Научная статья на тему 'Developing critical thinking at the secondary school in English lessons'

Developing critical thinking at the secondary school in English lessons Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shekerbayeva Azina, Berdimurat Dana

The success of using the technology in learning, includesthe designing of intellectual computer systems, is determined by relevance of the social and pedagogical idea which is been the basis pedagogical technology. Now the attention of scientists, teachers of the highest and average schools was attracted by the idea of development of critical thinking due to the lack of independence, a social orientation, motivation and effectiveness of thinking for the younger generation. The article describes the technology development of critical thinking which is interrelated with the concept of problem-based learning and problem-technology computer-based training.

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Успешность использования технологии обучения, в том числе при проектировании интеллектуальных компьютерных систем, определяется актуальностью социально-педагогической идеи, положенной в основу педагогической технологии. В настоящее время внимание ученых, преподавателей высшей и средней школ привлекла идея развития критического мышления в связи с отсутствием самостоятельности, социальной направленности, мотивации и результативности мышления молодого поколения. В статье описана технология развития критического мышления, которая взаимосвязана с концепцией проблемного обучения и технологией проблемно-компьютерного обучения.

Текст научной работы на тему «Developing critical thinking at the secondary school in English lessons»


IN ENGLISH LESSONS Shekerbayeva A.1, Berdimurat D.2 (Republic of Kazakhstan) Email: Shekerbayev533@scientifictext.ru

'Shekerbayeva Azina — scientific adviser, manager, DEPARTMENT OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE, trainer of the third basic level, methodologist; 2Berdimurat Dana — undergraduate, PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE NAMED AFTER ZH. MUSIN, KOKSHETAU, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN

Abstract: the success of using the technology in learning, includesthe designing of intellectual computer systems, is determined by relevance of the social and pedagogical idea which is been the basis pedagogical technology. Now the attention of scientists, teachers of the highest and average schools was attracted by the idea of development of critical thinking due to the lack of independence, a social orientation, motivation and effectiveness of thinking for the younger generation. The article describes the technology development of critical thinking which is interrelated with the concept of problem-based learning and problem-technology computer-based training.

Keywords: thinking, intelligence, critical thinking, technologies of training in thinking, didactic model of training.


'Шекербаева Азина — заведующая кафедрой,

кафедра иностранного языка, тренер третьего базового уровня, методист; 2Бердимурат Дана — студент, Педагогический колледж им. Ж. Мусина, г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: успешность использования технологии обучения, в том числе при проектировании интеллектуальных компьютерных систем, определяется актуальностью социально-педагогической идеи, положенной в основу педагогической технологии. В настоящее время внимание ученых, преподавателей высшей и средней школ привлекла идея развития критического мышления в связи с отсутствием самостоятельности, социальной направленности, мотивации и результативности мышления молодого поколения. В статье описана технология развития критического мышления, которая взаимосвязана с концепцией проблемного обучения и технологией проблемно-компьютерного обучения. Ключевые слова: мышление, интеллект, критическое мышление, технологии обучения мышлению, дидактическая модель обучения.

The technology development of critical thinking includes the purposes, tasks, the principles of construction, stages and conditions of development, methods, receptions and ways of training in thinking, forms of the organization of activity of trainees and ways of estimation of results of formation of thinking. As a result of the analysis of theoretical and experimental data on development of critical thinking of the studying elementary and middle classes of comprehensive schools it is possible to mark out the most significant features process of training in thinking. Let's list only those which are expedient for using in practice when developing technology of training or to include in the methods chosen by the teacher, ways and receptions. So, the accounting of that fact that independence of thinking of children of younger age in the course of the solution of tasks is shown only in use of analogy which is expressed not so much in "transfer", how many in "imposing" of experience on new objects and the phenomena is essential. Criticality of thinking at preschool children has diffusion character, is shown incidentally. She doesn't reach disclosure of the reasons of the noticed errors, critical judgments by the most part aren't reasoned with them. An indispensable criticality condition of thinking is knowledge of rules of logic. For the pupil or the student to learn to think critically means to conform to the rules of logic. For younger school students it is important to acquire an algorithm of critical approach to training process. In this case some abilities obligatory for development of criticality of thinking of pupils are offered. Important for development criticality of thinking of school students should consider knowledge of ethics of criticism and formation of culture


of critical thinking through the organization of debates, discussions, writing of reviews and participation in group solutions of educational problems [1, c. 36].

The actuality of this articleactuality of the use of technology critical thinking in education in teaching foreign languages are stipulated by the following factors:

1. Insufficient motivation of students to the cognitive activity to determine information purposes and communicative activities;

2. Inability to apply the knowledge obtained by students in the school and skills in real life situations;

3. The low level of thinking, inability to analyze and to make their own conclusions, predicts the consequences of their decisions;

4. The inability of students to prioritize and personal future professional life.

The aim of the article to develop a methodology for the development of critical thinking at lessons of a foreign language at the secondary school. To achieve this goal the following objectives:

1. Analyze the objectives and content of foreign education languages at the secondary primary level.

2. To study the concept of "critical thinking."

3. Consider techniques developed earlier development of critical thinking at foreign language lessons.

4. Expand the conditions, methods and means of developing a critical thinking at lessons of a foreign language at an early stage.

5. Carry out practical testing of developed methods at teaching students English language elementary school and make recommendations for teachers.

Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with critical thinking skills is able to do the following:

• understand the logical connections between ideas;

• identify, constructandevaluatearguments;

• detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning;

• solveproblemssystematically;

• identify the relevance and importance of ideas;

• reflect on the justification of one's own beliefs and values.

Critical thinking is not a matter of accumulating information. A person with a good memory and who knows a lot of facts is not necessarily good at critical thinking. A critical thinker is able to deduce consequences from what he knows, and he knows how to make use of information to solve problems, and to seek relevant sources of information to inform himself [2].

5-Steps Model to Move Students Toward Critical Thinking

Step 1. Determine learning objectives. Considering the importance of a course, its placement in a program of study, and its role in providing a base of knowledge to be built upon by other courses, a teacher should first identify the key learning objectives that define what behaviors students should exhibit when they exit the class. To make critical thinking happen, these learning objectives, as well as the activities and assessments, must include those tied to the higher levels of Bloom's (1956) taxonomy.

A well-written objective should include a behavior that is appropriate for the chosen level of the taxonomy. Bloom's Knowledge level requires an answer that demonstrates simple recall of facts. Questions at this level could ask students to answer who and what and to describe, state, and list. Comprehension requires an answer that demonstrates an understanding of the information. Questions at this level might ask students to summarize, explain, paraphrase, compare, and contrast. Application requires an answer that demonstrates an ability to use information, concepts and theories in new situations. Questions at this level may ask students to apply, construct, solve, discover, and show. Analysis requires an answer that demonstrates an ability to see patterns and classify information, concepts, and theories into component parts. Questions at this level could ask students to examine, classify, categorize, differentiate, and analyze. Synthesis requires an answer that demonstrates an ability to relate knowledge from several areas to create new or original work. Questions at this level might ask students to combine, construct, create, role-play, and suppose. Finally, Evaluation requires an answer that demonstrates ability to judge evidence based on reasoned argument. Questions at this level may ask students to assess, criticize, recommend, predict, and evaluate.

Step 2: Teach through questioning. Questioning is a vital part of the teaching and learning process. It allows the teacher to establish what is already known and then to extend beyond that to develop new ideas and understandings. Questions can be used to stimulate interaction between teacher and learner and to challenge the learner to defend his or her position, (i.e., to think critically). Clasen and Bonk (1990) posited that although there are many strategies that can impact student thinking, it is teacher questions that have the greatest impact. He went on to indicate that the level of student thinking is directly proportional to the level of questions asked. When teachers plan, they must consider the purpose of each question and then develop the appropriate level


and type of question to accomplish the purpose. All students need experience with higher level questioning once they become familiar with a concept. Thoughtful preparation on the part of the teacher is essential in providing that experience.

Step 3: Practice before you assess. In the past decade, a major shift has taken place in education; that shift is toward active learning. Teachers that have used this approach generally find that the students learn more and that the courses are more enjoyable. Bonwell and Eison (1991) described active learning as involving the students in activities that cause them to think about what they are doing. Fink (2003) indicated that the concept of active learning supports research which shows that students learn more and retain knowledge longer if they acquire it in an active rather than passive manner. To make learning more active, we need to learn how to enhance the overall learning experience by adding some kind of experiential learning and opportunities for reflective dialog.

Step 4: Review, refine, and improve. Teachers should strive to continually refine their courses to ensure that their instructional techniques are in fact helping students develop critical thinking skills. To accomplish this, teachers should monitor the classroom activities very closely. To track student participation, a teaching diary can be kept that identifies the students that participated, describes the main class activities, and provides an assessment of their success. Other reflective comments can also be tracked in this journal and can be very useful when revising or updating instructional activities.

Step 5: Provide feedback and assessment of learning. Teacher feedback, like assessment, compares criteria and standards to student performance in an effort to evaluate the quality of work. However, the purpose of feedback is to enhance the quality of student learning and performance, rather than to grade the performance, and, importantly, it has the potential to help students learn how to assess their own performance in the future. Feedback allows the teacher and student(s) to engage in dialogue about what distinguishes successful performance from unsuccessful performance as they discuss criteria and standards (Fink, 2003) [3, c. 56-64].

The result is an unusual level of confidence in your results, and empowered decision-making along with it. In addition, it is a very effective recourse for involving children in critical thinking in which you need to take the job as a team, creating, for example, the script actions and deeds. One of the most important aspects is the ability to think critical.

Список литературы на английском языке / References in English

1. Groarke L. A., Tindale C. W. & Fisher L. A constructive approach to critical thinking NY: Oxford University Press, 1996. 36.

2. Bloom B. A taxonomy of educational objectives. Handbook1: Cognitive domain. New York: McKay, 1956.

3. Paul R. W. and Elder L. Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle. NJ, 2002. P. 56-64.

EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND PROQECT WORK WITH PRESCHOOLERS Ovchinnikova E.V. (Russian Federation) Email: Ovchinnikova533@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: the article deals with teaching, research and project activities with preschool children on the basis of the State budget institution of additional education "Bryansk regional Palace of children and youth creativity named after Y. A. Gagarin ", Voronezh, as well as requirements for educational technology research development children. Describes the main types of exploratory (search) activities of preschoolers, children's experimentation on the development of the world, the goal of search and research and design work. Keywords: preschooler, project activity, teacher, experiment, technology, method.

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