Научная статья на тему 'Automation of unit for leakage test'

Automation of unit for leakage test Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Lychkovskaya V.S., Tsygankov A.S., Grinberg G.M., Stanovova O.A.

Federal state educational standard requirements for training of university students have been considered. Leakage test procedures for components of aerospace vehicles have been described. Automation procedures of existing laboratory leakage test units have been outlined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Automation of unit for leakage test»

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьх исследователей)»

UDK 681.39


V. S. Lychkovskaya, A. S. Tsygankov

Scientific supervisor - G.M. Grinberg Foreign language supervisor - O.A. Stanovova

Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation

Federal state educational standard requirements for training of university students have been considered. Leakage test procedures for components of aerospace vehicles have been described. Automation procedures of existing laboratory leakage test units have been outlined.

Keywords: test, test unit, automation, tightness, competences, students training.


В. С. Лычковская, А. С. Цыганков Научный руководитель - Г. М. Гринберг Руководитель по иностранному языку - О. А. Становова

Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

Рассмотрены требования Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта к подготовке студентов в вузе. Описаны методики испытаний элементов аэрокосмических аппаратов на герметичность. Намечены пути автоматизации имеющихся лабораторных установок для испытаний на герметичность.

Ключевые слова: испытания, испытательная установка, автоматизация, герметичность, компетенции, обучение студентов.

To ensure reliable performance of such complex systems to which the aerospace equipment refers it is necessary to sustain a reliable performance of all components included. And it depends, first, on the skills to evaluate the expected exposure of external environment on the components (external exposure factors), second, on the skills to apply various engineering testing procedures on external exposure factors, both for single components and the entire aerospace vehicle.

Thus, graduates of automatic control systems department (ACS) of Siberian State Aerospace University (and ACS department trains bachelors majoring in 24.03.02 Traffic control systems and navigation, engineers majoring in 24.05.06 Aircraft control systems and masters majoring in 24.04.02 Traffic control systems and navigation) should master the following competences in the field of test and service practice:

- ability to develop models based on system approach and carry out theoretical, laboratory and field tests and experiments to solve service tasks using modern instrumentation;

- ability to present the test results in the form of reports, abstracts, publications and public debates;

- ability to perform setup, adjustment, alignment, check-out and pilot service of devices and system units in compliance with standards and specifications;

- ability to conduct primary analysis of test results, their assessment, error simulation for their reduction;

- ability to commission system devices and units and process in-line documentation;

- ability to perform operation of devices and units in compliance with in-line documentation, make decisions on conformity of actual properties of service quality both of commissioning and operating equipment with required values;

- ability to fulfill works ensuring top quality equipment at all stages of its life cycle [1; 2].

Актуальные проблемы авиации и космонавтики - 2015. Том 2

One of the tools to develop the above mentioned competences in graduates under conditions of a technical university is a physical and technical laboratory experiment implemented by students at their laboratory sessions, in this case the university laboratory experiment being close in meaning, content and technical maintenance to service tests which according to GOST 16504-81 are experimental determination of quantitative and (or) qualitative features of the test object properties as a result of exposure on it during its operation, in object and (or) exposures simulation.

The Federal state educational standards of higher education determine that to arrange laboratory sessions the institution of higher education implementing the basic educational program (BEP) of graduate training must have corresponding material and technical base at its disposal. Such base should include instruments, equipment, special-purpose software and hardware facilities ensuring realization of all types of laboratory training, practical and research work of students specified in the university curriculum [1; 2].

To conduct laboratory sessions, the ACS department of Siberian State Aerospace University uses a number of test units the purpose and specifications of which are similar to those used in production. Design and modernization of such units is carried out by students in the process of development of their course projects and final rating works. The student supervision and advising is carried out by the department lecturers and experts of base enterprises. The experience gained in the process of pilot unit service in production is taken into account by designing. On its basis the required modifications are introduced in the unit design, its operational resources including the field of test automation

In the process of service the aerospace vehicles experience the exposure of a wide range of factors of external environment among which one can evolve the performance under conditions of increased pressure, vacuum and low atmospheric pressure. That is why the components, devices and joints making up aerospace vehicles should be tested for tightness.

GOST 26790-85 defines tightness as the property of a product or its components excluding penetration of gas and (or) liquid substances through them. And leakage tests are the tests aimed at estimation of a product leak-proof properties as a result of exposure on it in operation or by exposure simulation on it [3].

These tests are the final procedure conducted both after production of single components of devices and joints of aerospace vehicles, and after the systems assembly.

Sufficiently many methods and procedures of leakage test are known at present [4]. By testing relatively small objects it is expedient to apply the so-called bubble method which means that a tested object, previously filled with gas, is immersed in a liquid. There are several procedures of realization the bubble test method for leak-proofing. Classification of the most widespread and their characteristics are shown in Chart.


Procedures of realization of leakage test bubble method and their features

Procedure № Procedure name Brief procedure description

1 Compression The product is immersed in a bath with indicator liquid and filled with a trial gas under pressure. Leakage is judged by appearance of gas bubbles

2 Heating The product is immersed in a bath with heated indicator liquid and filled with a trial gas under pressure. Leakage is judged by appearance of gas bubbles

3 Chamber The product is connected to a bubble chamber (gas bubble counter) and a trial gas is supplied under pressure. Leakage is judged by intensity of gas bubbles appearance after stabilization of the system

4 Vacuum The product is immersed in a bath with indicator liquid, the space above which is vacuumized. The product is filled with trial gas under pressure. Leakage is judged by appearance of gas bubbles

5 Soaping The product is filled with trial gas under pressure, the control areas are covered with foaming mass. Leakage is judged by appearance of gas bubbles in the foaming mass

The ACS department has the unit for leakage test of various objects (sensors, connectors, actuators, single devices, etc.) by № 1 and № 2 procedures. Currently, the authors of this article are developing the pro-

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодых исследователей)»

ject for leakage test automation at this unit. The unit will be equipped with the required devices and actuators for that. A microcontroller will be used to run the unit operation. The program loaded in the microcontroller will allow to:

- change the shape of the curve and boosting or decreasing of the trial gas velocity;

- change the exposure time of the test object under test pressure;

- set the required temperature for heating of indicator liquid, the temperature stabilization or its change by desired program, etc.

Data output from the microcontroller to the PC will allow to perform the required calculations (for example, the sensitivity evaluation by indication of the trial gas flow), accumulate statistics on the tests conducted, shape reports and other documents.


1. Order of RF Ministry of education and science dated 29.03.2010 № 229 «On approval and implementation of federal state educational standard of higher professional education in training major 161100 traffic control systems and navigation (degree of «bachelor») (registered in RF Ministry of Justice 01.06.2010 № 17419) [Electronic resource] / Access mode: http://lawsforall.ru/index.php?ds=52068. (Application date: 26.11.2014).

2. . Order of RF Ministry of education and science dated January 17, 2011 № 70 « On approval and implementation of federal state educational standard of higher professional education in training major 161101 aircraft control systems (qualification degree «specialist»)» [Electronic resource] / Access mode: http://poisk-zakona.ru/12136.html. (Application date: 26.11.2014).

3. GOST 26790-85 Leak detection procedure. Terms and definitions. Nondestructive check: Publ. of. GOSTs. - M.: IPK standards publication, 2005.

4. RD 26-12-29-88. Guidelines. Regulations for pneumatic test of products on strength and tightness [Electronic resource] / Access mode: http://bestpravo.ru/sssr/eh-pravo/y6g.htm. (Application date: 23.03.2015).

© Lychkovskaya V. S., Tsygankov A. S., 2015

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