j y- * 1'- • - T", v , r- ■;* - ' • t f ¡Í ) - ■ . ‘ . r • , ■ 7 ; ; ' j * *(•

34. How did thé money income of your family change in the past month in compárison with, prices? 1) It was ahead

• -the price increase; 2) It rose,approximately at .the same rate as prices;, 3) It was,behind the price increase;^) Hard

' t¿ánswer;l5) Ño answer.(58, 63, 68)* '' 1 J ' " ' " “ ':J! ' ‘ ..... ; . '

, 35.The size of income (per household member) ,the respondent considers to be necessary.-for normal life..(51) ;, ,:>■ ««..( 35:05. Thé amount of per-capita income, necessary,'in respondent’s opinion, for normal life. (51, 59, 64, 69) , m

. 36. Which of the fqllqwingrstatements. about the existence minimum : would you most likely choose? 1) Existence] minimúm is a level of income, thàt secures to a person merely physical survival; 2) Existence minimum, is a level ^ , of. income, that, secures ,to„a, person modest, but more or,.less decent, existence; 3) Hard' ta answer; 4) No answer,"

■ • (so,58,63,68) ' ■ - ——..................' "

. 37. Income.¡that would,nin respondent’s opinion,, at pres.ent .time secure existence minimum (per person in, a,,month),. J: " (5i, 59,64,69) ' rt'.’r* ■ ' ‘ ^ ;; ' *'•

, 38. In your opinion, how wiU.prices of basic commodities, and facilities changé; in _the coming^two or three months? 1), Prices will risémóre rapidly than now; 2) Prices will rise at the same rate as now;* 3) Prices will rise more slowly than now; 4) Prices will stay at the same level; 5) Prices will fall; 6), Hard to answer; 7) No answer, (59, 63, 68) , 42.Is,now a,good time or .a bad time for,sufficient purchases.for home?’ 1) Good time; 2) Neither good nor bad; 3) Bad T. -time;, ,4) Hard to answer; ,5) N,q answer. (59, 64, 68)r ^ ' ‘ *•

43. Is now a good time or a bad time for saving money? 1) Good time; 2) Neither good nor báá; 3) Bad time; 4),Hard

. to answer; 5) No answer. (59, 64, ,68) .............. . ... r ,>A

B3;What do you think about the election of the State Duma? 1) Thé élection must be at any,rate held in.December 1995; 2) It must be delayed for 2-3 years; 3) Don|t knpw; .4) Nq answer. (70,. 75, ,80) ° - .’ .' .7

.B4.If.the State Duma^election were next Sunday* would y.oú.yote or,not?,l)’Surely,hpt;. 2) I doubt it; 3) L don’t know ' whether I would;'4)'Probably Í would; (5) Exactly, I .will .vote unless some,thing happens to me before that; 6).Don’t know; 7) No answer. (70, 75, 80), . ;T"*, V ,r.'. ‘ V

B5. Why are you unwilling to vote or'doubt coricerning'.you participation in the election? (Per cent of those who wóúid ' not participate in the State Duma election)'1) I don’t see any party:thíát reflects my interests; 2) I don’t, trust any . .of the present-day politicians; 3) I will wait until another party or politician .appears, for which I, could vote; 4)

, The élection will not’be honest,'the rësültsin any case will be garbled; 5)‘The parliament decides' nothing,' the election is 'useless;. '6)‘Other, 7) Don’t know; 8) No answer. (70,'75, 80) ,. ' ‘ .' ’V, *! 1

B6.Í Which 'of the prèsentiy existing 'nation-wide or, régional political parties,1 movements, blocs are you ready "to . support in the next election? 1) Agrarian Party of Russia (Lapshin); 2) Yavlinsky bloc; 3) Forward^ Rússia! (Boris Fedorov);'. 4) Russia’s Democratic Choice (Gaidar) 5) Democratic Party^ of. Rüsàia (Govorukhin, Travkin); '6)

1 Democratic Russia (Yakunin', Starovoitova);' 7) Derzhava (Rutskoi) 8) Communist Party'of the RussianiFedération (Zyuganov); 9) Left .Centre - Russia’s Regions (Rybkin); 10) Congress of Russian Communities (Lebed); 11) Russia ' Is Our Home'(Chernomyrdin); 12) Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Zhirinovsky); 13) Party .of Beer-lovers (Kalachev); 14) Party of People’s Conscience (Kazannik); 15) Party of Russia’s Unity and Consent (Shakhrai);. 16)

; Party of Péçpie’s Self'^govériiment‘(Sviatoslav Fedorov); 17) Party of Social Democracy (Alexander,Yákoylev);'Í8)

1 Párty óf Economic Freedom (Borovoi); 19) Worríéri cif 'Russia (Lakhova); 20) Republican F’arty (Pamfilova) 21) Russian National Unity (Barkashov); 22) Other; 23) Don’t know; 24) No answer. (70, 75, 80)

B'7.JWhat is the reason' of your intention to vote for this party or bloc? (Per cent ,'of those'who are going tó vôtéj'ïj The party I’will voté for expressés the interests of people like me;12) Ï support tHe leader (leaders) of this party;

3) This is the strongest party supported by the majority; 4) I have been supporting this party already, for,'à long time; 5) There arenéw people in''this party, the will'púrsu'é a new policy;'6) At, léast, I know this party, wheréas *7 ’practically nothing is known to me about thé rest; 7) Other; 8) Don’t know; 9) N° answer. (71, 76, 81) ' ! .'

B8: To'what: extent are you sure’that you will vbte namely for this party in December 1995?'(Per ceriVqf those who are going to vote) 1) Quite sure; 2) I will unless somiething extraordinary happens; 3)'Not quite sure; 4) Not at all sure; 5) Don’t know;'- 6) No answer. (71*,',76; 81) 1 ■ : ^ . r ■ - ^ . ' ' - ' - ■

■ B9. In your opinion';-‘what are the chances Of tHe party you are goiñg tó voté for in the coming eléction?'(Pèr‘cent of

those who are going, to vote) 1) I think it will gain a majority; 2) I think it will succeed in gathering a sufficient number of votes to have strong positions in the, Duma; 3) I think it will1 pass the' 5-perTCeht'bar‘.with difficulty;‘4 j I think it has no cha'nceis to enter the parliament; 5) Don’t know; 6) Noahswer.:‘(71V76:, 8lj 'r 1 ‘V

BIO. Which other'pártiés'oh the list coulcl you under some circumstance's vbterfor in the coming election? 1) ¡Agrarian Party of Russia (Lapshin); 2) Yavlinsky bloc; 3) Forward, Russia! (Boris Fedorov); 4) Russia’s Democratic Choice (Gaidar) 5) Democratic Party of Russia (Govorukhin, Travkin); 6) Democratic Russia (Yakunin, Starovoitova); 7) Derzhava (Rutskoi) 8) Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Zyuganov); 9) Left Centre - Russia’s Regions (Rybkin); 10) Congress of Russian Communities (Lebed); 11) Russia Is Our Home (Chernomyrdin); 12) Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Zhirinovsky); 13) Party of Beer-lovers (Kalachev); 14) Party of People’s Conscience (Kazannik); 15) Party of Russia’s Unity and Consent (Shakhrai); 16) Party of People’s Self-government (Sviatoslav Fedorov); 17) Party of Social Democracy (Alexander Yakovlev); 18) Party of Economic Freedom (Borovoi); 19) Women of Russia (Lakhova); 20) Republican Party (Pamfilova) 21) Russian National Unity (Barkashov); 22) Other; 23) I will notjvote under any circumstance; 24) Don’t know; 25) No answer. (72, 77, 82)

Bll. Which of the parties on the list would you not vote for under any circumstances? 1) Agrarian Party of Russia (Lapshin); 2) Yavlinsky bloc; 3) Forward, Russia! (Boris Fedorov); 4) Russia’s Democratic Choice (Gaidar) 5) Democratic Party of Russia (Govorukhin, Travkin); 6) Democratic Russia (Yakunin, Starovoitova); 7) Derzhava (Rutskoi) 8) Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Zyuganov); 9) Left Centre - Russia’s Regions (Rybkin); 10) Congress of Russian Communities (Lebed); 11) Russia Is Our Home (Chernomyrdin); 12) Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Zhirinovsky); 13) Party of Beer-lovers (Kalachev); 14) Party of People’s Conscience (Kazannik); 15) Party of Russia’s Unity and Consent (Shakhrai); 16) Party of People^ Self-government (Sviatoslav Fedorov); 17) Party of Social Democracy (Alexander Yakovlev); 18) Party of Economic Freedom (Borovoi); 19) Women of

Информационный бюллетень мониторинга Сентябрь—октябрь 1995


'■ ' ' Riissia (Lakhova); 20) Republican Party (PamfiloVa) 21) Russian Natiorial-Ùnitÿ.(Bàrkàshbvj; 22) bther;,23) Don’t know; 24) No answer’ ■ ■>. ■ ■ • r.'- ^ ' ' ' .

B12. Do you think that the'State Duma elected next time will b'e* better or worse than the .'present one? 1). Surely better; 2) Probably better; 3) Most likely neither better nor worse; 4) Probably worse;'5) Surely worse; 6),Don’t

; know; 7) No answer; (73, 78; 83)! ’V -! .''".‘‘’''v ,!./ '". !!

B13a Would you accept the communists’ return to powér? 1) Yes;'2) No; 3) I’m indifférent'to it; 4) No answer. (73, 78,

84) , i _ _ ... 'Г,: ..

В 13b. Would you accept national'patriots’ coming to power? !) Yès; 2) No; 3) i’m indifferent'to it; 4) No answer: (73/78,

84) ■’ ‘ ■' '••• і i: ' -t •• '• ' \i t .t..»:«-

B13c. Would you accept presidential rulfe withoiit a parliament' and with a' new president!?’ 1) Yes;'2) No; 3)'!I’m

■ indifferent to it; 4) No answer. (73, 78, 84) ' , ’ '• " :j ч ■■■■ ■ il" ' ’

B13d. Would you accept presidential rule without a parliament and’with the actual president? 1) Yes; 2) No; . 3) I’m indifferent to it; 4) No answer. (73, 78, 84)

ВІЗе. Would you accept preservation'of power in the'hands'of'the actual lea'ders? 1) Yes;'2) No; 3)'I’m indiffereht to'it;

4) No answer. (73, 78, 84) , s , , 1 ‘,,

B13f. Would you accept arraignment of the actual leaders 6f the;country? 1) Yes; 2) No; 3) I’rri indifférent to it; 4) No answer. ' (74,79,84) ■ ' ; . ’ ; : ' ’ ... ' ■;v t '

06+010.Respondent’s money income for thé previous month: (51, 59,'64, 69) _ ' "'' ' ......•; ,

07. Did you receive your- wages 'for the 'previous month in'time, and completely? (Per cent of thé number of those working) 1) Yes, in time and completely; 2) With delay; 3) Incompletely; 4) With delay’and incompletely; 5) Didn’t

■ receive at all; 6) No answer. (50)’ • 1....r J •' " ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ! ’ , . ,

08. Did you have in the previous month, besides your primary occupation, another job or occupation bringing regular

’ income? 1) Yes; 2) No; 3) No answer. 1) Yes; 2):No; 3) N6 ans'wer'. (50) \ \ і ' '

025:5. The actual income of respondent’s family per head: (51,*.59,‘ 64, 69) 4 V ‘ , ,

R5. How acute is for your enterprise/organization tlïe problem of lack ofjbrdèrs; contracts, agrééments?, 1) No prbblem at all; 2) A small problem; 3) A big prbblem; 4)'A very big problém; 5) Don’t know; No answer. (84, 86, 89)'.

R6. How acute is for your enterprise/organization the problem of bad provision with equipment, raw materials, spare part? 1) No problem at all; 2) A small prbblem; 3)'A' big problem; 4) A very big problem; 5) Don’t know; No answer. (84, 86, 89) 1 . ' ' ..... ■ T

R7. How acute is for your enterprise/organization thè problem of interruption in fuel and power supply? 4) No problem at all; 2) A‘ sinall problem; 3) A big problem; ;4) A very big problem; 5)' Don’t know;.No answer. (88, 91) R8. How acute is for your enterprise/organization the problem of unrhythmical work? 1) NoJproblem at all; 2) A small problem; 3) A big problem; 4) A very big problem; 5) Don’t know; No answer. (84, '86, 89) ' _

R9. How acute is for your enterprise/organization the problem of managers’ negligence, inability to organize, .work?

1) No problem at all; 2) A small problem; 3) À big problem; 4) A very big problém; 5) Don’t know; No answer. (84,

'' 86.89)'. ‘ . :.v ..' ;;;.v ." '

RIO. How acute is for your enterprise/organization the problem of sales? 1) No problem at all; 2) A small problem; 3) A big problem; 4) A very big problem; 5) Don’t know; No answer,. (84, .87, 90) •,

Rll. How acute is for your enterprise/organization the problem of plundering, equipment,- ready-made, products, materials? 1) No problem at all; 2) A small problem; .3) A big problem; 4) A vëry.big problem; 5) Don’t know; No answer. (85, 87, 90) ’ r . л

R24. If you could choose, what would you prefer? 1) To have moderate but stable earning and confidence in the; future;

2) To work much and earn a lot' without guarantees for the future; 3) To ha’ve(own business; 4) Hard to!answer;

5) No answer. (85, 87, 90) . . .

R25. Which of the following statements would you most likely support? 1) Work'is. important and interesting, to me irrespective of payment; 2) Work is important but there,are things more important to me; 3) Work, is a. soiirce of existence means; the better they pay the more I work; 4). Work is an unpleasant, obligation; if I could I wouldn’t work at all; 5) Hard to answer; 6) No answer. (85, 87, 90) ’•/. . '

R26. Do yoii think that people around’you àré working more or less intensively than before during the latest months? 1) Mainly more intensively;,^) Mainly in the same manner as before; 3) Mainly less intensively; 4) Hard to answer; 5) No answer. (85, 87, 90) . ! ' J , ■ ' ! ‘ . '

R27. Do you agree or disagree with the opinion that at presént people have more possibilities to display initiative in ’ their work? 1) More likely agree;.2) More likely disagrée; 3).Hard to answer;. 4) No answer. (85,. 87, 91)

R28.Could you personally.work,more and better, than now?,1),No; 2) Yes; 3) Hard to ans.wer; 4) No answer. (85,: 88, ;91)

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