Научная статья на тему 'Linguistic problems of modern migration processes'

Linguistic problems of modern migration processes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zvarych Olena

In the article one of the key ethnopolitical issues of the contemporary world and Ukraine-migration and language agenda is elucidated.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Linguistic problems of modern migration processes»

loudness" and the amplitude of a sign's movement [1, 297-320].

In addition to these studies, the link between salience and movement can also be strengthened by the general research that has been carried out into visual perception; the research suggests, for example, that movement enhances the possibility of perceiving the object, and that movement contributes positively also to the identification of the object.

In a coherent treatment of sonority, the question of its articulatory basis must also be addressed. With the regard to this issue it has been suggested that with spoken language the degree of sonority of a sound correlates articulatorily with the openness of the vocal tract.

The main idea is that a sound generated in an open vocal tract is more sonorous than a sound generated in a closed tract since the larynx sound resonates differently in the vocal cavity depending on the degree of openness of the tract; the larynx sound going through an open tract produces a stronger — and thus better perceived — signal than one going through a closed tract. Traditionally,

this view ofthe articulatory basis ofsonority has been used to explain, for example, the greater sonority of vowels over consonants: vowels are always produced in a relatively open vocal tract whereas in the production of consonants there is always a closure of some sort.

As far as we are aware, the articulatory basis of sonority in signed language has not been investigated in a level comparable to that in spoken language.

However, an exception of the linguist Brentari who uses the physiologically, socially, motivated weakening and strengthening phenomena of lexical movements to argue that sonority in signed language correlates with the proximality of the joint used in the production of the movement [3, 316].


We found out syllable division. We recommend continuing to research the syllable division, because the syllable division is not studied completely by the all linguists of the whole world. A full investigation of the formation of the syllable will be useful for studies, teaching and learning of phonetics.


1. Allen, G. D., Wilbur, R. B. & Schick, B. B. Aspects of Rhythm in ASL. - Baltimore: Sign Language Studies, 1991. - 297-320.

2. Corina, D. & Sandler, W. On the Nature of Phonological Structure in Sign Language. - New York: Phonology, 1993. - 65-201

3. Brentari. D. Sing languages. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. - 316.

4. Ladefoged, P. A. Course in Phonetics. New York: Hartcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1995. - 221.

5. Maddieson, I. Syllable Structure. The World Atlas of Language Structures, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. - 54-57.

6. Blevins, J. The Syllable in Phonological Theory. The Handbook of Phonological Theory. - Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. - 206-244.

7. Vasilina V. N. Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language. - Minsk: Belorussian State University, 2014. - 7.

8. Malimonova N. V., Merkulova T. K. Introduction to the theoretical phonetics. Conspects of lectures. - Kh: Kharkov National University after named V. N. Karazin, 2004. - 60.

9. Gromovaya I. I. Theoretical Phonetics. - Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 2013. - 15-16.

Zvarych Olena,

Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law named after King Danylo Halytskyi,

PhD in Economics, the Faculty of Law E-mail: lena_zl@ukr.net

Linguistic problems of modern migration processes

Abstract: In the article one of the key ethnopolitical issues of the contemporary world and Ukrainemigration and language agenda is elucidated.

Keywords: state ethnic policy ofUkraine, linguistic aspect, migration processes, ethnolinguistic problems.

Introduction. The issue of migration processes, including linguistic aspect, has always been topical, but recently has become especially pressing due to the migration collapse in particular, in Belgium, Germany, France, Hungary, which is widely discussed in the international and domestic mass media. Concerning Ukraine, it is primarily caused by the fact that its higher power bodies have not decided their foreign policy on migration issues. Among other things the problems of deportation and issuance of documents aren't fully resolved giving foreigners the right to residence and labour on the territory of Ukraine and aren't formulated clear language requirements related to these processes.

Analysis ofthe latest researches and publications, the object of this article. Migration, in the context of the ethnopolitical relations, is the research subject of a number of the profile structures of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine, and widely covered in the scientific works of such scholars as: V. Yevtukh, O. Ma-lynovska, E. Melnykov, V. Naulko, O. Piskun, A. Svistu-nov, H. Sereda, M. Shulha and others [1-8]. At the same time, the language problems, that accompany these processes, still insufficiently investigated that became the purpose of the scientific exploration.

Results and Discussion. Since gaining the independence, Ukraine has begun the transition to the new format of international relations, joined many international organizations as the equal member of the World and the European Community and ratified the majority of conventions, treaties concerning human rights protection, including language.

Development ofthe legal foundation of ethnopolicy in conditions of independence of Ukraine is related to the requirements of time and according to Ye. Melnykov [3] can be divided into two stages. The first: August 1991-June 1996 (Declaration of Independence of Ukraine of August 24, 1991; Acts of Ukraine: of October 08, 1991 No. 1636-XII "On Citizenship of Ukraine", of November 01, 1991 No. 1771-XII "Declaration of Rights ofNationalities of Ukraine", of February 14, 1992 No. 2117-XII "Fundamentals of Legislation on Culture", ofJune 25, 1992 No. 2494-XII "On national minorities in Ukraine", of December 24, 1993 No. 3818-XII "On Refugees", ofFebruary 04, 1994 No. 3929-XII "On Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons". However, the second period began with the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine on June 28, 1996 and it lasts till the present day [9-16].

Considering this the state ethnopolitics of Ukraine is carried out in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil

and Political Rights and the Optional Protocol, the Declaration of the 47th session of the General Assembly UN on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National Minorities and Oslo — Regarding Linguistic Rights of National Minorities and other international instruments [17-22].

Everything aforesaid demonstrates the consistent formation of a democratic legal environment in Ukraine, but the practical implementation of these legal acts still remains a problem. Thus, the most significant gaps in ethnopolitics, which make actual the necessity of aimed influence on ethno-linguistic agenda, are the absence of the differentiated approach to various categories of migrants [3; 23]: 1) internal: unaffected (for instance: due to marriage); displaced persons (Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk); ecological (basically, it's Chornobylians); 2) external: immigrants from Ukraine who are returning to their homeland from neighboring countries (repatriates); persons who were illegally deported from Ukraine which was a part of the former Soviet Union on the national basis; migrants from neighboring countries who were forced to leave the country of residence, in particular because of the authorities harassment; refugees from far-abroad countries; illegal migrants from different countries (including undocumented transit persons).

The process of creeping depopulation associated with the migration situation is almost the major threat just for the titular nation and its language. Furthermore, the significant mortality of the population and low birth rate may lead to the fact that in a few decades the number of indigenous ethnos could reduce to 50 and more percents with its unequal substitution for the immigrants from Asia and Africa, including those who would come illegally to Ukraine. As Ye. Melnykov notes referring to the [24] Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) data, the main migration traffic to the European countries is through Ukraine and 60 thousand of illegal migrants annually use it [3]. Synchronically, according to the UN conclusions and their quantity Ukraine occupies the fourth position after the USA, Germany and Russia. According to the experts' estimation approximately 4 million migrants have already settled in our country [3].

It should also be noted that polyethnicity spectrum of Ukraine-the country in which the representatives of about one hundred nationalities have lived since early times, became even more diverse within recent years. And it isn't just due to illegal migration. According to

some estimation 20 or more thousands of persons, particularly from Russia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Moldova and Azerbaijan have acquired the citizenship of Ukraine officially every year officially [3; 25].

Thus, migration is the objective reality there is no sense to combat with it. It's necessary to gain its advantage in the interests of the state and the sooner it will begin-the better. Nevertheless, taking the dynamism of foreign flows in Ukraine into consideration, it becomes possible that in 7-10 years, or probably earlier, it would be necessary to settle rather large groups of migrants for whom it will be more difficult to integrate into the new society, including the linguistic environment. Therefore, the Concept of migration processes development, elaborated by the Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies ofthe National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, stipulates fixing the quantitative quotas regarding the migrants' admission by levels of their educational background, health, age and many other legislative conditions to obtain the citizenship [3; 26]. At the same time, the different level of the migration mobility of ethnic communities and also various directions of the migratory movements in the regions of Ukraine influence both its number and ethnic-national formations. And their main features are ethnolinguistic situation and aggravation of the education, culture and language issues. Furthermore, the linguistic problem consists of such factors :

1. Low literacy of migrants often abjects inconvenience to the government representatives in clarifying the circumstances and resolves the people's further life

(such as the identification of citizenship and verification of personal data).

2. Ignorance of language, without which, it is impossible to obtain the citizenship in most European countries, causes discomfort in relations with the local population and create a lot of problems with the adaptation of migrants.

3. The absence of institutions that would have expedited the possibility of studying the state (Ukrainian) language by foreigners [3].

4. Low participation of local governments and national-cultural organizations in solving the migrants' language problems [27].

5. Insufficient determination on their settlement of national ethnopolitical legislation, in which the language aspects of migratory movements in Ukraine should be taken into account.

Conclusions. The problems of culture, education and language are urgent by the fact that heterogeneous population composition creates its cultural and general community that differs from the established national values. As a matter of fact, the main priority of each State, and also Ukraine, is providing the comfort conditions for each of the ethnic groups. The mentioned agenda is multivariable; the corresponding bodies ofgovernment and national-cultural associations and other public constitutions of ethnopolitical communities should participate in its settlement. However, the tolerance and respect are the key aspects in ethnos relationships; our society feels lack of them, because Ukraine has been isolated from one of such topical as migration and its ethnolinguistic mainstream.


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