Научная статья на тему 'Estimation of competitiveness of the enterprises for effective subcontracting maintenance'

Estimation of competitiveness of the enterprises for effective subcontracting maintenance Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Andreeva T. A.

In article problems of estimation of competitiveness of the supplier, and also efficiency of subcontract relations for definitions of reserves of increase of overall performance of the enterprise are considered. The method of estimation of the supplier offered in work allows not only to state a current estimation, but also to operate object of subcontract relations in the necessary direction, and also allows the managing subject to define weakness and strengths of contract mutual relations and to concentrate efforts to the directions which are most perspective and profitable.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Estimation of competitiveness of the enterprises for effective subcontracting maintenance»


удк 658 T.A. Andreeva


In article problems of estimation of competitiveness of the supplier, and also efficiency of subcontract relations for definitions of reserves of increase of overall performance of the enterprise are considered. The method of estimation of the supplier offered in work allows not only to state a current estimation, but also to operate object of subcontract relations in the necessary direction, and also allows the managing subject to define weakness and strengths of contract mutual relations and to concentrate efforts to the directions which are most perspective and profitable.

Key words: competitiveness, quality, the supplier, subcontractor, an index, the indicator.

T.A. Андреева


В статье рассматриваются проблемы оценки конкурентоспособности поставщика, а также эффективности субконтрактных отношений для определения резервов повышения эффективности работы предприятия. Предложенный в работе метод оценки поставщика позволяет не только давать текущую оценку, но и управлять объектом субконтрактных отношений в нужном направлении, а также позволяет хозяйствующему субъекту определить слабые и сильные стороны контрактных взаимоотношений и сконцентрировать усилия на направлениях, являющихся наиболее перспективными и доходными.

Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность, качество, поставщик, субконтрактор, индекс, индикатор.

One of the main constituents providing competitiveness of the enterprise is the choice of the optimum supplier to create mutually beneficial long-run partner's relationship. The experience of suppliers' work with the enterprises on the basis of stable direct economic relations proves their high efficiency.

However the involvement of sufficient amount of independent enterprises in the production process increases the risks related with observance of delivery schedule and/ or required quality level, and unauthorized usage of delegated to the subcontractors “know how”. While choosing the supplier, especially for long- run relations, enterprise-owner should conduct a current competitiveness estimation of potential suppliers. More over it's necessary to perform such estimation during the contract term [1]. As a result of estimation of the supplier the contractor should clarify the following numerous questions:

- whether the supplier is able to meet the requirements and needs of the contractor in the short-time and the longtime perspective;

- what is a reputation of the given enterprise in the surrounding business environment?

The traditional approach to establish mutually beneficial relations with the suppliers and using for their choice is possible through the complex supplier estimation system on the basis of management quality system standards ISO serial 9000. More strict estimation system is used in motor-car industry in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard P 51814.4-2003 the procedure PPAP (Production Part Approval Process - process of agreement of spare parts production or approval of motor-car components production) is introduced for motor-car components suppliers, which allows to estimate production quality manufacturing process quality and quality management

system. For competitiveness management and for efficiency of long-run mutually beneficial subcontract relations there is a necessity of complex estimation of enterprise-supplier's competitiveness [2].

For these purposes express-estimation method is offered, which involves the usage of special indicators, allowing to define the level of subcontractors' interaction in particular spheres of enterprise functioning and the level of interaction according to the contract requirements.

Under the competitiveness indicators we understand the aggregate criterion of competitiveness, reflecting the development level (competitiveness advantages) of the enterprise in particular specific sphere.

While choosing the indicators system of enterprise estimation for mutually beneficial subcontraction we should be guided by the long-run perspective principle.

Complex competitiveness supplier estimation is recommended to conduct with seven complex indicators, which are provided by competitiveness indices. Competitiveness indices - are relative values, showing the differences of the levels of one and the same object (process) under different conditions. The difference of conditions may be manifested in time (dynamic indices), in space (territorial indices), in ground of comparison. Thus, if plan ratio or contract commitment level ratio is regarded as a basis of comparison, then the plan task index or commitment fulfillment index are introduced.

The level of detailed elaboration of indicators may be different and varies depending on the business type, its scale, and particular needs of the contractor.

Guided by the purposes of defining the reliability and quality of the suppliers we offer to introduce seven groups of indicators, detailed by competitiveness indices (table 1).

The structure of indicator system and the level of their detailization are determined by the consumer of contract products in each particular case. The initial conclusion of the contract presupposes the most full complex competitiveness indicators, characterizing various spheres of activity of potential supplier. The current competitiveness es-

Supplier’s competitiveness indicators and indices

timation for checking contract requirements observance allows a limited list of competitiveness indicators.

Business-environment monitoring of branch and regional markets and internal estimation of enterprise performance help to provide competitiveness indices estimation. For calculation of each index one should use established normative data of index for particular enterprise and contract. The easiest way is to use one signal index for each particular index, for instance, to define the correlation index to requirements and norms of goods for syntactic detergents we may use the detergent capacity index, to define consumer satisfaction index we may regard the amount of claims for a certain period.

For all cases the formula for defining competitiveness indices is the following:





where Пф , П. - real and normative data of index, char-

}фак jнорм ’

acterizing the competitiveness index j, i - the number of

Indicators Indices

1. Production quality indicator - Correlation index of requirements and norms to services and goods of this category; - Index of satisfaction of consumers by the quality of goods and services;

2. Delivery quality indicator - Correlation index of terms of delivery; - Transportation conveniences index; - Service rendering index

3. Quality management system indicator - Index of documentation fulfillment completeness; - Index of QMS functioning

4. Financial status indicator - Average earnings index; - Profit index; - Corporate assets index; - Long-term investments index; - Brand cost i ndex;

5. Enterprise authority i ndicator - Internal and external market popularity index; - The top management reputation index

6. S oc ial responsibility indicator - Local community support index; - National social project support index; - Human rights observance index;

7. Environment responsibility index - Water consumption/ water pollution index; - Air pollution index, including pollution by motor-transport; - Wastes formation index

competitiveness index of each indicator.

In case of estimation index shortage one index should be detailed with the help of a group of indices. For some indices it's impossible to give a quantitative estimation, then in this case an expert points-oriented assessment is used (for example, transportation conveniences index is estimated in points according to the expert opinion).

The suggested way of supplier's estimation can be supported by the evident demonstration of the current state of competitiveness. For that we offer to use graphical presentation of the competitiveness level for each indicator and index on a special signaling competitiveness map.

The usage of the normative marginal values provides presentation of the normative marginal competitiveness indices, which determine the normative zone and fixation real values of each index at a certain period of time, every month, or quarterly at a contract requirement, on the signal T a b l e 1 map of competitiveness indices. The Figure suggests a rough variant of a signal map of supplier's competitiveness. Differentiating assessment of supplier competitiveness for subcontract relations foresees understanding of importance of indices with value coefficients. To define priorities let's classify them according to the three aspects in dependence on the enterprise development level.

The value of each competitiveness indicator is determined through the matrix according to the level of enterprise development (the resource development stage, efficiency growth stage, innovation development stage) and the level of realization of each competitiveness index (Table 2).Such type of matrix is built on the basis of specialists and management staff opinion poll.

Index value coefficients are used in calculation of interaction efficiency level of partners in subcontract relations

(C ). The amount of indices in the nor' 83auM'

mative zone for each indicator with its value coefficient shows interaction efficiency.

where С - interaction efficiency

взаим J

level of partners in subcontract relations; К - competitiveness indicator value coefficient; N - the

’ норм I

amount of indices in the normative zone for i indicator; i - the amount of competitiveness indicator.

For indicator of efficiency level of subcontract relations within the contract frames the minimum normative and maximum normative values may be introduced. The found level of interaction efficiency may serve the basis for prolonging or breaking the contract and further cooperation.

We elaborated the characteristic of different levels of partner's interaction within the frames of subcontract relations (Table 3) according to the level of supplier competitiveness, found with the help of indicator method.

T a b l e 2

Indicator value coefficients (K), applied at different stages of enterprise development

Фактические значения индексов КС

Верхняя нормативная граница

І 1 1 і

1,28 j

Икі Икпі С— Икп2 Ч ИкпЗ Индексы КС Ни шн яя н ормдтії вн ая

0,34 1


14 —

є “

н а

Enterprise development stages LEVELS of competitiveness indicator realization

Basic demands Efficiency intensifiers Innovation and modernization

Resource development stage 0,5 0,4 0,1

Efficiency growth stage 0,4 0,5 0,1

Innovation development stage 0,3 0,4 0,3

T a b l e З

Characteristic of subcontract relations efficiency

Share from the maximum share stipulated in the contract O esauM. % Subcontractors interaction efficiency Characteristic of interaction efficiency

91 - 100% High Interaction potential is significantly realized. It is necessary to concentrate on intensifying of efficiency, introduction of innovation and enterprise modernization.

51 - 90% AVERAGE Interaction potential is not realized completely. It is necessary to focus on improving indicators which serve as efficiency intensifiers

Less than 50 % Low Interaction potential is insignificantly realized. It is necessary to focus on basic demands of the contractor, improving activity

CB3anivi= 0,5* 2+0,4 “ 3+ ...

The signal map of supplier competitiveness

Competitiveness estimation system through competitiveness indicators and indices suggested here possess certain advantages and will be convenient for assessment of particular activity areas of the suppliers. The rapid speed of calculation through the established normative indicators and graphical presentation of the estimation data will enable the management to be constantly aware of the level of supplier competitiveness to draw a conclusion about the current state of the contract interaction.

The method under discussion helps to estimate the competitiveness level of the object without comparison with the other objects of this type.

But in case of necessity to compare several potential suppliers the given method may present rather precisely and definitely the potential level of the contract requirements fulfillment, to estimate enterprise supplier competitiveness at any time, and to consider enterprise development dynamic (value coefficients depend upon the enterprise development stage).

The method covers all the spheres of functioning of the enterprise-supplier, which really matter for the customer. More over you need not to convert one values into another while calculating the competitiveness indices (that is different-sized values are used). Flexibility of this method is proved by the fact that it is not time-consuming, besides, labor and resources costs are minimal.

The method allows not only to give a current estimation, but to manage the object of subcontract relations in a desirable direction, and allows the managing subjects to define weak and strong sides of subcontract relations and focus their efforts on the most perspective and profitable directions.

1. Kosheleva A.S. Competitiveness and stable development of industrial enterprise // SSSEU Bulletin .2009. № 5 (29).

2. Nikolaeva O.E. System economic stability of corporative formations //. SSSEU Bulletin .2009. № 5 (29).

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