Научная статья на тему 'Integrative indicators of adaptability in identity structure with different level of self-efficiency'

Integrative indicators of adaptability in identity structure with different level of self-efficiency Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
structure of integral identity / adaptability / self-efficiency / adaptive opportunities / integrative adaptation potential
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Data of the empirical research directed on detection of nature of inter-level connections in structure of integral identity are provided in article, defining potential opportunities of successful adaptation and self-realization at persons with different level of self-efficiency. For the organization and carrying out research the approved questionnaires are used; the correlation and cluster analysis were applied. During the research activities the structure of integrative adaptation potential of the personality with different level of self-efficiency is revealed; both similarities and significant distinctions in structure of the identity defining features of updating of adaptive opportunities of the personality are found.

Текст научной работы на тему «Integrative indicators of adaptability in identity structure with different level of self-efficiency»


Tatyana V. Belyh

Saratov State University Saratov, Russia E-mail: tvbelyh@mail.ru


Data of the empirical research directed on detection of nature of inter-level connections in structure of integral identity are provided in article, defining potential opportunities of successful adaptation and self-realization at persons with different level of self-efficiency. For the organization and carrying out research the approved questionnaires are used; the correlation and cluster analysis were applied. During the research activities the structure of integrative adaptation potential of the personality with different level of selfefficiency is revealed; both similarities and significant distinctions in structure of the identity defining features of updating of adaptive opportunities of the personality are found.

Keywords: structure of integral identity, adaptability, self-efficiency, adaptive opportunities, integrative adaptation potential

In the modern society focused on high standards of success at rigid level of the competition in the most significant spheres of activity of the person, the problem of studying factors and conditions of updating of the personality adaptation potential is of current importance, first of all in applied aspects of psychology of personality and psychological counseling.

Scientific psychology faces an important problem of studying a determinant of effective functioning of the person taking into account objective results of activity and at the same time preservation of internal psychological wellbeing.

It caused problem statement of this research, namely, studying of interrelation of components of adaptation potential of the personality in structure of integrated identity with high and low level of self-efficiency.

Successful self-actualization of the personality is connected with functioning of personal cognitive determinants, defining efficiency of behavior in significant for the person activity areas, self-efficiency, undoubtedly, refers to such determinants [1;2].

In our opinion, various level of expressiveness of self-efficiency is connected with a complex of the different-level characteristics of the integral identity revealing factors of success of self-actualization of the personality and use of actual and potential adaptive opportunities.

To reveal nature of inter-level connections in structure of the integral identity, defining potential opportunities of successful adaptation and selfactualization at persons with different level of self-efficiency - is a problem of this research.

Statement of such task, involves the analysis of fundamental, methodological problems of psychology of the identity, far, today from solving and remaining debatable, namely:

- problem of a correlation "external" and "internal" in determination of identity development;

- problem of the organization of identity structure (complex, integrative, system);

- problem of definition of the concept "subject" and activity of the subject.

Without definition of own position concerning these inconsistent positions, planning and the analysis of results of empirical research isn't possible.

The concept "self-efficiency" was developed by the American sociologist Albert Bandura within the social and cognitive theory of the personality [2] which is based on the principle of a mutual determinism of behavior, personal factors and an environment. Each of three variables in model of a mutual determinism is capable to influence other variable, and domination of any one of them depends on its force, and also on a concrete situation.

Finally, however, the Bandura А. believes that because of a double orientation of interaction between open behavior and surrounding circumstances, people are both a product, and the producer of their environment. Such approach to understanding of interrelation of "external" and "internal" determination in development of the personality pulls together this representation with S. L. Rubenstein's position. Rubenstein S.L. speaks about existence of "ring" dependence between mental properties of the person and his activity [3]. He notes that objective determination of activity and conditionality of its properties of the subject are understood as two links in a chain of determining conditions.

Analyzing the principle of interrelation of "external" and "internal" in formation of integrated identity, V.S. Merlin claims that actually both determinants are merged in time and always work in common" [4]. In the present research the methodology of the theory of integral identity of V.S. Merlin is used.

Chudnovsky V. E. authored the introduction of concept "subjectivity kernel" [5] as center of internal activity, as quintessence of the subjective world of the person. According to him, we can observe the increasing emancipation of a subjectivity kernel from external and internal conditions generated it in the ontogenesis, it gains a certain stability, inertness, resilience in relation to direct influences. External factors can not influence a subjectivity kernel immediately, but only after transformation. At a certain stage of age development psychological "mechanisms" of such transformation are formed. One of them, according to V. E. Chudnovsky is belief.

Self-efficiency can be an example of such "subjectivity kernel", being, first of all belief in efficiency of self-actualization. Thus activity as "external" determination can be considered as big hierarchical self-regulating system. B.F. Lomov considers activity in such aspect [6].

Each hierarchical level is regulated by various levels of the anticipation mechanisms, various ratios of objective and subjective conditions. Whole

system of conditions regulates activity in one direction - to the greatest coordination of objective conditions and properties of the subject. But in this general direction each previous state generates not one, but some various derivatives with a certain degree of probability.

Therefore though the general direction of development is determined unambiguously, intermediate steps, or links through which development passes, can be very changeable. It is important to emphasize that formation of complete human identity can't be reduced to regularities of development of one hierarchical level.

Specific features are in the difficult, hierarchically coordinated system of the relations - in structure of the integrated identity, differing by existence of multiple-valued, stochastic communications between levels or subsystems of complete identity [7].

Therefore, the combination of objective and subjective conditions unambiguously determines only general activity and some, its most general characteristics. But this general direction can be carried out by means of several various private and intermediate purposes. Variability of the private and intermediate purposes in unambiguously determined borders is designated as a zone of uncertainty of activity.

"As well as the general activity, a zone of its uncertainty is determined not by "external" through "internal" and not by "internal" through "external", but simultaneous system of external and internal conditions changing in different phases and at different steps of activity [4, p. 153]. Objective conditions of a zone of uncertainty lie in the fact that the same objective requirements can be carried out by means of various intermediate purposes. Subjective conditions are characterized by the fact that the subject, orienting in objective requirements, can choose the adequate purposes corresponding to specific features and therefore more or less effective. "Where there is no subject of activity, there is no self-development of the personality too" [4, p. 146].

There is a need of definition of the concrete and psychological meaning of a concept "subject".

In the context of the present research L. M. Vekker's position is of special interest. Vekker L.M. considers this concept in the sphere of the ontological nature of the mentality covering regularities of the internal organization of its own being. In his opinion, any system is not a set of the properties, but the elements [8]. He emphasizes that there is the whole hierarchy of carriers of the mental phenomena in the general structure of mental activity, beginning with the corporal carrier in its integrated and local forms. Then this hierarchy, in his opinion, includes more and more difficult forms of carriers and comes to the end with the highest mental carrier of mental properties.

Personality is a such most integrative form of the mental carrier as the subject of the properties and states [8]. L.M. Vekker's thought that set of mental processes as carriers of the properties represents hierarchical system in which basis initial level lies, and the stratigraphy of derivative levels is over it is essential moment for the further analysis of experimental data in our work.

The human individual in the course of the activity gains such properties which aren't predetermined unambiguously neither external influences, nor internal natural qualities. They are result of their interaction, activity of the individual as uniform self-regulating whole" [5, p. 7].

Such approach to understanding of determination of development of personality brings us closer to an ontological model of the individuality as a carrier of system properties of the subject.

Identity is not defined by a set of properties, but by the nature of interaction of her different-level elements and their manifestation in activity in the form of the acts based on belief or attitudes which allow to record his specific features but which in it’s turn form at present time not one, but some various derivatives, at various levels of the organization of identity (activity,

self-knowledge, self-actualization, self-development) as the carrier of system properties of the subject [9].

The problem definition of studying of self-efficiency and features of the structural organization of identity is caused by the fact that researchers refer self-efficiency not to property of the personality, but to more deep, system education - the conviction reflecting belief of the subject in the opportunities to carry out activity, and also in possibility of own development during achievement of the purposes and tasks facing it.

The common in existing definitions is the emphasis on optimistic selfbelief of the person concerning the opportunities to control events at achievement of the objectives, and also self-efficiency reference to the forthcoming subject’s activity, instead of the one that has already taken place.

All this in combination with studying the different-level subsystems in structure of integral identity allows finding the possible direction, a vector of self-actualization of the personality and updating of adaptive potential of the personality in modern social conditions.

From positions of A. Bandura concept, self-efficiency is not a personal trait, but the special cognitive mechanism allowing the subject to analyze it’s capacities at performance of these or those actions, providing updating of their motivation, a form of behavior and emergence of emotions.

Self-efficiency is a central and very important determinant of human behavior, according to M. I. Gaidar, one of essential mechanisms of subjectivity [10]. During modern researches it was proved that high self-efficiency is connected with high productivity of activity, however, as E.A. Shepeleva [11] notes, in certain cases too strongly expressed self-efficiency can be dysfunctional.

The results of some researches also show that self-efficiency finds influence on success in interaction with other people. The data is obtained in favour of the fact that children with high self-efficiency are more sure of ability

to control the communication with people around therefore show pro-social behavior and are popular among contemporaries. On the contrary, low selfefficiency is connected with physical and verbal aggression that leads to failures in the social sphere [12].

Social changes, development of information society changed requirements to standards of success of the personality in modern society that involves need of studying of adaptation of the person as the subject of activity as the complete personality consciously choosing the direction and ways of creation of own course of life in the unstable world.

Many domestic and foreign researches are devoted to a problem of personal resources of psychological adaptation, these are works of such authors as: Y.A. Aleksandrovsky; L.I. Antsyferova, V.A. Bodrov, L.G. Dikaya, A.N. Leontyev, V. I. Medvedev, V.A. Petrovsky, A.L. Rean, D. V. Sapronov, G. Selye, Hartmann X., K. Jung, etc.

The psychology of coping-behavior is studied in various scientific directions and concepts of the personality, both in domestic, and in foreign authors’ works. (L.I. Antsyferova, V.A. Bodrov, G.K. Nartova-Bochaver; T.L. Kryukova, N. Haan, R. Whyte, P: Moss, J. Schaffer, etc.). The emphasis in domestic researches is placed on a problem of personal resources of counteraction to vital and professional stresses (K.A. Abulkhanova, V. A. Bodrov, L.A. Kitaj-Smyk, A.B. Leonova, D. A. Leontyev, V. I. Morosanova, A.O. Prokhorov, Z. I. Ryabikina, etc.).

Now, within subject - activity approach, the attitude to a role of the identity of the person in adaptation undergoes essential changes.

This allows allocating new semantic aspect of adaptation - adaptation as identity’s searches of necessary ways of self-disclosure (G.A.Ball, E.V.Vitenberg, E. K. Zavyalova, A.G.Maklakov, A.A.Rean, T.I.Ronginskaya, N. S. Khrustalyova).

In this case the aspiration of the personality to updating of own strategy of interaction with being updated surrounding reality, to transformation of range and a vector of manifestation of the adaptation opportunities according to own attitude, with own vision of the events and itself shown in them. "Similar approach considerably expands ideas of borders of adaptation opportunities and allows to see searches of individual ways of disclosure of available vital potential in many so-called not adaptive phenomena" [13, p.15].

The specified theoretical positions defined expediency of use of the following methods of research:

1.Self-efficiency test-questionnaire (J. Madduks and M. Sheer, A.V. Boyarintseva's adaptation);

2. Questionnaire of formal and dynamic properties of identity of V.M. Rusalov;

3. The Multilevel Personal Questionnaire (MPQ) "Adaptability" developed by A.G. Maklakov and S.V. Chermyanin;

4. Questionnaire "Strategy and models of overcoming behavior" G.S. Nikiforova;

5. Self-actualization Test (SAT) of Yu.A. Alyoshina.

During empirical research multi ordinal communications between indicators of three levels of integrated identity were studied:

-the psychodynamic, presented by integrative indexes of formal and dynamic properties of identity,

-personal which consists of scales indicators of self-updating test and integrative indicators of adaptability of the personality,

-social-psychological, presented by the revealed coping-strategy of the personality.

At the first stage expressiveness of self-efficiency of the personality was studied, two groups of participants of research - with high and low expressiveness of self-efficiency were allocated.

At the second stage, by means of the correlation and cluster analysis the structure of adaptability of the personality with different level of self-efficiency was revealed.

At the third stage nature of inter-level communications in structure of integrated identity among participants of statistical experiment with different level of expressiveness of self-efficiency was studied.

Research was conducted in 2013 on the basis of FSAEI HPO "North -Caucasian federal university’s" 4 institutes: humanitarian, pedagogical, legal, economy and managements. Young men and girls of 1-5 courses aged from 17 till 22 years which total made 126 people took part in it.

As integrative indicators of adaptability the characteristics which have entered a uniform cluster at implementation of the cluster analysis were used:

1. The index of the general adaptability (IOAD) is equal to a difference of points between an index of the general activity and an index of the general emotionality, revealed at studying the formal and dynamic properties of the personality.

2. The indicator "behavioral regulation" is the indicator integrating the following properties of the personality: self-assessment, level of psychological stability, and also existence of social approval (social support) from surrounding people.

3.Indicator "the communicative potential" - the integrated indicator uniting communicative qualities of the subject: experience and requirements of communication and level of the conflictness.

4.Indicator "the morality" - reflects expressiveness of two main components of process of socialization: perception of moral norms of carrying out and relation to requirements of a direct social environment.

5. Indicator "the personal adaptation potential" - the integrative indicator reflecting high level of expressiveness of three previous indicators.

6. The indicator "flexibility of behavior" - measures degree of flexibility of the person in realization of the values, ability to react quickly to changing aspects of a situation.

7. The indicator "spontaneity" - measures ability to express the feelings spontaneously. The high point on this scale doesn't mean lack of ability to the thought-over, purposeful actions, it only testifies to possibility of other way of behavior not calculated in advance.

Interrelations between multi ordinal (psychodynamic and personal) indicators of expressiveness of adaptation potential of the personality at examinees with various level of self-efficiency are presented in tab. 1 and tab. 3.

Table 1.

Interrelation of integrative indicators in structure of adaptability of the personality with high

level of self-efficiency

IAPL indicators IOAD Behavio- ral regulation Flexibility of behavior Sponta- neity Commu- nicate potential Personal adapta- tion potential Morality

IOAD 1 0,67 - - -0,46 0,55 -0,61

Behavioral regulation 0,67 1 - -0,66 -0,88 0,83 -

Flexibility of behavior - - 1 - 0,40 - 0,55

Spontaneity -0,66 - 1 - - -

Communica te potential -0,46 -0,88 0,40 1 -0,55

Personal adaptation potential 0,55 0,83 -0,55 1

Morality -0,61 - 0,55 - - - 1

Note: IAPL-integrative adaptation potential of the personality; IGA - an index of the general adaptability (psychodynamic).

Apparently from the table 1 the adaptability of examinees with high selfefficiency determined by psychodynamic factors is interconnected on a high statistical significance value with the expressed behavioral regulation provided with a high self-assessment, psychological stability and behavior approval from people around. Positive correlation communication with an indicator "the

personal adaptation potential" (at higher level of integration) only confirms the revealed dependence.

Thus psychodynamic adaptability can have feedback with a communicative potential of the personality and a morality of behavior. That is the personality adapted at the level of biological determination can have the low communicative potential, low level of a morality of behavior, but to be convinced of the forces and self-realization opportunities.

Personal adaptation potential is interconnected with the same indicators, as an index of the general adaptability (psychodynamics level). That speaks about existence of stochastic communications in structure of integrative adaptation potential of the personality with high level of self-efficiency and defines equiprobable determination both biologically determined, and socially acquired opportunities to successful adaptation and self-realization.

Flexibility of behavior of examinees with high self-efficiency is interconnected with a communicative potential and a morality of behavior, at that though the communicative potential of the personality is interconnected with the general adaptability, behavioral regulation and personal adaptation potential, but at the same time can have low values. Spontaneity of behavior of representatives of this selection is shown in connection with low values of behavioral regulation that possibly testifies, it is rather about existence of impulsive actions, than about use of non-standard ways of behavior.

To track interference of indicators of all allocated levels of the integrated identity providing features of updating of adaptive opportunities of the personality, the inter-level correlation analysis of indicators of psychodynamic, personal and social and psychological levels was carried out. Data are presented in the table 2.

Table 2.

The inter-level correlation analysis of integrative indicators of adaptability of the personality in identity structure with high level of self-efficiency

Subsystems of integral identity Indicators IOAD Behavi- oral regula- tion Flexibility of behavio r Spont aneity Com- muni- cate poten- tial Personal adapta- tion potential Moral nor- mativ

PD IPA 0,82 -0,45 -0,65 -0,58

IKA -0,59 -0,55

IOA 0,90 0,66 -0,61 0,51 -0,80

IOE -0,54 -0,52

IIA 0,49 -0,51 -0,74 -0,43

L Competence of time 0,67 0,67 -0,44 0,60

Support 0,52 -0,42 0,52 0,53

Self-esteem 0,62 0,71 -0,54 0,78

Self-updating values 0,84

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Need for knowledge 0,45 0,53 -0,49

Sensitiveness 0,49 -0,48

Creativity 0,83

Self- acceptance 0,65 0,60 -0,64 0,43

Synergy 0,40 0,40 0,49

Sociability 0,72

Aggression acceptance 0,68 -0,43

SP Aggressive actions -0,68

Asocial actions 0,46 -0,42

Indirect actions 0,51 -0,43 -0,60 -0,58

Careful actions 0,43 0,55 0,65

Assertive actions 0,44

Introduction in social contact -0,62

Search of social support -0,65

Impulsive actions -0,45 -0,46

Avoiding -0,44

Note: PD - psychodynamic level, L - personal leve

, SP- social-psychological level, IPA - an index of

psychomotor activity; IIA - an index of intellectual activity; IKA - an index of communicative activity; IOA - an index of the general activity; IOE - an index of the general emotionality; IOAD -an index of the general adaptability. Significant correlation communications of p are presented in the table lt;0,05.

Apparently from the tab. 2 the general index of adaptability is defined by high level of an index of the general activity and low expressiveness of an index of the general emotionality at psychodynamic level of integrated identity, and also competence of time (ability to live "here and now") and high level of selfesteem at personal level (socially determined qualities).

Personal adaptation potential at the level of psychodynamics is connected with high rates of the general activity of the individual; at personal level with competence of time, self-esteem, the self-acceptance expressed by internal locus of control; at social and psychological level with a choice of careful actions as coping strategy of behavior.

Behavioral regulation as one of integrative indicators of adaptation potential of the personality at psychodynamic level is interconnected with high values of psychomotor, intellectual and general activity; on personal with high level of self-esteem, competence of time, an internal locus of control, selfacceptance; on social and psychological with possibility of use of asocial and indirect actions as the coping strategy of behavior.

That is the self-assured personality having high expressiveness of all types of psychodynamic activity, independent in the judgments at collision with a frustrating situation can actualize asocial or indirect coping-strategy.

But, apparently from the provided data, the examinees of this selection having high rates of a morality of behavior prefer coping-strategy - "careful actions" and refuse aggressive, impulsive and indirect coping-strategy, at preservation of an internal locus of control, but at the same time expressiveness of such indicators as psychomotor, communicative and general activity, and at personal level - informative requirement decrease.

Communicative potential of examinees with high self-efficiency is interconnected with pronounced informative requirement and ability to a synergy, at the same time with low expressiveness of competence of time,

sensitiveness to itself, self-esteem; at psychodynamic level with low indicators of activity. That is high level of communicative potential in this subgroup is rather compensation of decrease in the general activity, at the same time, the higher the communicative potential, the lower the possibility of use of such coping-strategy as "asocial" and "indirect" actions at representatives of this subgroup.

A nature of interrelations between an indicator "flexibility of behavior" and different-level characteristics of identity was very informative. So, flexibility of behavior positively correlates with creativity, ability to a synergy and a choice of "careful actions" in the form of coping-strategy, at that, the higher flexibility of behavior, the lower probability of use of aggressive actions as coping behavior.

Flexibility of behavior has significant negative communications with indicators of the general, psychomotor and intellectual activity at psychodynamic level that once again confirms data that creativity and flexibility of behavior can have inverse relationship with the general level of intellectual activity.

Spontaneity as a component of adaptation potential of the personality is interconnected with the whole block of the personal characteristics reflecting a personal maturity and ability to self-updating: the higher the level of spontaneity of behavior of the personality with high level of self-efficiency, the higher the aspiration to self-updating, to manifestation of creativity, informative activity, a sensitiveness to itself, self-acceptance, sociability, synergy in relationship and use of assertive actions as coping behavior at refusal of "indirect actions", "search of social support", "avoiding" and "impulsive actions".

Thus, high level of self-efficiency can reflect ability to creative updating of personal adaptive potential in case if in the presence of pronounced integrative psychodynamic indicators of activity and ability to behavioral regulation existence of the expressed morality of behavior comes to light. If

level of a morality of behavior of examinees with high level of self-efficiency decreases, the person with the expressed ability to self-control, with high intellectual potential is capable to resort to asocial ways of response to a frustrating situation, when preserving high level of psychodynamic and intellectual activity.

In this case it is necessary to speak not about existence of adaptation potential, but transformation of the personality towards abnormal personal variability at high level of confidence of own forces and conviction in the correctness.

These interrelations of components of integrative potential of the personality of examinees with low level of self-efficiency are presented in the table 3.

Table 3.

Interrelation of integrative indicators in structure of adaptability of the personality with low

level of self-efficiency

Indicators IAPL IOAD Behavioral regulation Spontaneit y Communic ate potential Personal adaptation potential Morality

IOAD 1 - 0,55 - - -0,49

Behavioral regulation - 1 - - 0,85 -

Spontaneity 0,55 - 1 - - -0,46

Communicate potential - - - 1 0,46 -

Personal adaptation potential 0,85 0,46 1

Moral normativ -0,49 - -0,46 - - 1

Comparison of two selections revealed both similarities, and distinctions. In comparison with the previous analyzed group the quantity of interrelations in structure of integrative adaptation potential of the personality is twice less that speaks about the smaller density of interrelations of these

indicators in the allocated structure, than at examinees with high self-efficiency. The index of the general adaptability (psychodynamics level) has only one positive interrelation - with spontaneity of behavior and negative with a morality. Thus, the higher the spontaneity, the lower the morality.

Personal adaptation potential as of both examinees with high, and low self-efficiency is interconnected with behavioral regulation, but in the first selection negative correlation with a communicative potential is found out whereas in the second selection - positive one that says that the person, with low level of self-efficiency carries out adaptation at high level of updating of communicative potential.

To track interference of components of adaptation potential of the personality and multi ordinal indicators of integrated identity, we will address to the table 4.

Table 4.

The inter-level correlation analysis of integrative indicators of adaptability of the personality

with low level of the self-efficiency

Subsystems of integral identity Indicators IOAD Flexibility of behavior Spontane ity Commu- nicate potential Morality

PD IPA 0,69 -0,50

IKA 0,54 0,54

IOA 0,92 0,44 -0,58

IOE -0,63 -0,47

IIA 0,64 0,58 -0,54 -0,59

L Competence of time -0,64 0,55

Support 0,51 0,59 0,81

Self-esteem 0,45 0,40

Self-updating values 0,51 0,48 0,50

Need for knowledge 0,47 -0,74

Sensitiveness 0,64

Creativity 0,48 -0,45

Sociability 0,50 -0,47

Aggression acceptance 0,50 -0,52

SP Aggressive actions -0,49 -0,54

Asocial actions 0,42 -0,48

Careful actions 0,67

Introduction in social contact -0,43 0,56

Search of social support 0,45

Impulsive actions -0,60

Avoiding -0,46

Unlike selection with high level of self-efficiency such components of structure of adaptive potential of the personality as behavioral regulation and personal adaptation potential have no correlation dependence in structure of integrated identity of examinees with low level of self-efficiency. That speaks about their low values of representatives of this selection.

At high expressiveness of biologically determined index of the general adaptability high values of the general, psychomotor, communicative and intellectual activity and a low indicator of emotional activity come to light, at the same time the internal locus of control and aspiration to self-updating are found, at underestimation of the present moment of self-realization (a low indicator of competence of time) and tendencies to use of impulsive actions as coping strategy.

Flexibility of behavior is actualized in the presence of an internal locus of control, aspiration to self-updating and self-esteem. Communicative potential is interconnected at the level of psychodynamics with high level of communicative activity and low level of intellectual activity; on personal with self-esteem and aggression rejection; on social and psychological with use of such strategy of coping as "the introduction in social contact".

The greatest number of correlation communications is found in this subgroup of examinees with such indicator of integrative adaptation potential of the personality as spontaneity of behavior. Spontaneity is caused by existence of

high level of the general psychodynamic and intellectual activity at low indicators of an index of the general emotionality.

Personal determinants of manifestation of spontaneity are: internal locus of control, sensitiveness to itself, sociability, aspiration to self-updating, creativity, at social and psychological level: ability to impulsive and asocial actions as coping-strategy. Though at high level of a morality of behavior there is a refusal of aggressive and asocial strategy of coping at simultaneous decrease in expressiveness of such personal characteristics as informative requirement, creativity and sociability.

Thus, the personality with low level of self-efficiency is characterized by the smaller density of interrelations in structure of adaptation potential of the personality that can testify to smaller variability of ways of updating of adaptive opportunities, their rigidity; smaller influence of ability to behavioral regulation on self-realization process in activity, more significant influence of spontaneity of behavior, but at this increase of a role of negative coping-strategy, high morality of behavior, but low psychodynamic activity both the reduced intellectual requirements and achievements.


1. Integrative indicators of adaptability in identity structure with different level of self-efficiency have both similarities, and distinctions.

2. Components of adaptability are organized in identical structure in compared selections:

- index of the general adaptability;

- behavioral regulation;

- communicative potential;

- morality of behavior;

- personal adaptation potential;

- flexibility of behavior;

- spontaneity of behavior.

3.Similarities show also that irrespective of self-efficiency level selfrealization of the personality can be carried out both in creative, and the destructive direction.

4.In the presence of high rates of psychodynamic adaptability and personal potential of adaptation, high expressiveness of conviction in efficiency of own self-realization, flexibility in a choice of strategy of behavior the low morality of behavior and use of asocial strategy of coping can be shown. Increase of level of a morality at high level of self-efficiency leads to refusal of negative ways of coping behavior at preservation of high intellectual and psychodynamic activity. At low level of self-efficiency the low morality of behavior also can be shown, at increase of spontaneity of behavior and decrease in behavioral regulation. Refusal of negative coping-strategy in this case is carried out through development of communicative opportunities, informative requirements and intellectual activity.

5.The obtained data prove existence of ambiguous, probabilistic communications in the inter-level organization of identity of the person; simultaneous nature of "external" and "internal" determination in identity formation when at every moment of self-implementation people make the basic choice between creative for society way of self-realization and destructive one, leading finally to abnormal personal variability.


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