Научная статья на тему 'Lifelong education: the foreign experience of developing potential of personnel'

Lifelong education: the foreign experience of developing potential of personnel Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Lifelong education: the foreign experience of developing potential of personnel»



Ye. R. Chernyshova

There is significant influence on the social development of society from the personnel potential of the system of higher education, the part that carries out professional activity, providing high-quality educational services, and rises professionalism throughout the course of life. The functioning of the system of post-graduate pedagogical education (hereinafter PPE) is connected primarily with constant (lifelong) education of adult. This can be observed in the context of an examination of the European integration Bologna and Copenhagen processes, the Lisbon strategy for creating a European space of higher education and scientific research. One of the strategic tasks of national social development, in our opinion, is the formation and the effective use of the personnel potential of the PPE system, at the same time based on the positive foreign experience of the development of modern educational processes.

Ukrainian scholars (A. Bazil, Ya. Bolyubash, V, Grishchak, V. Kremen, V, Lugovoi, L. Pukhovska, S. Sokolov, O. Spivakovsky, M.Stepko and others), who study problems of international activity of institutes of higher education, are developing approaches to forming a concept of inter-university development of international cooperation. Despite the fact that over the past decades, significant changes have taken place in the educational sphere of Ukraine in compliance with international standards and norms, it remains important today to reveal the opportunities that help the modern university to integrate into the international educational space by means of the development of its own personnel potential, and the declaration of androgogy principles, taking into account lifelong education. The constant updating of the spectrum of educational services and technologies of their production, raising the quality of personnel resources and increasing the productivity of their professional activity requires forming a new style of thinking and methods of professional activity of scientific and pedagogical employees, including the systematic evaluation of the results of scientific research in this field [2; 3]. The results of studies show that the direct transfer of the experience of the innovative development of other countries to the local environment, an uncritical attitude to the advice of foreign specialists and organizations, and copying approaches to the development of the indicated processes are futile. We believe that national universities should be guided primarily by their own experience and intellectual resources. It is inappropriate to borrow completely forms and methods of personnel work of foreign institutes of study, which as we understand will never place Ukraine in the same rank alongside the leading countries of the world. However, we may certainly use the experience of developed countries in the field of raising the quality of professional activity of scientific-pedagogical employees in the sphere of higher education, by means of developing its personnel potential. Under these conditions, the optimal approach to forming the personnel potential of educational institutions of the PPE system is a strategy for their development under


which there is an integration of the results of the study of fundamental and applied sciences, with the use of their own personnel potential, and the application of positive foreign experience. [1].

An analysis of foreign experience and a development of recommendations may be carried out at different levels taking into account the generalized goals, conceptual ideas, methods and technologies, and also private methods and individual methodological techniques. We believe that an analysis of foreign experience should be made from the position of carrying out specific tasks that reflect modern trends in post-graduate education, i.e. to analyze basic goals and provisions, conceptual ideas, pedagogical technologies and methods, which form new models of education, oriented towards the effective use of personnel technologies in higher education. Professional training of personnel based on the example of developed European countries, and also Japan and the USA, have shown that they are oriented towards introducing a system of the prospective program and goal planning of the development of science, technologies and the economy in the field of effectively forming personnel potential [7; 11]. In the development and use of personnel potential, Japanese educational structures realize personnel potential, based on employees receiving professional experience and a high level of knowledge that meets the goals and interests of this organization. For example, in the USA, equivalent structures look for specialists whose knowledge and experience may be used in any other structure of this type of professional activity. Some researchers do not believe that this approach is an exclusively Japanese achievement, pointing out that it is applied to one degree or another in other developed countries. However, everyone agrees that it is in Japan that this approach is developing) as a factor of stabilization and development of personnel potential is widespread in Japan (from 35% to 50% of employees). The system involves hiring the employee immediately after they graduate from the institute of study, and the informal, i.e. legally non-binding, preservation of a job for them in the structure until compulsory retirement. T. Matrusova notes in her works that professional training and lifelong teaching of personnel in Japan is not just and not only the re-training of employees when their qualifications “go out of date”, as a planned process of systematically increasing the qualification, and a move from simple to more complex professions, from a narrow specialization to branching out. This process is planned and carried out taking into account strategic forecasts of development, determining the individual requirements of employees, the results of carrying out constant monitoring of compliance of the professional and qualification attributes of the employees with the main goals and tasks of the organization [4]. It is generally recognized that the best international experience of innovational development of personnel potential has been accumulated by Japanese organizations, which have the highest labor productivity in the world, and the highest quality of innovational products. They are the recognized leaders in the introduction of high technology. This innovation development of the personnel potential of organizations has influenced the development of educational systems and technologies in this country [4]. Evidently, the Japanese style of managing the development of personnel potential is in several aspects close to the traditions of employees seeing professional activity as the life of a large family. So this can be


made use of, achieving significant results both on the organizational and the social level.

For the national system of higher education, it is very interesting to observe the experience of the development of educational systems, at the basis of which lies the principle of human potential (the principle of development). This principle involves putting the real abilities of the employee in first place, and the opportunity to discover and develop their abilities. With the application of the principle of development, functions of professional training and instruction of the university personnel (brining the professional and qualification attributes of the employees into compliance with the goals and tasks of the institute, the swift and easy adaption of new employees, their constant development and promotion). The main factors that determine the prestige of educational structures whose activity is directed towards providing educational services include its legal status, its corporate philosophy (sincerity, harmony, cooperation, contribution to improving the life of society), the sphere of services provided, the controlling share of the market of educational services, access to external financial sources, and the ability of bringing in human resources with high potential. To a significant degree, the recognition and status of the employee in society depends on the prestige of the educational structure [6, 11].

At the same time, the development of personnel potential in the management of human resources in the USA is based on a wide research base, consulting assistance, developed management infrastructure, and corporate universities for raising qualifications [8]. American organizations spend considerable amounts of financial, material, time and human resources on training, instructing and re-instructing their employees. Thus, the guarantee of success for a university to function and develop is in many ways determined by the level of knowledge of the students, and the individual and group intellectual potential of these institutions. Three principles lie at the basis of organizing professional training, instruction and raising the qualification of employees of study institutions: the lifelong professional training and instruction of the body of personal; the practical direction of professional training and instruction of personnel, the use of active methods of personnel training etc. [5]. Recently, in carrying the lifelong instruction of workers, the positive experience of Japanese study institutes has been widely used in organizing corporate universities and introducing quality-control groups [8; 9].

If in the USA professional training and instruction of personnel is given greater attention in organizations with a significant number of personnel, in European countries this tendency is seen in small structures. Personnel management services in Germany hold one of the leading positions in the managing apparatus of state organizations. Work in general management of personnel is carried out by special services, the size of which depends on the number of lessons: for 130-150 lessons, there is one personnel service worker. In the general structure of these services, the section that is responsible for providing managing personnel stands out, as recently it has shown a tendency to increase [10]. Great attention is also given to raising the qualification of various categories of specialists. An equivalent system also functions in study institutions.


Thus, on the basis of a summary of the positive foreign experience of the development of staff potential, we have determined the directions and approaches to the formation of the staff potential of study institutes in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education of Ukraine, and namely: (a) increasing attention to training personnel and creating corporate universities, schools of innovation, and bringing back mentorship; (b) tapping the reserves of the creative development of the personnel of study institutions; (c) improving the quality characteristics of the personnel; (d) development of the personnel as a personality component of corporate culture; (e) distribution of certification of personnel work. An analysis of the practical foreign experience of the development of personnel potential in the education sphere has made it possible to single out what we believe are important directions of foreign personnel services, including: determining priorities of strategic goals of development of the study institution, taking into account the specific nature of the educational services provided on the basis of the philosophy of professional activity, the classification and standardization of requirements for the level of professional qualification and personal qualities of employees, the formation of a high level of corporate culture, outlining the special features of the territorial labor market etc.


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