Научная статья на тему 'Effect of pretreatments on drying quality potato'

Effect of pretreatments on drying quality potato Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Mamatov Sherzod Mashrabzhanovich, Dodaev Kuchkor Odilovich, Kurbanova Madina Zhamshedovna

Implemented intensification of IR vacuum drying on the example of potatoes, by selecting one of the pilot to explore ways of preliminary IR, microwave and infrared microwave treatments. Main attention is paid to the degree of safety component material to be dried. The data on safety study native starch and ascorbic acid.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Effect of pretreatments on drying quality potato»

The juice is fermented further amylase and pectinase, glued baykisolem-30, gelatin and bentonite to settle for 4-6 hours. Clarified pomegranate juice decanted by centrifugation and the final removing of weak-soluble small solid particulates molecular level ultrafiltered. The obtained clarified juice can be filled into consumer packaging or evaporated to produce a concentrate of pomegranate juice [1].

Conclusion. Anion-exchange epoxyamide resin on base epichlorohydrine adsorb the citric acid contained in pomegranate juice, but has no influence on other useful

components, such as glucose, fructose, vitamins, micro-and macroelements, and anthocyanin. The mechanism studied anion-exchange regimes, the calculation is made for the industrial process.

The method removing of tannin from pomegranate juice by anion-exchange resin is a uneffective for molecular weight of tannin exceed 1500 g/mol, up to 1800 g/mol and anion-exchange resin can't adsorb sufficiently a large molecule of tannin but expence of resin increased and the method considers expensive and unwieldy of the method.


1. Shobinger W. Fruit and vegetable juices. - M.: Light and food industry, 1982.

2. Eshmatov F.Kh., Dodaev K. O., Hasanov H. T. Processing of pomegranate juices and concentrates on//Beer and beverages. 2005. - № 5. - P. 46-47.

3. Eshmatov F.Kh., Dodaev K. O., Maksumova D. K.. Removal of citric acid and tannin in pomegranate juice//Stor-age and processing of agricultural raw materials. 2012. - № 11. - P. 16-19.

4. Dodaev K. O., Abdukadirov I. T. Juraev Kh. F., Dodaeva D. K. etc., Features of processing melons//Food Industry, 2002. - № 11. C. 40.

5. Eshmatov F.Kh., Maksumova D. K., Dodaev K. O. Analysis of the chemical composition of the components of the turbidity and sediment pomegranate juice//Storage and processing of agricultural, number 11, 2012 th. -S.16-19.

6. Eshmatov F.Kh., Maksumova D. K., Dodaev K. O. The turbidity ofpomegranate juice concentrate and ways of its removing//Storage and processing of agricultural, № 8, 2013. - S. 27-29.

Mamatov Sherzod Mashrabzhanovich Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan E-mail: sherzod_mamatov@mail.ru Dodaev Kuchkor Odilovich Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan Kurbanova Madina Zhamshedovna Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan

Effect of pretreatments on drying quality potato

Abstract: Implemented intensification of IR vacuum drying on the example of potatoes, by selecting one of the pilot to explore ways of preliminary IR, microwave and infrared microwave treatments. Main attention is paid to the degree of safety component material to be dried. The data on safety study native starch and ascorbic acid.

Keywords: potato starch, ascorbic acid pretreatment, drying, IR drying.

Introduction. One of the reliable methods of food Organization of drying is useful when used as a

preservation and to meet the growing demand for source of heat energy converters, which are available in them is their drying. a wide range in a variety of configurations. They are envi-

In world practice, using all methods: convection, ronmentally friendly, automatically adjustable, it is easy freeze, dielectric, conductive, thermo radiation, dry- to provide in their security measures. ing vegetable raw materials with inherent advantages and IR rays are absorbed by the active moisture in the

disadvantages. The quality of the dried product and the product, but not absorbed by the tissue of the product, economic performance of the industrial organization of so the removal of moisture can be accomplished at a tem-drying depends largely on the duration of drying. perature of40-70 °C, which allows to retain biologically

active substances, including vitamins, natural color and flavor of the original raw material.

Objects and methods. The effect of pretreatment process Infrared vacuum drying vegetables at a residual pressure in the drying chamber, equal to 40 kPa. IR vacuum drying is carried out by pulse-mode intermittent lowering of energy supply. Experiments were carried out on the example of drying potatoes (variety "Santa"). Experiments include two phases:

— In the first stage is briefly pulsed pretreatment infrared electromagnetic fields, microwave and infrared bands when microwave heat flux density of 18-20 times the density at the primary drying;

— In the second stage is carried IR vacuum drying at heat flux density wound 1.5 kW/m 2.

The evaluation results are the average of changes in moisture content objects and drying speed of these changes were subjected to regression analysis. The conTable

centrations of ascorbic acid accomplished by high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that the pre-treatments used to IR substantially vacuum drying the potato, but to varying degrees affect the basic process for most vegetables.

In general, it is expected that pretreatment of the high density heat flux at thermo radiation dried over drying without pretreatment increases the drying speed, the output of the final product, preservation of the native components and reduce the drying time.

Results and discussion. In Figure 1-2 are plotted according to moisture changes over time in samples of potatoes. The residual moisture content in the dried vegetables samples using their pre-pretreatment in an electromagnetic field infrared, microwave and infrared ranges by dia-microwave at IR vacuum dried for 2-3 hours, are shown in Table. 1.


Method of drying Method pretreatment Residual moisture potato

Without pretreatment 14,96

IR-vacuum drying IR 9,86

Microwave 13,88

IR — Microwave 12,87

The results show that the most appropriate is the pretreatment of samples to infrared electromagnetic field.

In Figure 1-2 shows plots of the kinetics of drying: drying speed changes depending on samples of potato



£ 60

о о



Го 40 m


material moisture at a temperature of60 0C in the drying chamber for vacuum drying IR without pretreatment and drying methods using all three of the species pretreatment.




о .0 i-о о а о




время, мин

100 120


0 10

30 50

влажность, %


-ИК-вакуумная сушка

ИК-вакуумная сушка с ИК пред. обработкой


.....ИК-вакуумная сушка со СВЧ пред. обработкой


-----ИК-вакуумная сушка с ИК-СВЧ пред. обработкой

-ИК-вакуумная сушка

----ИК-вакуумная сушка с ИК пред. обработкой

.......ИК-вакуумная сушка со СВЧ пред. обработкой

-----ИК-вакуумная сушка с ИК-СВЧ пред. обработкой

Fig. 1. Graph of the mass fraction of moisture drying time in samples of potato

Fig. 2. The dependence of the drying rate of the moisture in samples of potato




The experimental data, aimed at the study of the kinetics of drying Fick diffusion model with boundary conditions of the first kind shows that the weight of the integrated drying cycle ratios of the diffusion coefficient of moisture to the square of the particle size determines the order of 0,003 min1.

Processing drying curves using diffusion models with boundary conditions of the third kind convincing evidence (values of about 0.1 bio) process of transition from a traditional in-diffusion in the form of external diffusion flow in the application of the test options thermo radiation drying technology.


50 100 Время, мин


♦ Без предварительной обработки

—■— ИК - ■ СВЧ -х- ИК-СВЧ



50 100 Время, мин


♦ Без предварительной обработки —■— ИК - пк- ■ СВЧ -х- - ИК-СВЧ


Fig. 3. Plots of the content of the mass fraction of starch drying time samples dried potato

It is evident that for an adequate account of the features of the kinetics at the stage of detailed synthesis and semi-industrial plants need to attract joint model heat flow, mass transfer, and other phenomena. Rudeness traditional ideas of a period of constant and falling rate of drying is shown in the analysis of curves and curves of drying speed drying methods of spline approximation to the empirical selection ofthe parameter ratio proximity of calculated and experimental points and the smoothness of the unknown functions.

Non-enzymatic sugar losses during drying are due to reactions of melanoidins and caramelization of sugars.

IR lyophilisation potato IR pretreatment contributes to obtaining a finished product with a maximum starch content after 2-hour drying process, which is 62.3% with the use of microwave and infrared microwave pretreatments, respectively is 61.6% and 61.2%, and without pretreatment 61.27% (Fig. 3).

Dynamic loss starch, based on dry matter in the drying potato samples is shown in figure 4.

Fig. 4. The plots of the contents of the mass fraction of starch in dry matter in the samples dried potato

Fig. 5-6 is a graphical representation of quantitative changes in the nature of vitamin C in samples of dried potato IR vacuum drying without pretreatment and using all three methods considered pretreatment.

The results obtained show that the content of ascorbic acid in the samples were dried potato at two-hour IR-vacuum drying with IR pretreatment constitute 72.4 mg% and with pretreatment in the electromagnetic field of the microwave and infrared microwave bands, respectively, and 60.1 mg% 64.2 mg% while IR-vacuum drying without pretreatment — refractive 65.1 mg% of vitamin C in the sample of dried potatoes obtained by IR-vacuum drying with IR pretreatment above.

Conclusion. Based on these charts, we can conclude that the most preservation of native starch and vitamin C are observed in samples dried potato obtained by IR-vacuum drying with IR pretreatment.


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5 20

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о «



50 100

Время, мин

Без предварительной обработки


— — HK -CBH

— - - HK-CBH

Fig. 5. The graph of the change of vitamin C from the drying time in samples of dried potatoes



X =


H =






И О и и л

о4 U

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Время, мин

♦ Без предварительной обработки

— — ИК —* - СВЧ

— - -ИК-СВЧ_

Fig. 6. Graphs decay of vitamin C in dry matter on the drying time of the samples dried potato


1. Ginsburg A. S. Infrared technology in the food industry. - M.: Food Industry. 1966. - 407 p.

2. Ilyasov S. G., Krassnikov V. V. Methods for determination of the optical characteristics and thermoradiation food. - M.: Food Industry. 1972. - 175 p.

3. Mamatov Sh. M. Process optimization of drying vegetables and fTuits//Modern problems of mathematical modeling and computational methods: Ukrainian scientific conference. - Exactly (Ukraine), 2013. - 189 p.

4. Mamatov Sh. M. Application of mathematical model for optimizing the process of drying vegetables and fruits//IV of the All-Russian conference on chemical technology with the international participation. - Moscow (Russia), 2012. - P. 330-332.


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